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Define, recall, describe

What is an urban area? What do you know about Svalbard? How many migrants come from Europe? Where does it say volcano?

Explain, summarise, describe, compare
Why do you think the cliff eroded? How would you illustrate the water cycle? What do you understand by weathering? Can you give a reason for the earthquake?

Use, interpret, relate
Why is Kenya an example of an LEDC? How would you organise land-use in Leicester? Can you explain why there are earthquakes at plate boundaries? What would you pack in an earthquake bag?

Explain, infer, draw conclusions, prioritise
Can you work out the features of the coastline? What patterns can you find on the climate graph? What evidence can you find to support global warming? How can you show the differences between LEDCs and MEDCs?

Reflect, predict, design, create, hypothesise
What conclusions can you draw from the map? What would you do to reduce pollution? Can you think of a better way to make Highcross sustainable? Given the choice, what would you do?

Assess, judge, evaluate, compare and contrast
Which was the better country? Which choice is likely to help reduce pollution? What do you think about your work so far? What do you think of the presentation?

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