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April 16, 2012 There's not a single endorsement Mr.

Reyes can receive that will erase the facts he's tried to hide from El Paso: that he's an enabler of corruption; that he's only passed 6 bills in 16 years; that 1 95% of congress shows up to work more often than he does ; that he accepts money from 2 alleged drug traffickers ; that he's the #1 offender when it comes to using campaign funds to 3 4 enrich himself and his family ; and, that he will not make himself accountable to voters at forums . Our campaign always knew we'd see plenty of DC influence in this race -- starting with the special interests that give significant amounts of money to the Reyes machine. But this seat doesn't belong to D.C., it belongs to the people of El Paso, and that's why the only endorsement that matters to me is that of our families and voters. El Pasoans know its time for a change. Our campaign will continue to spread my message of reform, good government, and ambition for El Paso. Ive personally knocked on more than 15,000 doors and will continue to ask El Pasoans for their vote so we can take our can do attitude to Washington.

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http://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/silvestre_reyes/400337 http://www.elpasotimes.com/news/ci_20033294


The week of April 8-14, Congress was not in session and yet Reyes still missed all three Congressional Forums (UTEPs University Democrats on 04/10, Northeast Civic Association on 04/12, and even the Veterans GI Forum on 04/14)

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