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Topic: Pros and Cons of 1:1 Devices Annika Schneider: http://gettingsmart .

com/edreformer/pros-cons-is-elementary-too-early-for-11technology/ Is Elementary Too Early for 1:1 Technology? There has been quite a bit of research done on how technology has improved learning, so 1:1 devices seems to be the next step in improving the integration process of technology in schools. But is elementary too young to introduce 1:1 devices? This article concludes that if monitored and used correctly, elementary students can benefit as much as secondary students with a 1:1 device. http://edreach.us/2011/05/22/the-future-of-ed-tech-is-%E2%80%9Cbring-your-own-device %E2%80%9D-byod/ The future of technology in schools is BYOD - Bring Your Own Device, which is another form of the 1:1 initiative in schools. One good point that this article makes is that students will most likely take more care of their own device than a school-provided one. However, a con to this way of achieving 1:1 technology is that it has the potential to accentuate ESS differences between students. http://www.edutopia.org/blog/1%3A1-environment-andrew-marcinek This blog post gives great ideas about how to achieve a 1:1 environment. It really keeps things in perspective - ...this is not about devices, its about access. Marcinek emphasises using technology as a learning tool, not only for convenience or because its the current trend. Allison Suhr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV8M6P9st9Q iPad in the Classroom The video iPads in the Classroom discusses how teachers are beginning to see the advantages of having iPads in the classroom. Each student uses the iPad to help learn and demonstrate their knowledge. Teachers find that the students are engaged and compelled to complete their assignments. Easy access, motivation, engagement, and creations are all enhanced with an iPad for each students. http://www2.ed.gov/pubs/EdReformStudies/EdTech/effectsstudents.html This website talks about how the roles of the teacher and the student are changing because of technology in the classroom. Students are becoming actively engaged and regular participants in their education. The teachers role changes because they are no longer the center of attention. Devices and technology in the classroom change a the role of students by them learning technical skill, increasing self esteem and motivation, and creating more outside research. http://kulowiectech.blogspot.com/2012/04/ why-go-11-ipad.html Why go 1:1 iPad? The blog goes into explaining the role that an iPad has in a classroom. An iPad doesnt take up time and space and are not really a computer, but a multiple system device. The iPad is meant for one student to use and store information to enhance their education experience. Moving at the Speed of Creativity podcast on Itunes U The podcast Moving at the Speed of Creativity gives multiple way that technology can be used in the classroom. Information about how various technologies are used in the classroom can be found on this podcast. Ashley Lock:

http://www.emergingedtech.com/2012/04/why-every-student-should-be-in-a-11-classroom/ Why 1:1 Classrooms rock This is a blog written by a teacher, who teaches in a 1:1 classroom. In this

blog he discusses briefly how being 1:1 has had a positive effect on his classroom. He also discusses how being 1:1 makes learning easier on his students because they all have different learning styles, and do not learn at the same pace. http://edudemic.com/2012/04/one-to-one-technology/ How 1:1 Technology Is Making School More Real This article is written by a teacher who was a pilot classroom for his district and school on 1:1 technology in the classroom. The article is about how the students felt the learning was more real because of the technology. The students claimed to feel like they were writing for real audiences. http://thejournal.com/articles/2012/03/07/byod-teachers-talk-classroom-use.aspx BYOD Teachers Talk Classroom Use This article is all about teachers experiences with BYOD in there classrooms. The teachers in this article seem to embrace the BYOD movement and allow their students to use their own devices in many aspects of the classroom.

Misty Wren
http://1to1schools.net/2011/03/5-strategies-for-1-to-1-classroom-management / 5 Strategies for 1 to 1 classroom management 5 ideas to create a successful, connected environment for learning. 1. Use a Learning Management SYstem (LMS), or online classroom. This will create a mobile classroom that allows easy access to the curriculum. Enhances learning by creating a mobile learning environment. Edmodo and MOodle are mentioned. 2. Have a classroom acceptable usage policy (AUP). An AUP is critical to create the guidelines for technology use in class. Make sure the AUP is clear and direct on what is expected and what the punishment will be for not following the AUP. 3. Move to the Cloud. It is free and helps create a mobile learning environment that allows students and teachers to access class materials. 4. Be a steward of technology. Model good digital citizenship. Be honest with students if you do not know about a certain technology. Never stop learning! 5. Weekly digital citizenship. Always incorporate digital citizenship into your lessons no matter what they are! It is our duty to guide our students to being skilled and capable digital citizens who appreciate technology. http://dangerouslyirrelevant.org/2012/01/keeping-students-engaged-in-a-11-project-basedclassroom-guest-post.html Keeping students engaged in a 1:1 project-based classroom http://www.emergingedtech.com/2012/04/ why-every-student-should-be-in-a-11-classroom/ Why every Student should be in a 1:1 classroom Teacher Mark Pullens observations on the benefits of 1:1 classrooms. Prior to 1:1 technology content was undifferentiated. The teacher lectured and was the main source of information, besides encyclopedias and out-dated textbooks. This did not allow for the delivery of content to be differentiated for students at different levels and for each learning style. He points out that the main benefit 1:1 technology provides is videos. Videos can be paused and viewed as many times that student needs, something that traditional lecture did not allow. The use of videos also allows the delivery of content through lecture to be replaced with student research and

project-based learning. 1:1 technology also allows for differentiated assignments and even individualization of assignments based on what a students level is, allowing the teacher to make the assignment easier or harder. 1:1 technology allows the teacher to meet the needs of all students.

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