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20 Quick Ways to Clean Your Aura


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20 Quick Ways to Clean Your Aura


20 Quick Ways to Clean Your Aura

Lillie Ruby

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The Aura - Yes, You Can See It Too - In Just A Few Minutes! What is Aura? What is the Aura & how can I see it






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20 Quick Ways to Clean Your Aura

Author: Lillie Ruby

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[Baidu] [Bot] [Google] [MSN] [Yandex] Now online: 7 guests 5 robots Latest member: Kim Cleaning your Aura is very important. A healthy Aura strengthens the immune system. A healthy Aura maintains high energy levels high and prevents energy drain. An Aura has 7 distinct layers that can extend for many feet around a person. Marcus Aurelius Meditation Just as Meridians in the Energy System may, Auras can become clogged and unhealthy. There are number of ways to clean your aura. These 20 quick ways to clean your aura will have your functioning at peak levels in no time. 1. Standing under a shower. 2. Standing in moving water, like a stream or spring. 3. Running your hands and arms through water. 4. Swinging. As your body pushes through the air, it strains and clears your Aura. 5. Running around outside moving your arms freely as you run. (You don't have to run fast and who cares if someone thinks you crazy.) 6. Using a scrub poof when you shower or bathe will clean out the first layer of the aura. Click image to read 7. Using a salt scrub after a bath or shower. 8. Soaking in a tub with sea salt or Epsom salts. 9. Using Essential Oils. 10. Drinking crystal infused, or Flower Essence infused water. Name 11. Running your fingers like a comb through your Aura. 12. Hugging a tree and allowing its energy to clean your Aura. 13. Listening to Sound Healing Music. 14. Meditation 15. Healthy eating, meaning foods that are alive and fresh. 16. Carry a Galena Stone in your pocket 17. Quickly brush your hands down your arms, legs and body, stirring the energy along your aura 18. Chant Mantras. A simple chant that will increase the flow of energy into your aura is OM. Repeating OM over and over in a singing voice, will alter the Kirlian photo of a finger tip from Wikipedia A part of the Body Energy System, Aura's are formed from the flow of chi through and around the body. Plants, animals and objects can have auras, but here we are discussing clearing and cleaning of the Human Aura.

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20 Quick Ways to Clean Your Aura

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conscious state and build energy. 19. Use Finger Mudras. There are many Finger Mudras, but why not include Send Request the OM Mudra while chanting to increase the power of the experience. Make a ring with your thumb and first finger. If you would rather not chant OM, you can repeat I am one with the Universe as you breathe in. The Universe is one

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with me, as you breathe out. 20. Need a quick pick-me-up at work? Use this trick and no one will be the wiser. Keep a spray bottle with a mixture of teaspoon of sea salt and distilled water in your deck. Whenever you feel draggy, quickly spray the air around you to clear your aura. Be sure you stay away from electrical objects when spraying. This quick spray will clear and refresh you. If you like, you can also add a drop of Essential Oil to the water. These simple actions can leave you healthier and full of pep. So start cleaning your Aura! Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles

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A 5th generation Psychic/Medium LILLIE RUBY has been a professional clairvoyant for over 30 years. LILLIE provides Intuitive and Spiritual Consultations to people and corporations around the globe. To find out more go to: http://www.lillieruby.org

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