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Fr. Kerry Brennan, Pastor Deacon Don Smith sfxpastor@bellnet.ca 331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396 Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6 Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663
E mail: sfx.parish@on.aibn.com Web Site: http://sfxrenfrew.wordpress.com/

St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.


PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED : We pray for our loved ones who have died, especially Olive Dunbar, Frank Dunbar and Diane Anthony.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN: Let us raise up in prayer those who seek Gods healing love, those at the hospital, hospice and at home especially Audrey Hawley, Sara ONeill, Fr. Ken OBrien, Garry Latendresse, John Albert and Joan Prince. May your struggle be consoled by Christs love.


CONTACT: Please feel free to contact Fr. Brennan 613-432-5825 Ext. 1 or by email at sfxpastor@bellnet.ca

7 4 th PILGRIM A G E TO S T. A NN IN CO RM A C S U NDA Y , JU LY 29 TH Wi t h Bi sho p M i c ha el M ulha ll a nd Ar c hbi sho p Ter r enc e Pr end er ga st

On Sunday, July 29 th the principal Pilgrimage Mass is at 11:00 a.m. Archbishop Prendergast will be the principal celebrant and homilist. Bishop Mulhall will preside at the 2:00 p.m. Mass for healing. The theme for these masses will be Faith and the Future: The New Evangelization. After the Sunday afternoon mass, an anointing of the sick with St. Anns Oil will be offered. Religious articles, St. Anns Mass League memberships, food and refreshments will be available.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: to all couples of the Parish who celebrate a Wedding Anniversary during the month of July. We remember your intentions at the 10:30 a.m. Mass this weekend. May God Bless You All. Among those celebrating are: Gordon & Audrey Hawley (64) M. J. & Valerie Smaggus (13) Isadore & Agnes Lorbetskie (60) Derek & Stephanie Lennox (12) Jerry & Maxine Lapierre (55) John Laviolette & Terri Steele ( 9) Wil & Arlette Hermans (47) Jason & Kathleen Wilson ( 8) Art & Marilyn Campbell (42) Kevin & Anne Briscoe ( 4) Dan & Gerri Stroud (41) Scott & Megan Lewis ( 2) Joe & Tami Mosco (32) LOVE ONE ANOTHER Jack & Gerry Craig (15)
MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE: Registration forms for the Diocese's 2012-2013 Marriage Preparation Course may be found at the church entrances or picked up at the parish office. The Program consists of a Friday evening and two Saturdays. To accommodate your life schedules, courses may be followed in different locations, however, they need to be followed in order. MARRIAGE: If you are planning to be married in St. Francis Xavier Parish please speak to Father Brennan at least 8 months prior to the proposed date of the wedding.

Please carefully note the times of the daily Liturgies
MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN July 30 July 31 Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug Aug Aug NO PARISH LITURGY NO PARISH LITURGY Annie Rekowski - Gary & Catherine Molson Evelyn Morglan - Glenn Enright BONNECHERE MANOR: Elva Curry - Dot Cardiff Gail Boose - Edwin & Family Teresa Laporte - Dan & Carol Varrin M.P. & Catherine Kusluski - The Estate Intentions of the Parishioners - Fr. Brennan Kim Shalla-Vaile - Mom, Dad & Family In Thanksgiving (58th Anniversary) - Des & Marguerite McIntyre

4:15 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3 8:00 a.m. 4 5 5:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m.

LITURGICAL ROLES 18 Sunday of Ordinary Time August 5th, 2012


SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD C. Walters; S McCanna; MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY T. Lemenchick; J. Lynch; L & G. Curry MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST K. & V. Windle; G. Curry; B. Brown; D. Mooney SERVERS B. & M. ONeill CANTOR - Lawrence Mahusky

SUNDAY MORNING MASS - 10:30 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD J. Rowat; R. Russell MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY M. & V. Proulx; D. & S. Letts EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS D. & M. McIntyre A.M. Millar; K. & T. Mann
SERVERS-- S. Rowat; E. Saumure; S. Lafont; E. McIntyre

CANTOR A. Hermans 138th DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO ST-ANNE-DEBEAUPRE AND CAPE-DE-LA-MADELEINE: August 11-12. The week-end celebrant will be Mgr. PaulAndr Durocher. For more info please contact Franoise Dagenais 613-732-2235.

The St. Francis Xavier C.W.L. News:

CRAFTERS GET READY! Looking ahead to our Tea & Talent Sale in November, now is the time to start working on crafts for our Craft Table. Also, when putting your preserves, (jams, jellies, pickles, relishes), please dont forget to set aside a few jars for our Specialty Foods Table. C.W.L. NEWSLETTER: is available for pick-up at the church entrances. Keep informed on our League activities.


- ST. MARTIN OF TOURS, WHITNEY Aug. 5th - ST. ANDREWS , KILLALOE Aug. 12th - ST. LAWRENCE OTOOLE, BARRYS BAY Aug. 12th - ST. THOMAS DAQUIN, ASTORVILLE - Aug. 12th at the East Ferris Community Centre - OUR LADY OF GRACE, WESTMEATH - Aug. 19th - St. HEDWIG CHURCH, BARRYS BAYAug. 19th See Posters

SUNDAY OFFERING: July 22; $3,635.00

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE A y o u n g ma n , f r e s h o u t o f t h e s e mi n a r y , t h o ug h t i t wo ul d h el p h i m b e t t e r u n de r s t an d t h e f e a r s a n d t e mp t a t i o n s h is f u t ur e c o n gr eg a ti o n f a c e d i f h e fir s t t oo k a jo b a s a p oli ce ma n TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!! ANY DISHES, f o r s e v er al mo n t h s . BOWLS, PLATES, ETC. NOT PICKED UP He passed the physical examination: then FROM THE CART IN THE MAIN FOYER IN THE came the oral exam to test his ability to act NEXT WEEK WILL BE PACKED AWAY. THANK YOU. quickly and wisely in an emergency. Among other questions he was asked, What would SUNDAY OFFERINGS: A Reminder that you may register for Automatic Debit for your you do to disperse a frenzied crowd? He thought for a moment and then responded Sunday contributions. Please contact the Parish office for more details . cheerfully; I would take up a collection!

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