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1. Write a program to input a no. and check a no. is even or odd. 2. WAP to check whether a number is positive or negative. 3. Write a program to input age of person and check whether person is eligible for voting of not. 4. WAP that Input marks of 5 subjects and calculate percentage, if % greater than 60 then first division, greater than 50 second division, greater than 40 third division and below30 then fail. 5. WAP to find largest of three numbers. 6. Write a program to input grade from keyboard, if grade is greater than 90 then display a++.
7. WAP to read the price of an item in rupees and print the output in paisa.

8. WAP to read a number in hours and convert it into minutes and seconds.
9. WAP to check the type of a triangle (isosceles, equilateral or scalene) sides are

entered by the user.

10. 11.

WAP to evaluate the expression 3x3-5x2+6 for x=2.55

Given the values of variables x,y and z. WAP to rotate their values such that x has value of y, y has value of z and the z has value of x.

12. WAP to display the category of a character entered by the user whether it is alphabet or integer or special character.

Given a number of type integer containing both positive and negative values ,write a program to compute the sum of all positive values and negative values and print the sum of both.

14. WAP to print the cube of a given number entered by the user.

WAP to find the value of xy where the values of x and y are entered by the user using math function.

16. WAP to find the result of the following expression 1. a=b==12=b 2. ++a=23*5-4

3. b=7.5%2.5 4. a^=b^=10 5. a&&=10 17. WAP to find ones and twos complement of a number input by user.

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