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Room 23s Home Learning Programme



Learning occurs 24 / 7. Many of you are involved in a variety of learning activities that occur outside of Room 23. This Award is a fantastic opportunity for you to record and share all the learning that you are involved in, whether it is after school / the weekend or during the holidays.

Gold Medal - How these challenges work?

1. Over the next 3 terms you are to complete at least 9 challenges 2. You must choose a minimum of 2 from every category. 3. Make sure that a parent or adult verifies your challenges 4. Enjoy these challenges and see them as developing life skills!

Platinum Medal - How these challenges work?

1. Over the next 3 terms you are to complete at least 12 challenges 2. You must choose a minimum of 2 from every category. 3. Choose at least 2 Design your own challenge 4. Make sure that a parent or adult verifies your challenges 5. Enjoy these challenges and see them as developing life skills!

These challenges incorporate the NZ Curriculums 5 Key Competencies which are:

Thinking (T) Relating to Others (R) Understanding Signs, Symbols and Text (U) Managing Self (M) Participating and Contributing (P) Each of the challenge areas is designed to use and enhance a Key Competency.

Recording your Learning

The activities you choose to complete for this Home Learning Challenge need to be summarised and presented in a clear file. You will need to draft and edit your work before publishing what you did. Be concise and thorough with your recording so it is clear to the reader what your challenge was and how you fared.

Our Home Learning Challenges are as follows:

1. Give to your family; Prepare 4 two-course meals. Record the menu for 2 of your meals. For these 2 meals you need to photograph the meals and record feedback from your guests. 2. Give of your time; Visit an elderly person at least 9 times over three terms. Keep a diary of your visits. 3. Give your skills to help others; Use a skill you have to help an individual or group in the community. e.g. Umpiring or coaching a sports team, walking a dog, baking, gardening etc 4. Home Environment; Each term you need to complete 2 new household tasks, such as making your own bed, collecting the newspaper, emptying the dishwasher These are additional to your expected duties at home. 5. Help make our school look great; Choose an area of the school and improve it in some significant way.

6. Paid Employment: Describe a job you have. Who / What / Where / How / Why / Time Commitments
7. Design your own challenge:


1. Improve your maths ability; Complete each basic facts sheet in the time designated by your teacher. 2. Participate in an external examination / event: e.g. complete an Australasian Examination paper / Mathletics / Extra spelling 3. Be an Author; Contribute a piece of writing for the school newsletter, extra newspaper 4. Improve your science and technology skills; Design and build a functioning model of your choice. E.g. glider/boat 5. Careers: Visit, interview and record information about a person who has a career you are interested in. 6. Reading Review: Read and promote (Poster / Slide Show / Film trailer) at least 3 books to the class. Encourage others to read these books. 7. Design your own challenge:


1. Improve your fitness; Over a five week period run or walk at least 20km or cycle 50km in total. Keep a diary. 2. Improve your swim/run skills; Swim non-stop for a total of 600 - 1000m (Swim Club Expectation) or run non-stop for 5 km. 3. Explore the outdoors; With a family member or family friend - Complete an overnight tramp / hunting and fishing adventure - Camp out for 2 consecutive nights. 4. Undertake and complete an endurance event; Participate in a triathlon, duathlon, cycle race, horse riding event, dance competition etc. 5. Compete in a sport for an entire season. 6. Represent a sport at a Regional Level. 7. Design your own challenge: ( Metro / Otago) Summarise the commitments you make for this achievement.


1. Leadership: Show leadership through house sports, school council, scouts, youth group 2. Help out around the school; Choose an area of the school to keep Litter Free for a year. You may like to team up to do this. 3. Organise a competition; Individually or as a group coordinate a lunch time activity for students. 4. Join a community group; Show how you have helped others. e.g. Keas, St John, Guides, Scouts, Church groups etc 5. Classroom Responsibility: Be prepared to contribute to Room 23, complete a responsibility for 2 terms. 6. Green Fingers: Join the school green group, or help a community initiative such as replanting an area / helping at a sanctuary 7. Design your own challenge:


1. Create and exhibit a piece of art work. Painting / Sculpture / Sketching 2. Participate in an external examination / event: e.g. complete a music exam / dance competition 3. Learn a musical instrument For an extended period of time during the year. 4. Join a dance group. For an extended period of time during the year. 5. Improve your confidence and skills; Prepare and present a speech on a topic of your choice to the class. 6. Participate in the School Choir / Special Choir/ Kapahaka attending all rehearsals and performances. 7. Design your own challenge:

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