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How to import a simulated SPECT projections or SPECT projections from another device to GE, Xeleris data processing software.

Below you can find a sample of a header file which is accepted to the Xeleris.
!INTERFILE:= !imagingmodality:=nucmed !originatingsystem:=GENIE !versionofkeys:=3.3 dateofkeys:=1992:01:01 conversionprogram:=Genie programauthor:=Raja.P programversion:=1.7 programdate:=1997:03:05 !GENERALDATA:= originalinstitution:= Hospital contactperson:= datadescription:=xxGENIE:RESTxxGENIE:REST_EM !dataoffsetinbytes:=0 !nameofdatale:=REST001.IMG patientname:=AAAA^TEST^^^ !pa entID:=111000 pa entdob:=1970:01:01 patientsex:=F !studyID:=TwoDay examtype:=TOMO datacompression:=none dataencode:=none !GENERALIMAGEDATA:= !typeofdata:=Tomographic !totalnumberofimages:=36 studydate:=2012:07:24 study me:=13:36:56 imagedatabyteorder:=LITTLEENDIAN numberofenergywindows:=1 energywindow[1]:=Tc99m energywindowlowerlevel[1]:=126 energywindowupperlevel[1]:=154 floodcorrected:=N decaycorrected:=N !SPECTSTUDY(general):= numberofdetectorheads:=1 !numberofimages/energywindow:=36 !processstatus:=Acquired !matrixsize[1]:=64 !matrixsize[2]:=64 !numberformat:=unsignedinteger !numberofbytesperpixel:=2 scalingfactor(mm/pixel)[1]:=6.80525 scalingfactor(mm/pixel)[2]:=6.80525 !numberofprojec ons:=36 !extentofrota on:=180 ! meperprojec on(sec):=25

studydura on(sec):=900 !maximumpixelcount:=430 patientorientation:=feet_in patientrotation:=supine !SPECTSTUDY(acquireddata):= !directionofrotation:=CCW startangle:=45.1 firstprojectionangleindataset:=45.1 acquisitionmode:=stepped Centre_of_rotation:=Single_value !X_oset:=0 Y_oset:=0 Radius:=0 orbit:=Circular preprocessed:= !ENDOFINTERFILE:=

This header file can be accessed from one sample of exported file from the system. For exporting a file from the system you can use the PDF attached to this file named "Import Exporting interfile files". When you export a data set to the export folder, two files for each data set will be exported. One with .IMG suffix which contains the images and another with .HDR suffix which contains header file as above (it can be opened with notepad). The header contains information of the image data. Each image has its own parameters. If you have made an image data from a virtual machine like SIMIND, or from another device like SIMENCE, you should make a header file like above with your image data parameters. Then you can import it to the Xeleris. Here we explain about some parts of the header. Remains should be mentioned by user.

This is so important. You should change the name "REST001.IMG" to your source name with .IMG suffix. Be mention that the name of your header must be the same as the image data but the difference is just in its suffix.
patientname:=AAAA^TEST^^^ !pa entID:=111000

Change the name and Patient ID whatever you like. They will help you to find the data in Data Management at Xeleris.

This is one of the most important parts. You should choose this ID according to your desire application. IF you choose "Two Day" or "One Day", it will be opened with cardiac application, or if you choose "Brain FB TC99m" or "BRAIN TOMO" or "BRAIN SPECT" it will be opened with Brain Applications.
!totalnumberofimages:=36 !numberofimages/energywindow:=36 !numberofprojec ons:=36

All of the above should be change to the number of projections. In simulation 32 or 64 or 128 are the most popular.

If you want to import the projections data process status must be "acquired" or if you want to import the reconstructed images you should change it to "reconstructed".
!numberformat:=unsignedinteger !numberofbytesperpixel:=2

Xeleris just accepts the data in unsigned integer format with 16 bits length. It means that you should change your image format to unsigned integer if it is something else. You should do it in MATLAN as follow.

The above parameter is another important one. It shows the maximum number of count per pixel. At SIMIND the maximum pixel count is about 20 or less, while it may have decimal part, too. While it is unacceptable for Infina. You should increase the range of counts to about 100 or more. It depends on collimator. You should not increase it too much while you have used FAN Beam collimator in your simulation. Be sure that your increscent is subjective. As I mentioned you should omit the decimal parts of the counts, too. All of these procedures should be done in MATLAB as follow. MATLAN Code:
MaxPixelCount=450 Fid1=fopen('image_name.a00','r'); A=fread(Fid1,'float'); MAX=max(A) A2=floor(A*MaxPixelCount/MAX);

MAX2=max(A2) A3=uint16(A2); Fid2=fopen('image_new_name.IMG','w'); fwrite(Fid2,A3,'uint16'); fclose('all');

Where these parameter means: MaxPixelCount : the arbitrary maximum pixel count. image_name.a00 : It is the name of the raw image (e.g. SIMIND output). X=fread(Fid1,'float') : If the image_name.a00 format is something different from "float" it must be changed to the proper format (e.g. 'double','int32', ). MAX2: Be sure that MAX2 equals with MaxPixelCount. A3=uint16(A2) : A3 is the same as A2, just its format has be changed to unsigned integer with 16 bits length. Image_new_name: it is the arbitrary name of the output of this code. It is a image in unsigned integer format which its maximum is as MaxPixelCount. You should choose this name similar to what you have choose priory at :

!matrixsize[1]:=64 !matrixsize[2]:=64

Matrix size should be changed according to the images size.

! meperprojec on(sec):=25 studydura on(sec):=900

Time per projection should choose here. Be notice that study duration should be (time per projection No of Projections)
!extentofrota on:=180

Extent of rotation shows how degree much is the SPECT head rotated. (e.g. 360).
patientorientation:=feet_in patientrotation:=supine

These parameters show how the patient is set up on the table (feet_in or head_in), (supine or prone).

Direction of rotation could be clockwise or counter clockwise. CW or CCW

startangle:=45.1 firstprojectionangleindataset:=45.1

They are usually the same. They show the start angle of rotation.

After you change the parameter of the header and also change the maximum of images and its format, they are ready to import to the Xeleris. Be mentioned that both the header and image file name should be the same as what you have choose at !nameofdatale:=REST001.IMG. Their suffix must be .HDR and .IMG. Now you should import it as described in attached pdf. Now you can find the images with its name or patient ID at Xeleris Data Management.

Prepared by: S.M. Entezarmahdi 29/7/2012

Appendix G Tutorial - Importing/Exporting Interfile Files

This chapter explains how to:

Convert image data stored in Interfile 3.3 files into system database elements. This operation is referred to as importing.


DICOM protocol has a "dialect" which may cause some troubles like disappearances of some portion of image annotation when connecting to a station where data transfer is not confirmed.

Convert system elements (such as datasets, curves or screen captures) into Interfile 3.3 files. This operation is referred to as exporting.


Interfile exporting of curves is not supported.

Importing and exporting may involve transfer of Interfile 3.3 files from/to remote stations via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Remote stations accessed via Modem must include also PointtoPoint Protocol (PPP) services. The remote stations are configured during system installation by the service engineer. Importing and exporting requires the full path of the directories from which or to which Interfile 3.3 files are transferred. By default, when importing or exporting from/to the local station, the Interfile 3.3 files are stored in dedicated directories, as follows:

Imported Interfile 3.3 files are stored in: ../../Einstein_user/Interfile/ifImport Exported Interfile 3.3 files are stored in: ../../Einstein_user/Interfile/ifExport

Direction 5260527-100 Rev. 2 Copyright 2008 by GE Healthcare Xeleris 2 Operator Manual


Tutorial - Importing/Exporting Interfile Files

Importing and exporting standard imaging files is performed by the Import Export application residing within the Admin category. The information is provided in the following sections:
z z z

Importing on page G-3 Exporting on page G-5 Deleting Files on page G-8


Direction 5260527-100 Rev. 2 Copyright 2008 by GE Healthcare Xeleris 2 Operator Manual

Tutorial - Importing/Exporting Interfile Files

Purpose Converting Interfile 3.3 files to system elements.

Data Management Screen

Selects the Import/Export application residing in the Housekeeping category and displays it next to the [Start] button. Click [Start] to open the import/export panel.

[Import Export]

Export/Import Panel
Opens the Import tab. If the information under Current Configuration Details does not match the required import configuration, proceed to [Change Configuration]. Otherwise, proceed to Select Data to be Imported.

Import tab

Import Panel
[Change Configuration] Opens the import configuration panel.

Import Configuration Panel

Type of Import Operation Station to Import From Click on the type of import operation to be performed: Import from Interfile to the system Click on the station from which to import (the remote stations were configured by the service engineer during system installation). If the path of the source directory from which you want to import the file appears in the Path Window, click on it. Source Path Otherwise, type-in the new Directory Path, click [Add Path], then click on the new path which appears in the Path Window. Note: If the selected station is the local station and the typed in path is invalid, an error message will be displayed. [Apply & Quit] Closes the import configuration panel, applying the new configuration.

Direction 5260527-100 Rev. 2 Copyright 2008 by GE Healthcare Xeleris 2 Operator Manual


Tutorial - Importing/Exporting Interfile Files

Import Panel
The Listing Window displays all the files in the selected Remote Station directory from which you want to import data. Using the Sort By pull down menu, you can sort the files in the Listing Window by: Patient Name Patient ID File Name Click on the files to be imported. To deselect a file, click on it a second time. To select all the files, click [Select All]. To deselect all the files, click [Reset]. [Import] Importing is initiated. The progress of the import operation is displayed in a pop-up window. When file conversion is completed, check the Import Log, which displays an entry for each selected file. The Status field indicates a successful conversion as completed and a non-successful conversion as Failed. Clears the Import Log.

Select Data to be Imported

Import Log

[Clear Log]


When importing from a remote station accessed by modem, the connection is established and terminated automatically.


Direction 5260527-100 Rev. 2 Copyright 2008 by GE Healthcare Xeleris 2 Operator Manual

Tutorial - Importing/Exporting Interfile Files

Description Multiple studies can be selected for exporting, but each study is exported separately to a different file. Purpose Note Converting system database data to Interfile 3.3 files.

System database curve data can not be exported to Interfile 3.3 file. Exporting to remote stations is available only for remote stations with DICOM/ Interfile Store facilities.

Data Management Screen

[Source Repository] Connect to the source repository from where you want to export data (Xeleris, eNTEGRA V2.0 and higher, Genie P&R). Select the data to be exported (study/studies, series or dataset(s).

Data to be exported

[Import/ Export]

Selects the Import/Export application residing in the Housekeeping category. Click [Start] to open the import/export panel.

Export/Import Panel
Open the Export tab. If the information under the Current Configuration Details does not match the required export configuration, proceed to [Change Configuration]. Otherwise, proceed to Select Data to be Exported.

Export tab

Export Panel
[Change Configuration] Opens the export configuration panel.

Direction 5260527-100 Rev. 2 Copyright 2008 by GE Healthcare Xeleris 2 Operator Manual


Tutorial - Importing/Exporting Interfile Files

Export Configuration Panel

Station to Export to Station to Export to Click on the station to export to (the remote stations were configured by the service engineer during system installation). Click on the station to export to (the remote stations were configured by the service engineer during system installation). If the path of the destination directory to which you want to export the file appears in the Path Window, click on it. Destination Path Otherwise, type in the new Directory Path, click [Add Path], then click on the new path which appears in the Path Window. Note: If the selected station is the local station and the typed in path is invalid, an error message will be displayed. [Apply & Quit] Closes the export configuration panel, applying the new configuration.

Export Panel
Select the datasets of the first study to be exported. The datasets in the Listing Window can be sorted via the Sort By drop- down menu which includes the following sorting options: Patient ID Series ID Dataset Name Information pertaining to the 1st selected study is displayed below the Listing Window with a default File Name to Export to. You can change the default file name by overwriting it (up to 8 characters).

Select Data to be Exported


Direction 5260527-100 Rev. 2 Copyright 2008 by GE Healthcare Xeleris 2 Operator Manual

Tutorial - Importing/Exporting Interfile Files

Export Panel (Continued)

Exporting of the first study in the Listing Window is initiated. The progress of the export operation is displayed. [Export] If a remote station was selected, a connection to this station is established. Note: datasets currently in use can not be exported. When file conversion is completed, check the Export Log, which displays an entry for each dataset exported to the 1st file. The Status field indicates a successful conversion as completed and a non-successful conversion as Failed. Click on the 2nd study to be exported. If necessary, change the default file name to Export to. [Export] Click [Export]. The second study is exported as shown in the Export Log. Repeat this procedure for each study to be exported. When all the studies were exported, clear the Export Log.

Export Log

[Clear Log]

Direction 5260527-100 Rev. 2 Copyright 2008 by GE Healthcare Xeleris 2 Operator Manual


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