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// RoombaCtrl // by Tod E. Kurt, tod@todbot.com // http://roombahacking.

com/ // // // // This needs my patched bluetooth library that allows short UUIDs import processing.bluetooth.*; final String SOFTKEY_RECORD = "Grabar"; final String SOFTKEY_STOP = "Parar"; final String SOFTKEY_PLAY = "Reproducir"; // state machine sates final int STATE_START final int STATE_FIND final int STATE_CONFIG final int STATE_DRIVE final int STATE_PLAYBACK = = = = = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4;

// state machine state var int state; // bluetooth library Bluetooth bt; // discovered services Service[] services; // status message String msg; // connection to Roomba Client c; PFont font; int r_speed = 250; boolean r_forward = false; int estado_LED = 0; int[] macro_moves; int[] macro_times; int macro_recp; int macro_playp; int macro_rectime; int macro_playtime; boolean macro_rec = false; /// void setup() { // framerate(4); font = loadFont(); textFont(font); bt = new Bluetooth(this, Bluetooth.UUID_SERIALPORT); ellipseMode(CORNER); macro_moves = new int[100]; macro_times = new int[100]; state = STATE_START; }

void destroy() { bt.stop(); } // void draw() { background(0xcc,0xcc,0xff); if (state == STATE_START) { fill(0); textAlign(LEFT); text("Bienvenido\n\nPresione una tecla para buscar dispositivos", 2, 2, widt h - 4, height - 4); } else if (state == STATE_FIND) { fill(0); textAlign(LEFT); if (services == null) { text("Buscando dispositivos Bluetooth...\n\n" + msg, 2, 2, width-4, height -4); } else { String list = "Puertos encontrados:\n"; for (int i = 0, len = length(services); i < len; i++) list += i + ". " + services[i].device.name + "\n"; text(list, 2, 2, width-4, height-4); } } else if (state == STATE_DRIVE) { noFill(); text("Control de LEDs:\n"+ /* "Usar elJoystick para girar\n"+ "Esfera para parar\n"+ "1,2,3 ajustar velocidad\n"+*/ "* prende, apaga\n"+ // "0 ressetea\n"+ ((macro_rec) ? "grabando envento #"+macro_recp+"\n":"")+ msg, 2, 2, width-4, height-4); } else if (state == STATE_PLAYBACK) { // playback when next time delta is < current time - starttime if( millis() - macro_playtime >= macro_times[macro_playp] ) { parse_roombakey( macro_moves[macro_playp], 0 ); macro_playp++; if( macro_playp > macro_recp ) { state = STATE_DRIVE; softkey(SOFTKEY_PLAY); } } noFill(); text("Control de LEDs\n"+ "reproducir\n"+ "evento #"+macro_playp+"\n"+ msg, 2,2, width-4,height-4); } }

// void libraryEvent(Object library, int event, Object data) { if (library == bt) { switch (event) { case Bluetooth.EVENT_DISCOVER_DEVICE: msg = "Dispositivo encontrado en: " + ((Device) data).address + "..."; break; case Bluetooth.EVENT_DISCOVER_DEVICE_COMPLETED: msg = "Encontrado(s) " + length((Device[]) data) + " dispositivo(s), busca ndo puerto serial"; break; case Bluetooth.EVENT_DISCOVER_SERVICE: msg = "Puerto serial encontrado en " + ((Service[]) data)[0].device.addres s + "..."; break; case Bluetooth.EVENT_DISCOVER_SERVICE_COMPLETED: services = (Service[]) data; msg = "Bsqueda finalizada. Elija uno."; break; case Bluetooth.EVENT_CLIENT_CONNECTED: c = (Client) data; msg = "wtf. client connectd."; break; } } } // void softkeyPressed(String label) { if (label.equals(SOFTKEY_RECORD)) { macro_recp = 0; macro_rec = true; //macro_rectime = millis(); softkey(SOFTKEY_STOP); } else if(label.equals(SOFTKEY_STOP)) { macro_rec = false; state = STATE_DRIVE; softkey(SOFTKEY_PLAY); } else if(label.equals(SOFTKEY_PLAY)) { macro_playp = 0; macro_playtime = millis(); state = STATE_PLAYBACK; softkey(SOFTKEY_STOP); } } // void keyPressed() { if (state == STATE_START) { services = null; bt.find(); state = STATE_FIND; msg = "Buscando dispositivos..."; } else if (state == STATE_FIND) { if (services != null) { if ((key >= '0') && (key <= '9')) { int i = key - '0';

if (i < length(services)) { msg = "Conectando..."; c = services[i].connect(); roomba_reset(); state = STATE_DRIVE; softkey(SOFTKEY_RECORD); msg = "Listo!"; } } } } else if (state == STATE_DRIVE) { if( macro_rec ) { if( macro_recp == 0 ) macro_rectime = millis(); macro_moves[ macro_recp ] = keyCode; macro_times[ macro_recp ] = millis() - macro_rectime; macro_recp++; if( macro_recp==100 ) { macro_rec = false; softkey(SOFTKEY_PLAY); } } parse_roombakey(keyCode,key); } else if( state == STATE_PLAYBACK ) { } } void parse_roombakey(int akeyCode, int akey) { switch(akeyCode) { case UP: //msg = "Adelante"; roomba_drive( r_speed, 0x8000 ); r_forward = true; break; case DOWN: //msg = "Atrs"; roomba_drive( -r_speed, 0x8000 ); r_forward = false; break; case LEFT: //msg = "Izquierda"; if( r_forward ) roomba_drive( r_speed, 127 ); else roomba_drive( r_speed, 1 ); break; case RIGHT: //msg = "Derecha"; if( r_forward ) roomba_drive( r_speed, -127 ); else roomba_drive( r_speed, -1 ); break; case FIRE: //msg = "Parado";

roomba_drive( 0, 0 ); r_forward = false; break; default: switch(akey) { case '0': //msg = "Reset"; roomba_reset(); macro_recp = 0; softkey(SOFTKEY_RECORD); break; case '1': //msg = "Velocidad 50"; r_speed = 50; break; case '2': //msg = "Velocidad 250"; r_speed = 250; break; case '3': //msg = "Velocidad 500"; r_speed = 500; break; case '*': //msg = "Estado LED "+((estado_LED)?"on":"off"); if(estado_LED == 0) { estado_LED=1; msg="LED encendido"; } else { estado_LED = 0; msg="LED apagado"; } c.write(estado_LED); c.flush(); break; } // switch(key) } // switch(keyCode) } // -----------------------------------------------------------------// Roomba functions // -----------------------------------------------------------------// a simple sleep function void pause(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch( Exception e) { } } // reset roomba into SAFE mode, ready for commands void roomba_reset() { c.write( R_START ); c.flush(); pause(100); c.write( R_CONTROL ); c.flush(); pause(100);

roomba_playnote( 72, 10 ); pause( 200 ); roomba_playnote( 79, 10 ); pause( 200 ); roomba_playnote( 76, 10 ); pause( 200 ); } // drive the roomba at a velocity along a radius void roomba_drive(int velocity, int radius) { byte cmd[] = { (byte)R_DRIVE, (byte)(velocity>>>8), (byte)(velocity&0xff), (byte)(radius >>> 8), (byte)(radius & 0xff) }; c.write(cmd); c.flush(); } // play a midi note on the roomba for a duration (in units of 1/64ths of a sec) void roomba_playnote(int note, int dur) { byte cmd[] = { (byte)R_SONG, 15, 1, (byte)note, (byte)dur, // define song (byte)R_PLAY, 15 }; // play it back c.write(cmd); c.flush(); } // turn on/off the non-drive motors /*void roomba_setMotors(boolean mainbrush, boolean vacuum, boolean sidebrush) { byte cmd[] = { (byte)R_MOTORS, (byte)((mainbrush?0x04:0) | (vacuum?0x02:0) | (sidebrush?0x01:0))}; c.write(cmd); c.flush(); } void roomba_vacuum(boolean state) { roomba_setMotors(state,state,state); } */ // Roomba ROI opcodes // these should all be bytes, but Java bytes are signed, sucka public static final int R_START = 128; // 0 public static final int R_BAUD = 129; // 1 public static final int R_CONTROL = 130; // 0 public static final int R_SAFE = 131; // 0 public static final int R_FULL = 132; // 0 public static final int R_POWER = 133; // 0 public static final int R_SPOT = 134; // 0 public static final int R_CLEAN = 135; // 0 public static final int R_MAX = 136; // 0 public static final int R_DRIVE = 137; // 4 public static final int R_MOTORS = 138; // 1 public static final int R_LEDS = 139; // 3 public static final int R_SONG = 140; // 2N+2 public static final int R_PLAY = 141; // 1 public static final int R_SENSORS = 142; // 1 public static final int R_DOCK = 143; // 0

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