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( The song of Malachai )
A book for children of all ages Chapter 1
Kadens message : Once upon a time a time of change had come to land, upon this mother earth, the first boom landed in the sand. First it wiped out the castle of a wizard named Magoo. Next it wiped out the entire west coast. Now its after me and you. So I bring you this message that my father shared with me about the souls in the crystals of the Plunt Solinatry. WOW! everyone exclaimed together as they studied the pendant hanging around Jadas neck. Jada feeling all kinds of wonderful new feelings simply looked at Kaden urging him on. Yeah what happened next? Urged Malachai also. Whats this all about? Ok, lets see now, where was I? When Malachai first saw the crystal Trix blurted. Oh yeah, anyway, Kaden continued. As Malachai and the wizard meditated together around the crystal of the sun one issue at a time their minds became one. The dragon became the wizard & Malachai was Magoo. The two of them decided on the best thing they could do. So they left mankind a message in the crystal of the sun. For when they need it most of all, itll show what needs be done. Well call the crystal malachite so the lost will find their way. So they will know just what to do when Malachai returns someday.

Now you take this crystal eye of malachite for it belongs to you. Itll guide you up the mountain side by lighting up the path thats true. He knew he had to make this journey walking all the way. Hed never get Grandpa Chuck, even with his kind of luck, airborne anyway. He could see the crystal lattices deep inside his head. He didnt know just what it meant, or where he was being lead. He could see the rough & rocky trail going up the mountainside. At least the direction he must go was easy for him to decide. You see through the eye of Malachai he could see the choice to make. Although it was the toughest path it was the path he chose to take. It has made all the difference in the world. You see what Malachai learned over the next 3 weeks that it took to reach the top was immeasurable. By the time he scaled the mountain, he had learned what he needed to know. So he wasnt disappointed or surprised when there was no one at the top to share some deep guarded secret about how to get what you aint got. As he stood there on top of the mountain looking at the trail heading down the other side. He just looked over at his grandpa, stiffened up, took a deep breath & said well its all downhill from here. They both had a laugh over that one as he put his best foot forward and said hey were on a roll and headed down the other side. Literally, on a roll, head over heels. He finally came to a stop jammed up against a boulder on the edge of the precipice of a very long drop. As he looked over the edge at the dizzying expanse below he thought

maybe it would be a good idea to slow down a little. So he looked up at

his grandpa to see what he thought of the idea of trying it again in the morning. Of course Chuck was laughing so hard at the comical display below him, it took him several minutes before he could speak. When he did, he said, I was wondering when you were going to find out that

dragons dont walk downhill near as well as they fly down. Yeah replied Malachai, with a sheepish grin. This is going to take some practice.

Chapter 2
Malachais gift : So after a good meal and a good nights sleep they took off to plant the Plunt in this fertile mountain valley that you now call your home. It was here that Malachai and his grandpa spent the next few years, just loving life and making friends until the day that grandpa died. When he did he went into the tree and he still lives there inside. If you quiet your mind you can learn to commune with him. Jada just had to tell Kaden about Iggy, the son of Malachai also being in the tree. Instantly they all felt a wonderful feeling wash over them as they all realized that now neither Malachai, Iggy, Chuck, nor any of

us will be totally alone ever again. Oh what a wonderful feeling, and it is ours for the rest of our lives. Jada was beginning to realize these
new wonderful feelings had a freeing energizing effect on everyone. Jada personally was even feeling younger and had more energy and said as much. The others had observed the same phenomenon also. Trix commented he had felt the same thing during harvest. It is a very strong, healthy feeling. Well they all agreed on that point and without taking a breath Trix insisted that Kaden continue his story. Well a few months went by after grandpa died. Malachai got such a lonely feeling way down deep inside. So he took off for the southern Oregon coast, trying to find his bride. It was there that he met Clair & he fell so in love with her that he dug her a great big beautiful lair. Thats where Iggy was born and you know the rest of that story.

You see Malachai loved Clair so deeply that when he found out she wasnt willing to leave the coast that had been her home for so long, with all of her friends there and everything. He decided to spend the rest of his life with her there by the sea. All through the years of laughter and tears he lived on the coast you see, but his heart was still in the tree. So you can probably guess what Im going to say next. My Grandpa is in the tree as well blurted Malachai. Somehow I have always known, but I did not realize it till just now. Yes commented Jada it all makes sense to me now. I thought the spirit of Malachai lived inside the crystal but in actuality the crystal is just an amplifier for all life. Yes honey that is true but there is so much more to it than that Kaden offered. Crystals are a community of microscopic hexagon shaped entities all tightly bonded together. They have an immense capacity for storing vital clues for finding the true path and they also put off power when vibrated, especially when in close proximity to other crystals. Carbon crystal entities are super sensitive, super storage, super conductors. They take the harsh reality of the bright light and by refraction turn it into a very digestible series of rainbows. This quality makes them healers as well as teachers. Crystals reach the children initially through scintillation otherwise known as twinkling. That is the sparkling you see from a crystal star. Once you realize it wont hurt you, your heart is open wide. Then the child in your heart becomes open to whats inside. Then your heart takes over and seeks only what it needs. That is how Malachai found

the secret of his super seeds. You see, Malachai always loved his crystals, plants and animals. Like me? interrupted Trix. Just like you replied Kaden, as he reached over to stroke the little squirrel on the head. Yeah added Malachai. I can feel it, cant you? Actually I can Trix chittered Now that you mention it. I have always felt happier & stronger whenever I was in the Solinatry. Yeah Quirt and Peg piped in unison. We have noticed since we have been here, it feels like someone who really cares is protecting us with their very life. We have felt no fear since weve been here. Yes interjected Jada all of us feel the truth. Thats the same thing that happened to Malachai without him realizing it for years, continued Kaden. When he finally realized what was going on it brought tears to his eyes and filled his heart with song. Thats what gave him the wisdom and the courage to carry on no matter how dark and bleak things began to look. That is why he took all of the trouble to take the wisdom he found through the crystal and put it in this book. Malachai loves all the children of the world. He knows that for most of you this is going to be the only access you will have to his wisdom. So this is Malachais gift to you.

Chapter 3
A secret revealed : Now that you know he is here and you know how to hear him. I hope you dont mind if I give it a rest. Its been a long day weve been through quite a test. Its ok Kaden, Malachais voice boomed suddenly from everywhere at once and nowhere in particular. Just the sound of

the old mans voice gave everyone a rush of warmth, comfort and security that tingled up and down their spines. It also seemed to be accompanied by the sweet smell of Jasmine. Oh what a wonderful

feeling, Jada thought, just to be a member of such a loving growing family.

Ok kids, here is the lowdown on the blow down that is well on its way. You better get real busy or itll blow you away some day. What we just went through is just a sample of what well face one day. So build your Plunt Solinatries everywhere you can. Its the only hope your friends will have all across this land. Then everyone go and find the crystal of your birth, for it is your connection to the crystalline super structure of your mother earth. Then take a clue from the bees that get their clue from the flowers and the trees. Everything alive absorbs the crystal entities that flow in the streams of Selenity, feeding mother earth creating you and me. You can see the proof in the perfect shape of the hexagon construction of the honeycombs in the trees. So if you really want to know the secret of survival you need to watch the honeybees. And listen to the flowers and the trees. So now Ill let you kids get busy its time to split the scene just remember Ill be watching from the clouds of Santaurine. They all sat there feeling like theyd just been reborn with all this new wisdom contained within the dragons horn. So Jada said, well all get busy after we eat, and after a nice long visit around the fire tonight, and after a good nights sleep. Tonight is for welcoming new friends. Yeah shouted Trix, Ill grab the popcorn. Maybe it would be a good idea to hold off on the popcorn and hot chocolate till after dinner Jada replied. However, if you really

want to help, you and your friends can make one of your famous fruit salads. Quirt and peg, you can whip up some drinks if you want. And Faith, if you can get up the garnishments, Malachai and I will see what we can do to rustle up some kind of meat and veggies. Then well all meet back here in 15 minutes and well create this feast together. Everyone jumped up & took off all at once on their own little scavenger hunts. Of course when they did, they all ran straight smack into one another and tripped over each other. It created such a collage of comedy that struck Jada, Kaden and Larissa on their funny bones so hard that they ended up rolling on the floor as well from the hilarity of it all. After they all got untangled & straightened away Kaden said hey In all the excitement you forgot to tell me how Larissa and I can help. Tonight you are our guests and your job is to relax retorted Jada. Tomorrow you are family and there will be plenty for you to do at that time. But I can help. Interrupted Kaden and those are the rules in my home Jada continued. Now shut up and relax, roared Malachai as he exited the Solinatry. Yeah hollered everyone else in unison as they headed out on the hunt. That got them all to laughing again. Especially Kaden and Larissa after looking at one another and stating: I guess we got told!

Chapter 4:
The Storm of Fire Early the next morning the Plunt came alive. The sunshine and roses had finally arrived. Everyone was up like a rosebud singing in the sun. Just singing and playing and getting so much done. They started

interacting with the honey bees that day and it didnt take them very long to find a better way. No one was running things yet everyone did their jobs creating lots of honey along the way. The bees dont mind sharing theyve got lots of the stuff. As long as youre kind and gentle they just dont like it rough. They learned how to clone the tree from pieces of its bows. They planted trees for weeks on end with sweat streaming from their brows Everyone made such wonderful music as they worked like little bees. Finding all their little gems and planting lots of little trees. It wasnt long before the bows grew into little trees. Their music filled the mountain air with energy and stimulated everyone and greatly enhanced the growth rate of the trees. Oh what a wondrous sight as the foliage spiraled toward the sky, their size doubled over night. Yess commented Jada a few weeks later as she stood next to Kaden, overlooking the valley full of little Plunt Solinatrys everywhere. this may just work after all. Oh what a wonderful sight to behold. This is literally Malachai Grove. Their appreciation session was suddenly interrupted by a squeal from Malachai as he landed directly in front of Jada. He was jumping and squawking and pointing at a huge cloud of black smoke that was beginning to engulf the distant skyline. Without another word, everyone jumped into action. Like a shot, Jada was on Malachais back and they were off to see who they could help in this emergency. They were followed closely by faith and Kaden on Larissas back with as many of the squirrel squad that could find the courage to fly. Peggy decided to stay behind and help Quirt and Trix get things ready for refugees from the firestorm. As Jada and Malachai neared

the storm, she felt a bolt of fear run through her body, unlike anything she had ever felt before. She had never felt so helpless with so many in such desperate need she couldnt see or breath in the smoke, much less help any victims, and Malachai agreed. Suddenly she heard an old comforting voice. Saying, dont you tremble my little jade dragon, dont you tremble now my dear. There is nothing you cant face together so there is nothing left to fear. Face your trials with a smile to make the best of anything, and remember Ill be watching from the clouds of Santaurine. Jada knew that it was Iggy that had come to comfort & inspire her. That was all it took to give her the confidence she needed to calm herself enough to come up with a good plan. So Jada calmed down and Malachai hollered Ive got it You stay here & Ill be right back with a victim Malachai hollered as he headed for the firestorm. Its a good thing that Dragons are fire

resistant, Jada thought to herself, as it suddenly hit her, what a wonderful majestic, noble being the Dragon actually is. This friend to all of Gods children great and small Jada thought to herself as she
watched him disappear into the fire with no thought to his own safety.

He will have no problem finding those in need. You see he already knows where to start. He doesnt need to see them with his eyes, for he sees them the same way he communicates. He finds them with his heart.

Chapter 5:
The Miracle As Jada appreciated how great of a friend she had, she thought to herselfThis is the true nature of the dragon, how terrible life would

be without a friend like him. She always had dragons around her and could not imagine life without them.
Her Musing was suddenly interrupted by Kaden and the rest of the crew arriving, just as Malachai showed up with the first two victims. They all went to work. It was a long, hard, hot and dirty night. They met and helped many friends to flee the fires path, and headed toward Solinatry valley to escape the fires wrath. Wait for me! Wait for me! They all turned to look back up the hillside just in time to see a young fuzzy Panda bear rolling down the hill after them. All they could make out from where they stood was a black and white fuzzy ball flashing black and white and black and white as he rolled down the hill towards them. Eventually he came to a stop, shook his head and got up to run again. After a few steps he was on a roll and flashing black and white again. He finally rolled to a stop at Malachais feet. After Malachai quit laughing he stated I guess dragons arent the only ones that have trouble running downhill. That gave everyone a laugh which picked up their spirits for the trip home. After explaining that his name was Joshua and telling them that he knew all the trails around here and he could lead them home. They decided to let the little bear lead the way down the hill as it might be a little dangerous to be in front of him the next time he goes on a roll anyways. Well stated Jada We had better get moving, the fire is getting close. That got them all to moving and they beat the fire back home by only a couple of hours. The firestorm was coming it was halfway down the slope. They must get everyone into the Solinatrys if there were to be any hope. Because of the rapid growth, the trees were large enough to hold everyone.

Jada was still full of fear that the trees would not survive the firestorm. Wind and rain and hurtling tree branches was one thing, but Jada new that trees were afraid of fire for a very good reason. Jada had Malachai and Jada had Faith, not to mention a great big wonderful family to feed positive healing energy into the valley.

Was it enough? Jada wondered, to pull off the miracle that it would
take to save the trees from the fire? For without the trees she knew they would all perish. Jada had faith in Malachai as well as herself and all of her friends and that was all it took to change her worried look to a confident smile in the midst of the encroaching danger. Jada started to sing and everyone joined the song, to sing the song of Malachai, you all can sing along. < Sing along with Jada & Malachai to the tune of puff the magic dragon. > If you want to help save Malachai Grove.

< The Song of Malachai >

Malachai was a dragon, who grew up by the sea, a place called South Beach Oregon was home to him & me. Now sit right back get comfortable & Ill tell you the story, of how a Dragon called Malachai built his Plunt Solinatry. Malachai loved his garden, he had a green thumb you see. He loved growing everything from a flower to a tree. Over the many years growing up as a kid, Malachai got very good at this simple thing that he did. He learned how to cross pollinate a flower into a tree. He grew a huge magnificent flower, the most beautiful he ever did see. From the splendor & wonder & pure size of the thing, it took the Dragons breath away & it caused his heart to sing.

He leaped into the air & flew up very high, higher than hed ever flown before, he was way up in the sky. From way up there he could see just what he had to do, for he must find more fertile ground & a warmer climate too. As Malachai looked around from up there he could see, from the mountains & the valleys to the Islands in the sea. He chose the largest Island & thought, thats where I shall go. Maybe it holds the answer, if I dont Ill never know. So he flew out to the island & much to his surprise, he saw a great big beautiful castle, he just couldnt believe his eyes. There standing in the courtyard was a wizard named Magoo. He was blind but he could see better than me & you. He was holding up a crystal shining brighter than the sun, so Malachai just had to land to see how this was done. He could hear the wizard speaking deep inside his head. Although his lips they never moved, he heard every word he said. In fact he heard it better with no words to misunderstand. Through the power of the crystal he showed him all the land. Suddenly it came to him & he could easily see, he finally knew just where to plant his Plunt Solinatry. Magoo said to Malachai before I let you go, there is one last final thing I want you to know. Anytime you want to look through this wonderful thing, just meditate & quiet your mind, youll be right back in the scene. Youll find you have a pure communion just like you have with me with any of Gods Children, thats the way its meant to be. So Malachai went

home that night & dreamed of blissful things, like the rich & fertile valley where they would live like kings. So Malachai the magic dragon grabbed his seeds & crystals just for luck and took off for the mountains along with his grandpa Chuck. They finally reached the valley he saw through the crystal eye. Here Ill plant my Plunt Solinatry & live until I die. So they planted a great big garden, the most beautiful you ever did see. Then smack dab in the middle, they put the flower tree. In the warm & fertile valley the thing grew like a weed, it topped out at 30 feet just 3 years from planted seed. So Chuck the magic dragon lived there with Malachai, they lived in love & happiness till one day grandpa died. As his body lay there sleeping at the base of the tree, his soul went down into the roots of the Plunt Solinatry. So now you know the secret of whose soul is in the tree, & why the nectar has such power for healing you & me. Id sure like to live with Malachai in his Plunt Solinatry, cause every since his grandpa died he gets so darn lonely Not any more he doesnt spouted Trix. Everyone laughed at that as Jada reached down to pet him assuring him, thats right honey and he will never be lonely again. Is it just me commented Malachai or is it cooling down in here? Yeah replied faith, after peeking outside. The smoke seems to be clearing up also. So the whole bunch slowly emerged from the Solinatry to see what damage the storm had done.

Oh My was all Jada could mutter as she witnessed a level of devastation unlike anything her feeble imagination had ever contrived in her wildest Imaginings. She thought it was bad after the last storm, with everything broken and scattered everywhere, but at least there was something left. Now there was nothing but a charred, burnt wasteland dotted with smoldering embers not yet gone out. All of the Solinatrys were charred and blackened, Oh no! was the next thing out of her mouth as she ran to the nearest tree to check on the precious souls inside. After flaking away the charred edges of the leaves and parting them she was relieved to see the bright faces of her new friends smiling back at her. Somehow all the trees had survived. I guess there was a lot of you singing. Well Ill tell you, Malachai & the entire Grove family want to thank you in person & to let you Know you have all been invited to visit Malachai & his growing family. Just ask mommy and daddy to help you find the magicdragontree.com. You see because of your singing, everyone survived. The trees were looking a little worse for the wear but everyone was still alive. You kids were amazing! Anyway, back to the story. All of the sudden the sky opened up and began to pour life giving rain into the badly scorched valley. Well squealed Jada, I guess the storm isnt over yet and I do have enough brains to get in out of the rain. If you need me you know where Ill be, youll never have to look very far for help while you live in Malachai Grove, here in solinatry valley. Three weeks later, it finally quit raining and there was never a more beautiful sight in the world than the bright morning sun as it lit up the newly washed valley and brightened up the entire Grove family. Everyone was feeling renewed, refreshed and ready to clean up the

mess and start the huge job of replanting the crops. Jada observed that after the rains that the foliage was growing back at a phenomenal rate. Malachai Grove was growing again and as it grew it cracked the hard shell that had baked onto the flower trees. Suddenly it hit her what had happened and how it was that the trees survived the fire, as she peeled a piece of the hardened, blackened shell from one of the petals revealing the healthy tender growing sprig of gold underneath. Its that wonderful nectar that had fed them and healed their hurts. You remember the stuff, heavenly smell with the sweet taste of ambrosia. All that sticky sweet nectar had baked in the fire and in the process it had hardened to form a protective fireproof crystalline shell that saved their lives. And now their Plunt Solinatry resembled some giant baby fire dragon just emerging from a big black egg with pieces of the blackened shell flaking off everywhere as the newborn emerges. And that aint all! hollered Trix, as he came scampering up to Jada holding a piece of the shell with a nice golden amber color to it. You gotta taste this stuff he spouted as he crammed another piece of the amber candy into his already bulging cheeks. Well commented Jada I would like to, but I think you just stuck the piece you brought for me into your mouth. Bloops was all that came out of his mouth as he turned around to fetch Jada another piece of the candy. Jada had to agree with Trix after trying the amber candy. It was the single most wonderful tasting stuff she had ever had in her mouth. There it is then Jada revealed We will call this stuff our magic toast & all we gotta do when we are feeling low is toast to our health, so well pick up the stuff and store it and no matter what happens from this point on, we will have all that we need to survive. I

think after everything we have been through we finally have what it takes to keep the Grove family alive. There it is again, that sweet smell of Jasmine and that overwhelming feeling of love, warmth and security of family that overcomes them whenever Old Malachai pays a visit. I am so proud my children, my hearts about to bust. You all have learned the secret to survive as in each other you place your trust. If you are always there for each other, we all will live and thrive. Well all live in Malachai Grove in love and happiness throughout eternity as we face the challenges together to improve the quality of our lives. So now you know the secret to achieving eternal life. Theres just one more thing you will need to know. To release the power of the crystals you need to understand, that Scintillation is initiated by the high frequency waves of vibration put into the air created by the rhythms of the tapping of many shoes. Its on the waves that we create while were singing away the blues. Its in the feelings of love and appreciation we feel for all life everywhere. For those are the highest frequency waves of all. We can take a lesson from the bees and build this Plunt solinatry. Then well all align inside and become a Crystalline entity. <.! Wow I wonder what we will discover tomorrow !.>


<.*.> <The new beginning > <.*.>

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