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PTK Minutes April 19th, 2012

Call to order 12:32p

Our chapter won distinguished chapter award which is only given out to 10% of chapters who did the college project

Our chapter is the top 100 chapter out of the 1275 chapters worldwide

Thank you to everyone for the honors in action, c4 project, blood drive, etc.

Beverly has the minutes from the previous meeting

Financial report- $15971.52

Tammy- blood drive- dont have the numbers yet but we approximately got 90 Monday and 80 on Tuesday which was the day we had the bomb threat Thanks to everyone who volunteered and to everyone donated blood

Gloria- End of year dinner will take place May 15the time has been moved from 6:30-7:00pm

Joana- yesterday she cleaned out the phone booth, there were two posters from the Japan project

from 2 years ago. Let's not keep garbage, please throw it out. e-mail Dr. Schmitt and make an appointment in order to pick up your polo shirts

Public Relations- no updates

Paparazzi Party- ordered an advertising party, Sean has the tickets on him if anyone needs to buy them, sold two tickets today

Will e-mail all club advisors Will be on the website soon and it's on the network

Still debating on DJ and Bar tender

We need help selling tickets, we will set a schedule to ask people to volunteer for selling

History club concert will be on April 25th , Peace garden Wednesday , please support them and we will get them to support our party

If interested in becoming an officer speak to Geoff, applications are due next Monday...

Meeting adjourned at 1:02pm

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