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The proposed legislation WRMA supports would decriminalize the on-farm sale of raw milk and raw milk

products in Wisconsin. Contact your Legislators. Toll-free: 1-800-362-9472 Urge them to support your right to Food Freedom and Fresh Raw Milk

The government, after all, approves the sale of cigarettes, alcohol, hair coloring chemicals and a thousand other things that are terrible for your health. They arent interested in protecting your health in the least. What they are interested in doing is protecting their corporate masters in the highly influential dairy industry. And thats what this all comes down to: The war on raw milk is a juvenile attempt by the federal government to protect a profitable, powerful industry by destroying its competition regardless of the consequences to your health and regardless of what freedoms they destroy in the process. Mike Adams NaturalNews


ACTION TO TAKE Here's what you need to do . . . - You need to contact your STATE REPRESENTATIVES and STATE SENATORS. - They need to hear from you - the consumer! You can call them, email them, or send a letter via snail mail. The choice is yours, but please remembers: you need to express your frustration with DATCP's position on Raw Milk Sales direct from the farm, and let them know you are in favor of passing the pending Raw Milk Bill. Wisconsin Legislative Hotline: In Madison: 266-9960 Toll-free: 1-800-362-9472

Raw milk and your right to consume the nutritious foods of your choosing is under attack in Wisconsin. Please read carefully and take action! With your help, we can stop this latest threat to raw milk and real food!
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God." Thomas Jefferson

Contact information Email (preferred): wi srawmilk@gmail.com Mailing Address: PO Box 143 N e w H o l s t e i n , W I 5 3 0 61 V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e: w i s r a w m i l k a s s o c i a t i on . c o m Friend us on Facebook

Join the Wisconsin Raw Milk Association and help restore the Wisconsin family farmers right to provide locally raised, fresh foods direct from the farm to the consumer.


Wisconsin Farm Fresh Milk is intentionally produced for direct human consumption. Wisconsin Farm Fresh Milk comes from healthy animals on Grass-based Wisconsin farms where all forage and feed is free of GMOs, herbicides and pesticides. Animals are raised in a clean and natural environment, without the use of artificial hormones or antibiotics.

http://www.wisrawmilkassociation.com Subscribe to the Wisconsin Raw Milk Association's Email Alert's and keep up to date on important issues concerning current legislation and raw milk activities from the state of Wisconsin.

Food Tyranny in the Heart of America's Dairyland Wisconsin Residents:

"Do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;" "Do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;" "Do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;" "Do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice;" and cannot enter into private contracts without State police power intervention. Judge Patrick J. Fiedler's Decision in Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund vs. Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, 9 Sept. 2011. On Sept. 30, 2011 he stepped down from the bench to work for a law firm that represents Monsanto. If people let the government decide what foods and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. Thomas Jefferson

Wisconsin Farm Fresh Milk is not subject to any heating, processing, micro-filtration, Irradiation, UV light treatments, standardizations, supplementation or highpressure procedures. Wisconsin Farm Fresh Milk contains 100% of the enzymes, proteins, fats, and biologic elements found in the milk's raw, unprocessed state.

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