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splendens Observation done on aggressive behaviour of Siamese fighting fish, Beta splendens shows that it has different patterns when the fish is alone or isolated from each other and when both of the fishes are exposed to one another in a tank separated by barrier. The barrier which was removed allowed both of the fishes to see each other. Once the males Siamese fighting fish, were exposed to each other, both started to shows their aggressive behaviour toward each other. Patterns of behaviour observed in the experiment include fin, mouth and tail movement, change in coloration of body parts, opercular cover movements and charging movements. Result obtained from the experiment shows that there are changes in the frequency of the swimming patterns, fin, mouth and also tail movements. Meanwhile, opercular cover (gills) movement and charging movements only occurred during exposure to one another. However, no changes in coloration of body parts occurred in both fish indicating that the most important changes occurred in the fish is the changes in gills and charging movements.

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