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A MESSAGE FROM SUPERNATURAL ALTERNATIVES LTD: The following internal master clea nsing protocol (as provided by Stanley

Burroughs) has been used most effectively by thousands of individuals wishing to rid their bodies of dangerous and even l ethal toxins. It has been found most useful and effective by the management of S uperNatural as an adjunct to the commencement of a supplementation program with Spectra 12. Individuals may find it most advantageous to pursue this cleanse prior to commencing a daily regimen of Spectra 12, followed by subsequent cleanses ever y 4 to 6 months. 1 The Master Cleanse with Special Needs and Problems When you learn to know my ways, my ways will be your ways, in tune with the univ ersal principals of the fullness of living in harmony with the universal mind. T HE UNIVERSAL ONE Mortals, entering the New Age of Enlightenment, have the God gi ven right to be completely free from all diseases. This means that the standards , in the past, to exist and be retained with newer and more deadly diseases to d evelop, flourish and expand as newer and more deadly drugs and chemicals with we ird attempts at carving out and into the body, are added to the medical arsenal, must be vacated for the Natural Divine Art of Healing. Perhaps it is a good thi ng that nature and medicine never got together na

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