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PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Eng.

, VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 1

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Introduction , Installation and brief history of Java. Work Done: Installation and study on history on java done. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: What is cloud?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Eng., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 1

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Token , Character Set Variable , Operator , Data Type in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of definition on cloud provide by different different cloud provider.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Eng., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 1

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Array , Multidimensional Array in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of service charges applied by different different cloud provider.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Eng., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 1

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Memory Refrencing, Command line argument Type Casting in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of services of different different cloud providers.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Eng., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 1

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on concepts of OOPs . Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of different different cloud i.e. public, private, hybrid & Commnity.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Eng., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 1

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Super Keyword, Memory Mapping in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of different services of cloud like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 2

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on final, This & Abstract method in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 2

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Interfaces in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of PaaS (Plateform as a Service).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 2

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Array , Multidimensional Array in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of SaaS (Software as a Service).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 2

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Packages, Sub-packages & Access specifier in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 2

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Naming system, String Handling in Java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project:
Study of how to create database on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 2

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Exception Handling. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of how to create application on cloud computing.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 2

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Syntax of Exception Handling, Multiple Catch Statements, Using finally Statement, Throw keyword. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 3

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Multithreaded Programming. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 3

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Life Cycle of a Thread, Thread Exception, Thread Priority Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 3

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Synchronization, Implementing the Runnable Interface. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 3

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Introduction to managing input/output files in java. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 3

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Stream classes. I/O classes. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 3

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on Input output exception, creation of files. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

PROGRAMME: B.E. Computer Science & Engg., VII semester Course: CS704- Industrial Training INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DAILY DIARY Name of the trainee: ANKIT SONI Industry/Work place: TCET (INDORE) College: TECT (Indore) Week No: 3

Department/Section: Computer Science & Engineering Day: 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion Held: Discussion on InputStreamReader, BufferReader, FileInputStream. Work Done: Work on assignment given by instructor. Project undertaken: Business Application on cloud computing. Discussion Held on Project: Study of Applications running on cloud.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Supervisor (TPO/Faculty) Signature of Trainee Signature of Official In-charge for Training in Industry

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