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C++ (or) Cpp

C++ is a extension of c-language because we use ++ after c that is c++. =>It is developed by BJrane stroustrup in early 1980s (or) In some books it is preferred as 1983. =>C++ is said to be objective oriented programming language (OOPL) because in it we work with streams known as objects. =>We know that c is structured programming language or (pop procedure oriented programming language) but C++ is oops based system =>In c programming can be done with the help of functions In c++ it can be done with the help of objects known as streams. These are two types

1) Input stream 2) Output stream In c when we doing a program we can include the header file =>stdio.h While as in c++ we can include =>iostream.h =>In c regularly printf(); and scanf(); functions are used for Input and Output operations Where as in c++ we use Cin & Cout objects (streams) as input & output operators =>In C++ we are write in main() as void main() which returns no values. New features of C++:Some of the no of c++ programs are listed below. Key words used in c++ other than c:-

To support object oriented program in system c++ introduces new key word in addition to that of c. The following are the list of new key words used in c++. As friend private this static cast catch inline protected through dynamic cast class new public virtual overload delete operators template try type-id. Reference variables:C++ introduces a new kind of variable known as reference variable with provide an alternative name for provide defined variable. For example the variable sum is a reference to the variable total than sum and total can be used. Inter change able to represent that variable is given below. A reference can be created by using the following general format.

Data type & reference-name=variable-name Ex:int total=100; int & sum=total; In the above example ing type variable that has been already declared. Sum is the alternative name declared to represent the variable total. So both of the variables refer to the same data object in the memory of the statements Cout<<total; Cout<<sum; both print the value 100 Operator in c++:-

C++ has a each set to operators all c-operator are valued in c++ also . In addition c++ introduces same new operator are listed below. Operator Meaning => Scope resolution operator => Pointer-to-member declaratory => Pointer-to-member operator. => Pointer-to-member operator => Memory release operator => Line feed operator => Memory allocation operator. (or) expression.

:: ::* ->*

delete endl new

Type cast operator =>Explicit type conversion of variables

Scope resolution operator:C++ is a block structured language. Blocks and scopes can be used in containing programs. The scope of the variable extended from the point of its declaration end the block declaration. Default arguments:In a c++ function call one or more arguments are emitted the function may take default for emitted arguments by providing default values in the proto type. In arguments are specified the compiled when they not specified by the programmer explicitly. Type cost operator:C++ for means exploiter type of conversions of expression using the type cost operators.

The following are two versions which are

(type name) expression Ex:avg=sum/(float)i; avg=sum/float(i);

=> c-notation

Type name (expression) => c++-notation =>c-notation =>c++-notation

type-namebehaves as if it is a function to convert the values to a designated type. It can be used only if the type is an identifier.

Operator over loading:Over loading means assigning different meanings to an operation depending on the context.

C++ for means over loading of operators, allowing to assign multiple meanings to operators. 1) The operators used for operator overloading are scope resolution:(::) operators. 2) Conditional operators:- (?;) 3) Size of operator (size of int,float) Basic data type c++:Data type:-The kind of data that variable in programming language is called as a data type C++ offers a set of data types they can be classified into three types is given below.

1) User defined data type 2) Built in data type 3) Derive data type OOPS:OOPS stands for object oriented programming system and which is supported by c++. This oops concept introduces some new concepts which are listed below. 1) Classes and objects 2) Data abstraction and encapsulation 3) Inheritance 4) Polymorphism 5) Dynamic binding

6) Message passing OOPS can be classified into two types 1) OBPL => (object based programming language) 2) OOPL => (object oriented programming language) OBPL:Supports all the features of oops except inheritance, dynamic binding, and message passing. OOPL:Supports OBPL features of oops except inheritance, dynamic binding message passing.
Benefits of object oriented programming system:-

The following are the benefits of object oriented programming to the user and the program designing 1) The principle of data hide in help the programmer to Build the secure programs .It is easy to partition the work in a project based on objects. 2) object oriented system can be easily up graded from small to large system. We can eliminate the redundant code and entered the use of existing classes 3) OOP provide an advantage in production and maintenance of software. 4) Object Oriented Program involves the identification and implementation of different classes of objects and their behavior

5) Software complexity can be easily managed .


It is possible to have multiple instances of an object to co-exist without any interference. OOP leads to saving of development time and higher productivity.


Applications of object oriented program: OOPS are extensively used in the development of most software systems. Today oop is used in the design of graphic user interfaces on systems such as windows. The following are the different areas for application of oop.

Artificial intelligence and expert system

2) Simulation and model series studies

3) Object oriented database systems 4) Real time systems 5) Object oriented operating system 6) Multimedia applications 7) Graphical user interfaces (GUI) 8) Computer based training and education systems Input and Output stream:A stream is a flow of data which is also known as object. These are categorized into two types 1)Input stream 2)Output stream Which are located in the header file iostream.h Which is must used in our program whenever the program is writing in the c++ editor Input stream:-

The stream which is used to input the data is known as input stream. In c++ c in object is used as input stream and which is connected to the standard input. Cin is used to read a number a character or a string of characters from a standard input device. It uses an extraction operator >> with Cin object. The general format for Cin input stream is as follows. Cin>>variable name; Ex:Cin>>a; If single Cin object is used with more than one input variable then this type of operation is said to be cascading input operation Cin>>variable 1>>variable 2>>--------->>variable n;

Ex:- Cin>>m1>>m2>>m3; Output stream:The stream which is used to display the data as output is said to be output stream. In c++ Cout object is used as output stream and which is connected to the standard output. Cout is used to display an object on to the standard output device. The insertion operator << is used with Cout object . The general format of Cout output stream is as follows. Cout<<variable name; Ex:Cout<<a; If single Cout object is used with more than one output variable then this type of operation is said to be cascading output operation

Cout<<variable 1<<variable 2<< ---------- <<variable n; Ex:- Cout<<m1<<m2<<m3; Opening c++ editor:i) start -> run -> command -> ok -> cd\ ->enter -> cd tcc -> enter -> tc -> Alt+enter(full screen) ii) start -> run -> c:\tcc\tc: exe -> enter->ok 1) Write a c++ program to swap two variables without using third variable? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b; clrscr();

cout<<enter a and b values:; cin>>a>>b; a+=b; b=a-b; a-=b; cout<<after swapping: a=<<a<<\t b=<<b; getch(); } Output:Enter a and b values:8 After swapping: a=9 9 b=8

*********************************** 2) Write a c++ program to print biggest of two numbers? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main()

{ int a,b; clrscr(); cout<<enter a and b values:; cin>>a>>b; if(a>b) cout<<a=<<a<< is big; else cout<<b=<<b<< is big; getch(); } Output:Enter a and b values:8 9 b=9 is big ******************************** 3) Write a c++ program to find the given number is prime (or) not?

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n,i,count=0; clrscr(); cout<<enter number:; cin>>n; i=1; cout<<factors:; while(i<=n) { if(n%i0) { cout<<i<<\t; count++; }

i++; } if(count==2) cout<<n<<is prime; else cout<<n<< is not prime; getch(); } Output:1) enter number:7 factors:1 7 4 7 is prime 8 8is not prime 2) enter number:8 factors: 1 2

************************************** 4) Write a c++ program to print big & small array elements?

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,r,a[10],big,small; clrscr(); cout<<enter range:; cin>>r; cout<<enter <<r<< elements into array:; for(i=0;i<r;i++) cin>>a[i]; cout<<the <<r<< array elements are:\n; for(i=0;i<r;i++) cout<<a[i]<<\t; big=a[0]; small=a[0]; for(i=0;i<r;i++)

{ if(big<a[i]) big=a[i]; else if(small>a[i]) small=a[i]; } cout<<big=<<big<<small=<<small; getch(); } Output:Enter range:6 Enter 6 elements into array:7 The 6 array elements are: 7 8 9 5 4 3 big=9 small=3 ********************************** Structure of c++ program:Include files 8 9 5 4 3

Class declaration Member function definition Main() program Object creation for the class Access specifies of a c++ program:Access specifies are used to tell the access of data in the current working program. These are classified into three types. 1) Private 2) Public 3) Protected Private:With this access specifies the private numbers of a class are inaccessible outside the class. Private:-

All data numbers and functions declared in the public section of the class can be accessed any where in the program that means either inside the class or outside the class also. Protected:Classes and objects:A class is syntactically similar to a structure in c. Classes and objects are the main ideas of the object oriented programming tools . In c the structure contains one or more variables (data items) called members of a structure are grouped together as a single unit. In c++, a class is similar to a structure data type but it contains not only data element but also functions which operates on data elements. Class definition:A class is a way to bind the data members and member functions into a single unit.

It allows the data to be hidden if necessary from external use. When defining a class we are creating a new abstract data type that can be treated like any other built in data type. The class declaration describes the type and scope of its numbers. The functions and variables used in a class are called members of a class The variables declared inside the class are known as data members and the functions are known as member functions. Method of creating objects:In c++ object is a variable of class type (or) it is known as an instance of class. Objects are basic run time entities in an object oriented program. General format of class declaration:-

Class { Private:

<class name>

Data members declaration; Member function definition; Public: Data members declaration; Member function definition; }; General format of object creation:Class name <object name>;

Class name


From the above general format class is a keyword and it is abstract data type of class name. The body of class is enclosed with in braces and terminated by ;. The body of class contains declaration of variable and functions. These are grouped under two sections namely private and public.

By default the members are private

In the general format of object creation class name is a name of he user defined class and obj1,obj2,-------objn are user defined objects. Class { Int sno,m1,m2,m3,tot; student

Float avg;
the class only

Accessing private members inside

Char sname[10]; Public: Void getdata(); Void putdata(); }; Void main() {

class only

Class creation.

Accessing public members outside the

student s; s.getdata(); s.putdata(); } Accessing class members:-

Object creation

Accessing of class members are of two types namely 1) Accessing data members

2) Accessing members functions. Accessing data members:Once an object of a class has been created they must be a provision to access this members. This is achieved by using the member access operator. . The syntax of accessing data members of a class is given below. Object name. data member Ex:-s.rno In the above general format object name is the name of the user defined object and data member is the member which is declared inside the class. Accessing member functions:-

The data member of a class must be declared with in the body of the class. Where as the member functions of the class can be defined in any of the following ways. 1) Inside the class specification 2) Outside the class specification Member functions inside the class specification:The syntax for specifying member function declaration is similar to a normal function definition except that is enclosed with in the body of a class all the member functions defined with in the body of the class are treated as inline by default except those members having looping statements such as (while, do while, for loop). Member function outside the class specification:This can be done by using scope resolution operator the general syntax is as shown below. Return type class name :: member function name(arg list)

{ Body of the function; } A class name is the user defined class name. Here scope resolution operator acts as an identity label to inform the compiler, the class to which the function belongs. 5) Write a c++ program to demonstrate class and object concept find swapping of two numbers without using third variable? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> Class swap { int a,b; public: void getdata()

{ cout<<enter a and b values:; cin>>a>>b; } void swapnum() { a+=b; b=a-b; a-=b; } void putdata() { cout<<after swapping: a= <<a<< \t b=<<b; } }; void main() {

clrscr(); swap s; s.getdata(); s.swapnum(); s.putdata(); getch(); } Output:Enter a and b values:78 After swapping: a=90 90 b=78

***************************************** 6) Write a c++ program find the biggest of two numbers? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h>

Class big { Public: Void getdata() { Cout<<enter a and b values:; Cin>>a>>b; 7) Write a c++ program to find sum of digits of a given number? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class sum { int n,sum,r; public: void getdata(); void sum_of_digits();

void putdata(); }; void sum::getdata() { cout<<enter number:; cin>>n; } void sum::sum_of_digits() { sum=0; while(n>0) { r=n%10; sum+=+r; n/=10; } }

void sum::putdata() { cout<<sum of digits of a given number is=<<sum; } void main(){ clrscr(); sum s; s.getdata(); s.sum_of_digits(); s.putdata(); getch(); } Output:Enter number:678 Sum_of_digits of a given number is:21

***************************************** 8) Write a c++ program to find factorial of a given number? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> Class fact { 9) Write a c++ program to find reverse of a given number? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class num { int n,r,sum; public: void getdata();

void reverse(); void putdata(); }; void num::getdata() { cout<<enter number:; cin>>n; } void num::reverse() { sum=0; while(n!=0) { r=n%10; sum=sum*10+r; n/=10; }

} void num::putdata() { cout<<reverse of a given number <<sum<< is reverse; } void main() { clrscr(); num s; s.getdata(); s.reverse(); s.putdata(); getch(); } Output:Enter number:567 Reverse of a given number 765 is reverse.

************************************* Constructors and destructors:Constructors:-Constructors is a special member function which is used to initialize the variables. The name of the constructor is like a class name or same as class name. Its task is put initialize the object of its class that is constructor is invoked. Whenever an object of its associated class is created. It is called a constructor because with construct the value of data members of the class. There is no need to call the constructor explicitly like any other member function. Constructor characteristics:-

A constructor function have some special characteristics are as follows. => Constructors declared in public section of a class only. => These are invoked automatically. When the objects are created. => Constructor do not have return value (or) return types. => A constructor can not be virtual. => Constructor cannot be inherited (this function cannot generalize the properties of other function (or) class) Types of constructor:Constructors are categorized into four types. They are 1) default constructor 2) parameterized constructor 3) copy constructor 4) dynamic constructor Default constructor:-

A default constructor function initialize the data member of a class and it is having no arguments (or) parameters with it. It is also known as parameter less constructor. The general syntax of default constructor is as follows.

Class { Public:

class name

Class name()

Default constructor

(Initialization of data members of a class) } }; b=50,c=35


To call the constructor are to invoke it from outside the class. We follow the below general format. Class name :: class name() { Statements; } 10) Write a c++ program to demonstrate default constructor concept to print given variable values and find reminder? #include<iostream.h>

#include<conio.h> class def { int a,b; public: def () { a=b=0; } void getdata() { cout<<enter a and b values:; cin>>a>>b; } void modnum() { cout<<reminder of <<a<< and <<b<< is: <<a%b;

} }; void main() { clrscr(); def d; d.getdata(); d.modnum(); getch(); } Output:Enter a and b values:9 Reminder of 9 and 4 is:1 ************************************* Parameterized constructor:4

C++ permits arguments to a constructor with arguments is known as parameterized constructor (or) constructor with arguments it accepts parameters or arguments. When the object is created that is we pass the values with object creation. The general format for parameterized constructor is as follows. Class name (argument list or parameter list) { Statements; } 11) Write a c++ program to demonstrate parameterized constructor concept to find area of rectangle? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class area

{ int l,b; public: area(); area(int,int); void rectarea(); }; area::area() { l=b=0; } area::area(int l1,int b1) { l=l1; b=b1; } void area::rectarea()

{ cout<<area of rectangle having length <<l<< and breadth <<b<< is: <<l*b<<endl; } void main() { clrscr(); area a,a1(5,3); a.rectarea(); a1.rectarea(); getch(); }

Output:Area of rectangle having length 0 and breadth 0 is:0 Area of rectangle having length 5 and breadth 3 is:15

************************************* 12) Write a c++ program to find square root and power of its given numbers? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> class sqrtpow { int n,x; public: sqrtpow(); sqrtpow(int,int); void sqrtnum(); void pownum(); }; sqrtpow::sqrtpow()

{ n=x=0; } sqrtpow::sqrtpow(int n1,int x1) { n=n1; x=x1; } void sqrtpow::sqrtnum() { cout<<n; float s=sqrt(n); cout<< sqrt of <<n<< is:<<s<<endl; } void sqrtpow::pownum() { int p=pow(x,n);

cout<<x<<power of <<n<< is:<<p; } void main() { clrscr(); sqrtpow s,s1(5,3); s1.sqrtnum(); s1.pownum(); getch(); } Output:5 sqrt of 5 is:2.236068 3 power of 5 is:243 ******************************* Copy constructor:Copy constructor is always used when the compiler has to create a temporary object of class object

(or) The copy constructor is used when the initialization of one object by another and object of the same class. These are used in the following situations. The initialization of object by another object of the same class Return of a object as a function value Starting the object as by value parameter of a function. The syntax of copy constructor is as follows. Class name::class name(class name & object name) { Statements; }


Write a c++ program to demonstrate copy

constructor concept to copy(or) to assign one object properties? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class abc { int a,b,c; public: abc(); abc(int,int,int); abc(abc &,int); void putdata(); }; abc::abc() { a=b=c=0;

} abc::abc(int x,int y,int z) { a=x; b=y; c=z; } abc::abc(abc &s,int p) { a=s.a; b=s.b; c=p; } void abc::putdata() { cout<<a <<a<<b <<b<<c <<c<<endl; }

void main() { clrcsr(); abc a1,a2(4,5,9),a3(a2,7); a1.putdata(); a2.putdata(); a3.putdata(); getch(); } Output:A0b0c0 A4b5c9 A4b5c7 ************************************* Dynamic constructor:-

The constructor can also used to allocate memory, while creating objects. This will enable the system to allocate the right amount of memory for each object. When the object are not of the same size. Allocation of memory to objects at the time of their constructions is known as dynamic construction of objects. In dynamic construction the memory is allocated by using new operator.

14) write a c++ program to demonstrate dynamic constructor concept? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class c1

{ char *str; public: c1() { strcpy(str, ); } c1(char *s) { int l=strlen(s); s=new char[l+1]; strcpy(str,s); } void getdata() { cout<<enter string:; cin>>str;

} void putdata() { cout<<str; } }; void main() { clrscr(); c1 b1,b2(aptech),b3; b1.putdata(); b2.putdata(); b3.getdata(); b3.putdata(); } Ouvvtput:Destructors:-

A destructor function is automatically invoked when an object is destroyed. The primary usage of destructor function is to release the space on the keep. A destructor function may be invoked explicitly. The following are syntax rules for creating a destructor fuinction. A destructor function name is same as that of class. Except that first character of the name must be ~ (tilde character) A destructor have public access in class declaration. => The destructor function takes no arguments. => It cannot return any value => It cannot be declared in static, constant or volatile. => It takes no arguments that is it cannot be over loaded. The general syntax of destructor function is ~class name()

{ Statements; } 15) Write a c++ program to demonstrate destructor function functions? 16) Write a c++ program to destroy the objects of a class by using destructor concept? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class c1 { int a,b; public: c1() { a=b=0; }

c1(int x,int y) { a=x;b=y; } ~c1() { cout<<destroying the objects of a class <<endl; } void putdata() { cout<<a <<a<< b <<b<<endl; } }; void main() { clrscr(); c1 a,a1(10,20);

a.putdata(); a1.putdata(); } Output:a0b0 a10b20 destroying the objects of a class destroying the objects of a class FUNCTIONS Definition:Function is a self contained programming segment. To perform specific and well defined task. Functions are classified into four types. They are listed below. 1) Function without arguments without return values. 2) Function with arguments without return value. 3) Function with arguments with return value

4) Function without arguments with return value. 17)Function without arguments without return values:#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class c1 { int a,b; public: void getdata() { cout<< enter a and b values:; cin>>a>>b; void putdata() { cout<<the addition is:<<a+b; } };

void main() { clrscr(); c1 s; s.getdata(); s1.putdata(); getch(); } Output:Enter a and b values:8 The addition is:14 ***************************************

Function with arguments without return value:-

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class c1

{ int a,b; public: void mul(int a1,int a2) { a=a1; b=a2; } void putdata() { cout<<the multiplication is: <<a*b; } }; void main() { clrscr(); c1 s;

s.mul(5,6); s.putdata(); getch(); } Output:The multiplication is:30 ************************************** 19) Write a c++ program to find a given number is prime or not? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> Class c1 { Int n,I,count; Public: Int prime(int n1)

{ N=n1; I=1; Count=0; While(i<=n) { If(n%i==0) { Cout<<i<<\t; Count++; } I++; } If(count==2) Return n; } };

Void main() { Int p; Clrscr(); C1 s; P=s.prime(37); Cout<<prime=<<p; Getch(); } Output:1 37 prime=37 ************************************* Function with arguments with return value:20) Write a c++ program to print factorial of a given range? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h>

class c1 { int i,f; public: int factorial(int n1) { i=1;f=1; while(i<=n1) { f=f*i; i++; } return f; } }; void main() {

clrscr(); c1 s; fact=s.factorial(5) cout<<factorial= <<fact; getch(); } Output:Factorial=120 *********************************** 21) Write a c++ program with argument with return to find the given number is perfect or not? Function without arguments with return values:22) Write a c++ program to find the reminder by using without arguments with return values? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class abc

{ public: int modnum(); }; int abc::modnum() { int a,b; cout<<enter a and b values:; cin>>a>>b; return a%b; } void main() { int p; clrscr(); abc a; p=a.modnum();

cout<<reminder=:<<p; getch(); } Output:Enter a and b values:78 Reminder=6 *************************************** Function with default arguments:One of the most useful facilities available in c++ is the facility to define default argument values are given. Whenever a call is made to a function without specifying an argument, the program will automatically assign values to the parameters from the default function proto type declaration . At the time of calling the function we can omit the arguments from right or we can omit all the arguments. We cannot omit the arguments from left or middle. 12

23) Write a c++ program to demonstrate function with default arguments concept? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class abc { public: void mul(int=1,int=2,int=3); }; void abc::mul(int a,int b,int c) { cout<<product of <<a<< <<b<< and <<c<< is <<a*b*c<<endl; } void main() { clrscr();

abc a; a.mul(); a.mul(12); a.mul(12,10); a.mul(12,10,15); getch(); } Output:Product of 1 2 and 3 is 6 Product of 12 2 and 3 is 72 Product of 12 10 and 3 is 360 Product of 12 10 and 15 is 1800 *********************************** Over loading:In c++ the member function that can be changed in two forms namely.

Compile time and run time forms. The first form of the member function is again of the two types they are 1) Function overloading 2) Operator over loading The second form of the member function that can be changed at run time is called virtual function that is represented as following.


compile time

Run time

Function over loading

Operator over loading

virtual function

Over loading is a language feature that allows the function (or) operator to be given more than one definition. The type of arguments with the function or operator is called over loading.

The member function that can be changed at run time is called virtual function. Function over loading:The function over loading is a logical method of calling of several functions with different arguments and data types that perform identical things by the same thing (or) Giving same name to different function with perform different task is called function over loading (or) functional polymorphism. The function over loading allows to use same function name for various data types. The function declaration, definition and calling of these functions are done with the same function but they differ in number of arguments or type of arguments (or) return type (or) all. Advantages of function over loading:-

1) Eliminating the use of different function names for the same operation. 2) Function over loading has easy maintainability of code. 3) Better understanding of the relation between program and outside overloading 4) Function over loading helps to understand and debug easily. 24) write a c++ program to demonstrate function over loading concept to add two integers, two float and double? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class funload { public: int add(int,int);

float add(float,float); double add(double,double); }; int funload::add(int x,int y) { return x+y; } float funload::add(float x,float y) { return x+y; } double funload::add(double x,double y) { return x+y; } void main() {

clrscr(); funload f; int a,b,a1; float x,y,a2; double p,q,a3; cout<enter two integer values:; cin>>a>>b; a1=f,add(a,b); cout<<enter two float values:; cin>>x>>y; a2=f,add(x,y); cout<<enter two double values:; cin>>p>>q; a3=f.add(p,q); cout<<addition of two integer values <<a<< and <<b<< is <<a1;

cout<<addition of two float values <<x<< and <<y<< is <<a2; cout<< addition of two double values <<p<< and <<q<< is <<a3; getch(); } Output:Enter two integer values:34 67 Enter two float values:45 Enter two double values:23 56 37

Addition of two integer values 34 and 67 is 101 Addition of two float values 45 and 56 is 101 Addition of two double values 23 and 37 is 60 ************************************** 25) Write a c++ program to find volumes of cube, cuboids, and cylinder?

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define pi 3.14 class volume { public: int vol(int); int vol(int,int,int); double vol(double,double); }; int volume::vol(int s) { return s*s*s; } int volume::vol(int l,int b,int h) { return l*b*h;

} double volume::vol(double r,double h) { retyrn pi*r*r*h; } void main() { clrscr(); volume v; int v1=v.vol(5); int v2=v.vol(3,4.3); double v3=v.vol(5.362,4.325); cout<< volume of cube= <<v1<<endl; cout<< volume of cuboids= <<v2<<endl; cout<< volume of cylinder= <<v3; getch(); }

Output:Volume of cube=125 Volume of cuboids=121 Volume of cylinder=390.453553 ************************************* Operator over loading:Operator over loading is one of the special feature of c++. The operators +, -, +=,-=, >>, << etc. are designed to operate on standard data types only in structured programming like c. The operator + is used to perform the addition operation on integers, floating point (or) mixed data types as indicated in the mixed expression a+b. Int a, b, c; Float x, y, z; C=a+b; => addition of two integers and integer assignment

Z=x+y; => addition of two float values and floating point assignment X=a+b; => addition of two integers and floating point assignment. Here the operators +,= behave differently in above statements. It indicates that the operator + is overloaded implicitly to operator on operance of user defined data types. Definition:Able to associate a number function along with an operator to work on objects of a class is called operator over loading (or) operational polymorphism. This cannot change the basic usage of operators. The operator over loading provides the additional meaning to the operators. Such as +, *, +=, >= etc. When they applied to user defined data types.

In this operator over loading also the precedence

of operators is same.

We can write the function as normal member function or as friend function. Polymorphism:The word polymorphism derived from the greek words poly and morphism. Poly means many and morphism means action to be performed that is performing many actions on single operator. c++ provides a void verity of operators to perform the operation on various operands. The operators are classified into the following types. Sno 1 2 3 4 Operator category Arithmetic operators Logical operators Comparison operators Multiple assignment Operators Operators +, -, *, /, % &&, ||, ! >, <, >=, <=, !=, == +=, -=, *=, /=

5 6

Unary operators Input and output operators

++, -<<, >>

c++ provides a flexible options for the creation of new definition for the most of c++ operators. The following of the operators which are not used for operator overloading. Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 Operator category Class member operators Scope resolution operators Size operators Conditional operators Direct pointer number preprocessor symbols Operators

size of ?:

#, ##

Declaration of operator over loading:The general form of operator over loading is Return type operator operator symbol(arglist or parameters) { Body of operator function; } A return type is the function return type Operator is keyword Operator symbol is the operator to be over loaded Parameters are the arguments to the operator function Ex:1) Void sum ++(); 2) Int sum +(int x,int y); 3) Rules for operator over loading

The following are the rules for over loading of operators. 1) Only those operators that are predefined in the c+ + compiler can be used and users cannot allowed to create new operators. 2) Over loading an operator never gives a meaning which is radically different from its natural meaning.

Using operators over load at by means of a

member function take no explicit arguments and return no explicit values. 4) The over loaded operator must have at last one operant that is of user defined type. 5) We cannot use friend functions to over load creation operators 6) The overloaded operators follows the syntax rules of original operators. 7) The binary arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, / must explicitly return a value.


They not attempt to change their one arguments.

26) Write a c++ program ++ and operators over loading? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class c1 { char *str; public: c1(); c1(char *); void putdata(); void operator ++(); void operator (); }; c1::c1()

{ strcpy(str, ); } c1::c1(char *p) { int l=strlen(p); str=new char[l+1]; strcpy(str,p); } void c1::putdata() { cout<<str<<endl; } void c1::operator ++() { cout<<strupr(str)<<endl; }

void c1::operator --() { cout<<strlwr(str)<<endl; void main() { clrscr(); c1 o,o1(aptech),o2(program); o1.putdata(); o2.putdata(); ++o1; --o2; getch(); } Output:aptech PROGRAM APTECH

program ************************************* 27) > operator over loading:#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class c1 { char *str; public: void getdata(); int operator>(c1); }; void c1::getdata() { cout<<enter string:; cin>>str;

} int c1::operator>(c1 ob) { return strcmp(str,ob.str); } void main() { clrscr(); c1 o1,o2; o1.getdata(); o2.getdata(); int x=o1>o2; if(x==0) cout<<equal; else if(x>0) cout<<first one is greater; else if(x<0)

cout<<second one is greater; getch(); } Output:Enter string:kalyani Enter string:sudha Second one is greater *************************************** 28) Binary operator + over loading:Returning objects:#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class student { int tel, hin, eng; public: void getdata();

void putdata(); student operator + (student); }; void student::getdata() { cin>>tel>>hin>>eng; } void student::putdata() { cout<<tel<< <<hin<< <<eng<<endl; } student student::operator + (student ob) { student a; a.tel=tel+ob.tel; a.hin=hin+ob.hin; a.eng=eng+ob.eng;

return a; } void main() { clrscr(); student t1,t2,res; cout<<enter first test marks:; t1.getdata(); cout<<enter second test marks:; t2.getdata(); cout<<the first test marks:<<endl; t1.putdata(); cout<<the second test marks:<<endl; t2.putdata(); res=t1+t2; cout<<resultant marks:<<endl; res.putdata();

getch(); } Output:Enter first test marks:23 24 21 Enter second test marks:23 20 19 The first test marks: 23 24 23 46 21 The second test marks: 20 19 44 40 *********************************** 29) Compound assignment operator over loading:Resultant marks:

Returning addresses:#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> const size=50; class string { char str[size]; public: string(); string (char *); void putdata(); string & operator += (string &); }; string::string() { strcpy(str, );

} string::string(char *s) { strcpy(str,s); } void string::putdata() { cout<<string<<endl; cout<<str; } string & string::operator += (string &x) { if(strlen(str)+strlen(x.str)<size) { strcat(str,x.str); return (*this); }

else { cout<<the string is too long; return (*this); } } void main() { clrscr(); string st,st1(learn),st2(computer),st3(at home); st1+= st2+= st3; st1.putdata(); getch(); } Output:String Learn computer at home

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 30) = operator over loading:#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class string { char *str; public: string(); string(char *); void putdata(); string & operator=(string &); }; string::string() { strcpy(str, );

} string::string(char *s) { strcpy(str,s); } string & string::operator=(string &x) { delete str; strcpy(str,x.str); return(*this); } void string::putdata() { cout<<str<<endl; } void main() {

string st,st1(aptech); st=st1; st.putdata(); getch(); } Output:APTECH *********************************** FRIEND FUNCTIONS:Friend functions are the functions an access private data of the classes are it is friend. Friend functions can be declared in private are public sections of the class. Friend functions are the defined as any other normal functions. To declared a functions as a friend place friend key word.

To call the friend functions there is no need to use the object of any class. Syntax:friend return type { body of function; } function name (argument list)

31) write a c++ program to demonstrate friend function concept? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class c2; class c1

{ int a; public: void getdata(); friend void add (c1,c2); }; class c2 { int b; public: void getdata(); friend void add (c1,c2); }; void c1::getdata() { cout<<enter a value (c1 data); cin>a;

} void c2::getdata() { cout<<enter b value (c2 data); cin>>b; } void add (c1 o1,c2 o2) { cout<<addition of <<o1.a<<and<<o2.b<<is<<o1.a+o2.b; } void main() { clrscr(); c1 aa; c2 bb; aa.getdata();

bb.getdata(); add (aa,bb); getch(); } Output:enter a value (c1 data) enter b value (c2 data) 67 56

addition of 67 and 56 is 123 ************************************* 32) Write a c++ program to find biggest of two numbers using friend function concept? #include<iostream.h> #include<comio.h> class c1; class c1 { int a;

public: void getdata(); friend void biggest (c1,c2); }; class c2 { int b; public: void getdata(); friend void biggest (c1,c2) }; void c1::getdata() { cout<<enter a value (c1 data); cin>>a; } void c2::getdata()

{ cout<<enter b values (c2 data); cin>>b; } void biggest (c1 01,c2 o2) { if(01.a>o2.b) cout<<a is big a=<<o1.a<<endl; else cout<<b is big b=<<o2.b; } void main() { clrscr(); c1 aa; c2 bb; aa.getdata();

bb.getdata(); biggest (aa,bb); getch(); } Output:Enter a value (c1 data) 56 Enter b value (c2 data) 89 B is big = 89 FRIEND CLASSES:33) Write a c++ program to demonstrate Friend class concept to find reverse of a given number? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class c2; class c1 { int n;

public: void getdata(); friend class c2; }; class c2 { public: void reverse (c1); }; void c1::getdata() { cout<<enter a number:; cin>>n; } void c2::reverse (c1 o) { int r;

while (o.n>0) { r=o.n%10; cout<<r; o.n/=10; } } void main() { clrscr(); c1 aa; c2 bb; aa.getdata(); bb.reverse (aa); getch(); } output:-

enter a number:5678 8765 ************************************ 34) Write a c++ program to find given number is perfect (or) not?

STATIC DATA MEMBERS:In a class the members declared as static are called static data members. Static members means they will be initialized the only once no matter how many objects are created. We should define static data members of a class before main() Type class name :: variable name;

35) Write a c++ program to demonstrate static data member concept? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class c1 { static int a; public: c1() { a++; } ~c1() { a--; } void putdata()

{ cout<<a value is=<<a<<endl; } }; int c1::a; void main() { clrscr(); c1 aa; aa.putdata(); c1 bb; bb.putdata(); c1 cc; cc.putdata(); c1 dd; dd.putdata(); getch();

} Output:a value is = 1 a value is = 2 a value is = 3 a value is =4 ************************************ STATIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS:Static member functions are used to manipulate on static data. Static member functions are called by class name, with scope resolution operator. It is not possible to call static member functions. By using object of a class. General format for static member function is as follows. Static { return type function name()

Statements; } A static member function does not have a this

pointer . So it can access non-static members of its class only by using . Or =>. The static member function cannot be a virtual function. 36) Write a c++ program to demonstrate static member concept? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class c1 { static int a; public: static void putdata()

{ a++; cout<<a value is=<<a<<endl; } }; int c1::a; void main() { clrscr(); c1::putdata(); c1::putdata(); c1::putdata(); c1::putdata(); getch(); } output:a value is = 1

a value is = 2 a value is = 3 a value is = 4 ***************************************

CHARACTERISTICS OF STATIC DATA MEMBERS:Static data member is initialized to zero. When first object of its class is created only one member is created for the entire class and shared by all objects of the class. Static data member is visible only with in the class but its life time is the entire program. Array of objects:An array is a user defined data type have in array of variables of type class. Such a variables (objects) are called array of objects.

37) Write a c++ program to demonstrate array of object concept calculated students total & average by accepting their names & rno with student marks? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class student { int rno,m1,m2,m3,tot; char name[10]; float avg; public: void getdata(); void cal(); void putdata(); }; void student::getdata() {

cout<<enter rno name m1 m2 m3:; cin>>rno>>name>>m1>>m2>>m3; } void student::cal() { tot=m1+m2+m3; avg=tot/3;} void student::putdata() { cout<<rno<< <<name<< <<m1<< <<m2<< <<m3<< <<total<< <<avg<<endl; cout<<rno<< <<name<< <<m1<< <<m2<< <<m3<< <<tot<< <<avg<<endl; } void main() { clrscr();

student s[10]; int i,r; cout<<enter range:; cin>>r; for(i=0;i<r;i++) s[i].getdata(); for(i=0;i<r;i++) s[i].cal(); for(i=0;i<r;i++) s[i].putdata(); getch(); } output:enter range: 2 enter 3 ert rno 34 name 56 name m1 m2 m3 : 45 m1 m2 m3 :

enter rno

4 rno 3 rno 4

des name ert name des

35 m1 34 m1 35

46 m2 56 m2 46

67 m3 45 m3 67 total 135 total 148 avg 45 avg 49

************************************** THIS POINTER: The keyword THIS is a pointer variable which always contains the address of the object. THIS pointer is implicitly defined in each member function because it is of the special type of pointer. The member function has every object that access to a pointer named THIS which points to the object itself.

Using THIS pointer any member function can find out the address of the object which it is a member. THIS pointer can also be used to access the data in the object. Suppose that you create an object named as z of class c1 and class c1 has non static member function that is fun(). If you want the function by using z.fun(). The keyword THIS in the body of the function store the address of (z) (object) or holds the address of variable.

A static member function does not have THIS

pointer. It takes only non- static members. THIS pointer is passed as an hidden argument to all non-static member function call and available as local variable with in the body of all non-static functions.

Method of accessing member of a class from with in a class using THIS pointer is as follows. class test { int a; public: fun1() { statements; } fun2() { THIS -> a; => Refers to a data member THIS -> fun1(); => refers to a member function } };

38) Write a c++ program to access a variable or data member of a class by using THIS pointer? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class c1 { int a; public: void assign(int a1) { this -> a=a1; } void print() { cout<<value of a=<<a; } };

void main() { clrscr(); c1 c; int s=5; c.assign(s); c.print(); getch(); } Output:Value of a = 5 *************************************** INLINE FUNCTION:Every time a function is called it takes a lot of extre time in executing a series of instructions for tasks such as jumping to the function save registers etc.

function execution involves the over head of jumping to and from the calling statements. This causes the execution time is consider only large. Whenever a function is small. In such cases inline function is used. The syntax of inline function is as follows. Inline { Body of functions } The size of object code is considerably reduced The inline function make a program run fast. That is it increases the execution speed. 39) Write a c++ program to demonstrate inline function concept? return type <function name> (argument list)

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> inline int add(int x,int y) { return x+y; } inline float sub(float x,float y) { return x-y; } void main() { int a,b; float p,q; clrscr(); cout<<enter a and b values:; cin>>a>>b;

cout<<enter p and q values:; cin>>p>>q; cout<<addition of two integers=<<add(a,b)<<endl; cout<<subtraction of two float values=<<sub(p,q); getch(); } output:enter a and b values: 4 enter p and q values: 7 8 6

addition of two integers = 12 subtraction of two float values = 1 ************************************** FUNCTION TEMPLATES:When a single function is written for a family of similar functions is called as the function template. The general format of function template is

Template Return type {

<class t> function name (arguments of type T)

Body of the function; } The function template syntax is similar to that of class template. Except that defining the functions instead of classes. Advantages of function templates:

The main advantages of function template is

avoid in unnecessary repetition the source code. In function template full data checking is carried out the function template does not specify the actual data types of the arguments. 40) Write a c++ program to demonstrate function template concept to swap different data type values? #include<iostream.h>

#include<conio.h> Template <class T> Void swap(Ta,Tb) { T temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; cout<<a value is:<<a<< <<b value is:<<b<<endl; } void main() { clrscr(); swap(3,9); swap(4.3,6.9); swap(abcd,defg); swap(4.36987129,4.32158945);

swap(a,c); getch(); } Output:a value is: 9 a value is: 6.9 a value is: defg a value is: c b value is:3 b value is:4.3 b value is: abcd b value is: 4.369871

a value is: 4.321589

b value is: a

************************************** CLASS TEMPLATES:A class template is a class definition that describes a family of related classes. C++ having the ability to create a class that contains one or more types generic or parameterized class templates.

By defining a class template the keyword template must be inserted as a first word . The general format for class template is as follows. Template Class { Data members; Public: Member function; }; Class template definition is similar to a class definition. Except the prefix template <class T> This prefix tells the compiler that we are going to declare a template and use T as a type name in the declaration. 41) Write a c++ program to demonstrate class template concept? <class T>

class name

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> Template <class T> Class myclass { Int I; T a[10]; public: void accept() { for(i=0;i<5;i++) cin>>a[i]; } void display() { for(i=0;i<5;i++) cout<<a[i]<< ;

} }; void main() { clrscr(); myclass <int> x; cout<<enter 5 integers:; x.accept(); myclass <float> y; cout<<enter 5 float values:; y.accept(); cout<<integers are<<endl; y.display(); getch(); } Output:-

VIRTUAL FUNCTION (over loading):C++ provides a solution to invoke the exact version of the number function which has to be decided at run time by using virtual functions. Using virtual functions the base class functions can be overwrite in derived class. A function can be defined as virtual by using the keyword virtual and these are defined as public section of a class. The general format for virtual function is given below. Virtual return type { Body of function; } Characteristics of virtual functions:<function name> (argument list)

The virtual function must be a member of a class and they cannot be static. These functions are accessed by pointer object. A virtual function can be a friend to other class.

A virtual function in a base class must be

predefined (over loading) in a derived class. A base class pointer can refer to derived class object but the reverse is not possible. 42) Write a c++ program to demonstrate virtual function concept? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class base { public: virtual void display() {

cout<<i am base<<endl; } }; class derived : public base { public: void display() { cout<<i am derived; } }; void main() { clrscr(); base *b,b1; derived d1; b=&b1;

b->display(); b=&d1; b->display(); getch(); } Output:i am base i am derived ******************************************** INHERITANCE:C++ supports the concept of reusability that is c++ classes can be reused in several ways. Once a class is written and tested it can be reused by other programmers to suit their requirements. This is done by creating new classes reusing the properties of the existing once. Definition of inheritance:-

The process of creating a new class from an existing class is known as inheritance. The existing class is known as base class or super class or parent class. The newly created class is known as derived class or sub class or child class. The new class inherits all the capabilities of the existing class. Advantages of inheritance: Inheritance permits the construction of reusable components. By using inheritance code sharing can occur at several levels this gives the reusability of the code and decreased maintenance cost because sharing of the code by all the users. Adding some enhancements to the base class When multiple classes inherits from the same parent class the behavior of inherited classes will be the same.

FORMS (types):Inheritance is classified into the following forms based on the levels of inheritance. 1) single inheritance 2) multiple inheritance

hierarchical inheritance

4) multilevel inheritance 5) hybrid inheritance 6) multi path inheritance


single inheritance:-

Derivation of a class from only one base class it is called single inheritance. Base


43) Write a c++ program by using single inheritance concept print student details such as no, name, father name, marks, total and average? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class stddetails { protected: int sno; char sname[10],fname[10]; public: void getdetails(); void printdetails(); }; class stumarks:public stddetails {

int m1,m2,m3,tot; float avg; public: void getmarks(); void cal(); void putmarks(); }; void stddetails::getdetails() { cout<<enter sno sname fname:; cin>>sno>>sname>>fname; } void stddetails::printdetails() { cout<<sno sname fname<<endl; cout<<sno<< <<sname<< <<fname<<endl; }

void stumarks::getmarks() { stddetails::getdetails(); cout<<enter marks<<endl; cin>>m1>>m2>>m3; } void stumarks::cal() { tot=m1+m2+m3; avg=tot/3; } void stumarks::putmarks() { stddetails::printdetails(); cout<<m1 m2 m3 tot avg<<endl; cout<<m1<< <<m2<< <<m3<< <<tot<< <<avg<<endl;

} void main() { clrscr(); stumarks s; s.getmarks(); s.cal(); s.putmarks(); getch(); } Output:Enter sno sname 6 Tyu Fgh Enter marks: 45 fname :

67 58 Sno 6 M1 45 sname tyu m2 67 m3 58 fname fgh total 170 avg 56

**************************************** Multiple inheritance:Creating a new class from several base classes is called multiple inheritance. (or) Derivation of a class from two or more base classes is called multiple inheritance.





Multiple inheritance:#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class base1 { protected: int a; public: void getdata();

}; class base2 { protected: int b; public: void getdata(); }; class derived:public base1, public base2 { int c; public: void calc(); }; void base1::getdate() { cout<<enter a value<<endl;

cin>>a; } void base2::getdata() { cout<<enter b value=<<endl; cin>>b; } void derived::calc() { base1::getdata(); base2::getdata(); c=a+b; cout<<a<< <<b<<=<<c; } void main() { clrscr();

derived d; d.calc(); } Output:Enter a value: 6 Enter b value: 8 6 8 =14 ************************************** 45) Write a c++ program by using multiple inheritance concept to calculate the total marks of the student from first, second and third tests. Subjects: physics, chemistry, maths? Hierarchical inheritance:Creating more than one new class from a single base class is called hierarchical inheritance. (or)

Derivation of several classes from one base class that is one class may be inherited by more than one class is called hierarchical inheritance.




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