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Version from July 5th 2012


Version from July 5th 2012

versio paenultima

Version from July 5th 2012

Monday, 20.8.2012
1. Plenary session: Chair and opening Lecture

Josep Puig Montada Thomas Ricklin: Nosce te ipsum


Commission I Critical Editions Chair Timothy Noone

15.00-16.30 1)

Ordinary and special sessions

Sectio I: Chair Charles Burnett David Wirmer: Scientific Pleasure in Ibn Bajjas Defence of Philosophy Rachak Jamal: Le plaisir du savoir daprs Ibn Bajja Judith Wilcox: Boundaries of knowledge seen in the works and the figure of Qusta ibn Luqa Nicolaus de Cusa: Chair Andreas Speer Mara Socorro Fernandez Garcia: El deseo intelectual como constitutivo formal de la mente en Nicolas de Cusa Daniel O' Connell: Dispatches from the Farthest Point of Contemplation The De apice theoriae (1464) of Nicholas of Cusa Isabelle Mandrella: Gaudium intellectuale: Die intellektuelle Freude bei Nicolaus Cusanus Sectio II: Chair N.N. Mikhail Khorkov: Wissensvermittlung in Sptmittelalter: Philosophie und Theologie in der Handschriftensammlung des Johannes de Wasia Alessandra Saccon: Die natrliche Gotteserkenntnis bei den Klner Albertisten des XV. Jahrhunderts Francesco Marrone: Le dsir de savoir et la dignit de la Mtaphysique chez Dominique de Flandre Sectio III: Chair N.N. Christophe Erismann: Lordo qui structure le monde sensible est-il relationnel ? Fabrizio Amerini: Thomas Aquinas on the Limits of Natural Knowledge. A Reappraisal Bernd Goehring: Giles of Rome on Human Cognition and Its Sensory Context Sectio IV: Chair Paul Bakker Marek Gensler: The Joy of Repetition: The Problem of Elements in Mixtum Guy Guldentops: Late medieval theologians on the use of all things Charles Bolyard: Henry of Harclay on Knowing Many Things at Once Greek into Arabic into Latin I: Chair Jrn Mller Jrn Mller: Memory as an Internal Sense: Avicenna and His Influence on Latin Psychology Peter Adamson: Ab Bakr al-Rz's Greek Sources Matthias Perkams: Al-Frb's ideas on Philosophy and Religion and their ancient predecessors






Version from July 5th 2012

Monday, 20.8.2012
7) Mobility of Ideas and Transmission of Texts I: Chair Maarten Hoenen Maarten Hoenen/ Loris Sturlese: Mobility of Ideas and Transmission of Texts: An International Research Programme Racha Kirakosian: Constituting the ineffabile Mystical speech through performative language Myrtha Ehlert: The notion of wisheit in the medieval German reception of Dionysius the Areopagite Nature and freedom I: Chair Santiago Orrego Maria da Conceiao Camps: O prazer de ver: cor e natureza no Comentrio jesuta de Coimbra ao De Anima Timothy Noone: Juan Iribarne e Uraburu on Will, the Voluntary, and Nature Santiago Orrego: Freedom in beatific vision: Domingo de Sotos account and criticism of Scotus Aquinas and the Arabs I: Chair Richard Taylor Marta Borgo: Aquinas on Metaphysics II: Doctrinal and Textual Issues Therese Scarpelli Cory: The (Self-)Intelligibility of Intellectual Being: Aquinas and the Liber de causis on the Hierarchy of Intellects Luis Xavier Lpez Farjeat: Aquinas on the Possibility of an Eternally Created World in his Early Writings and his Arabic Sources



10) Sense, intellect and individual in the Second Scholasticism: Chair David Svoboda Tomas Machula: The virtue of Prudence in Aquinas and Dominican Scholasticism David Svoboda: Some early modern Jesuits on Universals: P. Fonseca and Collegium Conimbricense Daniel Heider: The intellectual cognition of material singulars in the Second Scholasticism 11) Augustine: Chair N.N. Leonardo Serran: Potestas and uoluntas in Cicero and Augustine Jos Maria Silva Rosa: Ambiguity and metamorphosis of pleasure in Augustine of Hippo: from voluptates carnales to gaudium de veritate

17.00-18.30 1)

Ordinary and special sessions

Sectio V: Chair Thomas Ricklin Pia Antolic-Piper: Roger Bacons interpretation of the desire to know in his quaestiones on Aristotles Metaphysics A Eileen Sweeney: Roger Bacon and Albert the Great on Aristotle's Notion of Science Patricia Moya: Intellectus principiorum and sinderesis. The question of the analogy between the knowledge of the first speculative principles and the first practical principles in Thomas Aquinas doctrine Sectio VI: Chair Timothy Noone Ayelet Even-Ezra: The discourse over pleasing knowledge in early thirteenth century theology Antoine Ct: On arguments against the agent intellect in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries Thomas Michael Osborne: Giles of Rome, Henry of Ghent, and Godfrey of Fontaines on Whether to See God Is to Love Him Sectio VII: Chair David Luscombe Brigitte Saouma: La critique du catharisme chez Bernard de Clairvaux et Izarn Georgina Gonzlez Rabass: Hildegard of Bingens auditory contemplation of the universe Pedro Mantas-Espaa: La bsqueda y el placer del conocimiento en el siglo XII



Version from July 5th 2012

Monday, 20.8.2012
4) Johannes Duns Scotus: Chair Hannes Mhle Cruz Gonzalez-Ayesta: Intellectus cadit sub natura: Duns Scotus on the intellect as a natural principle Gabriele Galluzzo: Scotuss Anti-Sceptic Argument and the Possibility of Knowledge Francesco Fiorentino: Il desiderio di sapere nel dibattito del primo scotismo Sectio VIII: Chair Santiago de Carvalho Flavia Dezzutto: Sobre las nociones de intellectus/felicitas y affectus/beatitudo en Alberto Magno Francisco Leon Florido: Orden teolgico y participacin. Cuestiones sobre la apropiacin del aristotelismo en Toms de Aquino Ana Maria Minecan: Cinco claves de la asimilacin del sistema aristotlico en el Comentario a la Fsica de Toms de Aquino William Occam I: Chair N.N. Mikko Yrjnsuuri: William Ockham on Intuitive self-knowledge Sonja Schierbaum: Knowledge in a world of particular things: Ockham on intuitive cognition and evident judgment Vesa Hirvonen: Knowledge and pleasure in William Ockham's Christological psychology The pleasure of morality and the moral value of pleasure: Chair Tobias Hoffmann Yoshihisa Yamamoto: Aquinas on the Pleasure of the Emotion of Love as Complacentia Boni Kevin White: Aquinas on the Pleasures of Benefitting Others Tobias Hoffmann: The Pleasure of Life and the Desire for Non-Existence: Some Medieval Theories Greek into Arabic into Latin II: Chair Jrn Mller Katrin Fischer: Avicenna's Cosmology in the Works of Medieval Latin Thinkers Andreas Lammer: The Arabic Reception of Avicenna's Physics in the Thirteenth Century Katja Krause: Forma Nobis Transformed into Aliqua Forma: Averroes Legacy for Aquinas Account of Epistemological Beatitude Mobility of Ideas and Transmission of Texts II: Chair Maarten Hoenen/ Loris Sturlese Mareike Abram: Denys the Carthusian between intellective and affective contemplation of God Giacomo Signore: Texts accompanied by texts in late medieval culture: the circulation of knowledge between tendencies and contingency Markus Polzer: Herders Joy of Reading Tauler: A Note on the Influence of Critical Editions on Philosophical Research






10) Nature and freedom II: Chair Santiago Orrego ngel Poncela: Los lmites del conocimiento humano: La teora rabe del conocimiento proftico y la concepcin suareciana del Intelecto Paula Oliveira e Silva: The notion of delectatio spiritualis and its relation with the suarezian conception of human nature 11) Aquinas and the Arabs II: Chair Richard Taylor Richard Taylor: An Evaluation of the Meaning of Creation in Averroes Jrg Alejandro Tellkamp: In umbra intelligentiae: On Aquinass Rejection of Neoplatonic Theories of the Intellect David Twetten: Aquinas Original Argument for the Real Distinction between Being and Essence: The Avicennian Genus Argument


Reception of the city of Freising David Luscombe: Otto of Freising and historical knowledge

Version from July 5th 2012

Tuesday, 21.8.2012
09.00-09.45 Commission: II. The Latin Aristotle and Medieval Commentaries Chair Cecilia Trifogli

10.00-12.00 2. Plenary session: Chair Lectures

Timothy Noone Catherine Knig-Pralong: Omnes homines natura scire desiderant: Anthropologie philosophique et distinction sociale David Bloch: Aristotle on the Pleasure of Learning John Demetracopoulos: Aspiration for Knowledge in the Secular and Religious Forms of Late Byzantine Platonism


Commission: III. Islamic Philosophy and Science Chair Charles Burnett

15.00-16.30 1)

Ordinary and special sessions

Sectio IX: Chair Pasquale Porro Kazuya Kato: Symphony of the Wise Matthew Siebert: Augustine and Aquinas on Authority in Testimonial Belief and Knowledge Isabelle Draelants: L'autorit de Vincent de Beauvais dans l Historia naturalis du franciscain Juan Gil de Zamora comme exemple de transmission encyclopdique de la philosophie naturelle Averroes: Chair Rafael Ramn Guerrero Fouad Ben Ahmed: Averroes: Analogy, Knowledge and Pleasure Cristina Cerami: Enjeux pistmologiques et cibles polmiques du Grand Commentaire dAverros Phys. VIII Rosalie Helena De Souza Pereira: Averroes and the human end (tlos) in the Commentary on Platos Republic: happiness human perfection William Occam II: Chair Christopher Schabel Jenny Pelletier: William of Ockham: logical approaches to a nominalist metaphysics John Slotemaker: Walter Chatton and Adam Wodeham on the Procession of the Holy Spirit: The Influence of Ockhams Theology Nicolas Vaughan: Ockham on Connotatives and Relations Lulliana I: Chair Alexander Fidora Antonio Bordoy: Ramn Llull y la cuestin del conocimiento de Dios: algunas precisiones sobre l as crticas desarrolladas en la 'Declaratio Raimundi' a losfundamentos de la epistemologa de base aristotlica Celia Lpez Alcalde: Ramon Llulls Concept of Analogy in the Liber novus de anima rationali Sectio X: Chair Paul J.J.M. Bakker Wouter Goris: Our Common Knowledge. Epistemic Constellations and the A priori in the Early Stoa, in Arabic Philosophy, and in Medieval Latin Philosophy Andrea Colli: Nobilitas: nature or goal of the human knowledge? Pascale Bermon: Aquinas on the pleasures of animals





Version from July 5th 2012

Tuesday, 21.8.2012
6) La connaissance rflexive de lintelligence I: Chair Dragos Calma Alexander Baumgarten: Redditio completa: connaissance et rflexivit dans les commentaires latins au Liber de causis Dragos Calma: La connaissance de soi de l'intellect agent Ruedi Imbach: La rception de la 'redditio completa' chez Thoms d'Aquin, Dietrich de Freiberg et matre Eckhart Anselm von Canterbury I - Anselms Weg zur Freude in der Wahrheit: Chair Helmut Kohlenberger Stanislaw Bafia: Videre (Visio) als conditio sine qu non des Gluecks. Von Plato bis Anselm von Canterbury Thomas Hanke: Die Freude an der rectitudo. Wahrheit, praktische Vernunft und Emotionen bei Anselm von Canterbury Chung-Mi HwangBo: Die Bedeutung der Empfindung fr die Vernunfterkenntnis Gottes bei Anselm von Canterbury Medieval Jewish Philosophy I: Is Political Happiness the only Real Happiness for Maimonides? Chair Steven Harvey Aaron Hughes: Maimonides on the Pleasure of Metaphysics Josef Stern: Maimonides on the Real Unhappiness Charles Manekin: Maimonides on how Rational Certainty, Near-Certainty, and Happiness is Attainable Later Medieval Cognitive Psychology: Chair Deborah Black Klima Gyula: The Intentional Reception of Sensible Forms and Sensation in Aquinas and Buridan Richard Cross: Scotus on Consciousness Jack Zupko: Intentions, Cognitions, and Dreams




10) Arabic Philosophy and Sufism I: Chair Josep Puig Montada Jules Janssens: Al-Farabi on philosophy as the ultimate pleasure of knowledge Luis Xavier Lpez Farjeat: Alfarabi on Happiness Rafael Ramn: Al-Farabi: clases de placeres y clases de ciencias 11) Mobility of Ideas and Transmission of Texts III: Chair Maarten Hoenen/ Loris Sturlese Luciano Micali: Studium, Curiositas and the persuit of the good knowledge Ueli Zahnd: Gersons insistence on utility and its reception in theological approaches of the fifteenth century Danielle Prochowski: The influence of Jean Gerson on Late Fifteenth-Century Middle Dutch Literature

17.00-18.30 1)

Ordinary and special sessions

Sectio XI: Chair Rafael Ramn Guerrero Terence Kleven: Ibn Bjjas Commentaries on Alfarabis Five Aphorisms Riccardo Strobino: Avicennas Book of Demonstration (Kitb al-Burhn) Joshua Parens: Is Pleasurable Knowledge Limited to Natural and Divine Science in Alfarabi and Maimonides? Sectio XII: Chair Danielle Jacquart Krystyna Krauze-Blachowicz: The pleasures of grammar Renato de Filippis: Die Freude der Rhetorik in der Rhetorimachia Anselms von Besate Simo Knuuttilla: Medieval Epistemic Logic


Version from July 5th 2012

Tuesday, 21.8.2012
3) Sectio XIII: Chair N.N. Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi: Illusion and Imitation. The Role of Will between knowledge and happiness in Nicolas Cabasilas and in the Byzantine Hesychast Thought Yael Raizman-Kedar: Ethical Voluntarism, Rationality, and the Practical Intellect in Roger Bacon Marcia Colish: Conscience, Akrasia, and Dante as Aristotelian Vita activa vita contemplativa: Chair N.N. John Dudley: The place of pleasure in the contemplative life in Aristotle and mediaeval thought Juhana Toivanen: Reflections on the Pleasures of a Solitary Life. Mario Meliado: Deiformis solitudo: Eimerico di Campo ed una controversia tardo-medievale sulla clausura. Sectio XIV: Chair N.N. Alessandra Tarabochia: Das Bild der Treppe nach Honorius Augustodonensis Jos Luis Fuertes Herreros: El gozo de la contemplacin de los saberes y de la Sabidura en la Visin deleytable (ca. 1430-40) de Alfonso de la Torre N.N. Lulliana II: Chair Jorge Uscatescu Annemarie Mayer: Contemplatio in Deum - or the Pleasure of Knowing God via His Attributes Hubert Jean Cormier: Llull Political Theology Rafael Ramis Barcel: Bernard Lavinheta y la interpretacin tardomedieval de las ideas jurdicas de Ramon La connaissance rflexive de lintelligence II: Chair Dragos Calma David Lemler: Le Dieu juif est-il 'intellect, intelligent et intelligible'? Wilfried Khn: Comment concevoir la connaissance et la connaissance de soi? Richard Taylor: Issues and Entailments of Averroess Views on Self-Knowledge in God, Separate Intellects and Human Beings Anselm von Canterbury II - Joy of Faith in terms of Logic: Chair Stanisaw Bafia Hiroko Yamazaki: St. Anselm`s Prayers and the Joy of faith: the critical edition revisited Helmut Kohlenberger: Freude an den Grenzen der Logik bei Anselm von Canterbury Thomas Losoncy: Anselm of Bec Engages Parmenides in Absentia about being. Metaphysics with some twist and a new direction Medieval Jewish Philosophy II: Is Conjunction an Attainable Summum bonum for Medieval Jewish Philosophers? Chair Warren Zev Harvey Edward Halper: Maimonides on the Scope of Divine and Human Self-Knowledge Yair Shiffman: Narboni on Conjunction as the Summum bonum in Ibn Bjja and Ibn Tufayl Yehuda Halper: Conjunction and the Supreme Good in Bibago's commentary on the Metaphysics







10) Later Medieval Affective Psychology: Chair Peter King Peter King: From Feelings to Choices: Intellective Appetite as a Faculty Stephen Dumont: The Background to Duns Scotuss Theory of the Two Affections of Will Russell Friedman: Walter Chatton and Adam Wodeham on Freedom and the Will 11) Arabic Philosophy and Sufism II: Chair Josep Puig Montada Mokdad Arfa: La connaissance vraie comme cause possible de souffrance perptuelle chez alFrb. Or: True knowledge as a possible cause of eternal suffering in Al-Frb. Mehdi Saiden: Knowledge as a pleasure and as a denial of pleasures in in Ikhwn a-af Peter Adamson: Miskawayh (-1030) on the Pleasure of Knowledge Miklos Maroth: Delight of science (ladhdhat al-ilm) in al-Mwards theory (d. 1058)


Concerto with Music of Baroque Composers out of the episcopal court of Freising

Version from July 5th 2012

Wednesday, 22.8.2012
09.00-09.45 Commission: IV. History of Science and Medieval Philosophy Chair Danielle Jacquart



3. Plenary session: Chair Lectures

Loris Sturlese Jos Meirinhos: Sapientis est ordinare. The beauty of order and the end of knowledge Nadja Germann: Structuring Reality - Structuring Knowledge: Divisions of the Sciences in Classical Arabic Philosophy Luisa Valente: Philosophical life and pleasure of knowledge in the 12th century

after 12.00

Excursion: Landshut / Moosburg, Ingolstadt, Pfaffenwinkel

Version from July 5th 2012

Thursday, 23.8.2012
09.00-09:45 Commission: V. Trivium Chair William Courtenay

10.00-12.00 4. Plenary session: Chair Lectures

Andreas Speer Alessandra Beccarisi: "Contemplatio or Speculatio? On German speculative mysticism" Irene Caiazzo: "Nature et redcouverte de la nature au XIIme sicle : nouvelle perspectives" Roberto Hofmeister Pich: Infinite Creator


Commission: VI. Work Instruments Chair Jean-Luc Solre

15.00-16.30 1)

Ordinary and special sessions

Contemplatio: Chair N.N. Paulo Ricardo Martines: Mditation et contemplation chez Anselme de Cantorbery Christian Trottmann: Science, sagesse et jouissance Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento: Renversant la hirarchie - le got et le toucher dans la contemplation, selon Saint Thomas d'Aquin Sectio XV: Chair Georgi Kapriev Smilen Markov: Pleasure as a structural moment of anthropology - the concepts of pleasure of Nemesius of Emesa and John Damascene Alberto del Campo Echevarra: The Value of Philosophical Knowledge in John of Damascus George Arabatzis: Daniel Furlanus on Michael of Ephesus and the Pleasure of Biological Knowledge Sectio XVI: Chair Cecilia Trifogli Hans Kraml: "Cognitio substantiarum separatarum" - Genetivus subiectivus oder genetivus obiectivus? Sylvia Eibl: Critical edition of Robert Cowtons Sentences Commentary: Book III, Dist. 23-40 Klaus Rodler: Zu Thomas Suttons Quaestiones in Sententias (der angeblichen Streitschrift gegen Robert Cowton) Sectio XVII: Chair Pieter de Leemans Stamatios Gerogiorgakis: Taking Pleasure in Knowing according to the Greek Commentaries of the Nicomachean Ethics after the 11th Century Martin Tracey: On the Efforts of Albert and Thomas to Reconcile Aristotle's Treatments of Pleasure in Books 7 and 10 of the Nicomachean Ethics Violeta Cervera Novo: La notion de delectatio dans les Questiones super librum Ethicorum de Radulfus Brito




Version from July 5th 2012

Thursday, 23.8.2012
5) Lulliana III: Chair Antonio Bordoy Carla Compagno: La scienza geometrica nell'ars lulliana Jos Higuera: From Metaphors to Categories: the Contemplative Cycle of Gods Names Coralba Colomba: Llulls Ars is a general but compendious instrument of knowledge Animal: The pleasures of plants and animals: Chair R. James Long Aafke van Oppenraay: Michael Scot's Translation of Aristotle's Books on Animals and the Pleasure of Knowledge Iolanda Ventura: Albert the Great's De vegetabilibus and its Medieval Reception, between Botany, Pharmacy, and Natural History R. James Long: The Structure of Adam of Bockenfield's Commentary on the De plantis and its Place in the Tradition of the Schools. Felicitas contemplativa according to Albert the Great: Chair Henryk Anzulewicz Isabelle Moulin: Les deux sources du bonheur humain : contemplation intellective et vision de Dieu Graziano Perillo: ...in ipso incircumscripto lumine per contemplationem volare. La contemplazione a partire dal Prologo di Alberto al Vangelo di Giovanni Henryk Anzulewicz: Albertus Magnus ber die felicitas contemplativa als die Erfllung eines natrlichen Strebens nach Wissen Medieval Jewish Philosophy III: What is the Pleasure of Knowledge for Medieval Jewish Philosophers? and How is it Expressed? Chair Steven Harvey Hannah Kasher: No Knowledge, No Pleasure (Just Suffering) Amira Eran: The Pleasures of Knowledge according to Avicenna and Maimonides, and their Root in Aristotles Poetics. Ari Ackerman: Hasdai Crescas on the Pleasure of Knowledge and Immortality Arabic Philosophy and Sufism III: Chair Josep Puig Montada Aicha Lahdhiri: Pleasure and knowledge in the Mutazilite Abd al-Jabbrs Mughn (m. 1023-25) Yassin Amari: Analysis of the pleasure in Avicenna Olga Lizzini: Pleasure of knowledge and quietude of the soul in Avicenna.





10) Subjectivity and Selfhood in the Arabic and Latin Traditions (SSALT, 2009-2012) Chair Taneli Kukkonen Janne Matilla: The pleasure of knowledge in the 10th-11th-century Arabic philosophy Jari Kaukua: Knowledge and beatitude in later Islamic philosophy: Avicenna, Ibn 'Arab, Mull Sadr Taneli Kukkonen: Al-Ghazali on the Peculiar Pleasures of Knowledge Tim Riggs: Frb on Happiness: Harmonization of the Interests of Individual and Community 11) Conscience in medieval thougt: Chair Peter Eardley Matthias Perkams: God and the Virgins: St. Augustine and the Beginnings of the Doctrine of Conscience. Martin Pickav: Henry of Ghent and John Duns Scotus on Conscience Peter Eardley: Conscience in Early Franciscan Thought

17.00-18.30 1)

Ordinary and special sessions

Sectio XVIII: Chair N.N. Carmen Diaz de Rbago: Tradition and Authority versus Creation and Change in the Middle Ages Mara-Jess Soto-Bruna: Schpfung, Manifestation und Kausalitt bei Johannes Scottus Eriugena Nurit Golan: Science and church portals: The sculptures of the creation of the world in the Upper-Rheine and their meaning


Version from July 5th 2012

Thursday, 23.8.2012
2) Bonaventura: Chair Rafael Ramn Guerrero Filipa Afonso: The divine measure of human pleasure: Bonaventure on the knowledge of beauty Gerald Cresta: Buenaventura: contemplacin intelectual, contemplacin sapiencial y beatitudo Ignacio Verd Berganza: La sabidura como culminacin del deseo y del amor en San Bernardo y San Buenaventura Lulliana IV: Chair Fernando Dominguez Francesco Fiorentino: La critica lulliana alla teoria averroista della felicit speculativa Alessandro Tessari/Alberto Pavanato: Lullo e i piaceri della conoscenza Guilherme Wyllie: Ramon Llull on the Theoretical Unification of Fallacies Victorini: Chair David Luscombe Hideki Nakamura : Spiritualium gaudiorum plenitudo in der Erkenntnislehre Richards von St. Viktor Stephen Metzger: Sicut excedentia et excessa. Gerard of Abbeville on the Contemplative and Active Lives Iryna Lystopad: Theory of Knowledge in Neoplatonic Tradition: Contradictio in Adjecto? (Reflections on Achard of Saint-Victors philosophy) Thomas Aquinas: Pasquale Porro Guiseppe Roccaro: Fine ultimo e conoscenza dellintelletto. Tommaso e la filosofia araba Lidia Lanza: La felicit nei commenti cinquecentini di Salamanca alla Summa Theologiae: le qq. 1-5 della Ia-IIae. Andrey Ivanov: Thomas Aquinas on the Beautiful: Fragments and Theory Sectio XIX: Chair N.N. Lorenza Tromboni: Looking for Peace in XIV Century Florence: The Difenditore della pace in Context Santiago Escobar: Marsilio de Padua / Ibn Jaldn: Poltica laica frente a umma. El xito de la modernidad Paolo Edoardo Fornaciari: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Apologia Conclusionum suarum: La prima editio con traduzione e commento, mezzo millennio dopo la pubblicazione Medieval Jewish Philosophy IV: The Pleasures of Knowledge and Love in Medieval Commentaries on Song of Songs: Chair Sara Klein-Braslavy James Diamond: Sleepwalkers and Obsessive Lovers: Maimonides Supreme Intellectual Models Idit Dobbs-Weinstein: The Polivalence of the Intellect and its Affect in Gersonides' Commentaries on the Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes and Supercommentary on the De Anima Julie Klein: Kinds and Degrees of Pleasure Ramon Marts Love of the Oriental Knowledge: Arabic and Jewish Traditions in the Pugio fidei between Thomas Aquinas and Francesc Eiximenis Chair Grge Hasselhoff Ann Giletti: Pugio fidei I: Re-Thinking Ramon Marts Use of Thomas Aquinas Grge Hasselhoff: Hebrew Texts in Latin Rendering: What Kind of Judaism is Represented in Ramon Marts Pugio fidei? Alexander Fidora: Ramon Mart in Context: The Influence of the Pugio fidei on Ramon Llull, Arnau de Vilanova and Francesc Eiximenis Arabic Philosophy and Sufism IV: Chair Josep Puig Montada Charles E. Butterworth: Alghazali's Critique of Philosophy Richard Taylor: Averroes on Happiness and Knowledge of God Francesca Forte: The aesthetics of Averroes. The pleasure of Philosophy and the pleasure of Poetry









Version from July 5th 2012

Thursday, 23.8.2012
10) Knowledge, virtues and will according to Francis of Marchia: Chair Roberto Lambertini Russell Friedman: Reviving Francis of Marchia: A Decade of Progress Tiziana Suarez-Nani: La vertu de la charit selon Franois d'Ascoli: entre philosophie de la nature et thologie Roberto Lambertini: Penitentia as a Virtue and as a Sacrament according to Francis of Marchia 11) Scholastica colonialis: Reception and Development of Barroque Scholasticism in Latin America in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries: Chair Alfredo Culleton Alfredo Culleton: Tomas de Mercados fear price theory Mrcio Paulo Cenci: Considerations on Alfonso Briseos congintion theory Alfredo Storck: Voluntary slavery in Brazilian colonial period The pleasure of Philosophy and the pleasure of Poetry Roberto Hofmeister Pich: Jernimo Valera (1568-1625): Notes on his logic and his account of transcendental concepts


General meeting of the SIEPM Concert in Freising Cathedral


Version from July 5th 2012

FRIDAY 24.08.2012
09.00-09.45 Commission: VII. Jewish Philosophy Chair Steven Harvey

10.00-12.00 5. Plenary session: Chair Lectures Josep Puig Montada Jean-Baptiste Brenet: La perfection, forme de la forme? Manuel Lzaro Pulido: Sapere gaude! La fuente bonaventuriana de la literatura mstica de saber Resianne Fontaine: Pleasure and Perfection in Medieval Jewish Philosophy


Commission: VIII. Byzantine Philosophy, Georgi Kapriev

15.00-16.30 1)

Ordinary and special sessions

Sectio XX: Chair N.N. Evanghelos Moutsopoulos: Plaisir de connaitre, plaisir de se connaitre chez Pachimeres Silvia Negri: Humilitas e conoscenza/Humilitas und Wissen Mrio Santiago Carvahlo: Sublime mlancolie - Le (d-) plaisir de la connaissance daprs le Roi Edouard Beatitudo I: Chair N.N. Chietti Vittorio: Becoming beatus through the angels: the beatitudo in Eriugenas Expositiones super iearchiam coelestem Robert Dobie: Angelic Pleasures: Knowledge and Pleasure in the Hierarchy of Intellects Anne-Sophie Robin: The beatific vision of Dietrich of Freiberg: the highest pleasure of knowledge Felicitas: Chair Mrio Santiago de Carvalho Jess de Garay: Proclo: la felicidad posible Jorge Ayala: La felicidad, don o conquista? La propuesta de san Agustn Happiness: gift or conquest? The proposal by St. Augustine Miquel Beltrn: Maimnides sobre la ltima perfeccin del hombre y la felicidad. Felicitas civilis: Chair N.N. Delphine Carron: La Rpublique romaine comme modle de la "felicitas civilis" chez de Lucques (v.1240-1327) Pedro Roche: La afirmacin del poder temporal como fundamento de la felicitas civilis Guglielmo Russino: Morpheosa varietas Sectio XXI: Chair Charles Burnett Elvira Wakelnig: The Ethics of the Kitab al-Saada, the Book of Happiness, attributed to Abu lHasan al-Amiri Qaiser Shahzad: God and Categories in the Thought of Ibn Arabi Annunziata Russo: The concept of hikma / philosophy in some alawite doctrinal works






Version from July 5th 2012

FRIDAY 24.08.2012
6) Beatitudo et intellectus: Chair Hannes Mhle Thomas Marschler: "Frui essentia non fruendo persona". Die Lehre des Johannes Duns Scotus ber die Trennbarkeit von Wesenheit und Personen in der Gottesschau und ihre Kritik bei Wilhelm von Ockham Maria Manuela Brito-Martins: La Batitude et le dsir chez Duns Scot: beatitudo est frui summo bono Amos Corbini: La relation entre intellect et batitude dans quelques commentaires parisiens aux Sentences de la moiti du XIVe sicle Petrus Abaelardus: Chair David Luscombe Taina Holopainen: Intentions and Conscious Moral Elections in Peter Abelard's "Know Yourself" Guy Hamelin: Connaissance et volont chez Pierre Ablard : linfluence stocienne Babette Hellemans: Knowledge, Happiness and Senses of the Past in Peter Abelards Ethics Sectio XXII: Chair Maarten Hoenen Jol Biard: Connaissance et plaisir dans la thorie buridanienne de la sagesse Robert Podkonski: Knowledge for Pleasure or for Logical Exercise. The Purpose of the 14th Century Natural Philosophy Monika Michalowska: The infinite joy of knowing God. Kilvington's concept of infinity from quaestiones super libros sententiarum Boethius: Chair Elzbieta Jung Taki Suto: Agreement, reexamining past remarks about Platonism in Boethius Agnieszka Kijewska: Boethius' path toward summum bonum Jorge Uscatescu: Zum Begriff des Guten bei Boethius und seinen Anhngern im 12. Jahrhundert




10) Lulliana V: Chair Guilherme Wyllie Carmen Teresa Pabn: Los dos phantastici de Raimundo Lulio Rogerio Ribeiro Tostes / Dennys Robson Girardi: The Ars generalis ultima of Ramon Lull and its Demonstrative Reasoning: Philosophical Structure, Representation and Hybrid Discourse Esteve Jaulent: Um lulista responde ao ateu militante Paulo Flores d'Arcais 11) Landolfo Caracciolo I: Chair Russell Friedmann Anja Lehtinen: Landolfo Caracciolo on Contradiction Steven F. Brown: Landulphus's critique of his predecessors on the scientific character of theology Florian Wller, "Virtual Containment and God's Will: Landulphus Caracciolo on the Subject of Theology 12) Approche lexicographique du vocabulaire du plaisir de la connaissance: Chair Jaqueline Hamesse Giacinta Spinosa: La joie spirituelle du savoir chez Hugues de Saint-Victor: Omnia disce [...] Coartata scientia iucunda non est Alessandro Ghisalberti: Il compimento della fellicit in Tommaso d'Aquino Paul Tombeur: Saint Augustin, le vocabulaire relatif au plaisir de connatre et sa rpercussion mdivale

17.00-18.30 1)

Ordinary and special sessions

Sectio XXIII: Chair Cecilia Trifogli Rodrigo Guerizoli: John Buridan on the Inclusive vs. Dominant Debate over Aristotles Eudaimonia Mikolaj Olszewski: Pauls of Worczyn conception of felicity. Study of the last Book of his Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics Marco Toste: A comparison between the Catholic and the Protestant Ethics commentaries on Happiness


Version from July 5th 2012

FRIDAY 24.08.2012
2) Lulliana VI: Chair N.N. Josep Batalla: Mltiples y discutibles aproximaciones al pensamiento luliano Francisco Jos Daz Marcilla: El hilo luliano de la madeja cultural castellana medieval. Nuevos aportes al lulismo castellano medieval laico y religioso Jos Mara Sevilla: La recepcin del Arte de Ramon Llull en confrontacin con el racionalismo y el positivismo hasta la actualidad Sectio XXIV: Chair Pieter de Leemans Oleg Dushin: Moral as knowledge in ethical theory of Thomas Aquinas Gnther Mensching: Erkenntnis als Mhe und Arbeit nach Thomas von Aquin und Roger Bacon Elguja Khintibidze: The Literary Embodiment of Aristotles Conception of Friendship in Rustavelis Poem "The Man in the Panthers Skin" Beatitudo II: Chair N.N. Michael Dunne: Richard Fitz Ralph on Enjoyment Severin Kitanov: Adam Wodeham on Beatific Enjoyment Cal Ledsham: Crathorn and the necessity of revelation and supernatural beatitude Sectio XXV: Chair N.N. Sergei Mariev: Michael of Ephesus on happiness Giulia Sossi: De laudibus divinae sapientiae di Egidio Romano Iris Wikstrm: Gaudium ineffabile in the works of Nicholas of Cusa Sectio XXVI: Chair Kent Emery Jr Maria Burger: Gotteserkenntnis im Aufstieg bei Albertus Magnus Antnio Rocha Martins: The paradox of a mystical science according to Albert the Great Fran O'Rourke: The Medieval Tradition of the Triplex Via The Ultimate Happiness and misery of the Soul Chair Theo Kobusch Thomas Dewender: John Buridan on Human Happiness and Perfection Tiana Koutzarova: The Philosophers Hereafter: Avicenna on the Pleasure of Knowledge Christian Rode/Ercole Erculei: The Souls Misery in the Purgatory according to Thomas Aquinas and Siger of Brabantia Arabic Philosophy and Sufism V: Chair Josep Puig Montada Fouad Ben Ahmed: Averroes: Analogy between knowledge and pleasure Patrizia Spallino: Un'epistola di Sadr al-Dn Qunaw Josep Puig Montada: On Elixirs of Happiness (Ibn Arab, al-Ghazl) Said El Bousklaoui: The Will of Felicity in Ibn Bjjas Philosophy Sectio XXVII: Chair N.N. Cicero Cunha Bezerra: Comment ne pas parler: un dilogo entre Dionsio Pseudo Areopagita y J. Derrida Oscar Bauchwitz: Mstica y Cotidiano: entre Eckhart y Heidegger Seyed Safavi: The Harmony of Love and Intellect in Rumi








10) Sectio XXVIII: Chair Loris Sturlese Emanuela Verdone: Oltreppassare il limen: i miracoli secondo i philosophantes Ruth Meyer: Trahitur autem sapientia de occultis (Iob 28,18). Die epistemologische Deutung alttestamentlicher Texte durch Albertus Magnus Guiseppe Allegro: Mos sul monte Sinai, un paradigma discusso della visio Dei nel XIII secolo


Version from July 5th 2012

FRIDAY 24.08.2012
11) Mens Anima Sapientia: Chair N.N. Elisa Chiti: Le metafore relative all'area della sapienza Tamar Tsopurashvili: Dialektik der Annihilation: Seelenkonzeption bei Marguerite Porete und Meister Eckhart Tengiz Iremadze: Die erkennende Seele des Menschen und ihre Funktion im ProklosKommentar von Joane Petrizi 12) Anselm of Canterbury III: Chair N.N. Maria Leonor Lamas de Oliveira Xavier: The danger of Anselms argument Toivo Holopainen: Anselm's Argument and the Joy of Understanding Jos Maria Costa Macedo: Les grandes notions directrices de la pense Anselmienne 13) Landolfo Caracciolo II: Chair Stephen D. Dumont Guido Alliney: Landulph Caracciolo, Peter Auriol and John Duns Scotus on freedom and contingency William O. Duba: Landulph Caracciolo and Hugh of Novo Castro Chris Schabel: Landolfo Caracciolo on Indivisibiles


Brewery-Festival at Weihenstephan Brewery Freising


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