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Bei der letzten Installation wurden die sonst immer benutzten Serials nicht aner kannt. Dieser Funktionierte!

: 4adbe-bn7p4-69kkx-6bujmb-mtnvu0 *** Zum testen, wenn mal wieder eine neuinstallation ntig ist, hier alle bisher gesammelten Lizenzschlssel fr Zone Alarm und AddOns. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 8qjwd-gxvts-xba8p-6i4vjs-925780 gfpvt-hkrhw-bfa3t-dk3nuc-emhw00 870jb-w5fb6-jandx-jswfpk-ic3qc0 ea96i-s22p0-f00va-5sex7d-pgv300 h31bn-q350q-cm5a4-n0npq6-x61uu0 i7m7b-ts4uk-2mx1g-b690fu-mnk180 aamja-4vu9e-e53wk-cn58d8-hg08u0 05f94-62smx-3nf3p-pji2re-5rtn80 6km80-vmad6-8847p-uug47f-x51i40 bt06d-fqnm0-hi8v9-85m7i4-b2usu0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aus Regedit Ordnern "gesammelt": (Suchwort war ZoneAlarm) 743F065470E293A4DAD7813B463FAD14 E3AD6ACC-9008-46E3-AB6F-4D7860D5F2E8 EE2AC4E5-B0B0-4EC6-88A9-BCA1A32AB107 E3AD6ACC-9008-46E3-AB6F-4D7860D5F2E8 C83B1812-2D46-467D-9AF4-B1851E8BFEF8 D4027C7F-154A-4066-A1AD-4243D8127440 EE2AC4E5-B0B0-4EC6-88A9-BCA1A32AB10 8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1 743F065470E293A4DAD7813B463FAD14 (Social Guard) (Social Guard) (Social Guard)

ReqId=1664482913 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 92pkv-980d8-89f39-g9mv0t-acfj80 0e84f-p6qg9-3eiw2-bbhf3w-c3umu0 8pter-wda8t-p43td-83p2hk-idcpc0 bu4uw-b16su-csvma-biupmg-uixjc0

ghr2d-j71ws-1h84s-th1e4a-xbh2q0 84cra-4wmgn-7d6tw-4kkurd-uq7wq0 9r9np-kk14h-e9xnb-iu5912-5w7jk0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Bei ZAlarm Extreme 9.30.14000 angenommen) 3C8JD-VSS6Q-HF8SP-6CN60J-599JG0 oder 3c8jd-vss6q-hf8sp-6cn60j-599jg0 btnaw-6b0wd-jqj7x-vn02v4-gijd80 (Laut IN gleiche Version) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite 2009 dqfbg-f7rhb-bcr3j-8tepgu-jpa8k0 b9bss-grivu-e50ji-2s65vw-v91bg0 5h9uj-9q457-aqdr2-nmeiqw-013ac0 4hpwx-wqdhw-tcmkn-0xuuwe-b2i5q0 apkk2-x149h-7kjsh-u14c2m-ax8v40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************************** Anmerkungen: Wenn ZAlarm Extreme installiert ist, knnen sie auf : "https://www.zonealarm.com/security/en/login.htm" einen Account ffnen. Dafr E-Mail eingeben, und ein Passwort einrichten. Dieses ist dann auch das Passw ort fr den Login auf der Seite im Netz. Hier das Beispiel bei meiner ersten Installat ion: *** Seiten Passwort : a2r4s2 Mail und Nick: absulotlyfreeMail@hushmail.com (ndern!!!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-Mail(Neu): zaisinternet23@hush.com Mail-Pass: 0a7ac%21!!xX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZoneAlarm Extreme Security + Keygen The ZoneAlarm Extreme Security package includes everything in ZoneAlarm Security Suite and integrates the comprehensive Web security features of ZoneAlarm ForceField, which includes anti-phishing and drive-by download protection, as we ll as Web site security detection, a privacy mode for shared computers, and more. ZoneAlarm Extreme Security is a comprehensive all-in-one suite and tightly integrated set of advanced security layers that, together, create the most secur e protection in the industry. Uniquely engineered to prevent threats from getting on a PC in the first place, it has won more major awards than any other security software on the market. The suite combines the robust security features computer

experts demand with automatic functions that make it simple enough for novices t o use.More info: http://www.zonealarm.com/security/en-us/home.htm >>>When using TPB please read these important notes: **************************************************** 01- Anti-malware apps may warn about keygens, patches, cracks etc because of their capabilities (generating codes, etc). Sometimes also they're added to the virus/spyware database and will be detected as malware. If not trusting keygens, patches, cracks etc don't use them. 02- Before running .exe-files, keygens, patches, cracks etc always check first if they can be unpacked. Often some thirth party added a virus to the original file, repacked it and uploaded it again. 03- Letting antimalware-apps sending scanning-results to their companies can coz keygens, patches, cracks etc being added to their virus-database. 04- Firewalls which are set to automatically decide for apps to connect to internet will allow connections for lots of apps & MALWARE!. To avoid so firewalls should be set to decide urself which apps may connect to internet. 05- Usually (new) torrents with extreme many downloads & seeders in a short time are very suspicious! Torrents with a SKULL-logo are trusted. 06- Some (frustrated) people use multiple accounts and post lots of FAKE comment s and/or files trying to spread confusion. Usually they NEVER seriously reply on comments and don't have any torrent, or to look reliable just a few. 07- Clicking on unknown links can coz malware being silently installed on a pc! 08- In general often there are more fake & negative comments than reliable & positive comments. 09- In some countries uploading/downloading copyright-protected material is forbidden, but showing some appreciation to reliable uploaders is not. 10- Posting FAKE comments & uploads on TPB can result in getting banned from TPB ! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Nowadays a lot of PB members abuse their PB membership by intenionally posting fake comments & files. Their meaning is just to spread confusion and try to frustrate PB and it's users. And less downloaders = less seeders = less downloadspeed etc etc. It's in the benefit of PB and all reliable users to warn each other about people who intenionally keep posting fake comments & files. It's an easy answer against those who intenionally keep posting fake comments & files, which is a never ending issue. When reporting errors or false positives just keep in mind that what goes up for one does not always goes up for another. That's for both the working of an app and about false positives! Remember: whatever is said, say it constructive! Let's just try to help each other and PB by thinking about what's said & posted. Things are all up to you, the "United Reliable Pirate Bay Users"! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------usE thE kEYGen And If You NEEd To THErE is A REGkeY yoU caN eDIT yOu jUSt cHange ThE veRsion NUmBER aND DaTe tHEn SAvE TheN doUBle CliCk IT only needed if it st ill says pending registration after 2 days on the config panel edit it to your v

ersion number so you can update but you should'nt need it but it's there in case just remember to put your version number in and the right date yoU maY edIt IT WiTH nOTE PAd this file is normaly updated on here -------------------------------------------------(A few more sites for Serials) http://get.me.to/thewraith http://get.me.to/thewraith htt://kickme.to/thewraith http://www.sling.to/thewraith http://crackfind.com/ http://thebugs.null.ru/search.shtml http://www.wtcracks.com/search.html http://astalavista2.box.sk/ http://communities.msn.co.uk/THEWRAITH517/_whatsnew.msnw http://www.cracks.am/cracks/w5.html ----------------Info zur Datei: Der Datei : "Zone Alarm Key-SammlungV.1.0.txt" werden stndig neue Lizenznummern fr ZoneAlarm (Pro; Extreme.....) und AddOns der Programme zugefgt. Mit dieser Text Datei lsst sich schnell prfen, ob eine neu entdekte Nummer schon in der Sammlung existiert. Anfangs Buchstaben und Zahlen sind jeweils zusammen geschrieben. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aamja-4vu9e-e53wk-cn58d8-hg08u0 + 05f94-62smx-3nf3p-pji2re-5rtn80 apkk2-x149h-7kjsh-u14c2m-ax8v40 + 0e84f-p6qg9-3eiw2-bbhf3w-c3umu0 + * + b9bss-grivu-e50ji-2s65vw-v91bg0 + bu4uw-b16su-csvma-biupmg-uixjc0 + btnaw-6b0wd-jqj7x-vn02v4-gijd80 + bt06d-fqnm0-hi8v9-85m7i4-b2usu0 + 3C8JD-VSS6Q-HF8SP-6CN60J-599JG0 + * + C83B1812-2D46-467D-9AF4-B1851E8BFEF8 + 4adbe-bn7p4-69kkx-6bujmb-mtnvu0 + 4hpwx-wqdhw-tcmkn-0xuuwe-b2i5q0 * + dqfbg-f7rhb-bcr3j-8tepgu-jpa8k0 + 5h9uj-9q457-aqdr2-nmeiqw-013ac0 D4027C7F-154A-4066-A1AD-4243D8127440 + + * + E3AD6ACC-9008-46E3-AB6F-4D7860D5F2E8 + EE2AC4E5-B0B0-4EC6-88A9-BCA1A32AB107 + 6km80-vmad6-8847p-uug47f-x51i40 EE2AC4E5-B0B0-4EC6-88A9-BCA1A32AB10 + E3AD6ACC-9008-46E3-AB6F-4D7860D5F2E8 + ea96i-s22p0-f00va-5sex7d-pgv300 + + 743F065470E293A4DAD7813B463FAD14 * + gfpvt-hkrhw-bfa3t-dk3nuc-emhw00 + 8qjwd-gxvts-xba8p-6i4vjs-925780 ghr2d-j71ws-1h84s-th1e4a-xbh2q0 + 870jb-w5fb6-jandx-jswfpk-ic3qc0 + 8pter-wda8t-p43td-83p2hk-idcpc0 + 84cra-4wmgn-7d6tw-4kkurd-uq7wq0 * + 8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1 h31bn-q350q-cm5a4-n0npq6-x61uu0 + + + +

* + i7m7b-ts4uk-2mx1g-b690fu-mnk180 + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Etwas ber die Keys von ZAlarm und AddOns : DIE SERIALS SETZEN SICH IMMER GLEICH ZUSAMMEN: Buchstaben und Zahlen sind gemischt und in kleiner und grosser Schrift enthalten . Es gibt 5 "Einzelkombinationen, die durch ein - getrennt sind. Die ersten 3 haben je 5 Zeichen, dann folgen die zwei letzten mit 6 Zeichen. Also: 12345-12345-12345-123456-123456 oder einfach 5-5-5-6-6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dann wren da noch Versuche eine Nummer ober "Regedit.exe" zu suchen. Gibt man unter "SUCHEN" einfach mal "Zone Alarm" ein, wird man schon viele Schlssel finden, die nach AddOns wie "Social Guard" benannt sind und Kombinationen enthalten. Diese kopiert man sich in eine Textdatei und geht dann auf "Weitersuchen". bis nichts mehr gefunden wird. Was man findet gleicht selten einer Serial, aber wenn man den oben geschriebenen Text gelesen hat, lassen sich daraus schnell welche "Basteln". Beispiel: Man findet einen Schlssel mit dem Namen: SocGuard .Beim ffnen enthlt er "EE2AC4E5-B0B0-4EC6-88A9-BCA1A32AB107". Nun benutz man die Regeln fr einen Serial bei ZA und macht daraus folgende Kombination: EE2AC-4E5B0-B04EC-688A9B-CA1A32 ; den Rest lsst man einfach weg. Mir ist es mit dieser Methode nach wenigen Versuchen gelungen 3 AddOns freizuschalten, ohne einen Cent dafr zu bezahlen! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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