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Science Experts and Non-Religious Reason on the Reproduc8ve Health Bills

By Dr. Raul Nidoy
Parents for Education Foundation Science and Reason for Human Beings

Posi8ve aims of the Reproduc8ve Health Bills

Lower maternal deaths 5.7 per day (WHO) not 10-11 per day Proven method: birthing centers and improving birthing services Maternal, infant and child health and nutrition Fostering breastfeeding Elimination of violence against women
Covered by existing law: Magna Carta for Women

Key Questions
Medical Questions
Do the pill and IUD kill human beings? Is the pill good for the health? Will condom use help stem the AIDS epidemic? Does availability of contraception lead to more

Soci0-Moral Questions Ethical Question

premarital and extramarital sex? and Natural Family Planning?

What s the moral dierence between contraceptive sex

Economic Questions
Will population control improve our economy? The

plight of the poor?

Historico-Political Questions Where does this come from?

Does RH have a eugenics and racist background? Is it imperialistic?

BBC: 15 secular moral arguments

vs contracep8on
1. is unnatural 2. is anti-life 3. separates sex from reproduction 4. allows people (even married people)

to have sex purely for enjoyment

5. prevents potential human

beings being conceived

6. prevents people who might benet humanity from being born

14th of 16 children

7th of 11 children

7. is a form of abortion 8. carries health risks 9. The "contraceptive culture" is dangerous 10. makes it easier for people to have sex outside
marriage 11. leads to widespread sexual immorality

12. may lead to depopulation 13. can be used as a eugenic tool 14. is often misused in mass population control programs in a racist way 15. Mass population control programs can be a form of cultural imperialism or a misuse of power

In a debated issue, one posi8on is true and the other false.

Impossible for two contradictory positions to be both true.
Since the questions are crucial (social morality or immorality, life or death, health or sickness, family stability or destruction), it is a grave

obligation for the nation to arrive at the truth.

Resolving ques8ons: leading experts

Expertise in the specic technical question Unbiased
Not advocates with an agenda Not political groups, e.g. United Nations agencies If conclusions go against convictions, more credible

If experts disagree, choose:

Most authoritative expert Most corroborated or comprehensive studies

Since the questions are crucial, seek out the

greatest , unbiased world experts who are after the truth to resolve these questions.

Science Experts and World Authori8es to answer ques8ons

Medical Questions Harvard Medical School / Mayo Clinic American Medical Association 2000 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005 International Agency for Research on Cancer 2007 Harvard Director for AIDS Prevention, Edward Green, agnostic Social-Moral Questions Social Science - George Akerlof, Nobel, behavioral economics Contraception, an international reproductive health journal Economic Questions Simon Kuznets Nobel Prize Michael Spence Nobel Prize Historical and Political Question Matthew Connelly. Columbia University. Harvard University Press US National Security Study Memorandum primary document

Do the pill and IUD kill human beings?

When does human life begin? These sources agree:
Medical Dictionaries at least 7
Oxford Butterworths Gould Stedman Harrup Mellon Pearce
Ampatuan Massacre

Medical Textbooks - at least 13

Moore Larsen Sadler Rahilly and Miller Langman Potter and Craid

Vannillsen Cosidine s Van Nostrand Turner and Helms Clark Scarr Thibodeau and Anthony Decoursey

57 international experts called to eight day hearing at US Senate

Harvard Medical School Mayo Clinic Dr. Jerome Lejeune Father of Modern Genetics

Overwhelming agreement : at fer8liza8on when the sperm penetrates the egg

US Senate Report 1981: There is overwhelming

agreement on this point in countless medical, biological, and scientic writings. Gordon, Hymie., Chairman of Medical Genetics, Mayo Clinic: By all criteria of modern molecular biology as soon as he has been conceived, a man is a man. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 6th ed. Keith L. Moore, Ph.D. & T.V.N: Human development begins at fertilization "Father of Modern Genetics" Dr. Jerome Lejeune: To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion...it is plain experimental evidence.

Do the pill and IUD kill human beings?

Highly important question.
If just one person is going to be killed outside, we

will all do something to stop the killing. If I step on an ant, there is no problem. But if I am going to step on a baby, everyone in this room will shout with horror.

This has to be resolved clearly and

denitively, because Filipino citizens cannot knowingly be accomplices of a law that deliberately kills human beings.

Story of Walter Larimore

Do the pill and IUD kill humans?

The pill has a secondary post-

fertilization eect , according to the scientic journal of the American Medical Association.
Larimore and Stanford (2000).

"Postfertilization eects of oral contraceptives and their relationship to informed consent" Arch Fam Med 9 (2): 12633.

IUD brings about the destruction of the

early embryo.

Stanford and Mikolajczyk (2005).

"Mechanisms of action of intrauterine devices: Update and estimation of postfertilization eects". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (W.B. Saunders Comp) 187: 16991708.

Is the pill safe?

The pill causes cancer - the highest

level of carcinogenicity, the same as cigarettes and asbestos Confers the risk of stroke Signicantly increases the risk of heart attacks.
"Combined Estrogen-Progestogen Contraceptives" IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans 91. 2007. Kemmeren, et al. (2002). "Risk of Arterial Thrombosis in Relation to Oral Contraceptives (RATIO) Study: Oral Contraceptives and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke". Stroke (American Heart Association, Inc.) 33: 12021208. Baillargeon, McClish, Essah, and Nestler (2005). "Association between the Current Use of Low-Dose Oral Contraceptives and Cardiovascular Arterial Disease: A Meta-Analysis". Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (The Endocrine Society) 90 (7): 38633870.

Will condom use lower the rate of HIV/AIDS in a country?

"There is a consistent association shown

by our best studies between greater availability and use of condoms and higher (not lower) HIV-infection rates.

Harvard Director for AIDS Prevention, Edward C. Green. Availability of condoms makes people take wilder sexual risks, thus worsening the spread of the disease.

Green (2003) Rethinking AIDS Prevention.


Case of Thailand and Philippines

Thailand AIDS Cases Philippines AIDS Cases

1987 Strategy 2005

112 100% condoms

135 NFP and chastity

High incidence

Low incidence (UN is perplexed)

UN Description

What are the socio-moral eects of contracep8on?

George Akerlof, Nobel Prize winner in behavioral economics.

A liberal. Economist of President Clinton.

Wide contraceptive use leads to more premarital

sex, more fatherless children, more single mothers, more poverty, more abortions - decline of marriage, less domesticated men, more crimes, more social pathology and poverty
Akerlof, Yellent and Katz (1996),

"An Analysis on Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing in the United States", Quarterly Journal of Economics (The MIT Press) 111 (2): 277317 Akerlof, Men Without Children, The Economic Journal 108 (1998)

Lionel Tiger
Charles Darwin Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University

and Co-Research Director of the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation. McGill University. London School of Economics Consultant of the US Department of Defense on the future of biotechnology. Anti-Catholic
Contraception has led to the: trouble in the relationship between the sexes breakdown of families single motherhood female impoverishment

Contracep8on leads to more abor8on (no to new human life)

Contraception, an international reproductive

health journal (Jan 2011)

10-year period

Increase of contraceptive use: from 49.1 % to 79.9%, Increase in abortions: from 5.52 to 11.49 per 1,000 women

Malcolm Potts, the rst medical director of

International Planned Parenthood: As people turn to contraception, there will be a rise, not a fall, in the abortion rate. Guttmacher Institute: levels of abortion and
contraceptive use rose simultaneously in six countries: Cuba, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United States, Singapore and the Republic of Korea.

Why is contracep8ve sex bad while sex within natural family planning good?
CONTRACEPTIVE SEX Willfully prevents human beings Lie: I give myself totally but I keep my fertility from you SEX WITHIN NFP Abstaining from sex or having sex during infertile period Sincere total self-giving: I give myself to the other as I am, fertile or infertile

CONTRACEPTIVE SEX Trivializes the sacred origins of human life. Sex like drug taking: only for pleasure. Partner is a sex object, used for pleasure. One becomes a user of persons .

SEX WITHIN NFP Shows reverence for the sacred origins of human life, and the real purpose of sex. Partner is a spouse, treated with love based on mastery of passions.

Treats human beings as machines without voluntary control, freedom and sense of morality. Irrational, selsh, pleasure- seeking. People used for enjoyment. Abuse of natural processes, like vomiting in order to pig out more.


Treats human beings as

responsible beings, capable of moral self-control and free self-giving; and teamwork with spouse.

The end does not justify the means

Jose Rizal: Importance of Morality

Only virtue can save! If our country has ever to be free, it will not be through vice and crime, it will not be so by

corrupting its sons, deceiving some and bribing others, no!

Redemption presupposes virtue, virtue sacrice, and sacrice love!

Founders of the American Na8on: On religion and morality

George Washington: Of all the habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports great pillars of human happiness. John Adams: It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.

Will popula8on control improve our economy? The plight of the poor?
Is there a correlation between

population growth and economic growth?

Simon Kuznets, Nobel Prize winner: no clear association appears to exist between rates of growth of population and of product per capita

Later studies conrm Kuznets

1986 US National Research Council 1992 Ross Levine and David Renelt. Studied 119

countries over 30 years (vs UP study of few countries over a few years) 2003 RAND Corporation associated with 30 Nobel Prize winners: little cross-country evidence that population growth impedes or promotes economic growth; with good fundamentals it can promote growth 2007 Eric Hanushek and Ludger Wommann study

Concrete Examples
Julian Simon Ultimate Resource North Korea and South Korea East Germany and West Germany China and Taiwan Philippines 1961-2000: Population increased almost three times, poverty decreased from 59% to 34% 78% to 90% of the poor households had heads with no high school diploma

Thailand and Philippines

Thailand Agriculture Model of agricultural development Philippines Neglected agriculture in favor of capital intensive industrialization

Next Eleven Economies (after BRIC) HSBC Largest Economies 2050

No. Aging Yes. Rapidly population growing growing faster populations than labor force. Rank 23 Rank 16 (Large Population)

Family and poverty: The poor want more children

Big families are poor Not because more children means more poverty But because poor parents want more children 90% of the time the poor want the children they


-Lant Pritchett, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Children for the poor are: Investments for secure old age Helpers in the farm

Hierarchy of priori8es of a society

Morality - God Family Life Health and tness Money economic Money economic


prosperity Health and tness Life Family Morality - God

Use of 3 Billion pesos: which will you choose?

1 year of pills for 366,300 women

OR 2053 classrooms 2053 teacher salaries 1663 skilled birth attendants 4000 low cost houses

P 1.548 B .493 B .399 B .566 B

From Dr. Roberto de Vera, Economist of UA&P

Where did the idea of popula8on control come from?

NSSM 200 or National Security Study

Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests 1974
U.S. economy will require large and increasing

amounts of minerals from abroad The young people are likely to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the establishment,' imperialists,' multinational corporations, or other -often foreign- inuences blamed for their troubles"

NSSM 200
Give "paramount importance" to population

control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries US leadership to "inuence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related eorts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the U.N., USIA, and USAID."

Where did the idea of popula8on control come from?

Thomas Malthus (+1834) - population

growth always outstrips food production Margaret Sanger, the eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood (1942) - birth control for the "unt Adolf Hitler (+1945) - extermination of the Jews Belknap Press, Hugh Moore (1954) Population Bomb Harvard University 2008 inuence on US policy Matthew Connelly Paul R. Ehrlich (1968) The Population Columbia University Bomb bestseller

What do we do?
Spread the truth widely : family, community, oce,
Echo what you learn, organize forums, give talks

parish, associations, media, facebook, blogs, email, etc.

Express your stand publicly and use the means for political

campaigning: stickers, rallies, etc. Convince your legislators and their sta
Personal talk: call 931 5001

Through their sta or email: http://www.senate.gov.ph/contact.asp Tell them of the objectively harmful consequences of RH If they are strongly in favor of RH, you will campaign against them

in the next elections

Fight for our lives and future

Not business as usual

Phnom Penh before the Killing Fields

I remember watching a TV news broadcast

cars passing by, men riding bicycles. It looked like normal city life. But in the background there was persistent thunder. Only it wasn t thunder. It was the sound of artillery -- the nal battle between the government and the Khmer Rouge. If all those people had only known what was going to happen to them that within the next few years, one in every three or four of them was dead by murder or starvation they would have stopped what they were doing, and made every eort to prevent the Khmer Rouge from taking over. They would have run to the government and begged for a rie to go into battle. It is the same with the battle over contraception: if the people only knew what is going to happen to the Filipino family and society if contraception becomes the way of life here, they would do everything in their power to stop it.
Tim Laws, Chairman of Alliance for the Family (ALFI)

from Phnom Penh. People were coming and going,



One-page summary: Science Facts on the RH Bills

Manila Bulletin, Bernardo Villegas: http://www.mb.com.ph/node/307797/not-de Inquirer News/ Cebu Daily News: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/37073/hard-facts-vs-hardened-wills Manila Standard, Emil Jurado:

http://www.manilastandardtoday.com/insideOpinion.htm?f=2011%2Fmay %2F6%2Femiljurado.isx&d=2011%2Fmay%2F6 Leyte Samar Daily Express: http://leytesamardaily.net/2011/02/science-facts-on-the-rh-bill-in-plain-language/ Documentation Service, May 2011: http://cbcpforlife.com/?p=1750 CBCP for life: http://cbcpforlife.com/?p=164 Archdiocese of Cebu: http://www.coycebu.org/programs/prayerandsacrice_science.php

Filipino translation:

http://lipinosforlife.com/2011/03/23/mga-siyentipikong-katotohanan-tungkol-sa-rh-bill/ http://tuklasinnatin.com/2011/ang-mga-katotohanan-sa-siyensya-na-may-kinalaman-sa-rh-bills-2/

Cebuano translation:


Latest and complete English version:

http://www.scribd.com/doc/49512128/Science-Facts-on- the-RH-Bill-with-solutions

Other considera8ons on the RH Bills: Rallies

Pro-life/Anti-RH rallies: Moslems and Christians in
Manila (25 March) 40,000 200,000, Mindanao 50,000, Manila (13 Feb) 10,000 50,000, Bacolod 20,000, Cebu 10,000 to 12,000, Balanga 10,000, Mindanao - 10,000 Manila (Dec 2011) - 10,000, Lucena 8,000, Dipolog 10,000 and Pagadian 8,000, Maasin, Leyte 6000 to 7000, Manila Knights of Columbus March (March 2011) 7000, Legazpi 4000, Iloilo 4000, San Pablo, Quezon 2000, Quiapo (Oct) 1500, Tagaytay 2000, Batasan 3000. Mendiola - 1000.

Pro-RH rallies: Batasan 1500, CBCP complex 1000.

Each pro-RH participant receives 350 pesos - Inquirer

Debate and Polls

ABS-CBN Debate 69.58% - anti-RH 30.42% pro-RH TV5 Debate 100% of studio audience- anti-RH 0% -pro-RH 58.7% of the viewers anti-RH 41.3% - pro-RH Philippine Star 56% - anti-RH 44% - pro-RH

Non-Catholic cons8tuencies
Imam Council of the Philippines, the top leaders of the
God," and "makes one lose morality in the process.
Chairman Eleem Said Akmad Basher: There are so many verses of the

Moslem population which at 4.5 M constitutes 5% of the Philippine population: Use of contraceptives "underestimates

Koran that state about pro-life [principles]. Sabi sa Koran, don t kill your children by fear of poverty. Huwag matakot because Allah will sustain you.

Baptist Bishop Reuben Abante: Children are gifts from

God, not accidents to be avoided.

Philippines is not a welfare state: Taxpayer's money - not for personal practices (combs and lipstick) Much less for objectively harmful and immoral devices Government must not distribute these even if it is the choice of many Freedom. Information. Access. No opposing law restricting access and information Contraceptives available in family planning NGOs, stores. International Planned Parenthood has hundreds of workers here. Also PH Government. The poor can aord condoms as they can aord cell phone load.

Surveys - objective measure of Filipino preference is

the consistent top electoral success of party-list Buhay Hayaan Yumabong (Let Life Flourish).

Social Weather Stations 2008 Pro-RH Survey was commissioned

by the Forum for Family Planning and Development (FFPD), a pro-RH advocacy. SWS did not inform people of the penal provisions Mangahas admitted Survey commissioned by pro-family groups - 92% in Manila reject the survey when fully informed of the bill.

Penalties - private companies (including faith-

based) and public institutions - forced to provide contraceptives to employees.

Jail: 1-6 months; Fine- 10K to 50K Totalitarian. A violation of free choice and conscience, and

establishes religious persecution

The Leading Causes of Death in the Philippines (DOH): Daily death toll per

100,000 women:

1. Heart diseases - 80 2. Vascular diseases - 63 3. Cancer - 51 4. Pneumonia - 45 5. Tuberculosis - 23 6. Diabetes - 22 7. Lower chronic respiratory diseases 16

9 Filipinos die of heart disease per hour 75 die of tuberculosis per day 5.7 die of maternal deaths per day (solution is birthing centers not


End Thank you!

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