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AP World History Unit 2 Review

Define pilgimage.
-Group of people who travel to a religious place.

Where did Ibn Battuta being his journey?

-Tangier, Morocco

What was the empire that came after the Tang Empire in China?
-Song Empire

Why were feet binded?

-It was considered as classification- women were higher in rank
than other women.

Define Caliphate.
-Islamic empire

Define Three-Field System

-2/3 of a field is used, 1/3 is left over to renew the fields

Define tributary system.

-People had to pay taxes to a group of people

What was the conflict of the Crusades?

-The Holy Empire wanted to take back Jerusalem from the
Muslims. It was a conflict between the Christians and Muslims.

Define Serf.
-More of the working class.

Name 3 places where Islam spread.

-N. Africa, Spain, Portugal

Name 2 items China gave to trade.

-Silk and porcelain

Name the dynasty in China when Mongols had control.

-Yuan Empire

How did humans adapt to living in the tropics?

-Irrigation, trading trails, wild food sources- not much agriculture
or domestication

What did the Chinese call credit?

-Flying money
What was the common reason for the downfall in the Americas?
-Environmental factors

What are the 5 pillars of Islam?

-confession of faith (Allah is God, Muhammad is his prophet),
prayer, give money to the poor, pilgrimage to Mecca, fasting

Umayyad was ruled by what city?


Define Bantu.
-Group of Sub-Saharan Africa

Name 2 of the first three universities.

-Paris and Oxford. Third: Bologna

Who was the leader from Mali who promoted Islam?


Name 3 results of the Black Plague.

-Lower class becomes richer, change in structure of gov’t. and
people change religion.

What is the difference between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims?

-Sunni: Want a leader they can choose
-Shi’ite: Want a leader that’s a descendent from Muhammad.

What was the conflict of the 100 Years War?

-Who should take control of the French throne

Name 2 cultural similarities throughout Africa.

-Same type of tools, music is important, cultivation, king is
isolated, fixed social categories

What was the Great Western Schism?

-Pope lives in Avignon and the king wants to pick his own pope.
The Pope has to go back to Rome.

Name two things that the Mongols are blamed for.

-Plague and why Russia remained “backwards”

What was the Dhow?

-A boat used for Indian Ocean trade

Where were the very large mounds in N. America located?

-Area around Mississippi and Cahokia.

What was the impact of the Delhi Sultanate?

-Sultan became head of bureaucracy and Islam becomes

How did the Japanese resist Mongol invasion?

-Islands and they unified and defended the coasts.

What was the Investiture Controversy?

- King Henry vs. the Pope about the king creating his own
church. Difference of appointment of Pope [Pope Gregory].
Similar to the Schism.

What was Scholasticism?

-Aristotle’s philosophy with the Bible.

Name a particular person who began using oil-based paints during the
-Jan van Eyek

Name 3 major trading centers in the tropics.

-Swahili Coast, Zimbabwe, Aden, Gujurat, Malabar Coast, and

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