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Yes, i speak english

Hello, my name is Vatamanu Stefan and i have 23 twenty three years old. I am from Avantu, Iasi. I like the english language because its a language very nice and important. The English its speaking all over the world and its one of the most important language in the world. I like to study and to learn more about english, because its an international language, used in USA, UE, Africa, Asia, Australia. I love the England because their are nice people who know english and they have a lots of posibility to learn more about the english culture. I live in a small country, where the people dont know to speak in english. In my country, the people speak in romanian. I like to speak english with my friends on the messenger and to chat with him . Thank you very much. Good bye

PREZENTAREA VERBULUI "TO HAVE"; CONJUGARE LA INDICATIV PREZENT Cititi si retineti: I have a big house. You have a new pen. He has a farm in the country. She has a hat. It has milk. We have a dog.

You have a white cat. They have a horse/a gun/a rifle.

Inger, Ingerasul Meu, Da-mi Vacantza Tot Mereu, Fa Din Doua Un Semestru, Fa Din Mine Un Maestru, Fara Scoala, Fara Teme, Fara Mate, Nici Probleme. Sau Macar Daca Se Poate Subiectele La Mate, Dar Cu Tot Cu Rezultate!! Ingeras,Cu Mila Ta,' ANULEAZA,TE ROG,TEZA!!

LE MODE CONDITIONNEL(MODUL CONDITIONAL) Le present (prezentul) Je serais Tu serais Il (elle) serait Nous serions Vous seriez Ils (elles) seraient -Eu as fi -Tu ai fi -El ar fi -Noi am fi -Voi ati fi -Ei au fost AVOIR= Eu as avea Tu ai avea

Le pass (perfectul 1 si a 2 a forma) Jaurais (eusse) ete Tu aurais (eusses) ete Il (elle) aurait (eut) ete -Eu as fi fost -Tu ai fi fost -El ar fi fost

Nous aurions (eussions) ete Vous auriez (eussiez) ete Ils (elles) auraient (eussent) ete Le future simple (viitorul) Je serai Tu seras Il (elle) sera Nous serons Vous serez Ils (elles) seront -Eu voi fi -Tu vei fi -El va fi -Noi vom fi -Voi veti fi -Ei vor fi

-Noi am fi fost -Voi ati fi fost -Ei ar fi fost

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