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Psychodynamics A Tabular Presentation on the Predisposing and Precipitating Factors and Rationale

FACTORS Predisposing A. Biological a. Genetic Inheritance



Patients mother has history of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. His maternal grandmother and aunt and paternal aunt have histories of mental disorders. Clients age is 24 years old Male

First degree relatives of people with Bipolar Disorder have a 3% to 8% risk for developing Bipolar Disorder. (Videbeck, 2011)

b. Age

Men age of onset is between 21 to 30 years. (Boyd, 2008) Male patients are at greater risk for manic episodes (Boyd, 2008)

c. Gender

B. Environmental 1. Intrinsic Both mother and father are disciplinarians, gahampak sila ug bakos o silhig bikog as verbalized by the Cognition or cognitive-behavioral theories believed that thoughts are maintained by reinforcements thus


contributing to a mood disorder. (Shives, 2008).

At the age of 14, he lived with his eldest brother who has a family already (in another place) through his liking while his parents were left in the mountains. JCs parents fight against each other in front of their children (grade-school days).

All life events even pleasant ones are capable of causing various degrees of stress. (Fortinash, 2008)

Early life stress, including child abuse and loss, influences the development of depression probably by disrupting the HPA axis functioning. (Fortinash, 2008)

2. Extrinsic

He has many friends who were truant.

According to Albert Bandura, by copying the behaviours of others, individuals encode information and this forms the basis for new behaviours.

(Fortinash, 2008) At school, he was being laughed at because of scabs on the scalp area. He was also a bully to others. Mania represents a conquered superego with little inclination to control id impulses yet overtime, this distorted overview of reality waivers and the client demonstrates outward hostility towards others, often focusing on the weakness of others that are similar to internal weakness they are avoiding. (Fortinash, 2008) His friends in his high school years and in his job (PUJ driver) were Marijuana users as well. Adtong high school ko, napugos ra ko sa akong mga amigo mag marijuana as verbalized by JC. Peers and their values are particularly strong influences. Experimentation, curiosity, rebellion and boredom are just a few reasons cited by adolescents when asked why they use/abuse

drugs. (Shives, 2008) Low socioeconomic status, considering that he has a daily salary of P300. Stressful life events such as financial hardships are factors contributing to the development of a mood disorder. (Shives, 2008) History of previous mental disorder( Type 1 Bipolar disorder manic phase) and was admitted on September 12-16, 2009 and September 21-26, 2011. Knowing the history of previous admissions is important to determine any previous episodes of depression, treatment and clients response to treatment. (Videbeck, 2011) 3. Perinatal Occassionaly fights with husband during pregnancy of JC. Ga away-away mi sa akong bana katong buros pako kay JC as verbalized by mother The mothers emotional state during pregnancy may bring about long term effects to the fetus. This is so because stressinduced changes in the endocrine

system of a woman during pregnancy is said to cross the placenta as barrier, thereby affecting fetal environment. (Fortinash, 2008)

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