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BREAST SELF EXAMINATION Best time to do breast examination is after menstruation (5-7 days after) Only 25 to 30% of women

en perform BSE regularly each month. STEP 1 1. Stand before a mirror. 2. Check both breast for anything unusual 3. Look for discharge from the nipple, puckering, dimpling or scaling of the skin. STEP 2 1. Watch closely in the mirror as you clasp your hands behind your head and press your hands forward. 2. Note any change in the contour of the breast. STEP 3 1. Next, press your hands firmly on your hips and bow slightly toward the mirror as you pull your shoulders and elbows forward. 2. Note any change in the contour of the breast. STEP 4 (better to do in the shower, your fingers will glide easily over soapy skin, so you can concentrate on feeling for changes inside the breast. 1. Raise your left arm 2. Use 3 or 4 fingers of your right hand to feel your left breast firmly, carefully and thoroughly. 3. Beginning at the outer edge, press the flat part of your fingers in small circles, moving the circles slowly around the breast. 4. Gradually work towards the nipple 5. Be sure to cover the whole breast 6. Pay special attention to the area between the breast and the underarm, including the underarm themselves. 7. Feel for any unusual lumps or masses under the skin 8. If you have spontaneous discharge, see your doctor 9. Repeat the examination on your right breast. STEP 5

1. Should be repeated while lying down 2. Lie flat on your back with your left arm over your head and a pillow or folded towel under your left shoulder (this will flatten your breast and makes it easier to check) 3. Use the same circular motion 4. Repeat on the right breast. TESTICULAR SELF EXAMINATION Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men 15 to 35 years of age. It is highly treatable and curable form of cancer Common manifestation is mass or lump on the testicle and painless enlargement of the testes. It tends to metastasized early to the lymphnodes and lungs The convenient time is after a warm shower or bath when the scrotum is more relaxed. 1. Use both hands to palpate the testis. The normal testicle is smooth and uniform in consistency. 2. With the index and middle fingers under the testis and the thumb on top, roll the testis gently in horizontal plane between the thumb and the fingers. 3. Feel for any evidenced of a small lump or abnormality. 4. Follow the same procedure and palpate upward 5. Locate and palpate the epididymis, (a cord like structure on the top and back of the testicle that stores and transport the sperm. Also locate and palpate the spermatic cord. 6. Repeat the examination on the other testis. It is normal to find one testis is larger than the other. 7. If you find any evidence of a small, pea like lump or if the testis is swollen consult a physician.

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