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Extraction of -carotene pigment from artichoke sheets, was studied in batch taking account of the factors solvent and proportion of solvant/vegetable matter. Hexane, diethyl-ether, mixture of hexane and diethyl-ether (1:1 v/v) and mixture of hexane and acetone (1:1 v/v) were tested with proportions 10, 20, 30 and 40 mL/g vegetable matter. The highest efficiency of extraction was obtained with hexane and the mixture of hexane and diethyl-ether used with proportions 40 and 30 mL/g. The comparison of stability under different heat treatment conditions, of extracts obtained with hexane and diethyl-ether, made it possible to conclude a weak advantage for the diethylic extract as well as evaluation of effects of the factors temperature, duration of treatment and exposure to light, on -carotene degradation.

Lextraction du pigment -carotne partir des feuilles dartichaut, a t tudie en opration batch et en tenant compte des facteurs solvant et proportion de solvant/matire vgtale. Lhexane, lther dithylique, le mlange hexane et ther dithylique (1:1 v/v) et le mlange hexane et actone (1:1 v/v) ont t essays aux proportions 10, 20, 30 et 40 mL/g de matire vgtale. Les meilleurs rendements dextraction ont t obtenus avec lhexane et le mlange dhexane et ther dithylique utiliss aux proportions 40 et 30 mL/g. La comparaison de la stabilit face aux traitements thermiques, des extraits obtenus avec lhexane et lther dithylique, a permis de conclure un faible avantage pour lextrait dithylique ainsi quune valuation des effets des facteurs temprature, dure de traitement et exposition la lumire, sur la dgradation de la molcule de -carotne.

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