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Asking directions Preguntando direcciones

excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ...? the bus station excuse me, do you know where the ... is? post office I'm sorry, I don't know sorry, I'm not from around here I'm looking for ... this address are we on the right road for ...? Brighton is this the right way for ...? Ipswich do you have a map? can you show me on the map? perdn, me podra decir como llegar a ...? la estacin de autobuses perdn, sabe usted dondeesta ...? la oficina de correos lo siento, no lo s lo siento, no soy de por aqu

estoy buscando ... esta direccin estamos en la carretera correcta para ir a ...? Brighton es este el camino correcto para ir a ...? Ipswich tiene usted un mapa? me lo puede indicar en el mapa?

Giving directions Dando direcciones

it's this way it's that way you're going the wrong way est por aqu est por all est yendo por un camino equivocado

you're going in the wrong direction take this road go down there take the first on the left take the second on the right turn right at the crossroads continue straight ahead for about a mile

est yendo en la direccin equivocada siga esta carretera baje hacia all tome la primera a la izquierda tome la segunda a la derecha gire a la derecha en el cruce contine recto durante aproximadamente una milla (una milla es aproximadamente 1,6 kilmetros) continue ms all de la estacin de bomberos pasar un supermercado a su izquierda siga igual durante ... ms cien yardas (unos 91 metros) doscientos metros media milla (unos 800 metros) un kilmetro lo encontrar a ... su izquierda su derecha justo delante suya

continue past the fire station

you'll pass a supermarket on your left keep going for another ... hundred yards two hundred metres half mile Kilometre it'll be ... on your left on your right straight ahead of you

Here you are a sketch where you have to find the places asked in the next exercise

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

If Im in the X , how can I get to the Hilton Hotel? Im on maple street and I want to go to the park. Where is the public library? Im in the city hall, how can I get to the concert hall to see my favourite band? Im in billys restaurant and I want to go to the shopping mall.

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