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1. If malefic in 9th house, giv misfortn to native.

Also, the spouse bcm brave to break

social norm n hav extra martl reltn. 2. Marriage seen from upapada. 3. Business seen from darapada. 4. Partners for both sex n business are seen from darapada.
5. If darapada (sex partner) is in dusthana (6,8,12th ) from Arudha lagna (AL), the

physical relation with wife be negligible or not be there. Also not good for business stability. 6. If darapada A7 is 3/11 from A1, there will be cordial relation vd partner but poor business prospect. 7. If A7 is in trine or quadrant from A1, it is Srimantah yoga. 8. Length of married life seen from UL. A couple could stay married long bcos of upapada but sleep apartbcos of darapda A7.
9. If 7th lord in first house, native dominating n strct vd spouse. 10. If 7th lord in 2nd, spouse is lkiller of natvn very evil persn. Marriage with one

already married earlier.

11. 7th lord in 3rd, children ae danger in accdnt. 12. If 7th lord in 2nd thus, A7 is in 9th house.indictng incestos relatn vd fathr figr. 13. If 7th lord in dustahn, spouse frm low status.

14. Nature of spouse seen from planets in UL and those aspecting it. 15. Length of married life seen from second house from UL and its lord.
16. Planets placed in 7th and 12th house from UL of native show strained relations

with particular members of the spouse family. Thus, if sun is in 12th house from UL,the father in lawwould either have expired before marriage or if alive, strained relation occur. If moon is in 7th from UL, spouse mother will be very inimical and make every effort to break the marriage.
17. Planets in asc, 3rd,7th and 9th house give their yoga n results late in life. Thus, if a

rajayoga is in 7th house, result will be late.

18. For matching, moon signs in mutual quadrant is preferable. Acendant of spouse

should be Upapada, its trine, 7th sign or sign occupied by its lord.

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