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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
1735 New Yclrk Avenue NW.
Wuhington. ,DC. 20006-4759
Telephone: (202) 628-1700
FilC1linulel (202) 3311024
March 27,
Invoice No. :488680
Page i 19
03/07/96 WDS 5.70 Lunch with Shane Schriefer, Director of
Government Affairs for Citi%ens for a Sound
Economy re immigration and minimum wage
i ues; calls to Kerry Knott, Chief ot Staff
tor Leader Armey, Brian Gunderson,
Deputy Chief of Staff for Majority Leader
Armey, Horace Cooper, Legislative Counsel
for Majority Leader Armey, April Lassiter,
Floor AIIsistant tor M'i jori ty Whip DeLay, Ken
Mehlman, LD tor Immigration Subcommittee
Chm Lamar S-mi th to dhcws8 trip
arrangement.; call to Bill Hanke, LD for
Rep. Nethercutt regarding meeting with Doug
Muir; discussiona with Doug Muir.
03/07/96 WNM
03/08/96 JA
03/08/96 LM
03/08/96 LRL
03/0e/96 PI?
03/08/96 TLP
1.00 Work on next steps memo; review of current
status; conferences with D. stephens.
4.30 Discussion with B. Tenorio; meeting with P.
Roff; discussion with B. Myhre; discussion
with D. Stephens; discussion with D. MUir;
meeting with B. Tenorio and C. Shirley;,
review of material; preparation of dzaft on
2.80 Visit with Congressman Romero-Barcelo to
dilllcuu trip to CNMI; lunch meeting with T.
Motley to discus. Senator Murkowaki.
1.10 Meetings on the immigration bill; review of
material. for the meeting on immigration.
3.00 Review of additional material &nd discussion
with J. Abramo!!.
1.10 Conference with D. Muir regarding ethics on
CODEL visits to CNMI; research samet and
telephone call with House Ethics Committee
ataff regarding samej draft memorandum to D.
Muir regarding summary of answer.
invoice retlecu OIlly feelllld cots not p/l;Viow)y tlilled. Put due If !Vly, will be shewn 011 t epll!llk slI,temtnt of account at the be,lnn.irlc of
month. Additi<lMlly. tJm InVQK:c: IlUIy not include ex.per\$el itt:ms such as t.elepoollC, telegnms, filiTia fllel. m. for whieb we luve not ycl hlJlI::d. The
IptJon of serviCClIet forth mbove may include services rendered by lep WUWlt&. in aOdluen EO ",rvice. fry- llttIJm.I'lyJ. i"lIymenl,due 1/1 U.S dollan
A1* charp of OM percent per tlUlnth wlll lICCt'.lIl on unpaid lII'lIOWlts aitc:r JO dll'l'i. I
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
1mNew Ydrk A\
Wuhingtan. b.c
(202) 62&-1700
(202) 3311024
March 27,
Invoice No. :488680
Page !21
Jack Abramof4
03/11/96 RB
03/11/96 WDS
03/11/96 WNM
03/12/96 DRS
03/12/96 JA
.10 Phone call trom Bill Myhre regarding
briefing paper drafting.
6.00 Meetings with Jack et al
flight schedule., draft invitation letters
for additional staff; hand deliver
invitations to David Hobbs with Majority
Leader Armey, Barry Jackson, Executive
Director of House GOP Conference, Mike
Hardiman, Press Secretary for Representative
Pombo and Chris Myers with Chairman Phil
Crane, intelligence gathering phone calls to
Hill including Chuck with Rep. Doc
Ha.tings regarding Manase'8 plans for
to limit immigration; crisis CNMI
team meeting to .plan for immigration bill.
2.70 Me.ting with J. Abramoft; D. Stephens
regarding Gallagher amendment; work on
briefing materials; finalize next Itep.
1.80 Discussion with L. Me.d., J. Abramoft and
Lieutenant Governor Jesus Borja regarding
statuB of section 93G.
4.20 Team meeting regarding immigration;
discussion with D. Stephens; discussion with
A. LaBsiter; discussion with H. Cooper
(Armey); dileua.ion with B. Buckham;
disCU&8ion with G. Norquist; review of
materials; preparation of draft talking
paper; discus.ion with W. Myhre; diecu.sion
with M. smith; review of materials;
discussion with K. Burkhart.
invoice I'dleCl& onl)' file. and cosu no< pn:viously billed. Put due balmC<lI. If an)'. will be mo'Am on Ii 5l.1ltefnCnt o( acCOllflt ml.Jled II the beginni"i of
!TlOQ!11. f.ddJ!Jonall)', this invoice 1l'l.I)' 001 inelllde e.xpeme hC:rIlJI such IL5 tclJephone, tcllcJrlilTll, t1Iina feolI. lltC. fOf wludl we have not yet billed. The
npdoil orDen-ice, iAClC forth above mllY inclu.de by lClpllWl.JwuJ. in lIddJtlolllO rendered by snorneys. Payment/due In lJSdol!!l.rB
I A lallte c.harp of one pen:ent per month will I'UUC on \alpe)O amounts llftftr 10 A..v.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. SOx 85
Capitd Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New YQrk Avenue NW,
Wuhington, D,C. 20C06-4759
Telephonel[' (202) 628-1700
Facsimile (202) 331-1024
March 27, 19?6
Invoice No. :388680
Page 22
Jack Abramof(
03/12/96 LM
03/12/96 LR.L
03/12/95 MHR
03/12/96 PP
03/12/96 RB
03/12/96 WDS
2.00 Discussion with J. Abramoff and L.
Latourette regarding immigration markup I
attend meeting with CNMI group regarding a
number of i ues;
K. Ryan (MoAkley) regarding rule on
immigration bill; review clips and other
material .
. ao Meetinge regarding Immigration Bill.
.80 Attend meeting regarding immigration and
trip. to CNMI.
1.50 Meetinga with J. Abramo!f, L. Meeds, L.
Latourette and D. Stephena.
3.70 Confer with Bill Myhre and Dennis Stephens;
draft briefing paper on immigration issue
for Ue8 with Republican members; confer with
Myhre about memo; review materials and pass
on intormation related to memo.
5.20 Trip preparatione and travel scheduling;
calls to Matt Miller, AA for Rep. Gutknecht,
Horace Cooper, Counsel to Majority Leader
Armey, Chris Myers with Chairman phil Crane,
Kerry Knott, Chief of Staff for Majority
Leader Armey; meetings with J. Abramo!! to
plan agenda for April visit; discussions
with B. Myrh. and D. Barnes regarding draft
of documents.
03/12/96 WNM 2.10 Review and revise briefing materials
regarding Gallegley amendment; meetings with
R. Barnes, D. Stephena and J.
coordinate response.
lm'olce: n:t!ecu only fee.s ltlld cosu 001 pNVioUIl)' billed. Put due beJance:s, ifllJlY. wiU be VIown on a SC'pum 5tatemcm OfBCCOWlt miillc4 &.l [he beginning of
IllC!;lth. AddltiOO&lly. !hi. Invoice may IlOllnclllde 1lJi:mS well III lelep!lone. r.elcll"1JlN, fillns feel, tU. for which \10'0: have nol ye1 n..e
Ipdooo o(lI(ln'!oes ie fortllll.bove mllY InclLlde ICNICOI rendered by lep.! wlslMlIl, in ad4Jdon 10 5'Vi;;e,; by 1It!Om.'M ,_ ., <' LH
N:cdjJt A 1_ of one l!tAI" """,til -- ---- "
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana leland
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
17'35 New YQfk
WiUlUngton. p.c
Telepholle, (J
Facsimile:' (202) ;:x'lw.....
March 27,
Invoice No,
Page 23
03/13/96 AVS .80 Drafted list of participants for CNMI trip
over Memorial Day recess including Senate
Leadership, Armed Services, Foreign
Relations and Judiciary Committee staff;
D. Stephens on current
i u for emu.
03/13/96 DRS
03/13/96 JA
03/13/96 LM
03/13/96 Pi'
2.20 Reviewed atatus of budget bill with respect
to section 936; discussion regarding same
with J. and D. Stephens; reviewed
articles on CNMI and immigration bill;
diJJculuion wi th R. Schellhas, Rep. Boehner's
office, regarding bill.
4.90 Presentation of conservative coalition memo;
monitoring of rule. committee; discussion
with D. Stephen.; review of amendment. to
immigration; discussion with H, Cooper;
discussion with E. Buckham; discussion with
B. Shook; discus.ion with L. Meeds;
discussion with L. Latourette; discussion
with D. Sataviani preparation of memo tor B.
Tenorio; discussion with B. Tenorio; review
of materials; discus.ion with F. Lavin
regarding Malaysia trip.
2.40 Review material from J. Abramof! (clips,
memos, etc.); read material regarding
immdgration and numerous calls to Hill
regarding amendment. to immigration bill;
meeting with Congressman Kildee to discuss
immigration, labor, etc.
.50 Breakfast discussion with J. Lucier of ATR,
03/13/96 RB .30 Talk to Mike Gallagher, AA to Rep. Rick
White, about opposing any CNMI immigration
amendment to the immigration bill.
" invoice I'CtJeclJ only fee. and OOSti not previo\Uiy billed. ba.lMC". if In)'. will be sllown on II. sepMlIlC 5t&tement of account mll..!IJ a! the: beiianins of
1 month. AddltlorLtlly. this invoice l'Itil)' not Include 4\xpenll( iterru such illS telephone:, tlIlnj fen, etc for which wt hav4\ Mt yet billed. T'l1e
:lipl1on ofM:l'Vlcu set forth Ilbove may include Kl'ViCOll"Uldered by lop] in ad4Jlioo to service" rendered by /IIttOI'T1eyl. Payment \'luc ifl C.S.
1 receipt. A 1m chuge of one percent per moofb will accrue on unpaid frnQuntJi WI 30 <l1lY1.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana rsland
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
1735 New York A'
WuhJngton, D,C.
Telephone: 1(20 .
Facsimile:!c202) 3311024
March 27,
Invoice No.
Page :24
03/13/96 WOS
03/13/96 WNM
1. 20
Work on immigration bill Rule with calls and
visits to Horace Cooper with Majority Leader
Armey, Cordia Strum, House
Judiciary/Immigration subcommittee staff
, LD tor
Representative LamAr Smith, Bill Crosby,
Counsel to Rules Committee, Doug Riggs, LD
tor Rep. Doc Hasting., conatAnt meeting with
J. Abramo!! and CNMI team members regarding
latest information on hour by hour basis on
Numerous conferences with D. Stephens and J.
AbramO!f regarding revised briefing
materials; Hill meetings, etc.
03/14/96 JA
03/14/96 LM
03/14/96 PP
5.20 Discussion with E. Buckham (DeLay);
discussion with B. Myhre; discussion with L.
Me.ds; review of materials; memo for B.
Tenorio; discussion with F. Lavin regarding
the Malaysia trip; preparation of memo for
Malaysia trip; review of rules and
amendments; discussion with D. Stephens;
attend Gingrich dinner.
2,60 Review proposed amendments to bill filed
with Rules Committee; send copy to A,
Liebowitz; numerous calls with A. Liebowitz
regarding Archer Amendment; secure amendment
from Rules Committee; calls and discussions
regarding Tauzin and Kild.e trips; prepare
E-rnail regarding same; di.cussion with J.
Abramof!; D. Stephen., D. Conner and others
regarding 8/1lL.UWl.
2.30 Attended and spoke at Stanton Group
regarding efforts by Gallegly to federalize
immigration on CNMIi diecussed tactics with
DC spoke with D. Senes., former DAS at DOI.
, invoice refJectJ only fees IIlld ecru not billed Put due balMCCI, if MY, willl>e ahDwn on I sepAlm slatt::I11(:l)1 ar tile beginning of
I month, Additionally. thia invoice lNy 001 include ellpeme items such Ii telephone, leielflUM, fiJing fool. etc. for whleb we hive not yet been billed. The
:rJption of senIcell set tbrth above may include lCl"\'icu rendcttd by leplu&lstants, In addition to !lUVlccs f'enMrW try IttOn\eYI. l"llym@ot due in u.s. doJi4n
1 recc:lpt. A late clw-p orone parcml per moolil will on unpile! amaunlJ a&r 30 day.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
5wte 500
1735 New Y9rk Avenue NW,
WuNngton"! D, C. 20006-4759
TelephoN!!: (202) 628--1700
Facsim.ilef (202) 3311024
March 27,
Invoice No. :388680
Page 25
Jack Abramoft
03/14/96 RB
03/14/96 WDS
03/14/96 WNM
Confer with Jack Abramo!f, then John
Tautfe8t regarding immigration bill report
language boosting LIIOS.
on Immigration bill with Rules
committee, Rep. Lamar Smith'. office;
meeting with Bria.n Miller, Interim Staff
Director at Re.ource. Committee and D.
Conner; meeting'with Horace Cooper and John
Sampson with Majority Leader Armey regarding
attempt to kill Gallegly amendment; meetings
with J. Abramof! to brief on GOP Leadership
Staff delegation trip planning; calls to
Mimi Simoneaux with Chairman Billy Tauzin,
Kerry Knott and Horace Cooper with Majority
Leader Armey.
Continued status checks with o. Stephens.
I (7. 0 hour)
03/15/96 ORB
03/15/96 EBR
03/15/96 JA
2.00 Reviewed articles; discussion with D.
Stephens and J. Abramo!! regarding
immigration vote; telephone call to
Blizabeth Maier, Sen. Kyl'8 office,
regarding immigration bill.
2.50 Attend client meeting regarding immigration
strategy; telephone calls and Hill visit to
determine statu. of possible amendments to
Senate immigration bill.
4.10 Preparation of fax tor B. Tenorio; meeting
regarding etaff delegation trip; discuesion
with D. Stephens; discussion with P.
Pizzella; discus.ion with B. Myhre;
diacusaion with A. Lassiter; review of
materials; review of Leibowitz memo; meeting
Senate immigration bill strategy;
meeting with J. Tautf.atl review of Senate
immigration amendments.
Ulvoioe reflects only fees and costll not pTllvlolaJy bUlc4, Put due balAllce&, If lIlr'y, w,lI bf lhown on I sc:parau: sutcment of account mailed al the: beginlling of
Additiolllillly, thlJ IUy rwt include itcln.lIsuch lIS telephone, tlIln, fees, for which we hne not yet bf'n billed, The
iptlon of services set forth above may include servl<:ea by lei&! USlSa1lt5. in addition to services rendered by at1ome)'s. Pllyrm:nt in US doBan
reOl:\pt. A hate charlie of percent per month wiU all unpaid IIlI'llOUfttI after JO day.. I
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 95950
I Sulre500
1mNew Yqri<; Avenue N.W.
Wuhin.gton. p.C. 200J6...4759
Telephone: (202) 628-1700
Facsimile; (202) 3311024
March 27,
Invoice N0':4S8680
Page ::27
Jack Abramof!
03/18/96 PP
03/18/96 TLP
03/18/96 WDS
03/19/96 ERR
03/19/96 JA
03/19/96 LM
03/19/96 LMH
03/19/96 PI"'
03/19/96 WDS
1. 00
1. 50
. 70
Discus. and review itinerary with D.
Stephens; complete necessary information to
obtain passport.
Conier with stephens regarding possible
immigration report language.
Conference with D. Stephens regarding ethics
Team meeting with Jack Abramof! and Pat
Pizzella to review trip preparations,
schedule travel; phone call with"Kurt to
plan schedule tor island visit.
Telephone call. regarding Senate immigration
Preparation for Staff del&gation; discussion
with o. Stephens; discussion with L. Meeds;
discussion with B. Myhre.
Call. regarding appointment. for J. Tautfest
to following Congre ional offices: Young,
Gilchrest, Kildee, Romero-Barcelo I review
materials regarding minimum wage and garment
industry; prepare E-mail regarding schedule.
Legal research regarding legal status of
ni.cuion regarding trip issue with D.
Preparations for trip to Saip&n; calls to
Hill ataff; meetings with Jack Abramoff and
Pat Pizzall. regarding SAme.
I Im,oice rdloctll only fce. IIlld roslll not previously Put due baJlIlce.l. iflltly, w!JI be shoWl'l 011 fa epNllLe Stalcrnent of IICllUll rrailed at the besinnini 0
I month. Additlon&.lly. thlJ Invoice may flO( include llems such lIS U:lophone. telegrams, t1l1lli etc (or which we navo flO( billed The
:riptlOI'l of servlc..,. set furth 1Ibo",.: nay inclu.je services rendered by lep AlI..nanlli, In IIddJtlOll to Jervicef rendered by IIiUomtH. PIVm',,; \:I,,,, I" [1
1 A late c/ulraI:l of one oercent ,.",nlk ",III __ -- _._ .. ,,"
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 8S
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New Y?fk Avenue N.W.
(202) 623-1700
Facsimile! (202) 331-1024
March 27
Invoice No. :j88680
Page 130
03/22/96 WDS
03/22/96 WNM
03/22/96 XCO
03/23/96 WNM
03/25/96 DHS
03/:25/96 JA
03/25/96 PP
03/:65/96 WDS
03/25/96 XCO
1. 60
Trip preparations, flight schedule changes,
last minute calls from staff; return call to
Rog-er Stillwell regarding his deaire to
schedule meeting with C;CV'O';z-n'5r of C.....II1.
Telephone conferences with Don Woodworth
regarding Magnuson Act; meeting with Jim
Shaw regarding upcoming Congressional trip;
me.ting with Denni. Stephen8.
Research on minimum wage legislation
including review at Congressional Record and
bearing transcripts.
Review new materials; memo to Brenda Tenorio
regarding Puerto Rico legislation.
Discussion with D. Stephens and A. Smith
concerning congrsasional staff trips to
Meeting with D. Cohen or Dole Food Company;
preparation of fax for B. Tenorio;
discu ion with D. Stephens.
Conferring with D. Stephen. on plans for trip
to 0.1011.
Conversations with Kerry Knott, Chief of
Staff to Majority Leader Armey, David Hobbs,
Floor to Armey, Chris Myers, LA
for Chairman Crane et .1 re last minute
preparAtion. for trip; cal15 co travel agent
trip may be pushed back by 12 to 24 hours
because of House floor schedule.
Review of and transcripts
regarding pro.pece. for raising minimum wage.
I1VOICCl reflect! only feea Md coat15 not Pfn'lolJsly bllted. Put due balmce!. if rw}'. wtIl be on I H1PlU'\Ilt ,!.lItllmenl of IIl.lI.iled III the beginning of
:'lontb. Addltio/UlJly. thI. invoice may not inolude llXpeme ltcfill' .ucllu rclepbooo, wlcgrwns, min. fr.es, etc for which we hIVe not yet billed. 1'....
of Kl'Vlce1l set forth above may include service! ren<k:red by l!:Jp.! wistarHI in .w11;oW. 'A -_. - _. . ..
A I "t.. d ........ A __ - --- -
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, MP 96950
Suire SOO
1135 New YOrk Avenue N. W.
WIUhlngton,,1 D.C. 200()(H759
TeltJphoner (202) 62.8-1700
FllCSimiJel (202) 3311024
March 27, 13$16
Invoice No. :)88680
Page 32
03/30/96 WDS 8.00 Travel with and brief GOP Leadership staff
03/31/96 WDS 8.00 Travel wit.h and brief GOP Leader8hip staff
..:c-.i ___ ... J __
to C'hjwj! . ... .... v"'''
A Kalicki
AV Smith
BJ Heiman
C O'Malley
DR Safavian
DL Conner
EB Holl ing.worth
J Abramoff
L Meeds
LM Helpert
LR Latourette
MH Ruge
P Pizze1l8
R Barnes
SD Geiger
SN Knowlton
TL Peckinpaugh
WI> Stephens
WN Myhre
WW Brandt
ZG Asmuth
ZJ Jl;irkham
Total Fees:
1. 10
1. 00
i invoice I1lfits only fees lind COSU I\(l( pI"Il"iiolUly biUed. Put due bll.llflces. if any, wi!! be shown Oil I of mailel$ a.t the bcgin.lling of
I month. Additionally, this may oot Include expense II.CfnJ sucllu teleVilfTli. fiJinl feel, et<:. for wlllch we have not yel billed. The
o(ter,,!cl:6 ,et fortll above may Include SU'\llces relldered by Jep/ uslalMts, In Iddltloll!O $Ill!'Vjeefi lVldel"ed by iI.tI.orneya. In US. daHill'S
"receipt. A1* cllvae of om nercent D<!f milnth will ... .. u .- _._<- -_.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tonorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
WlUIhingwn. D.C. 2OOCl6-4759
(202) 628-1700
(202) 3311024
March 27,
Invoice No.
Page I 33
Jack Abramoff
Disbursements Amount
Long Distance Phone Charges
Long Phone Charges
Secretary Service/Overtime
Telecopy Charges
Lexi. Charges
Computerized Research Service
Legal Messenger Services
Firm Messenger Services
cab Fare JA 2/21 - VENDOR: Cash
Meeting Cost. weB 1/30 - VENDOR: W. Dennis
OUtside Professional Fees Braunstein 2/2 -
VENDOR: George G. Braunstein
cab Fare(LM 1/18) - VENDOR: Lloyd Meeds
WDS 2/22 cAb Fare - VENDOR :Cuh
DBS 2/21 Cab Fare - VENDOR: Cash
JA 2/22 Cab Fare - VENDOR: Cash
Staff deligation travel coat
Total Disbursements:
Total Arrcunt Due This Bill:
PAst Due:
Total Now VUe:
. 00
:n.... oice reflecu only t:s Md costs flQ( prc"\'iously billed. Put due b&lll1lC4l', if &ny, "'ill be ahown on I matement of account maJled.1lt the beginning of
'I'lOIllh. AddftJanaJly, this IJlvoice may DOt im:lu.ie C%pellU it.e1TlJ such lIS lelephol'll:, leleiflUlU, filini etc fOf fllch we have 00{ )'1:1 befn billed. The
ptkm of SUVlceJ n( fortb aboYe IYl4)' lncludtl servlcea by lela! in IIdditioo to 3e!Vi""" ...... ---- -
'"eOeiDt. A 1Jll2 ....h.,.. . .---- --
rTOll:rH'tS AT
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
P. O. Box es
Capital Hill. MP 96950
1735 NawYork
Wulungton; D.C. 2l:Xl
Tel_phone: (202) 628-1700
(202) 331-1O/A
M.Qy 9. lU6
rnvoice No. :392728
Page 2
.:1aok Abrllmoff

of the Northern Mariana Ialand-CNMI
For prot85aional Services Rendered Through April 30, 1996
Date Att<y
03/30/9 pp
04/01/95 OSS
04/0:1/96 JA
04/01/96 t.M
g.no Depart from National Airport _. destination
Me.tinga with J. Abramoff, W. Myhre and R.
Darne. concerning status of Sllipan trip;
tslephone call. to Karen Goff, Rep.
Boehner's ottioe, to asoertain the location
of B. Jackeon, Kouee OonferenoG,
call. to R. Sohalln..
Do.hner'o offioQ, regarding same.
3.10 Disou 1ons with B. Teporlo/ preparation of
taxI email for O. Bcept..eoa, uloil t.o. P.
with D.
review of materials.
l.20 Discussion with J. Abramo!!, w. Myhre and
Latourette reg.rding Codel/ with
D. conner regarding Young meeting; review
additional material. &nd di8CU Codel
.:1. Abn.mof f anI:! N. Myhre.
9. 00 O..,p.. rt Japan for Saipan, working dlnnllu wi t.h
Gov. Tenorio and rest of staff.
rel1cct, oolr ft" L&rnJ c;om Bl.ot I'r..-kOUllly billed. Pa.o.t dUf ttel"m:a, if any, will \)C ;;hOWl! on Ii Sr:pIUce netllmc:m of teCOUrIt miilled at tlll:' txls!Jmlnc of
mcnth. Additionally, thl. lnvoi"" mllY nOlllidude tWnu 'lleh II l.eltpJwllO, IclcJl"lllU, ruins etc. fur wMch \ri hM DOt )it'll been bUled. The
uf.4ltVicu ,el t'tJrth above IN!)' indudt Hrvi:ll by leI&! &sistaim, In 8Jd4ltion 1'0 sc.'Yiots l"t1u:Jered b)' lltWrllCy'I. PI,)'I'l'lCfIt due in U.S. 0011....
Allie thUlf of one lOOf!lb...-ill atcrUIC: Ofll.lopa.ld ilt1WI.ItIU Iilar 30 da)'I,

1735 NewYc:ak Avert

Tll'wphont: (21)2) 625-1700
Facs1nille: (202) 331-1024
of the Northern Mariana Ioland
Attn: Brenda Tonorio
P. O. Sox 65
capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
MOlY g. 19 j6
rnvoice No.
Page 3
Jack Abramotf
Memorial Park; buaine8e dinner at hotel with
delegstion Governor's Staff, calls to
Jek Abramo!! regarding trip progr.,B, trip
goala, cearch tor aarry Jackson.
Meeting8 with J. Ab.amoff and Lloyd Meede
regading Codal i lues; work on .8signments.
Review regarding
Senate floor vote. on minimum WAge.
Ds11y on-line of naWg articles;
pulled up Lexis artioles for J. Abramoff.
Mcetini with L. MeedA to di8CUS8 etratesY on
Lead4rship/Resourco8 iS8U.
Regarding Post CODaL story -nd naxt step.,
with W. Myhre} conferenoe with W.
Brandt: group conferenoe witb J.
04/01/96 WNM 2.10
oi/oJ-/slS XCO gO
04/01/96 ZAX .50
04/01/96 ZDLC .40
04/02/96 BJH :2,
04/02/96 OKS 2.00 Telephone to K. R. Schellh4s,
Rap. Soenner'. office, regarding Barry
tel.phone cells to D. Walsh
regar4ing ot .ection 936 propoaa1i
telephone call to Martin Y.rick, Rep.
Faleomavaga" office, regarding
reviewed CNMI newe .
. SO Di,oussions B. TQnoriol discu
D. Stephens; with X. Knott;
dllcufi810n with M. Miller; disous_ion with
offic., ion with A
La8siter; team meeting rQiArding staff
disoueaion with L. Meeds;
diaous.ion with 8. Myhre; preparation or
for B. Tenorio.
& !awolOt/l (lIl1)' Cua &rid not billed. hg (/vc ballllft'S, if MY, wlll be Ghewn 011 a ltJl/.em..:nt of AIXOtI1lt nWllMl f/l1h4; of
1 month. thlILmolce In&)' IlQlllldudl: openc ltIcms IIwm II tcleFh0Il.ll, lClefrlllNl, fillnf ete. rer which .....e han not ret bem billed TIl<
o(QOfYlccI..r fhrttt aboYf rn..t\I indudll: 1-nl {&l filI lntln" 1ft ArtAltfflol"'!; '1"1- ,,_.?l.....-.. ... _.J.-....A Lu.. " ..11_-- ,- ., rl A_U
of Mariana
Attn; Tonorio
P. O. BOX 95
York AI

(202) 628-1700
FaclIfmile: (202) 331-1024
04/011'6 WDS
04/0J!96 WDS
04/03/96 WDS
l2.00 Travel from Tokyo/N&rita with _taff
delegation, br;.f staff on variety of
make introductions arrival In
8aipan: hot.l oheck-in; makQ
tor first brietin;& with Brenda and Mark,
actend outdoor briefing. regarding Military
8hipG/ port expan8ion projeot, i.laDd
pOlitical 8ituation, etc: Tour of American.
11.00 Working breakfast with Oovernor Tenorio and
hi. Cabinet including of
Commerco, Labor, Financ., and Atty General;
working several Cabinet memhQr5/
staff briefing; cave tour with delegation;
'<lIOrking dinn.r at. hotel wi th
Tenorio and 6GMA leadershipi cal18 to JAck
Abramoff to orief on proges5/ review
lind check on aarry Jackson.
12.00 iarly meeting with stat: to 501ve prOblems
regarding Washington Poet articl., work with
Governor's staff to 8cneaule to new
r 11ei , viait LIDVS Laboratory, island
tour, Tan B4rraoks an4 '.etory;
delesation working lunch with Governor
Tgnorio'Q stAt!; meetlng with ot
commerce executive committee, meeting with
Jot! schorr w1eb of Immigration,
meeting with Heina Ho!sahneider,
for port tourt dinner at Governor Tanorio'G
IVoiQll; rt1lts on'Y eeI.-wl lWViously billed. l'1St due be!lTlCM, lfllll)', w1l11:le shl.JW'!l (ll1 sep.arlfJI stllumcm of I'OCOtml mailc:<la: the bclonina of
Ihl$ l.tI... IlIIl)' no. iROlIl4B ilrom& lIY.;:Q $4 IclefTsmI, t1l1ni r..... . 1M 'OliC riot yet been biJlod 'The
,oon of set1'otdi a.blm: /1UI)' inglw.le rendered by lepl ..llIt&m3, in IIdllitkm 10 I<IIn'lccs by PaylOOf1t due Iii U S dollen
;(lllipt A lid cl1arG of Me perullr per IUOlltll wlU 011 MWunu .i\:lr 30 days.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Ieland
Attn: Brenda Tonorio
P. O. BOX 85
Capit.l Hill, SAIPAN MP 9'950

17'3$ New York Avenut N.W.

Tett!phone: (202) 628--1700
faarim.ilr. (202) :11024
04/04/96 WDS
12.00 for Tini-nj fiy Qv.r and
tour of Tinian with delegation:
meeting with CNMI House speaker Diego
S4nevente ana a_ven legiMlacor8i
bu.in lunoh with Hotel AoQiation
executives; &taff briefing$; dinner
with Qovernor Tenorio and hia 8tat!.
11.00 Working breaktaQt with GoVQrnor TQnorio,
several cabinet Member8, Governor'5 Staff,
and near the SOMA to
wide range ot iS8UG8, wr.p up meeting.,
discuss Congressional action likely on CNMr
issues in remainder ot lOUh congress; calls
to Jack Abramoff to diucue8 progrea8 of
review goale, etc; with etal!
to OUam, m_at with CNMI .tatt on Quam; tour
of Quam, working dinner atatt and
Bruce on Guam; trip review with Bruce an6
04/07/96 WDS
B .00
Oepart CNMI with _taff, d.-briefingc
throughout flight; review of
personnel in emu government, nl!lmtl8 to
call to J. Abramo!! to review trip
progress toward goa18 of Leadership
knowledge of CNM!.
R8view iSQUa8 with atatf tr.velir.g,
disOU5. posaible floor action on immigration
minimum wage issuesr !rame 1s6ues 'or
it&f! to include in 'trip r_po.ta' to
nior .t.ff, to J.;k
Ahramoff to tripl sort out gains and
diseuse problem Bolving for staffers.
)i<JC rcflecl* DIlly foe. and M6b1 nOl 'pined. Put d4lt balan.c, if All)'. will N *bowo 00 ''Par'*' .Wtmoml of th. btaJnll.q of
ilil. A!.lcJllhJlUI!Jy. Lhh 11'li1lu In.,. nv/. i,.,.,llJ(lr II tclesmns, tUlllg fee c:Il:. tr>r wllich we hrve oot yr:t bten b!'lled, 'The
mof l'Cn'IM furdl above may Includ40 teNlce. rtJIdered b)' IUlst!lllllS,.in adJ,Uoa 10 unIcef rmc.lered by hymenl due In US. dollarl
A l4u: oharp of ont pcfCtIlt per "'ill Oil 1.I1lpak! Ml!IIOllflU aUQt 30 611;-"
Commonwlth of the Northern MAri&na IQland
Attn; Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box es
capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
173S New YOI'll: Av

Tekphonl!: (202) 628-1700
(202) 331-1024
May 9,
Invoice No. :3'2'28
Page ..
Jack Abramoff
04/02/96 I.M
04/02/96 POP
04/02!lH; RB
5.iO Read diSousQion w1th W. Myhre
regArding GAmei discussion with G. McCarthy
with group to
di8CUSS action in re.pone. eo preM3, _te.,
resarding Cocl.l, pre8D
with D. S.fav1an regarding
telGphone call with K. KnotC
regarding eam4/ two conference calls with 9.
Tenorio regarding e4me/ telephone contQrence
M. Prejean (Tau.in) 1 send informAtion;
diacuion with W. Myhre regarding
artiole and response; telephone conference
with A. Stoddard (Hill) regarding same.
9.00 Meetinga with officials and working
dinner with Gov. Tenorio and Saipan Garment
various oonterenceB concerning reaction to
Wa,h1ngcon Post Article on Congreeeional
seatt to CNMI; draft points tor
sional offioe proQG secr.taries.
3.20 meatinwa reaponee to
Pose prepare rebuttal
paper for with pre repre8$ntativea in
individual Congraional offices;
intraoffice ma.tinga, etc.
YO](;, rcflecl! only "1;' lind cOlli not Pl'tvIO'UllI)' billt<l. du. ba/IUltClll, IfIlllY. will!:lle mOWlllOllIll tCpurlil4 ,latcmen{ of mail.d at dte belliM;l'li of
ollth. AtWlllOt:lAl..Q,lllJ. m-r not tru;1u4 CXJl'li'e iblllUl !It teleCnms. f!lin; fUr. etc.lbi which hl'\'c nor yet trlllc4. TIle
tWn of I_leu u:11brtlt rIlQ include Kn'loo. rendJlNd br lop! In 110 .eNius rendered by tKtoTI'!CYS. pa........nt d"" I .. r i It 01-11._
A l&lill /n<:l"lio "",II -- .. 1.1 - - .- '"
Commonwlth of the Northern MAri&na IQland
Attn; Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box es
capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
173S New YOI'll: Av

Tekphonl!: (202) 628-1700
(202) 331-1024
May 9,
Invoice No. :3'2'28
Page ..
Jack Abramoff
04/02/96 I.M
04/02/96 POP
04/02!lH; RB
5.iO Read diSousQion w1th W. Myhre
regArding GAmei discussion with G. McCarthy
with group to
di8CUSS action in re.pone. eo preM3, _te.,
resarding Cocl.l, pre8D
with D. S.fav1an regarding
telGphone call with K. KnotC
regarding eam4/ two conference calls with 9.
Tenorio regarding e4me/ telephone contQrence
M. Prejean (Tau.in) 1 send informAtion;
diacuion with W. Myhre regarding
artiole and response; telephone conference
with A. Stoddard (Hill) regarding same.
9.00 Meetinga with officials and working
dinner with Gov. Tenorio and Saipan Garment
various oonterenceB concerning reaction to
Wa,h1ngcon Post Article on Congreeeional
seatt to CNMI; draft points tor
sional offioe proQG secr.taries.
3.20 meatinwa reaponee to
Pose prepare rebuttal
paper for with pre repre8$ntativea in
individual Congraional offices;
intraoffice ma.tinga, etc.
YO](;, rcflecl! only "1;' lind cOlli not Pl'tvIO'UllI)' billt<l. du. ba/IUltClll, IfIlllY. will!:lle mOWlllOllIll tCpurlil4 ,latcmen{ of mail.d at dte belliM;l'li 0'
Ollth. AtWlllOt:lAl..Q,lllJ. m-r not tru;1u4 CXJl'li'e iblllUl !It teleCnms. f!lin; fUr. etc.lbi which hl'\'c nor yet trlllc4. TIle
tWn of I_leu u:11brtlt rIlQ include Kn'loo. rendJlNd br lop! In 110 .eNius rendered by tKtoTI'!CYS. pa........nt d"" I .. r i It 01-11._
A l&lill 1rUl".io "",II -- .. 1.1 - - .- '"
of the Northern MAri&n$ Igl&Qd
Attn: Tonorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950

1735 New Yoa Avcr.\,lllt N.W.
W...J\.lnSton. D.C.
Te:tephone: (202) 62&-1700
FaoiMll.e: (202) 3Jl-l024
MAy 3, 1996
Invoice NO,13'J728
Page 5
04/02/96 '1MB ;a.so Participate in CNMI group regarding
pr& reportQ OD visiting .tart delegation
eo optiou. anQ
rebuttal stratCiYI participate in oonferanoe
call with CNMI repre.entative &nd Qtaf!
dalegation leader .
04!O:a!96 XCO
04/02/9E; ZOLC
04/0)/96 DUQ
04/03/96 JA
. 90 Review o! relevant haaring transcripts.
'.SO Meeting with B. Millar (Reeources) to
discus. recent Activitiaa, review article on
CNMI travel; internal discuQsions
1.60 Tal_phone call to D. ailohre.t'g
concerning poibil!cy of
GilQhreat taking over chairmanihip of
InAular Aftaira subcommittee: .-mail to L.
Me.d. and J. earn.,
r.v1ewed Itatus of section 936 reform.
3.20 Oiecua.ion with B. Tenorio1 disCUQsion with
A. Lassiter/ di.cu&sion with L. Meed.!
discussion with L. Latourette,
with o. Stephens; discussion with P.
Pizzella; discuas10n with B. Myhre, review
ot maeerials; preparation ot fax for B.
Tenorio .
. 70 R*viev memoa, Clips, E-mail, etc.; several
to Sh4w / me.ting
with CNMI group to problems,
read material resarding
opport..mitiee i.n OU41', furthar d1scUlUlon
rog_rdiug Codel with W. Myhre;
eonferencQ:.<ith M. ROW4Ud (.rEouee Interior)
regarding same.
II1VIJ! lC tlllGb onl)' fOCI Il.IIJ llOl pnoviou_1y bIU<I'Ii PI.Il M baIMCQII. if lillY. wnJ be !hown on a S4WIltO of /M;'lI.I1il maU..d ;ar ItIc: of
1'IIIOOtIl. tllis lDciQe lIay 001 muw: GiItO/,lClllle lkl'J'll ,,",II Kl$lf9hollC.I.el4t9'1l11fu.. ll.linr etc. b nidi 'f\IlC bavc flO( yet been blllc:d. 11w
<>fltllrVloeollCrt. ferlt. MeVC m-r include iV1c.es mkdettd by mlsuntS.ln .!!ddltioilllO J(;(Vlcci by Mlocn<j's. !ll.lynltnt due in U.S dollllN
rl'C'JUpl Ii flUe clu.tae (}font: veIUlt'[ ti<1' ",,""" war .... _ - ... -- -'" ,.,
of the Northern Mariana
Attn! Branda Tonorio
P. O. Sox 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN 96SS0
1735 York AVlI'!

(202) 628-1700
F6cdm1Je: (202) 3311024
May 9, 1.996
Pag_ e
Jacx Abramot!
04/06/9' ZOLC :2. 80 Draft memorandum fQr
internAl diaeusDioaA regarding aamG:
callD rvgarding Kep. Gallegloy
lett.r to th. Governor, various
conver!ationa .ame.
04/07/96 JA
3.10 with A. Laiter/prgparation or
m.morandum rewarding trip; with
L. reviQw of mat.rials trom trip.
fl. 50 OiIiC\UJlJion "j,eb B. T<enoriQ/ preparat.ion of
tax for B. Tenorio; ion with D.
Stephen_, di,cu88ion with P. Pizzel15/
diacu.sion with A. Lassiter; discussion with
L. Mds; di.cussion with !. Myhre I
discussion with LAtourette, review of
04/08/96 LRL
04/08/96 MHR
Meeting regarding Codel; follow-up regarding
requests tor information.
Meetini with W. Myhre to d1ucue8 a vareity
of CNMI matters; with sev.ral
pard re!1IU"(Hng bad publicity on
trip} di.au ion with D. Whaley of the
Rasearch Commictee regarding the 8&mC.
mola: roLlc<:U only feca lIN com Hot peeyl!,;'UlI)' biUod. Pue bafano... 1(&J'I;, ... ill be shown on. sep.am.lI;: r\#ement of /lliOOlJnt mailed III tlle hc&J.nn!J:ll or
m"""tII.. M4ltlona1JJ. \hIt Involoe !i"la)' not i",lutle Hems iUC!l telephone. televlSllIS, fiJi"1 dc. (Of wtlich w' h4ve not yet beell billed 1M
l'pUo.o of JaVIoe) Am:b Ilbovc mil)' in.lude )C!'Vi,u by 111I111 IINiltant&, ;" adcil!on !O JefVicet rendered by I'lymcnt due In U.S.
A Itt.. char'P of OM PtfCllIII pet month wllJ &c(;1l.lC 011 u!'lp8J.d lIfllOO!lta IIi'Iw30 dIY.

ot the Northern leland
Attn: Tonorio
P. O. BOl( 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
1736 New York Avenulf N.W.
(:202) 628-1700
PlC51miJe; (202) 331-1024
MoBy 1996
Pago 13
Jack Abrauooff
06/11/96 WOS 3.30 OrQft followup m.mo to Jaek Abramo:t
regarding tne eontinuing on the Uill
telatad the the fltatf delftg.. tiot1; revi ...,
evente with Jaok: Abramo!!, p"t Pililralla, Qt
.11 calls to Horace Cooper, Matt Miller,
David Hobb., chria Myers, Mimi Simoneaux .
04/11/9' WNM
04 ill/9lS XCO
04/11/.96 ZJlJ(
04/11/96 ZQM
04/12196 DHS
04/::'2/96 JA
04/l2/96 I.!'1
. 80 P;t"epa.re for meetinial work on G1l1189'ley
issues; telephone conferenc with M. Smith .
. 20 ,ConE_renee with J. Myhre rQgardjng
and of
. 70 CNMI bills for W. Myhre.
.60 Leg:i onlir:" for lllgialat.ion
Mariana Islands for
N. Myhre.
. 10 Meeting ot CNMI group to saipsn
tripi potGneial immigration minimum wage
legi.lation: and aft.irs in the
Affairs subcommittee. per J. Abramotf and W.
5.10 S. Myhre, D. L.
LQtourette, L. Meeds and P. Pizzel1a, revlew
of prep.ration of fax for B.
Tenorio; meeting with F. Lavin.
2.50 Review material in pr9paration for
meeting with CNM! gTOvp to di8CU8S numerous
i,ullue_ .
3.40 Finalized ana provided J. Ahramoff with a
short term Gnd long scrateiY memo/
conferred with D. regarding trip
eUl1Urlary Memo/ partioipation in emu team
meeting, diacussion J. Abramof!, L.
Meade, D. Conner! 8. Myhre R. Barnes!
rdlcctl onl)! ucs em! com DOl previolWy bllW Past due blllMG'e3, it'4I>l)'. \rill be lIhcJ.... o cn I "p..-at.<: of mailed S1 tht beglnnlni of
moatll. AdLlltkmaJly, am im'olI:C ll:lay not 1!ICludt expcnao llmm as le!eirllm.t, flIine fteg. ote for which we haw.oo( yet becn biH!l41 Tho
rlpjloo ofaorvlces SC1 fol1h .oove may l.tJclude loCrvX:e$ b)i leJa\ iIIsbunts, ill ecld.lUoo II;) mvlces by It1onley$. Payment due in US, doHus
i mocipl A late cl'lIll'Be of ()tlIll p!l"1'CCR1 pet" moath wlU 1lC0tUI on UllpfJd MlOIIf\U .10 tbtn
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn. TonoriQ
P. O. Sox a5
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
17'35 Nl'WYOtL: Avermel
W.. D.C.
Telephone: (20'.2) 628-1700
F4caim.ilc: (202)
M.Ily 9, 1.996
Invoic- No. :392728
Jllck Abrilmoff
04/14/96 JA.
0"'/15/96 PP
ot for team rG9arding
wage 5tudYi discussion with L. Latourette!
ravia. of materia18; preparation of for
S. TO'l'I.rio.
Discussion with B. Myhre; with L.
with o. Stgpb6nAl
di.CU88ioQ with P. Pizzell., preparQt10n ot
review of l.tear,
conter with 8. Myhre rCQarding minimum wase
i ue anct Gov. Tenorio appproaoh, disouQsion
and briefing with Thor Ronay, director ot
u.s. Asia Strategy Council.
WDS 2.30 Calls from Chri. Myers with Chairman Crane;
Horace Cooper with Majority and
MAtt Miller, AA for Rep QutkneQht
review of po8oibl.
committ.e/floor aotion on minimum wage and
immigration iaGues important to CNMI,
poss1bl, meetings with Lt Governor Borja
when he in DC in May; vith
JAck and Pat Pi.Rella to di'CUSR
trip reports and option. tor next trips
regarding oon.ervative activist., friendly
media, etc.
04/151915 XCO
1. 30
. 50
Meotingu with J. Abramo!!; D. Stephens I
check on Wage & Price StudYI work on latter.
Review of re8ponae letter to Gal1egly;
provide comment. on letter and additional
information on comm1ttee reterral.
reference4 in the letter to 8. Myhre,
of H01.lA and aeroato 1$gi81&t:ion for
additional relevant billlil .
em OTTI)' l!:d liOO M prcvlO\l.l>.!y blll&\4. I"ut duo If !IIrl)', wiJI be shown on & Itlpetalll '-met!( ofaOCOW'lt mailed it begllDlling ()(
nootoil. Additlon.lly. dlJf Mvoice rnA)' Q()( iI)CJudo e"flCll'i5(l iuuu sud! IiIl tAlI CifITl'll , tllu\i hs, elC. fOl whlcll we lmic flo yot b>len oilliM. The
lKion or .. Hlt'orth above may indl1&l4lieNi,," ITndr..rtd by 1evd fMlllll/ltl, in a.d4itlOWI tD s.m-ie<:1 by llUOmeyl. f'ly1Mlll. Que: 1/1 US, doUan
'IlOlriPl .A IIlU: of one pllft:.Cnl per mol'llh wl.lll\CCfl.lt 00 unp.ald il'f1()unt.s afw JO dl\'lL

commonwealth of Northern Mariana Island
Attnl Brend$ Tonorio
P. O. :Box 85
capital Hill, SAIPAN 96j50
Wa8hJ.1la1oo, ['
(ZU2) ;":'.l.-1U't
May 9, l39/i
Invoice No,:392728
Page 131
JlLck Abramo1:!
WDB J. 3 0 M tings and diQcua.1ons with Cooper,
Matt Miller an'" Chri! M}'en to frame i IHIUGIll
and fridAy aiteruoon
meot;;ing with M&.nAIU1 and delegation}
dhriefin9 of .everal traveler. following
meeting) draft memo forCNMI group !ollowing
meeting; reviaw new information with Jack
Abramo!! an6 pat p1zzella.
04/19196 WNM
04/19/96' XCO
04/19/96 ZDLC
04!n/96 JA
0'1/21/96 WNM
2.00 Meeting with CNMI group, work update
report, org&ni2. monitoring, planning issue&.
6.90 Cont4u:anoe w1 th S. Myhre regar<:!ing materials
for weekly prepare eame; attend
weekly to review Ql1 ioeu ; ollow
up meeting with S. regarding method
conduoting rAviaw of legislat10nr begin
research tor game.
4.40 Meeting to Oiecu atrategy on CNMI
activit:i , meeting to disoune legialat:ive
aQtions affecting CNMI.
1.20 Preparation or fax to B. Tenorio; review or
ItatuB report! review o! staff delegation
crip maaterilll1ll1.
4.00 Prepare status report to Brenda Tenorio!
memo to Ahramoffr organize files;
long-term planning .
. 70 Res.arch on all available informaticn ou 9.
6Ji per B. Myhre request.
2.00 call to S. Robinson, Rep.
otfice, regardin1g of 936
re:orm} telephone call to Serent's Group,
KPHG Peat Msrwick, QOMcerning wAge and hour
study, diecu'lion with J. Abramoff
Imoice reliecm only fees 11111 COitll'lOt PJ'tVkHUly b1!Je4l. l"ll$l dut' ifill), will tx; shewn on of lIuOlmf mAiled It tile bqiJmin& of
mOllt/t Mdllion.ally, till, In... moo)' "')( IllcluAo .:xpanllG Imne.udl telephone. t.ele&f'l'l/lll, tWnl! fues. etc fur wllid! MVO not yet I)fl billed TlI.r
!.ptkln let Ibrthllbove m.e.r !rn;llM.lUCl'V!XHl:lldc.l>ll t?' Icpl-..l:Il&nU, Ie l'd41tlon to rcn&.mcl by 1'10/- 0". in dol1iJ11
'_!pt. A !alllei'lruflt o{()f>tl J"Crao:nt par month lIfiJlICGI\JC on \U1l1aJd Il1flI.'JWltI
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
Suite sao
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C 2()()(J&.4759
Telephone: (202) 628-1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
July 18, 1996
Invoice No. :396716
Page 15
Jack Abramoff
06/10/96 DHS
06/1D/96 DRS
1. 00
Attended Norquist Wednesday Group meeting,
tracked H.R. 3448, small business tax bill,
with respect to section 936;
telephone calls to H. Marshal (Sen. Nickles' office)
regarding minimum wage issues, per W. Myhre;
meeting with Maria Kelly and Dan Walsh (Rep.
Gilchrest's office) regarding upcoming
Resources Subcommittee hearing; discussion
with J. Abramoff regarding same.
06/10/96 JA
06/10/96 LM
06/10/96 LRL
06/10/96 WDS
5.70 Discussion with D. Lapin; discussion witn B.
Tenorjo; discussion with B. Myhre;
discussion with E. Buckham; discussion with
Congressman T. DeLay; discussion with
Congressman P. Crane; discussion with
Congressman J. Metcalfe; discussion with
Congresswomen J. Dunn; discussion with
Congressman R. Tate; discussion with G.
Norquist; discussion with P. Pizzella;
discussion with D. Stephens; discussion with
L .. Latourette regarding August trip;
discussion with L. Meeds.
1.50 Discussion with J. Abramoff regarding
several items and regarding trip; read
report of House group regarding trip; read
clips, memos, etc.
2.20 Meetings with J. Abramoff et. ali background
for hearings.
2.40 Attended House Conservative Staff meeting to
monitor range of issues including tax,
immigration and minimum wage; meeting with
Pat Pizzella regarding upcoming hearings on
Hill; strategy to mobilize House Members to
attend and support good policies of CNMI
government; meeting with Horace Cooper to
review latest difficulties in CNMI; discuss
ways to frame problems in a positive way,
This invoice reflects only fees and costs nOI previously billed. Past duebaJances, jf any, will be shown on a separate statement of account maIled at the begtrlning of
each month. AdditIOnally, [hiS invoice may not include expense items sl!ch as telephone, telegrams, filing fees. etc for which we have not ver been billed The
descnption of services set fOf1h above may ,nclude services rendered hy legal assistants. in addifinn >.-, .
upOn reCf>'lrrt ..i rc,,.,. ..-
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
Fac _
July 18, 1996
Invoice No. :396716
Page 21
Ja.ck Abramoff
ZAK .60
Daily appropriations update; daily Legislate
Telephone conversation with Resources
regarding possible hearings; research on
Senate activities; internal discussions
regarding possible hearings.
06/14/96 ALC
06/14/96 JA
06/14/96 LM
06/14/96 LRL
06/14/96 PP
1. 30
Conference with B. Myhre regarding legal
research with respect to the current law
regarding administration of Monument park
and the effect of the proposed legislation.
Team meeting; discussion with E. Buckham
(DeLay); discussion with H. Cooper (A-rmey)
discussion with D. Stephens; discussion with
P. Bond (Dunn); discussion with Congressman
Rohrabacher; discussion with B. Tenorio;
discussions with D. Lapin; review of
materials; discussion with B. Myhre;
discussion with P. Pizzella.
Several discussions wlth J. Abramoff
regarding situation in CNMI regarding
Attorney General; calls regarding testimony;
discussion with W. Myhre regarding J. Shea
suggestions; prepare outline of questions
and answers on minimum wage.
Research regarding business opportunities in the CNMI ..
Develop mission statement and letter from
Gov. Tenorio to NCPPR regarding upcoming
CNMI trip; review briefing book with E. Coyle
and make revisions; phone conversation with
D. Bandow; prepare fax for J. Abramoff to
Philippines President Ramos assistant; and
prepare faxes to D. Bandow, A. Moritz and
A. Messing; discussion with B. Myhre regarding
briefing book
This inVOice retlects only fees and costs nOt previously billed. Past due balances, if any, will be shown on a separate sL'ltemenl of account mailed allhe beginning of
each month. Additionally. this invoice may not include expense items such as telephone, telegrams, tiling fees, etc. for which we have not yel been billed The
jescription of services set forth above may include services rendered by legal assistants, in addition to servj,es rendered bv at1omcv< A .. _ ,- ."
'pon receipt A late charge of one percent per month will .. -- _.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Attn: Brenda Tenorio
P. O. Box 85
Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006--4759
Telephone: (202) 628-1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
July 18, 1996
Invoice No. :396716
Page 25
Jack Abramoff
06/17/96 WDS 4.10 Team meeting with Lloyd Meeds, Jack
Abramoff, et al to discuss range of issues,
upcoming hearings and current situation
regarding personnel who will be traveling to
Washington to a t ~ e n d hearings; attended
House Conservative Staff meeting to monitor
immigration and minimum wage issues; meeting
with Horace Cooper to update on hearings,
what to expect, latest DOr report.
06/17/96 WNM
06/17/96 WNM
06/17/96 XPD
06/17/96 XCO
06/17/96 ZAK
06/17/96 ZDLC
4.00 Prepare for in house meetings; review new
materials from CNMI; work on assignments;
2.00 Begin draft of testimony.
6.50 Researched amendment to S. 1804 (amendment
4039) regarding the Department of Energy
radiological health program; attended CNMI
Working Group meeting; preparation of
background material for Hill lobbying effort;
research FY 1995 appropriations language and
Senator Johnston's statement concerning
funding; provided copies of appropriations
materials to W. Myhre; prepared draft letter
concerning prison funding point of contact
for CNMI.
4.60 Prepare questions for congressional hearing
witness; conference with P. DeGiusti
regarding same; attend update meeting with
W. Myhre, L. Meeds and others; review of
relevant material; prepare additional
questions .
. 50 Daily appropriations update; daily legislate
4.40 Meeting to discuss strategy on DOl report
and legislative initiatives; draft lobbying
materials; general research on CNMI activities.
n,is invoice reflects only fees and costs not prevlollSly billed. Past due balances, if lillY, will be shown on a sepaJate statement of account mailed at the m:ginning of
each month. Additionally. this invoice may not include expense items such lIS telephone, telegrams, filing fees. etc. for which we have not yet been billed. The
jescription of services set forth above may include servic.::s rendered by legal assistMts. in additiDn tD services rendered hv "I"1Mnp". 0_...
lpon receipt A late charge of Dne percenl ner month ~ ; " _-.- --
Suite 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006-4759
Telephone: (202) 628-1700
FacslmLle: (202) 331-1024
August 6, 1996
Invoice No. :398725
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
Jack Abramoff
07/01/96 TLP
07/01/96 WDS
07/01/96 WNM
07/01/96 XCO
07/01/96 ZAK
07/01/96 ZDLC
07/02/96 ALC
1. 50
Telephone calls with D. Stephens and C.
Berwick and E. Cassidy (both Hastings)
regarding follow-up on Hastings opening
statement at hearlngj
exchange e-mails regarding follow-up on same
and LIIDS with J. Abramoff;telephone call
with B. Myhre regarding same.
Meeting with Pat Pizzella; call to Horace
Cooper with Majority Leader to arrange
meetings with Pam Rigg; call to Pam Rigg to
walk through INS issues and threats to. take
over LIIDS; meetings on Hill with Horace
Cooper, Chris Myers and short visit with
David Hobbs in Armey office, call with Jack
Abramoff to brief on current status on Pam
Rigg meetings on Hill, etc.
Conference with B. Tenorio; revise work plan
memo for response to Congressional questions;
review new materials.
Review of congressional transcripts and
testimony for information relating to questions
asked by members.
Daily Legislate update; Lexis articles for
J. Abramoff.
General administrative; research on hearing
follow-up to member questions.
Conference with B. Myhre regarding options
for placement of recruitment advertisements for immigration
position. Draft memorandum summarizing proposed
suggestions for placement and contact numbers.
fhis invoice rcOects only fees and costs not previously billed. Past due balances, if any, will be shown on a separate stalement of account mailed at tile beginning of
each month. Additionally, lhis invoice may not include expense iterm such as telephone, telegrams, filing fees, etc. for which we have not yet been billed The
description of services set forlh above may include services rendered by legal assistants, in addition to services rendered by anomeys Payment due in US dollars
Ur){)n receipL A late charge of one percenl per monlh will accrue on unoaid amount, "fir.r H1 ri.",
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC. 20006-4759
Telephone: (202) 62.B-1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
August 6, 1996
Invoice No. :398725
Page 4
Jack Abramoff
07/02/96 JA
07/02/96 JA
07/02/96 JB
07/02/96 LM
07/02/96 PP
07/02/96 PP
07/02/96 WDS
1. 00
1. 50
1. 00
Meeting with B. Tenorio regarding supplemental
submission to committees; discussion with B.
Myhre; discussion with L. Meeds; discussion
w{th P. Pizzella; discussion with D.
Stephens; review of materials; preparation
of emails; discussion with S. Aloot;
preparation of fax for B. Tenorio.
Meeting with E. Buckham; discussion
with H. Cooper; discussion with S. Aloot.
Meeting with Tenorio; follow up with
consultants and research regarding aviation
Discussion with J. Abramoff regarding
letters from Congressman Kildee and
Congressman Gilchrest, etc.; read E-mail,
clips, memos, etc.; discuss with B. Myhre;
discussion with E. Rouvelas regarding status
of CNMI.
Confer and brief J. Abramoff re: recent C M ~ I
trip and possibilities for upcoming trips;
discuss trip outcome with B. Tenorio and
S. Aloot; phone conversation with J. Fund at WSJ
re: future CNMI trip; review draft trip
memo; and review additional material
received from CNMI for distribution to
travelers; confer with S. Stephens re: future
O ~ I trip itineraries.
Confer with B. Myhre re: CNMI tax
issue; confer with D. Safavian re: ~ I tax
Meeting with B. Tenorio; call from B.
Myhre to review issues; meeting with Pat
Pizzella; call from D. Ridenour with
NCPPR to review Pizzella trip and discuss
possible trip in one month; discussion .with
J. Abramoff regarding action items;
This invoice reflects only fees and costs not previollsly billed. Past due balances, If any, will be shown on a separate statement of account maJled at th\: begmning of
each month AdditionaJly, this invoice may not include expense items such as telephone, telegrams, filing fees, etc. for which we have not yet been billed The
descnption of services set forth above may include services rendered by legal assistants, in addition Lo servIces rendered by attorneys Payment due In US dollars
upon receipt A late charge of one percent per month will accrue on unpaid amounts after 30 days.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20006-4759
Telephone: (202) 628-1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
August 6, 1996
Invoice No. :398725
Page 12
Jack Abramoff
07/09/96 WDS
07/09/96 WNM
07/09/96 XCO
07/09/96 ZAK
07/09/96 ZDLC
07/10/96 DHS
07/10/96 JA
2.30 Meeting with H. Cooper with Rep. Armey to
review recent House and Senate Hearings and
potential future actions by House and Senate
staff, attempts to attach damaging language
to appropriations bills and other
vehicles between now and end of Congress;
review issues with J. Abramoff; call from
C. Berwick with Rep. Hastings regarding
letter to Governor Tenorio
5.00 Revise Supplemental Submission as per
MacMeekin & Woodward; telephone conferences
with D. Muir and B. Tenorio regarding
same; review clips; review'
transcript; telephone conferences with J.
Shea; conferences with J. Abramoff .
. 60 Monitor Senate floor debate and action on
minimum wage legislation .
. 50 Researching stars filming overseas; daily
appropriations update.
2.10 Research on Senate hearing information;
telephone calls regarding activities; review
1.90 Completed drafting of memo regarding
jurisdiction of Interior inspector general
to audit purely CtmI transaction; reviewed
case law concerning same.
4.20 Meeting with Congressman D. Burton;
discussion with K. Binger; discussion
with E. Buckham; discussion with P.
Pizzella; review of Kildee letter;
discussion with D. Stephens; review of
materials; preparation of fax for B.
Tenorio; discussion with B. Tenorio;
discussion with D. Lapin; discussion with L.
ThIS invoice reflects only fees and costs not preVIOusly billed. Past due balances, if any, will be shown on a separate statement of account mailed at the beginning of
each month. Additionally, this invoice may not include expense items such as telephone, lelegrams, filing fees, etc. for which we have not yet been billed The
d"scription of services set forth above may include services rendered by legal assistants, in addition to services rendered by attorneys Payment due in US dollars
Jpon receipt. A late charge of one percent per month will accrue on unpaid amounts after 30 days.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006-4759
Telephone; (202) 628-1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
August 6, 1996
Invoice No. :398725
Page 16
Jack Abramoff
07/11/96 ZAK
07/12/96 DHS
for relevant provisions; review of congressional
publications for relevant issues. and events.
Daily appropriations update; daily Legislate
Continued research concerning tax laws of
the CNMI/IRS, per L. Latourette and J.
07/12/96 DHS 2.00 telephone call to Sen. Nickles'
office concerning minimum wage issues;
telephone call to L. Taylor (Chamber of
Commerce of U.S.) concerning same.
07/12/96 JA
07/12/96 JA
07/12/96 LRL
07/12/96 TLP
07/12/96 WDS
1. 40
Discussion with Congressman Funderburk;
discussion with E. Buckham (DeLay);
discussion with R. Reed; discussion with G.
Norquist; discussion with H. Cooper (Armey)
discussion with A. Lassiter (DeLay); faxes
for B. Tenorio; phone call to B. Tenorio;
discussion with B. Myhre; review of Kildee
letter; discussion w.ith K. Binger (Burton);
discussion with Congressman Randy Tate;
discussion with Dana Rohrabacher; discussion
with P. Pizzella; discussion with D. Bandow;
discussion with L. Solters; discussion with
L. Latourette
Meeting regarding August trip; research
corporate/tax status of U.S. companies
regarding incorporating In CNMI.
Conferences with B. Myhre and C. O'Malley
regarding B. Evans (Senate Interior
Appropriations) voice mail on CNMI issues in
Senate Appropriations bill; coordinated
transcription of email on same.
Trip preparation with J. Abramoff and P.
rhis invoice reflects only fees and costs nor previously billed Past due balances, if any, will be shown on a separate statement of account mailed at the beginning of
:ach monUl Additionally, this invoice may not include expense items such as telephone, telegrams, filing fees, etc. for which we have not yet ocen billed. The
kscription of services set forth above may include services rendered by legal assistants, in addition to services rendered by anorneys Payment due in US dollars
,pon receipL A late charge of one percent per month will accrue on unpaid amounts after 30 days.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
Stille 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
Washmglon, D.C. 20006--4759
Telephone: (202) 62..1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
September 9, 1996
Invoice No. : 400753
Page 14
Jack Abramoff
08/19/96 WNM
08/19/96 XPD
08/19/96 ZPEC
08/20/96 DHS
08/20/96' LM
1. 40
1. 00
1. 50
Meeting with J. Blank regarding aviation
issues; telephone conferences with L.
Latourette regarding new business; casino
and related
Read clip packs.
Daily Lexis-Nexis Eclipse search
Completed drafting of memo to client
concerning section 936 repeal, per W. Myhre.
Read clips, memos, E-mail, etc., from J.
Abramoff; discussion with L. Latourette
regarding business opportunities.
08/20/96 PP
08/20/96 WDS
08/20/96 WDS
08/20/96 WNM
08/21/96 DHS
08/21/96 LM
08/21/96 LRL
8.00 Continue briefing of travelers and answering
questions re: people and issues in CNMIi
facilitate journey of travelers through
customs and Chicago and Japan airports in
route to CNMI.
2.60 Meeting with L. Latourette regarding Mayo Clinic initiative;
2.60 call to and meeting with M. Miller, AA for Rep. Gutknecht
regarding Mayo and CNMI issuesi contact H. Cooper
regarding floor schedule for early September regarding
Delegate bill.
2.30 Work on strategy for balance of year;
debrief from L. Latourette; long-term
planning .
. 90 Attended Norquist meeting to monitor
immigration and minimum wage issues.
1.00 Read clips, files, memos and E-mail from J.
2.60 Telephone conversations with L. Salters, J.
Abramoff; prepare materials for L. Salters.
'his invoice reflects only fees and costs not previously billed Past due balances. jf any, will be shown on a separate statement of account mailed at the beginning of
ach monllL Additionally, this invoice may not include expense items such as telephone, telegrams, filing fees, etc for which we have not yet been billed The
e,eripllon of services set forth abDve may include services rendered by legal assistants, in addition to services rendered by attorneys. Payment due in US dollars
pon receipt. A late charge of one percent per month will accrue on unpaid amounts after 30 days.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
Washington,. D,C. 20006-4759
Telephone: (202) 628-1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
September 9, 1996
Invoice No. : 400753
Page 20
Jack Abramoff
08/28/96 DHS
1"'10 1'10 / ("\,- T
UU!4Qj7Q .!....!.!l'!
08/28/96 LRL
08/28/96 PP
.80 Attended Norquist Wednesday Group meeting to
monitor immigration and labor legislation .
. 50 Read material from w. Myhre.
3.20 Review of publications; meeting regarding
health services.
5.80 Confer on phone with M. Copulos on up coming
trip and travel arrangements; phone
conference with L. Latourette and J. Abramoff
re: J. Kaplan visit to CNMI; exchange
e-mails with M. Broadhurst in Saipan; finalize
and send briefing books to CNMI travelers;
confer on phone with J. Gattuso, of
Citizens for a Sound Economy re: trip to
CNMI and issues to be covered; meet with
D. Stephens and H. Cooper (Armey staff)
and M. Miller (Gutknecht staff) to discuss
remaining legislative session and CNMI
issues; confer with W. Myhre re: upcoming trip
to CNMI and status of issues; and read CNMI
08/28/96 WDS
08/28/96 WNM
Meeting with H. Cooper and P. Pizzella
attended Grover/Coalition meeting to monitor
immigration and minimum wage issues; worked
with P. Pizzella on vote count for full
committee for early September; meeting with
M. Miller, AA for Rep. Gutknecht to gauge
members ability.
Telephone conferences with D. Woodworth
regarding status of Magnuson Act issues; problems with
M. Mansur, etc.; calls to congressional
staff reo status; meeting with P.
Pizzella regarding next trip to CNMI; review
billing matters.
llis invoice refiects only fees and costs not previously billed. Past due balances, if any, will be shown on a separate statement of account mailed at the beginning of
aell month Additionally, this invoice may not include expense items such as telephone, telegrams, filing fees, elc. for which we have not yet been billed The
escription of services set forth above may include services rendered by legal assistants, in addition to services rendered by attorneys. Payment due in US. dollars
ron receipt A late charge of one percent per month will accrue on unpaid amounts alter 30 days
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
Suite 500
1735 New York Avenue N.W.
\Vashington, DC. 20006-4759
Telephone: (202) 62&-1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
September 9, 1996
Invoice No. :400753
Page 21
Jack Abramoff
08/28/96 XCO
08/28/96 25MV
08/29/96 JA
08/29/96 JA
08/29/96 LRL
08/29/96 PP
08/29/96 WDS
08/29/96 XPD
1. 50
Conference with W. Myhre regarding clips and
research project; review of clips and
information on relevant legislation.
Daily Lexis-Nexis Eclipse search.
Lexis and Westlaw searches on Cathay Pacific
and Dragon Air for J. Blank; pull articles
from Lexis for M. Rouvelas, J. Blank and B.
discussion with L. Latourette; discussion with D. Safavian;
review of materials on delegate bill; review of fexes
f r o m ~ . Tenorio; preparation of faxes for B. Tenorio.
Discussion with D. Stephens; discussion
with P. Pizzella;
Correspondence with L. Solters; meeting with
J. Abramoff; research regarding Mao Chin.
Confer with L. Latourette and J. Abramoff re:
CNMI issues, pending Think Tank trip to
Saipan and strategy for upcoming legislative
session; review newsclips from CNMI; confer
on phone with P. Thomas of Cong
Torkilsen(D-MA)staff re: C ~ ~ I delegate bill;
exchange e-mails with D. Stephens and
J. Abramoff on CNMI delegate bill issue; and
confer on phone with J. Kaplan of Cadwalder, Wickersham
& Taft re: his upcoming trip to CNMI.
Meeting with Leadership office staffers
including H. Cooper, K. Knott and
B. Gunderson regarding timing of
September floor action, legislative
priorities for GOP Leadership as related to
Delegate bill; call to K. Christiansen
with House Resources Committee regarding
Delegate bill prospects.
Read clips.
'his invoice reflects only fees and cmts not previously billed. Past due balances, ifany, will be shown on a separa1e statement of account mailed at th.e beginning of
ach month. Additionally, this invoice may not include expense items such as telephone, relegrams, filing fees, etc for which we have not yet been billed. The
"scription of services set forth above may include services rendered by legal asSIStants. in addition to services rendered by attorneys. Payment due in lJ S dollars
)on receipt. A late charge of one percell! per month will accrue on unpaid amounts after 30 days
Commonwealth of the Northgrn MarianA Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
caller Box 10001
Saipan, MP 96950

1735 New Yw:k Avet\u", N.

Telephone: (201) 62.&-171
Facsirrnle: (2.02.) 331-10:
Ocr:ober 7, 1996
Invoice NO.;4030S6
Page 13
J. Abr.amotf
. i
, j
0<;/11/96 ZDLC
09/12/9& J'A
09/12/96 JB
09/12/96 LR.L
regarding discussion with A.
carleon arcicle; calls to Center
for HealCh Policy in Denver
regarding telemedicine review fax
Center for Health Polley; discussion
with A. Carleen regarding ordaring reports.
2.10 Telephone calls regarding possible
act1vltles 00 affect1ng the
CNMI; the same.
7.20 Fax for B. TQOOrio: discussion with D.
Lapin; discuscion with W. Myhre; diSC1.l8Sion
with D. Stephen5; diacuss10n with L.
Latourette; with P.
disCUBOion with H. Copulas! diaoussion with
Deutsch; meeting with A.
Messing: discussion with Congresswomen
Chenoweth; discussion wiCh Congressman
Royce; discussion with congressman
Funderburk, disauasion with Congressman
Crano i rev.i_.'" of materials; discussion wi tb
D.LaYI discussion with E.
BucJcham (D8Layl; discussion with H. Cooper
(Armey}. discussion with D.
diBCU3Bion with W. Myhre, discussion wit.h L.
Latourette; discuaaion with D. Conner
4.90 and memo;
telephone conference with Arch; telephone
conference with Burkhart.
4.50 Discus&ion with J. Abr&mOff; review of materials;
with P. Piz%alla; maating with Andy and Milt Copulos
of Nation.l Defense Council to discus plans for event in
Philippines .
O!J/l'J/'Jo PP 4.20 Meet with A. Heasing and M. Copulos of
National Defense Council Foundation, along
with J. Abramo!! and L. Latourette to
discuss plans for event in philippines at
APEC forum for Gov. Tenorio; also reviewed
ThIs !nvoloe rcllCCl:$ only foe::!, W rom not prev!ously billed. I'iWd'" boa1lll1c:a, if MIl', ..ill be mown on a Q( =u:nl lit the or
cl<cll monlh. Additionally, this ilT\loicr mil)' not ineiudc ppcnJe i1ems rudl a telephone. lClcgnms. fees. etc. for which _ h.tve not yel been billed. The
dc$Crlplion (lfscrviCC$ set forth!!bove i'llI)' jnclude KTVices rendered by lcgal mUtanrs.. in 3d<lirioo (0 sCNi.:cs f1.::u:le:.tCd by Payment due in U.s. lklllm
upoo A 1m cll.'U"gf ofooe p<llr'Clmt per month will :Il:C!1le 011 unpaid llI'MunlS A11tr 30 days
J nLd 1. \...Jl"'J
Conwonwealth of tbe Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor .. Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
MP 96950
1mNew York AYcrluc N
Wa.'Chin&t=. nc. 2OOCl6-4;
Telephone: (2D2) 6.28-1'7
(202) 331-10
OCtober 7, 1996
Invoice No.:403056
Page 19
J. Abramoff
09/16196 ZDLe
09/H/96 ZPEC
bill and strategies for committee markup;
review of senate action on Interior
Appropriations bill; conference with W.
Myhre regarding SaMG; compare various
of bill language; provide copies of
same to W. Myhre.
Meeting to dinCllaS legislative etrategy;
telephon4 ealla to regarding
legialation affecting tha CNMI.
Continued of activities relating
to legislative propoaals at!ecc1ng the CNMI.
D.:lily Lexie-NeJCifl RclipsQ
09/17/96 DHS
09/17/% vA
2.30 Att@nded CNMI meeting to Delegate
bill; telephone calla to o. (Rep.
Radanovich a office) and E. Findley
g ottice} regarding sama; meeting
with D. Johanson regarding telephone
oall to D. Walsh (Rep. Gilchrest 9 office)
regarding Delegate Bill.
7.20 with Congresswomen Chenoweth;
di6cu6sion with Congressman Joneoi
diacuasion with Congressman Pundsrhurk;
di$cuggion with Congr8S&mAO DeLay;
discussion with B. Buckhorn; di5CUS5ion with
A. Lassiter; diacuBsion with H. Cooper;
discussion with discussion
Senator Lotti dicussion with
CongrQs&man Crapo, review of materials; team
meeting regarding Delegate Bill; discussion
wich n.Stephens.; discu..5..5ion with P.
Pizzellal discussion with L. Latourette;
disoussion with W. Myhre; discussion with L.
Meeds; discussion with D. Conner; review of
Del12gate Bill materials.
Tbil> 'nvei", rdlcet3 only ft:<:1, .no =sbo p,.,.,.iowoly bille4. l';osl if.tty, ",ill be >1.0,..,., Otl a $t:>IClA'lCrt! of:>u.()unt ""';I<l:l! v.... begin"ing of
eaclI "'01'11/1, A4dill(lnally. lhiI may on( include a:)ltmC itctm wc.h 21 tclqJlIooc. tcIcpmru. ftlillg fcc. etc. fOt wtlic.h we n.vc net yet bttn billed. The
&.criptIDn of iCCViccsoct forth above mtl)' include 5CfYl<;CS m'ld.:Te-d by kpl WLsunI$, in "diljort to rendered by olL4:ltmy$. Paym<:nt "'-'e 111 U.s doHan
upon rtipt. A l;ue of Ollt perunl. flU mend! will accrue 00 UflpUd :.mouoo 30 wYI.
J.. Pd)..:J 1 V 1'\J
ITJ5 New YOI.k AV'fflUe l
WashinGton. D.C. 1DOO&
Telephone: (202) 628-1
Facsimile: (20.2.) 331-1
J. AbralJlOff
Commonwealth of the Norther.n Mariana Island
Harman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
caller Box 10007
saipan, MP 96950
7, 1996
No.; 403056'
0:1/18/96 WNM 3.00
attending staff, at al regarding str4tegic
location of CNMI; meeting Rep. Regula
on general matters at Interior appropriations.
Monitor markup of dalegatQ bill; preparatory
meeting4; prepare fellOw-un
ffiQotings with B. Tenorio.
09/18/96 WNM .80
09/113/96 WWB 1.20
09/16/96 XPP .50
09/19/9b ZDLC 3.40
09 /19! 96 mrs .90
Monitor MFCMA debate.
OiscuGGiono with Rep. Miller and Rep.
Gjedoncon Committee) regarding
delegate legislation and possible options
regarding opposition; report to J. Abramo!!.
Legi81ative MOnitoring and read clips.
markup on legislation; debrief regarding same.
Telephone calls to K. Mehlman (Rep_ Lamar
smith s office) and B. Maier (Sen. Kyl
officel regarding legislation
and potential inclusion of the CNMI in such legislation.
09!19/:J6 JA. 5.40 Discussion with B. Tenorio; diacut3nion witb.
Pizzella; diacussion with L. Latourette;
discussion with D. Stephens; with
W. Myhre; review of fax from J. Kaplan;
with L. with D.
Conner: drafc of taxes for B. Tenorio;
diecUBaionwith 8. :euck.bam; di6C\lB3ion with
H. Cooper; with
DeLay; dincunsion with Congressman
Rohrabacherj discussion with Congressman
8urcon, review or materials.
rc!lcces only IIml Wlits not ;m:viO\ll)I)' p"", dllC iflll'ly, will Ix: SOOWfl on I Sllll:emcnl oflcwunl malled ar m(: btsJnnln{; of
eacl1 monili. Addition41ly. this invoice m<l)' not include itl:fi1$ Judi tclepnMe, Idc8fllI'IU, filing elL f()f whicll we hllve 1101 yet billed 11le
ut:).ripl.ivn or sa fL>i1Jl above .1'llJ'I llltllldl: wvka I'Clld<:rc;d by 'cpllWi3Wlts, in B4dition to sc:rriCQ rQ'l(:lcrcd by lWVn>cy$_ r")'mcttf due in US, dolJ""l
U$lM receipt. A lal.t dulrge of O/lf pet moll1t1 will ;j.C:QUe on umr.Vd amotITllS afta JO d.ys.
J. J. Vl
1735 N- Yorfc Avmuc
W......JUI'Igb.wl. o.c.
Telephone: (202) 628-170
f'aoimi.1:: (202) 331-102
of the Northern Mariana
Herman T. GUerrero
CNMI Department of Labor k Immigration .I8
caller Box 10007
saipan, MP 96950
october 7, 1.996
Invoice N'o.
Page ]1
J. AbraDlOf:t
, I
. I
O'J/26/!J6 DRS
09/26/96 !...RL
Read Immigration conference
report to ensure that provisions regarding
INS jurisdiction did not permit application
of U.S. immigration laws to the Northern Islands.
Discussion with E. With
diSCU5uion A. carleen: call to M.
Broadhurst; dicCU6sion with L. Latourette;
rQview of Rouse Hearing memo; of
South Pacific Bill; diBcussion with s.
Tenorio; diSCUssion with L.
with D. StephQns: discussion with
H. Cooper (Armey); review of materials;
discussion with U. Landesman
Review ot wage Study; discussion with J. Abramo!!; review 0:
material::!;. with A. carlson regarding events.
09/26/96 ImS
09/26/96 WNM
09/:26/96 XPD
09/26/96 xeo
3.30 Call to Dean Clancy with Majority Leader
Armay ragarding Delegate bill an Su&penaion
calendar; ongoing meetinga with .1':ack
Abramo!! during the day floor
Action Rill viDits to GOP Conference
Rep pombo offica; call from B. Tenorio.
2.60 MOnitor final deve1opmenta;
telephone conferencQs B. Tenorio; interoffice meetings.
1.00 Provided e-mail to L. Ldtourette. J.
Abramo!f and CNMI Working Group regarding
Asia Pacific subcommittee hearing and
provided testi!llDDY to W. .Myhre and L.
Latourette; clips; and monitoring.
1.80 MOnitor floor of R.Con. Rea.
199 dealing with U.S. membership in South
Pacific regional organizations; provide
update on same to J. Abramoff, W. Myhre and
others; telephone calls to
starr regarding otatement by Representative
Bereutert with W. Myhre regarding
This IllVOire reflccu ooly rCC1l lIlLd not billed. Put due balanas, if lilly. will be lOOwll on a of iI'XX>Unt rI\;likd at me of
mOfltl\. AddiliolUlly. tIIil irmlice may f'I(l( ilt.ms ilS lC!cgr-ll11l, filins fcu. etc. forwhiclt we hn'e IIOf yet boe.n billed. The
dl:sc:riptioo ofwviets set furlb above may wvices rendered by lepl In aDdilion ID by BUornIl)'i. P"')'T'tImt dur: in US. dollars
l!jlQn. A cllfll"gl! of one petttlIt mamll wut on MlOtmll aficf 30 d."s.
1735 N_ YOTk N.""
WaMingtnn, D.C. 2I:lOO64.7S-
Telephone: (202) 628-170<
(202) 331-1024
or the Northern Ma,riana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & Immigration IS
caller Box 10007
s.ipan, MP 96950
October. 7, 1996'
Invoice No.:403055
Page 32
J. Abramo!!
, I
. ,
! I
09/27/96 OHS
0'3/2 7I ')6 JA
same; review of .
. 70 Telephone to S. Robinson (Rep. DeLay'o
offica) and B. Jackson (Rep. Boehnsr'a
office) regarding status of omnilms
appropr1ation and potanti.l for
6.50 Discussions with B. Tenorio; meetings on
capitol Hill; discussion with H. Cooper
IArmeyl; wi th .2. .Buckham (DeLay);
with CongresGman office;
discussion with Burton;
discussion with Congressman Tate;
with Crane; with
Congressman English, review of Bill
language; with W. Myhre;
discussion with L. Latourette; discussion
with L. Meeds; discuasion with D. Stephens;
discussion with P. pizzella; with
D. Conner; with J. Blank
09/27/96 LRL
09/27/96 WDS
09/27/96 XPD
D1ecussions with J. Abramoff: review ar materials.
Worked on Delegata bill 1s3ues, talked with
OOP Leadership staff and Bouse
staff on and off all during day including
Rules Committee staff; reviewed statU$
frequeJ1t:1y "'it.h J. Abramof! and W. Myhre
throughout day.
Read clips; legislative monitoring.
09/27/96 XCO 3.00 Review ot congressiOOAl and
new801ip8' regarding omnibus apprapriationa
lTl4..... ure; TQviaw of Conqressional Record on
the Internet for relevant on
H.J.Re. 183 regarding 0.3. membership in
South Pacific regional organizations; review
of debate on SOlltle; prepare memorandum for \II.
Myhrtll on same.
This ;rrv<1;a; C>I\I)' and C01;l$ rtot pnMollJl)' billed. I'ldl due balltltU, if ""Y. Wlll be shown ()(t a scpllaie sl..Ul;mcnt of acoounl tmild 81lhc beG/Ming of
monlh. AdditionaJI)'. this invoice Il1lIl}' II(l( inclUde expcnn; sudI as leIepMnc. teltenmr:. tiling fees, etc. for Which we Iurn: not yel bitled. The
de$t:rlption of sgykd set funh lIbovc mJlI)' incllJde senriocJ rttldercd \eplmlsttnts, in to SClYiCQ renOcrcd by ..1l0l'lle)"1. f';ymLlU due l" U_'i. dollars
Ufl(mr=ipt. A 1<Ut; cJwge ofone pt:l:'CQlL per mooftl wi!! lICUUC OIl! WlpaW lIJI)I,n 30 d.r)iI.
1 I'\.t::J 1L>N
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor & IS
Caller Box 10007
Salpan,MP 96950
Swte SOl
1735 New York Avenue N.W
Washington, DC 2OCXJ6..475S
Telephone: (202) 628-1700
Facsimile: (202) 331-1024
November 30, 1996
Invoice No. :406899
Page 7
J. Abramoff
11/06/96 TLP .20
trips to CNMI. phone calls with A. Mullen
(ATR) , R, Marden (PM), S. !1asty (Adam Smith
Institute), Daniel Wattenberg (George
Magazine), B. Lopina (Christian Coalition)
and B. Pascoe (ACU) re: upcoming trips to'
CNMI; confer with J. Abramo!f re: election
impact on CNMI issues; conversation with A.
Messing re: discussing details for event in
Manila with J. Abramoff.
Conference with D. Connor regarding
follow-up on ethics on congressional staff
travel to the CNMI.
11/06/96 \'oTIS
11/06/96 ZDLC
11/07/96 DHS
11/07/96 JA
4.40 John Luddy with Senator Bennett
and Bill Johnson, LD for Rep Jim Hansen and
Horace Cooper, Legislative Counsel to
Majority Leader Armey; work on trip
preparations with calls
to the Hill including Jennifer Larkin, LD
for Rep Dornan regarding election results,
Jeff Shockey, LD for Rep Jerry Lewis, Mike
Hansen, LD for Rep Sam Johnson, Glen Downs,
AA for Rep Walter Jones Jr .. worked with
J. Abramoff and P. Pizzella on trip
3.90 Discussions regarding trips with P.
pizzella; draft trip materials .
. 90 Telephone calla to M. Jimenez (Rep. Kolbe's
office) and D. Walsh (Rep. Gilchrest's
office) regarding December trip to Saipan.
4.50 Discussion with B. Tenorio; discussion with
D. Lapin; discussion with B. Myrhe;
discussion with L. Meeds; discussion with D.
Stephens; discussion with P. Pizzella; email
to M. Broadhurst; discussion with A.
Messing; preparation of DHL for B. Tenorio;
preparation of fax for B. Tenorio;
5 /nIIOlce rellects only fees and costs not previously billed. Past due balances. if any, will be shown on a separate starement of account mailed at [he beginning of
1 month Additionally, this inVOice may nor Include expense irems such as telephone, telegrams, filing fees. etc. for which we have not yet been billed. The
nption of services sel forth above may include services rendered by legal assistants. in addition (0 services rendered by anomeys Payment due in U S. dollars
" receIpt A lale charge of one percent per month will accrue on unpaid amo\JnlS atkr 30 days.
MAR. -20' 97(THU) 1523
331 1024
P 003
'fIX Id.nllllcllion No, 910534064
1735 NEW YOU'" VJiN1J1l NW SUITE sao WASflINGTON, DC 200064759 20N181700 Fl" 202331) 024
Commanwealth of the Mariana
Herman T.
CNMI Department of L&bor ImmigTation IS
caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
March 13, 1997
Invoice No. :412794
Pa.ge 2
Commo!l\e'"eaich ot the Northern Marianit IslJll..P4-ClI!MI
For Professional Services Rendered Through February 28, 1997
Date Atty Hours of Serv1csB
01/23/97 WDS g.50 Meetings on H111 with all travelera on 1/25
trip inoluding Podleaak, Kres8ski,
Pink-rton, and Behrendsi work in office
finaliZing detAils for trip, calls to
coordinate witb Tenorio staff.
Ol/J7/97 JA 3.20 preparation work for US Senate;
eo P. Pizzella and D. regarding
House efforcs; disou8sian with O. Stephansi
with P. Pizzella; disculsion with
L. Meeds; discussion with a. Myhre;
preparation of faxes for B. Tenorio.
with D. Lapin; email with A. Zwany (HAy
Group); review of mAterials.
01/29/97 JA 3.50 with L. Meeds; diaoussion with B.
Myhr-i d1scuesian wieh D, stephans;
di.cussion with P. Plzzella; discubaian with
D. Conner; discu88ion with B. Tenorio;
preparation of faxes for B. Tenorio;
preparation of Senate etrategyj discussion
of upcoming trips with Leadership;
diecuuion with 2. auckhi.im: d:Jacuuioo with
K. Binger (Burton).
01/30/97 JA 5.20 Diseuasionwith Congreeaman Engliah;
diacussion with B. Myhre; E.
Buckbami diacUBsion with H. CooFer;
dlmcUBsion with r. Rudy; email with D.
Lapin; with D. St_phensl
with D. Canner; witb
Thiu invoillft f'Ill'l"ctlI 00!1I not prniously billed. 1'ul du blll!/lcu..lfiJlll". will!Jll shown On ieparnlll sw.emenl ofnm'l1J/u lilt tht "rlha nmr;t
rTlOn1h. PeYmeT1II. in U.S. doll:llt1lIlpOl1rl:cclpt. Pundl may ba wIred III our ItCOllfll numher 67! 914-03 II: .ellllf;, Main OIDe.!. Sw..ltle, WU/ljnglDII, ABA
roLllin@ number 125000024. \!1S.A llJ'td chI] II lOll: dlsf1!C of per monlh wlilll-'lcFJle 011 unplli<! !Iffl()UTlt1o iUlcr J()
MAR, -20' 97(THUI 15:23 PRf
TEL: c
331 1024 P 004
1735NEWYOJU:AvENUENW SUITI!500 'W",SHlIolOlO1'{,DC 200064759202621-1700 Px;20233]j024 www.prostollill1ea.com/dc
Commonwealth of tha Northern Mariana leland
HermLn T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor , Immigration IS
Callsr Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
March 13, 1997
Invoice No.:412794
page 3
.Jack 1Wramoff
L. Meed.; clil!lcusBion wit.h P. Pizzella;
of rr.t.ri415. ni.eu.Blap with L.
Latourett. regarding John Hopkins!
diBcUIUlion with B. Tenor1.o; preparation at
faxes for B. Tenorio.
01/31/97 JA
02/0:J/97 PP
0:.1/03/97 JA
OJ/03!9? LM
4.40 Piscu.sion with P. regarding
upcoming trip; review of materialsi review
of trip itinararyi diaou.Bion with p. RohrabacherJ
discuesion with E. Buckham; diecuasion with D.
Stephens; review of materials;
meeting with B. Myhre; preparation of draft
testimony: review of Hay Group strategy/
discussion with P. Conner; diacussion with
L. Latourette; discussion with G. Hilton;
discussion with P. preparation
of fax for G. Hilton. Discussion with B.
Tenorio; preparation for LA recaption: email with D. Lapin .
. 50 Met J. Gizzi, Associate Political
Bditor, Human Events to potential
trip to CNMI and recommendations of
congreisiooal ataffers with interest in
visiting CNMI.
4.00 Review of school vouchers materials;
work on LA
reoeptioni preparation for upcoming trips/
with P. Pizzella; review of prese atrategy
regarding Ray Group Q!soussion with
D. Stephens; with P. Stephens:
outline of Senata Freahman Strategy; review
of matedah. nil/oulleion. with D. Rohrabaoher;
discussion with l. Binger CNMI oontributions .
. eo Read materi41s from J. Abramo!f regarding
legislation; telephone conference with J.
Beirne regarding B. 210; prepare Rsmail
regArding aame.
Thi! invoiQ4! rencelIl !'.l:cl WlC! row nOI JllllViollllly blIIt'd. Put due 001onO;jj , if IllY, will be ahown Q/l Ii sepllfllU': ilJllaTlam of SOCOllnl lithe bagilllling or lhe:
month, PllYment III dlJCl in US, dQ1I1TlI upon receipt Pundt ml\Y be; mil ID O\lf number 671&) 403 Dt sewmBank, MAin OffiCll, Soattle, WlIShinllClm, ABA
TOmIlit nil1T100r VlSA BOd Mwrcard also A Il\IQ of om: percent. fl4lt mont.h will IICCl"IJl! on lll1flAid illlOililll 3D allyi.
MAR -20' 9i(THU) 1525
TEL: 331 1024
P. 009
Tn IdenllfiC81!oa No. 01053.(064
1735 Nsw YOu AV!OOJ1i NW SUIT!! S(}(l WASH'INGTOli. DC 20006047'9 20206.211-1700 fX: 20233 H024 www.pre.!ol\!lQI.e5.comJdc
of tho Northern Mariana Island
H$rman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor .. rmmigration rs
Caller Box 10007
SaipOU'l., MP 96950
March 13, 1997
Invoice No . 412794
Page a
Jack Abramo!!
02/07/97 pp
02/07/97 RM
0:;'/07/97 WD9
02/07/97 W'NM
Q2/07/97 wwa
02/0i/S7 YDP
2,50 Confer with J. Abramo!!, D. re:
upcoming tripe ta CNMIj oonfar with E.
Miller (The POlling Company) re:
in CNMI and next trip out here for himself
or 1tellyanne; exahiIDgll e-maila with B.
Myhre, M. and M. reI CNMI
and Waahington Post reporter; meeting with
J. Abramo!!, p. Stephens, p, Conner, p,
Funderburk, M. SOUS$an E, Myhre an4 L.
Meeds reI CNMI for coming month8;
confer on phone with Q. Downlil r .. : HOUtle
Re.ourcBa Committee.
Paper on 8trategio development opportunities
for saipan Seaport.
3.80 Meetings with team regarding range of issues
in Saipan. Team meeting rei Hill, senate hearings;
meeting with H. Cooper, tegi81ativa Counsel
with Majority Leader Armey, mgeting with Q.
Downs, AA for Rep w. Jones, B. Simmons with
Resouroe. committee, D. Rigga, LD for Rep D.
hand cArry invitations to mtaff
for February staff trip.
3.50 Group meeting and reEic;l4rch budget issues j
axtended conference. with B.
Tenorioj follow-up meetings with legal
assi.tants to restruoture monitoring
effort .. ; re8earoh Wa.hington Post reporter.
2.80 participated in PGERM CNMI team IiItraeegy
rnaeting rogarding Budget i5Bues and likely
DOl criticism; alBo met
with Rep. Gephardt and Fazio staff reg4rding
staff travel to CNMI.
1.50 Team meeting J, Abramo!!, B. MYhre, et
al to plan Congre8sional bUdgeting.
Thl' invoillfl roo" lI1d cajl!.l not blllt:d. f'aU dllt bAllll!1OC1, if IllY, will shown on a a.eparak 'tIlblmcnt of aCCO\lnt 111 1M beginning of the
month. I'lIYmcnt I, <M: in U.S. dollan IIpIln rCl:4ipt Funds m.)' be wfml to our numbar 67191 W AI Seaf'U'If flnnl, Main Sealca, ABA
routing nl1mbel' 12S0<Xla24. VISA lll1d Mutercanj w!.Ml RCUJl!l'd- A 1m "'w18 of tlIlt; pllft.Cnl per mllnll1 will 1l':.C(!lE on Ill'llJaid I/nOUlllllll1la 30 11/1)".
MAR, -20' 9
(THU) 15'32 PR
TEL: ( 331 1024
P, 024
Tn J<IonlilJeallo" No. OIOH4DQ4
J735 New YORK AVENUE NW SUITE 500 WASHlNGTON, DC ?0006-47S9 20262j,1700 fx: 2023311024 www.prutollglitel.com/dc
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI n.partment of Labor & Immigration IS
Caller Box lODD7
Saipan, Mi 96950
March l3, 1997
Invoice No, ; 412794
Page 23
Jack Abramoff
02/24/97 WPS
02/25/97 JA
to CNMlj confer with a. Myhre via a-mail and
ov.r phone rei need for
meeting, discussion with K.
Fitzpatrick re: CNMI political environment;
fax to B. Tenorio re: upooming for
Gov. visit to washington, DC. Rxcbange e-mails with C.
Bolick trip to CNMI in Mayan behalf of school choice
initiative; phone oall with E, Tenorio re: achool choice
issue briefing and plans for Gov, '8 upcoming
visit} to J. Wast (GOP policy
Committee) I K. Casey (Sen, shelby) and K.
Weinstein (Heritage Foundation) re: upcoming
trip to CNMI.
3.90 Worked on schedule for upcoming trip by
GoV, Tenorio with V. and J.
Abramo!!; meeting with n. Joyce with Rep
Hill.ary, maeting with ij. Cooper, Leg
Counsel for M4j ority Leader Armey to review
agenda for l05th Congrese leadership agenda.
Discussion with P. Ferrara ae business lunch
regarding ot iS8uaa in Saipan .
. 60 Senate and Hou ApprOJilriatj"onlJ
subcommitt.es hear1ng eohedulo list. for
public Policy Group.
3.20 Discussion with P. PineHaj dieouBllIion with
L. Meed8; discussion with D, Stephens;
discussion with B. Myhre; review of materials;
preparation ot fues for S. Tenorioj team mefilti:ng.
02/25/97 1M lila Review analysie by S. Va/iel1 ; read
ml1It eria.l f::-cm J. Abramoff.
5.S0 scheduh planning meeting with J. AbrAmoff,
J. Senft IU1d D. Stephensj
Oa!2S!n '{DF .50 Work$d with .1. Abramoft I D, Stephens and p,
Pi:zzel1. on CNMI GovliIrnor' a vitlit.
This 'nvalee rctlc:eu fQQI COIIJI nat pn;vIOllSlybll1ed. dIU! bllllllou,lfqny. will be shown Oil IlljlInl!t l!!lU:mClltof&cCOullt &! th bCllinninlJ' orthsi "Gx.t
mooll1 Pqyrnent is dw in U.S. dollcn up01lI'CCClIpt. FlIndl may be wil'Cl4 ID our IICOOunl numbor 67 1914ill Ii SeAflr1t Main Dmce, Stal.t!c. Wl.I!hir,gr,on. AnA
l'Du,lnll number VTSA Ilfld MAslQf'tV1! abo acccptc4. A 14ft chllrl:C orone pen;<:1lt per mOfnh will ftCCfUIlQll unP'll! amoUl'tll aJk:r 30 days.
MAY,-20'9i(TUE) 10'56
TEL: 331 1024
p, 010

T&l< Id.ntlfl,.llu No, 9JOSHOH
DC 20006 4759 202 628 1700 Px; 202 J J I' 1024 www,preuanglllta.,om/dc
173S New YORK AVENUE NW SUl11! 500 ... n
comu.onwealth of the Northern !sland
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI of Labor , Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP g6950
April 8, 1997
Invoice No. :415005
Page 9
Jack Abramoff
03/06/97 LM
03/06/97 1..1-1
03/06/97 P?
03/06/97 liDS
1. 50
meeting with Congressman DeLay! Ed Buckham
and Crane, With
Young; review of mat$riala
with W. Myhre regarding schedul_;
rQview anq r.viae matlilrial preparl!ld by s.
Vasell (or appropriation presentation;
discussion with J. Abramoff regardinq
Governor's schedule.
Meeting and presentation to.C. Topik,
Interior Appropriations staff; preparation
and meetinq with Governor, Conqrs$sman
Young, staff, etc.; conversations
with Congressman Younq and L. Jon$a
regarding immigration fair labor
Accompany Gov. Tenorio to DOl for meeting
with Secretary Babbittl join Gov. tor
meeting with Speaker Gingrich in U.S.
Capitol; along with J. Abramoff, accompany
Gov. to Conservativo Political Action
Conference at Omni Shoreham introduce
Gov. at VIP reception to Blaokwell
(Leadership Institute); G. Del Guadio (The
PUblic Advocate), Woody Jinkins of Louisiana
and many others; Gov . .sat at HQ.d Table and
wo.!! praissd by klynots speaker J. Kempi
confer with M. re: drafting op-ed
piece for Gov. Tanorio in response to Congo
B. Gilman Pacific Charter in WT;
confer With J. Senft reI travel arrangements
for next trip to CNMI, apeak with Helle
8ering-Jensen, editorial page editor
of WT re: joining next trip to CNMI.
Meet With Gov Tenorio, et al tor
DeLiy/crane meeting, conduct House floor
tour for group, arrange meeting with H.
Cooper IArmey) , meeting with Repr$sentativs
This invoico reOt'4.':l.1 I!l1d not previou.ly dUt bllll.MCl, if My. wiB b<e ,hOWl! 01'1 UPllnlte JtI1t'm,nl of QCl1.lllt III thD beglnnin. of Itt. !14t
month. I'lytnttnl i, due In U,S. 40llm upon l'llC4lip. FImdI ml)' wired tl> our lCOO\lf11 number 67 1914{l) u Sufii'll M.ill OffiC41, S.,.ttic. WlIiIllinIOl1. lIRA

bar 1251)(J0024. ViSA Md A 1m cllIl....llC1 of ant:> ptroel11 per m(lf)lh l\IillllClll'1l' on unpAid &mouMI /fJl.llr 30 daJ'l.
MAY. -20' 97(TUE) 10:58 PR iN GATES ELLIS LLP. TEL: 3311024 P, 015
T... Id'nllflc.rJon 1'1 .
nr DC 20006 1759 202. 62fi. 1700 Fx, 202 331 1024 www.preStonllatas.com/dc l73.5 NriW YORI( AVENUIl NW SUITIl 500 .. " " "
Commonwealth of the Northarn Mariana I3land
Herman T. GuarrQro
CNMI Department of Labor , Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
MP 96950
April B, 1997
Invoice No.:415Q05
Page 14
Jack Abramo!!
03/11/97 LM
03/11/97 PP
03/11/9; WDS
03/11/97 WNM
03/11/97 >CBM
of press statements; review of
discussion with D. Stephen3} discussion with
B. Myhre} discu5sion with L. Me.dB}
discussion with D. Conner; diacu55ion with
D. Funderburk, di3cusaion with P. Pizzella}
mQet1nq with D. Burton.
R4search on issue of Bangladesh workers;
meeting with B. Tenorio, J. Abramo! f. W.
MyhrQ to discuss rangs ot rev.iew
remainder of by Myhre paper.
Heet with B. Tenorio and D. Funderburk re:
school choice effort in CNMI and
[or coming 3 month,} e-mails
with Bolick IIJI Ti: plans tor school
choice trips to CNMI in April and MaYI
confer with D, Funderburk rei participants
on Bchool choiclI trip in April; call to S.
Mitchell in Milwaukee re: joining trip to
CNMI on school choice effort; diacuB3 CNMI
issues with M. Wh@it (Cong. Largent)
Attend Senate Steering meeting to
monitor range of i.'lBues including minimum
wage and immigration} work on putting Saipcn
trip together with P. PizzeIla and J.
Abramoff: cal13 to H. Cooper, Leq
Counsel for Major1ty Leader Armey and D.
Gibson, Counsel to ReeourceB
reqardinq a rango of subjects; draft
itinerary tor SAipan trip.
Lengthy m@etings wlth B. Tenorio and Hay
Group; work on overall strategy; to
do list; meetings with J. Abramo!! and L.
Opdate Rouse and Senate Appropriatlon.:'l
hearing sohedule.:'l.
TIll. rJ:eJ lIl1d l:ll.llli nOi prevlolJ&ly bllftd. Put dm; balllnC4:!, If/l.l1y, will be; shown on Of&CGOU:H It the beginnIng oft/'ItJ IIItXlI
mC>l1.Lh- l'4Ymcm l.i due ih U.S. do nllf1 upo!1l1%lC
rt Ftll1dl mil)' be wired ID OU( l'oCOO\.lnt nLJrnbc! 67191403 &fuJiflillhl1'. Offioo, S'IlllJe. Wll3n ABA
1YlU'llog nllm-
ber 125000024. VT&A And MlI.!!l4ll'llnrd Iiso A!llt$ cluIrge o(one pernlfl( jUlr l110mh will ocmlD 011 Il.mOunlll Ofulf' 30 I!II!".
MAY.-20'9i(TUE) 11:01
TEL:( 331 1024 P. 022

Tn ldontiflcatlon No. QIOSHnH
WA"Hl"OrON. DC 20006 202 62.. 1700 Fit; 202, 331. 1024 www.preSl.OngBlcl.com/dc
1735 NEW YOIU( AVIl.NUIl NW SUlTli 500
Commonwealth of tho Northern Mariana Island
T. Guerrero
CNMI Departmsnt of Labor & Immigration IS
Box 10007
Sairan, MP 96950
April 8, 1997

Page 21
Jack Abramoff
03/1S/97 PE'
03118/97 WDS
03/18/97 WNM
03/18/97 WPJ
03/18/97 XCMS
03/18/97 ZDLC
4. 50
Accompany R. Dunlap to meeting$ with L.
Jones, staff director of House
Committee) M. SLmoneaux, LD to Cong B.
Tauzin (R-LA), Cong Jim McCrery (R-LA) ,
H. Cooper (Leg Counsel to Majority
anq M, Lampkin, to House GOP
G. Downs (AA to Conq W. Jones),
G. Fishman (aounsel to House Judiciary
subcommitt=s on Immigration); intrOduce
R.. to D. Gibson, counsel af House
Resources review updated
itinerary with join in
meetinqs with G. Hilton (NSCP); canfsr with
E. Coyle on tri.p to for
next week; brief R. Nurnberqer about CNMI
and itinerary of plans for next trip;
confer with L. Me&Qa reI evening plans for
Trip planning much ot including travel
preparations; meetings with P. Pizzella and
M. Soussan; c.113 to Hill travelers
inclUding B. Holste, Chief of Staff tor Rsp
English and G. Peek, LO for Rep Chenoweth;
call to Duane Gibson regarding ranqe or
issues; review with J. Abramoff and
B. Myhre,
Prepare tOr and chair weekly group meeting;
work on response to A. with
R. on leglalative report.
Attend team strategy metlllting; reselc:lrch general CNMI issues.
Prepared additionat brieting books for
up-coming trip
per Hill with L. Jonei mest1ng to
qiSCUS8 log1slative
appropriation3 materials.
Tllls In1lolte n:tleoLG Ina CO$I& rlOI previow;ly bllllXi I'U! qUO bQllll'lcti, If iIIlY. will be shown on IllepAl1lll: ""lDmen! Df IlCtmlll! lho be,lnnlng Df [tie fle;xt
l'llOnlh. ;>.ymtllt'l (jllC In U.s, dollllnl upon ITJC.lpl FIm<!li m.y be; wlred!() numbw 67191403 at Sellllrrl13ink.lI1a;n Oalce, Seargjc, Wtillingion, ABA
10utinS num-
r!'lJf 1250000i4. VISA Mel MmerCM'l .1'0 .cccp1lld. A of one percent Pf1r monlli will lq;rua an IInpu.Jd W'lOlJnll liner 30 dI/YE.
-2Q' 97 (TUE) 10:41
PRESTON GATES ELLIS LLP. TEL:202 331 1024 P. 038
lu ld"nHflnlfll', Nil. 91on4a1i4
17H NIrW Yon AVENUE NW Sum 500 WASHTHGTON. PC 20006, 4759 202.62j. J100 fJ(: 202 33\. l024 W\!l/WpreIlUrnlatta.com/c.:
of tha Northern Island
T. Guerrero
CNHI Department of Labor & IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
May 12, 1997
InvoicQ No.:417B63
Page 2
Jac)c Abrallloff
of the Mariana
For Professional Services Rendered Through April 30, 1997
Date Atty
03/12/97 TLP
03/24/97 was
03/25/97 WDS
03/26/97 WDS
Hour5 Description of services
.40 Review C. O'Malley memorandum summary of
Energy Water hearing on EM; met
with D. Browning and D. ToqQ (Battelle]
regarding joint vonture with Battelle for
cleanup development.
3.30 Attenqsd House Staff m.eeting to
monitor range or itams inclUding upcoming
legislative agenda on labor and
immigration iss4eB, meeting with Glenn
with Rep, W. emails to J. Abramo!t,
meeting with D. rB school choice
effort in call to Kirt Johnson, AA
P. Crane, call to J. Kea$t, AA
tor Rap R.
2.60 L. Meeds, a. Myhre
business lunch COQnc1l Nedd of Citizen3
Against Waste; call to H. Coopar,
Lag Couns01 for Majority Leader
2.40 Meeting wi ttl Du.lfJe Gibson, Counsel to
Rssources comm. to review CNMr issues;
review issul!Is w:lth J. Abramoff and B.
03/26/97 WPJ
03/26/97 XCHS
Meeting with Wpn JA regarding strategy
plan for Hay Group report on Hill
Revtew Hay groui' report and sent CQ1!l1nenta to
B. Myhre.
MAY. -20' 97(TUE) 10:42 PRESTON GATES ELL IS LLP. TEL: 202 331 i024 P. 041

nl< Idtntltl{lLion No. '10534061
1735 NJ;W yoU NW SUITj; .500 W,o,sHINOTON. DC 20006 4759 202 621 1700 Fx; 202 331 1024 www.pcclll:lDnglltoJ,ComJdc
Commonwealth ot the Northern Mariana lslQnd
Herman T. Guerrero
CNz.I,l Department of Labor & Im.'ll-igrati.on IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, 96950
May 12, 1997
Invoice No.:417863
Page 5
Jack Abramoff
04/01/97 YDr
04/01/97 ZSMV
04/02/97 JA
04/02/97 VIPS
04/02/97 WNM
04/02/97 WPJ
04/02/97 YDr
04/02/97 ZDLC
1.20 Reviewed reports of school choice
developments in the Milwaukee school sY9tem.
1.40 Meeting on the Hill with Joe Ensign,
Congressman MCDadals office, with L. Meeds
regarding the President's FY 1998 budget
requeBt for the Pepartment of Lnterlor and
the CNMI; prepare materials for meeting.
4..30 PiBcul3!lion with L .. Meeds; qisc\.lssion with D.
Funderburk; discu3sion with B. Myhre;
discussion with M. Soussan; discussion with
D. Lapin; discussion with D.
with P. Pizzella; with
E. Buckham; preparation of faxes for B.
Tenorio; review af materials; discussion
with G. Norquist; discussion with T. Rudy;
with B. Tenorio; with
A. ZwanYi reviQW of Hay material
2.20 Phone call3 to Hill staff to monitor issues;
qiscussion With Horace Cooper in the Offics
of the Majority Leader; with Eric
Pelletier Of House RUles.
3.00 Extended telephone conferences with A.
Zwany, Dave Cahn, Brenda Tenorio, Hay Group
regarding report Qnd next steps; send out
3.00 Meetings with Reps. SGssions, Oxley, Buyer,
Ensign and Ewing.
1.30 Monitored a range of at Grover
meeting dealing with education topics
presentBd by Bob
.30 DiscusBion regarding Hay Group Study.
MA Y. - 2G' 97(TUE) 10: 43 PRESTON GATES ELL 1S LLP.
TEL:202 331 1024 P. 044
Tn l<1anlif!clliol J'{n. 91
1735 NEW YORK. AVENUE NW SUITB 500 WASHTNGTON. DC 2000(1' 4759 202621 1700 fx: 202331- 1024 www.prcau:mSlilcs.comJdc
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Herman T. Guerrero
CNMI Department of Labor Immigration IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 95950
May 12, 1997
Invoice No.:417B63
Page 8
Jack Abramoff
04/05/97 WDS
04/05/97 WNM
04/05/97 i'DF
04/06/97 pp
O-t/06/97 WDS
04/06/97 WNM
04/07/97 JA
statue of :lomB partidpant'1 for schooi
choice visit to CNMI in May; reply to
e-mails of J. APramoft and D. Funderburk on
choice effort 5tratsgy.
2.40 Business dinner with Jack Abramoff, David
Funderburk, 8111 Jarrell, and Pat Pizzella
to discuss a range of
4.00 Worx on Group report comments.
3.50 Reviewed CNMI and goal3 with
CNMI team; reviewed Hay report; set agenda for School
Choice trip to CNMI.
3.10 Discuss various CNMI issue$ and for
future trips with; confer with T.
Rudy (Cong. Delay) re: participants on
future trips to CNMI: a-mail to D.
Funderburk re: Bchool choice trip to CNMI
and participants and timing: xchange
with C. re; various possible
travelers for May school choice trip to
CNMI; maet with r. Rudy CNMI issues of
minimum wage and immigration and Congo Delay
feedback from floor statement.
2.50 Business dinner with Horace Cooper of the
Office of Majority Leader Arrney to discuss a
range of issues.
7.00 Work on .Hay Group report comments; prepare
briefing paper.
4.70 with L. Meeds; discussion with D.
Punqez-burk; di.SCLlEl.9ion with B. Myhre;
discussion with M. SOU9Sdn; discussion with
D. Lapin; discussion with D. Stephens;
discussion with P. Pizzelld; discussion with
E. Buckham; preparation of faxes for B.
Tenorio; review of discussion
ox the Mariana. I.-land
T. GuarT$ro
CNKI of Labor Ii llaiorat.im IS
Box 10007
5aipan, HI> 96950
J'l.ma U. 1997
Lnvoioe No.:420024
Iahal and upcoainq vhit:a to DC of pe.oplu
:from c:::.NMI: 'l-u.i.1 t:o Dina ill Saipan t:rAYel
office re: ticketing' iuWlt; nwimr p.ropeSled
U;l"!N"l fur
05/12/97 JA 8.00
05/12/97 LM
05/12/97 1"P
03/12/fJ7 WS
J.50 Prepa.r:ation and d1atatiOil o fi.rat rospoz:uac
to llepore.
4.00 Neet with D. and K. fJot:UIJS&n
school choiCtlill 188Uf11 Ul.d. 1II.CKt1:.inq
with R. .;mel W. Myb.re and N.
Scw!aan ria: <::::NNl:i ua8 and th4&..
i.ndwi try; OOD:.fur on phone wi tl1 D. D1. olUIcm of'
1i'1' r&I trip to aDaJ wi th
Z. Coyle, J. Senft, J. Abr-.off and D.
St:ephenB re: travel probJ.QIIIU
with CMc:; _sai.l Digeat article to
M. l'..mrl.4 cor), D. BaMow (C&to), and G.
Sait.b (..i\LFJ,C); ctm.t"ar wi th .8. T".r'a.i. gia (
nx:elll.ux oioe) .rIlIl: Meao:r1aJ. Day r@C8SS trip
loqilltio.. J o<mfar with Con.cJ Ha1.1 staff re:
dAMr colleague l.t:t.er Or\. R.t.to.y Croup i
oxclua.ng'llt ....--.i.l. nth ..md confer on phcIne
with s. BosalJ. (MRC) re: adera Di.ge.t
llIXt.ic.le; confer on ph.ona wi th PO. Krum
(NJC!DI) Diqeat articl@.
2. 10 Photwl ca.l.la to the Hill to lIIlmUtor
of t.11I8UA1It, inal.u.d.i.ng ... ca1.l to JIoraee Coopu:
wi tb the OffiCIIIJI o.f th4II Maj or.i. t:y I.ador.
COnaervatiVG Stat"f Group Ma4I!lt..i.nq.

4, 00 st.rat.aqy for J.
...ti.nqa wi til .3. VUllu"ll; D. Conner, K.
iowJ.lIU1 r6<J&J::Cii..nq "'08 to Govarnor;
IlIBGtinqa vi t:h Ralph Nu.ruherger <1UJoIi oth.U:5
regard.inq .Utulll.
Thi:l mvoa f.Dd COl:f$Il(lI/ billed. !"";IU du<t: if:wy, Wlll be.JlfJWIJ C111l a:f:il.:colllmt iI rbt C'fctt.e DO;!
u d...., in U.S. dolllll'1 LlfOR (l;>;I;1pt.

Tax idealificaliae No. 914334064
173.5 NEw YORK AVEMIE NW 3U1T6 300 WASHINGTON, DC 20046.4759202.62E-1700 IN: 202.331..1024
74.WW PIrt.$ tO fit Kiel-coraIde
Commonwealth of the Uorthern Mariana Island
Harean T. Guerrero
CNMELDeaprtment of Labor Lreaigration IS
Caller box 10007
Saipan, 1.1:1P96950
Jun5 24, 1997
Invoice No.:420024
Jack Abremeiff
on 5 memos dealing with CHM' legumeReaders
Digest article, Hay Group report; Coag
Miller; confer on phone with A. Santoll
office) ra: deer coileagee
letter with R. Hall; provide some letter to
editor thoughts to S. Bosell (WRC); reall
to H. Rroadhurst re: upcoming school choice
trip; provide letter of invitation to D.
Dickson (ii?) for passport purposes; sarcbsunge
faxes and confer on tho phone with D.
Garland (Gov. A)lea's office) re: statue of
his travel plans for school chows trip;
ramiew school choice travel arrangements
with E. Coyle and J. sanft.
05/13/97 WDS
05/13/97 1O14
2.30 Mona calls to the Sill to monitor a variety
of issues; follow-up with Horace Cooper.
General Connaol to-the OCE-loettpo
Majority Leader; phone call to Duane Gibson
with House ROMMUMC*4.
2.00 Reviewnew developments; prepare additional
mese on Taken issues; work on remPonso

7.70 Coordinated material to ho sent to jack for

his briefing to the governor. made chmagee
end added information to the five reports.
Coordinated lists of members who would
receive hay group executive summary. Meeting
with mashers of the Mr;CLgroup.
05/13/97 XCO

.30 Conferences with DConner regarding Tinian

Leaseback Agreent: review of memorandum on
'same; conference with D. Conner regarding
05/13/97 MP 7.00 Disoussed last minute planning hitches for
maI school choice trip with P. Piztella, U.
$cuusmn, D. Staphens, E. Coyle; prepared
suemary talking points and quaotions for
11ix toyoine reloots foes and cote not previoustyPel due baklan=s, if any, will be ghoum on a
m.ozdh. Pavlova ie din in U.S. dasrs upon =Opt.
id the beginning of the rana
rnvll'l rnC01VJl \Jf\lJ.:0 LLr LVL jjj JUi4
.,14'91 lJ1J/ST lJ04/NO 4261658690 p 11
Tn , ....ifiul'''' Ho. 91-05H064
eo-onlM&l.t:h th. Northern lQrilJU1lll Isl.and
':l'. Querrero
CMMI: of La.bor ,. :r-iqration IS
ca1.ler Box 10007
HP 96Y50
8e,pte.ber 29, 1997
InvoiOta No. :426083
hg1iI 10
08/08/97 JA 3.90 OillllC\Wsion with G. Norqu.i.at:; d.i.sCUJJeion with
D. Staphan.; dilllCWIa.:i.Ort with P. PixlltvUJ
preparation for S4mate heazing; diecu.eion
vi th Cong. DeLay1 diacuaei 00 wi. th J:.
Bucl.haa: dilK:\l8aion nth S. l'iiLl.aar
a,q!ict!.!!:i.cn ':i th A. 1Ud8nmJr
(1f.1at.i.onaJ. C6nter Pub1ic PoJ..iay
Rtal.ucb); thacnuion with S. lUr.clraanfl
(DeLay); c:a1.l to D. 'fCKlrio; call to B.
'l'c!morio; xwvi_ oL lllilIUsriaJ.s; diacuaaioa
wi t:h ... Hyhre; prepa.ration of fa..JEGlt for B.
Tenorio. ;
08/08/97 PP
08/08/97 '1'N
08/08/9'1 1l!DS
6.50 Meet wi th H. SOWIsan J:W: i tinera:ry for
upooainq CMM.I trip: ciraft: to CB6
letter to H. Broadhunt: aeet with D. Nappi,
eounael to senate Sanki "9 and. OxbanAffaira
COlIIai tt.ae and cli.euaa potential. for 0Ia to
deYel op iltt:.raati bomki.ncz la". for
t.n...blGat:: con.f'4Jr O"'WI with Horae lit
Hari..&naa Travel in SUpan ro:
traveler. for Auc,ruat 16 trip to
CMC:; ...t wi t:h J. senft: re: tra.....l
&.I1d l.ettera oE i.mr1. ta ror
triilV'llRl.ora; confer on ritb s.n
offie. re: bio of tr....e1.... D. 'l'riqg;
with A. JobJuon rw: 1og'i4ltiC1ll for W. Jarrall.
trip to oaa;. confer 00 phone wi t:h N.
S t.rayer (NRCC) re: trip to 01KI rt:.rTin"e.l. t.i.JM
aDd l.ay ontr t.:i..DIItJ; re-viGW 1UtV1IIc.li.P'I ror
inclusion in hriefillQ bao.k..
7. 80 Dieolo.-urtt Act. r.-port.
1 . 10 MIlMU-nq w:i tb H. Coopa.t. (.A:rawy) and X.
(House GOP r-eqardintJ
B.ep. Killer legi..l.ticm.
feu and CQI.U llillal. I'lut dllif ballltK':eS. if 1MlY. vrill be t.btrom <WI II of lit lbc: {>f .... DQI
tr..-.latll. hyrn=t is due iD U S doll&r1 upoIl relJIL .

TamIdootitioolioo No. I-0534064
1 733 Nevi Yoim Av !bite NW Stine 500 WAsareaTote DC 20006-4759 202. 62$- 1700 Fe 202.331- 1024 Vf WW.Frrestongates.corn/dc
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island
Berman T. Guerrero
04(1 Department of Labor 6 Immigration IS
Caller nix 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
October 21, 1997
Invoice No.:428169
Jack Ahraeoff
09/04/97 JIM2.30 Work seating with C. Conde (Atmehse)
regarding clieet janitor. La rescion for
upcoming Sophostores/Frestaten Legislative
Directors meting; work meeting with J.
Ryland (Faircloth) and J. Rill (Paircloth)
regarding current issues; review client
materials in preparation for LottlizoLativoo
Director's meeting.
09/04/97 L2(
09204/97 PP
09/04/97 TON
1.00 Review material fromW. Myhre regarding
Murkowski and Palstomavaega.
2.80 Fax to K. Class, executive director, Saipan
Chaeber of Commexne re: information on CNNU
economic development; confer oo phone with
R. Newlin (Son. Lott office) re: Senate
calendar and CNN' issues; confer an phone
with L. LaMar* (press secretary to Cong. J.
Refly, R-CO) re: C1641 issuesandpos.ible
future famallariwation trips; meet
Careen Gaskins of Saipan Garment
Manufaoturstr's Association and W. Mkthre/W.
Jarrell re . stiolehle wage issue, headnote
3(A) andrecent Stayaan visit to CNM1.
6.40 Review e-sails;eesell to N. Myhre regarding
media strategy; conference with G. McCarthy
regardingsame; continua Covenant and
Cue toms research; research new customs
regulations regarding3(a), conference with
W. Myhre regardingseas; sereall geomp
regardingsame; coofertance with W. Myhre and
garnet industry repreaentative.
09/04/07 14DB

2 40 Mootingwith CMMMgroup ritorardingrange of

issues; callto C. Myers (Cong. Gran.)
regardingMillar legislation andpossible
Senate action; call to S. Cooper CMajority
Leader Axaay) regarding fall floor schedule,
enteric:ix- scenevetations bill.
.wongot POP PIP41011118
tl 111,4
This manioc rdleas raw andcam not previonatyPut duc tearteri if cry. 'grin !It thaws on a tr;ovale twit Of =axon the beginningofthe neat
mask Portion* is doe in U S. damn Up= nice*.
Tn IduIlfiulill8 11I0. 91-0H40U
th of the North.ern Mariana IIIl..and
Hexa.an r. GuarreY"O
CNK[ of Labor.4; IaaiqratiOll IS
Caller Box 10007
saipan, 96950
Ootober 21, 1997
Lovoico No.:428169
Paqe 21
09/11/97 mLC
09/11/97 ZSMV
09{12/97 JA
09/12/97 JKH
wi. th p. review huauI.n rt1ts
rith 3. ...
aeaeaqe for C. Mitahe.11 fltrie.ble Foundat.ion).
.... 20 Diacue.ion Vi. t:b s. NU"'J'A
h.ear.i.nq: .....u. revtsionJll to n briefinq
paptU'; oorr-pond vi. t:h D. J:>wila:p OIl In.eide
EMHOD and DOL ropoz.-t; -.r;iou.. d.i.OCWllaiows
rega.rdi..nq i.JII:plkct: or- r-port;
IIUIl.teri&.ls :i.n en nat. roporl;
to di.aca.as ......
7.60 Att::end NAi"'.V\ bearinq tor J. draft
__ to 'rllllAOrio on R.Ii!.nqlIU
tau: bi.ll for 11_ Myhre: d:i..GUJta
nth D. r4IIView Inside Edition
_bar:i&l.a; od.i t: rna.:t..de Edi.. tiOA for
D. ConDar.
3.4.0 Dillcua.i.oD vi. th O. d:i.aCl.aeian
ri th Yf. Jarrelll diacuuion with w.
diaCWIlJion wi th J!. Pi.. :c:zel.la ; di.ec:wulion rith
o. d.14'l\OW1.11lion. ri th M. 8o'WIlIBUl;
d'iOOt.llll .ion ri th :L. p;rrapar:ation of
to B. Tenorio; rGI'V:i._ of DAteriUII;
EO%' Appropriations bill,,;
for Gov. Tenorio tlI:'ip:
di.eCWllai CII'l with t'liGCWlSiOlfi wi til
.2.00 1:--..11 tD 3lnd frail J. IILE1d P.
llltatus of efforts and
futunt trip4t: dillO'UAlJe.1on. tripa,
loqi.atiC3 aoo reqW.%'IIIIIJlanbI vi th D. SbophenG,-
r4IIYiAw .......:i.1. , a.nc1 I.atest
reporU on i.BlI1MIlt.
M2et. vi th J _ 9Glnft: and ouUi..wIiI Ua-nti
i for trip to QMI and
oonbet...:i.n9 Mr.tA in &sUpan for
con.for with D.
Thl$ MwiIlX fec:lmd COIot$ not pmoiously bil.k;d. Put de if my, wiD be Oil a of III: ofrt'.e
hYtmllt is _ m ap!lIIi
El rt If.. 17 '1"\11'1""
R 0 U VEL A S M E E D S L r. I'
th o the Norti:l.&rn Mariana Idand
CNMl: of I..ahor I; huaigyation IS
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP 96950
oetohar 21, 1997
Invoice 1\'0. :428169
Pa.g8 32
09/18/97 '1'FW
09/18/97 -.oS
09/18/97 "*
09/18/97 WPJ
09/18/9' IDLe
09/19/91 J'A
... 20 R.eeea.rch Covenant.
2. !C Di..==i....... with Bou.ee etU'f
u:pcrwj nq CDlIIi3UaTOll!t Juat.ioe app;copri.ationa
bill and pOtential. Hill.,.. ................ t:; ...t:i.ng
with J. Abx::1aaoft" et Ill. to rtrri.. plan for
l!ti.1.1er ....,...m."t votal aa.ll to Rul.
c<*Ili. tt:.- II taff to row1._ p.-oaosll
vote on C.....re. Juatice hill..
1. 50 Work on Miller _endlMnt; con.t'lIU"'llIII'lce wi. th D.
Connor; CUI: texJdad' oonflllU::'llllr1Ce wi. th
B. 'r1Im.or:l.o.
2.10 Maatl.nt,I KU.1et: " .....datC!"Qt atratceqy;
work ...ti..I:lg rith D. 8tepb8D8, M. 0' Ne:l.J. I 1f.
Myh.re, J. Abramoff ;m.d J. Maabbu.m.
Appropriill t:i.0IUII etrau.gy; di.CWII.ion wi th p.
Pi.aula reg;;u:dinq potaltial trip
for tra1H1.l in Oftt:.ober.
3.90 M!lHIt..inq to c11aC"l188 Millar etrat:egy; draft
talkinq point. on Killer .A:a..endaent:; YI'Ork
nth M. O'Neil on draftin9 !IlIIIendJiloot;
lIII.CNt..UI.q wit:b. R.p. Ra.1l. to di.euse
5.10 Diaaua8 c:::IIIll leeu.. v1.tb Se.!uat:or Nick]._
.taft: andJ. Moabbgrn, legiaJ.at.:t."..
IIOni tori.nq; d:rat't briAfinq papA%' on
Tenori.o '. .inee h4a took
offioe ita 1994 t'o:t: CMMI qroup and J.
Mlubbw:D for Jlill br1.af.ing packet.
5.50 Diaewaaicm with Q. lIorquillt; dil&CWJllI:l.oc vith
D. d1.4cuaa:i.oq wi th P. Pi...u...;
d..i .. vith if. Jarrell; reYi..ew of
1II&t:eJ;i.al..; di..acua.ion with D.
Mal!US.i.oa. wi.th W. praparatian of'
.. for B. T8DOrio.; reYiew of Miller
record: prepa.raticm fa:- Hiller
di.aCUJlleion wi.th H. Cooper; di.CWltf.ion wi. t:h
Buc.k.hliul. .
i lllf I I
'I1IU ft:es _ C'lllIIl!!IlCt billed. Ptl5t lIue ,1"_. will "" C'.!:)" -=-t 11 o('Ihe lied
llWGdI. is due In u.s. doll. upvn i1'.

tdratifiestioa N. 91-0434664
1735 NEw YoAvEflNW eon 500 WAstreicroe, DC 20006- 4754 2O2 . 2*. 1700 Fx: 202. 33 I- 1024 weeeponumeeateenedc
Commonwealth of the Northern Meriana Island
Merman T. Guerrero
CHIC Department of Labor Immigration Ls
Caller Box 10007
Saipan, MP96950
October 21, 1997
Invoice No. :420169
Jack Abramoff
of Congress to sit on behalf of CMS;
dieceteo recent 4vents with = eeeethergeo
coordinate a resennae to the Journal of
Commerce article; draft abort MIRO an statos
of Tinian land language in DoD conference
report and fax memo and league/Gm to B.
Maori and M. nroadhueat; edit monthly bill
to CM41 for J. Abramoff; fee Congreeelonal
Record materials on Miller/Mink amendment to
H. Tenorio and M. nevedhurst and distribute
to CMMT group; diacussions with J. Abramoff.
09/26/97 JA5.70Preparation of femme for H. Tenorio;
discussion with W. Jarrell; discumaion with
R. Beckham (DeLay) ; diecussion with P.
Pisaalls; review of materials; discussion
with J. Meahburn; discussion with W. Myhre;
discussion with D. Stephaos; discusaion with
Dotendexburk; discussion with D. Lapin:
preparetion f suhelagions into
Col/grease. " Record; discaseiOn With Cong.
Rohrabacher; discussion with T. Rudy
(Deley): discussion with H. Cooper (Meese).
09/26/97 JIM1. 4. 0 Review ails Eton R. Dunlap related to
Congreasaan Smith's letter to Governor
Tenorio; draft memo seeking further
information and email it hack to R. Dunlap
after conferring with D. Conner and 8.
Vasall for any history on tains. in MOM
r000rds or clips, email J. Abramoff
rogardimq results from R. Dunlap; discussion
with J. Abeamott and 11. Vesell regarding
Charlie Ross' upcoming nomination hearing to
be head of OSHA; review Clips froa
(NMI on
Miller for possible use in extension of
remarks statements; work meeting with R.
Dearborn (Seseione) regeeding invitation to
attend cmma trip; draft letter of in-vitttion
for Congressional staff *embers and faxed
travel requirements, mono bo trawal agent
designated by H. Guerrero, after staking
.,- ,.4tritagli,:fdatilt110111/0110110140t1040040110010

lerasice rcileets /ten mid oasts re4 orevicesiy billed. Past due bitteses, if Noy, yew be
sbown c satparase ttiarment of anzonvis at the beginoin
=GAILPsywiens is (kir is U. S. . dollarssem racazipt_
'TQ/Cr'414 17
PresionIGateslEilis &
RouvelaslMeeds UP
COIUAOIlweal. th of the Northern Mariana Island
Office of the Governor
callar Box 10007
S411parl, MP 96950
Oct0h6r 30, 2000
Invoice No.:5121j6
Page 25
Jacl. J\br;;uIWff
09/25/00 5V
09/25/00 WDS
09f25/00 WP.:J
09/25/00 ZSW
09/26/00 JA
.10 RIiIview lILmIlorandua frc:a T. Boulanqar
fonfEu:d:i.J1jJ newa Bed..ia report on Sanat:.a floor
consideration of the foreign sa.lea
corporation tax reforx. bill; revielf othor
news .flod.ia articles providad 'Oy T. Bcul.a.nge.r.
2.40 Attend aaetinq with Majority Laadar 1u::rA6Iy to
rgyiaw issuoll inclu.d.ing lII..ini..aw.lu. wage and
appropriations attend House
ConservutlvG atUf -eetinq tu aonitor
a.ini..llt.Ja vaqe and imaiqration bills;
dillc:useions with J. Abrlaaoff and Othe.rB
reqard.J..nq lILin.iJln.al ",age inclusion in 0lIIUl.i...bua
and otharopt1.orut.
.80 RspreeentativQ Quinn
raqard.i.nq miniJlma vaqa.
.50 RQSG;lrc.h. rQV1ew and disuibutB daily nevs
Jaatl!u:ial i revi_ ''Mada in USAu aatgriaJ.s M.
O'NQil; .onel 1'CIU infonaatiorl reqa.rt:i..i.n9 If.R.
1631 to Saipan delegation rwr J. Abramoff.
2.60 Monitor
naqotiations on ai..n.i.ama wage and tax bill
provisions; diecu38ion 11/1 th J. Abraawff
rc:agartting- lI1I.in.i.lrulala di.B CUll S iJon "i th Rap.
DeLay appropriat1ons;
team oauls andllLlltari.al .
3.00 Piecu8oion with 9. with
1'. Boulanqar; diaC!WIsion wi t.h Rap. D.
RohrBl.bacher (It-CA); disClJ,B/Uon with H.
Scanlon; diaauasion with P.
diac.'"W!Itllion with It. Ring; dinC\UIIllion with H.
O'Neil; d.i.a0'la8ion with R. Nu.rnbGrqor;
d.i.lllou8sion lII'i t.b. D. Conner; disCU8sion wi til
W. d1.8CWl1S1.0&1 with Po. 8tillwell
(Consul t.ant); disOUBsion ..,i lh J. cal vert;
with D. stapb&ns: d1acuasion with
B. JlU"rell; rOYi.IIiII'IIf of .....
09/26/00 MJO 3.50 Review _tarials; lUli'fiO to J. Ahramoff;
conferenoe with P. PLz.slla on
appropriations issues: confHrenCQ with J.
Abramo!! 6n Frnnle revisw
artiolea for inc.lUJ10n 1n <lrt..l.-rra.n.lca
uri t.h 'f Bou.l.anqer OQ
Till. rlf/'ecUi f_ and ncl p''''''01r.llr live J S. &Ollal'll "1>"" '_Ill
ili AddrOi58A11 16: Slni" Dru'l .' 'ZOi) 6S2f,HI
Pnn:tonlGateslEllis ,.
RouvelaslMeeds ill'
rAJ: kO. II-OS14e&4
COlIIImOnwaal th of the Mar.l ana Island
OfficQ of the Gavornor
CaL1&r eo. 10007
MP 96950
October 30, 2000
I.l\voLoe No. : 512.136
Paye 23
09/21/00 X.JRC
09/22/00 JA
09/22/00 MJO
09/22/00 PP
09/22/00 5V
09/22/00 W'OS
.50 taam and news clips.
3.10 Discuel'lion with W. Brandt; d..lscussion with
E. BuclhAa (Alennrn.r Strategy Group) ;
dillcuaeion vi t.h a. V:ti.mltine; discussi.on
with M. Scanlon; discussion .... ith r. Rudy
(o."p. COS, Qificu of tha HlsJ obty li"nip; ;
discussion with M. O'Nei.l; cUsO\UIlSion with
J. Calvert; dillOUBS.l.OQ with P. PizzlIlla;
disculision with S. Vaaell; discussion rith
O. Conner; dia0U8UOJl with B Jarr&1.1;
discussion with It. Nw:nberger; d.1ocuasion
with :0. St..eph.mul; disCU9sion ttith T.
Boul.a.nqor; d.1eCU-llaim1 wi.th Ie R.inq; rovi_
of llUit.eriala.
1.50 Rav.1aw lIUlt:QrialS; conf&rence wi th Jl.
Valentine on DII'IlAr Colleagull" oonfo.r9noQ vi th
S. Va11 on with r.
Boulanqer on AiUl8: lIl\oEIIIIIO to H. Kara on 04986.
1.10 Meet with E. e-eidy (Chiof of Staff,
Hastingll, R-WA) reqardinq federal
waqe iJIII:paot on c::MKI; oonfer .,i t.h B. LopGr
(D4iLay, a- TX) and D. Ha.loney reqa.:rding Hous&
bills; seet with L. Treanor
(LA, O1abot. R-<>H) ruqard.i.ng lIlin.iaua waqe
.50 Review IIl.QlllOrandu1lll frca M. O' roCJ1lU'dinq
III-inillWll wagg legislation in tho Sanate;
r8'\"1.(_ IMJIIIOrand!.JIII. froa M. 0' NeJ.l 1"9q-ardinq
the statua of the Inarior appropr1.atiotL'l
hi11; rGiVi e' .-or-a.nd\l:a f rOIl M. 0 I NQi 1 on
response to Ssnator
Colleague" lettar on hie "Mads In The
U.S.A." bill; diaCUBs rBaponse with M.
O'Ntiil; review letter dated SgptGlaboQ.r: 14,
2000, to H8aberG of th8 of
RaprlltBQf\btivfilll froll R. saaroolletti
(Transportation COIIlIllunicatione Int&rnatio=l
Onion) 1n O.K. 1621 and S. 922.
1. gO !Mating nth H. Cooper (Majonty Leader
Ar2li.ey1 and T. Ca.auy [RoUSQ
CalUri tt_l to :I:':1lJY:iMt alient: intar-eeu in
1I.:in:i.aum wagg, appropriation.. and .'UUlig1"auon
r"" lrwal"" ,orlllOOU IM9 .,,1 'MIS ncrt pr&viOuAlv 0111"- P&ylll'tir\( It au, In S dOlitn ,...."',pI
1I"""e Inq"ldn AddrHull To SlhU Drury &1 ',02l 662-6451
Preston!GateslEiUs I
RouvelaslMeeds UP
CCllUIlonmaa.1th of Us N'o.rthern Mariana Island
Office of the Governor
Box 10007
Supan, MP 96950
October 30, 2000
Invoice No.:512136
Paqa 24
09/22/00 WPJ
09/22/00 XJ'RC
09/22100 ZmN
09123/00 WPJ
09/25/00 Jt;ll..
09/25/00 K.AR
hilla; d.i6CUBsiona "'.1.th S. VRIliIQll regard.i..cq
appropri.ations proJectB; idzul updata to J.
l\'brlUDDff .
. 40 Discu.ssion w1th House
ot:.;Jf r'Gqard.in.q ainiaua _qe SlIld I1'ranks
leq18latian .
1.80 Meet wi th B. Jarrell, L. LaMora (Bouse
Republican Confcu-emcg) I 1feetnrn CauOU8
E:utCutiva Dir9CtOr anrl or. reqa..rdi.nq
client iaeucs; IIlI&8t with B. Hiirf1IiJk (senator
Thoaas), S. Wbitaan I.
Edwards (Senator Murltowak1.), C. Knobel
(Senator Enzi), G. Dykes (ARMPAC), R.
Jemunqa (coosultAnt to Reprosentativ-e
Young), S. Plltb!!l%'f1on (Senator 9unn:i.:nq)
raqardinq cl..i.li'lXtt issuAs; lIII.eet with T.
Wi.blemo (COS, Representative Culli.n)
r9qlU:'d.i..nq l&i.n.iaWll -.gu.
2.20 Discussion vith M. O'Nei1 rogardinq Abraham
Ill_ling with S. Pattenu::m to
dil9cuas the tHAlUI; aeGt1ng with S9!'Ulta
leadersh.i.p regarding !1U.ni1llllU1ll waqe
neqotiationa; reY1SI11 tea.a email W1d
_tGlriaJ.e; with J. Abramot"f.
.90 MOot ataffers free the ofioaa of
J/ieprIIUJonutiV.6 Ch.maWlias, Sl'tllrtolll, Weldon,
Cunn.:i.nghaJi and H.a.Y611 req;u-dinq IlU..n.iJllWii wage
and Fra.nk. l&g1slation .
.3 .10 DiacUluu.on 1IlIit..h M. disC'l..'-93ion \fitb
B. Jarrell; discussion r. RUdy (Vfip.
COS, Office of the ;
discul'llllli.on vi th V. Brandt; di!llcullli!lion wi.th
M. O'Nei.l; diSe::t1B!lJ..01l vith S. VasQ.ll;
diaCUllll9:.LOft wi t.b R. Val 00tin0 :
with D. diSC\UHilion !>I':l.th Pl..
N'w:nbargQr; discuasion vi t.h. K. Ring;
discu.seion Jil'i t.h T. Boulanqar; d:i.BC'U4aion
nth J. Ca.lvert: ravisw of ma,tazio1i1l.a: .
. 10 Ravis1Ili" of H'lt.e:reSt. ro cliont.
1.00 Read and respond to ex
_pecially rolaeed to J..9SUG_
,a1Iecta 1005 ,,," coo14 "01 p'""",,u.""- ill dlJflf '" I, S u06<\ '1!e61$lL
SIIII"y SIIQ.U 1.Ie AUr.OleA 10: Sf.v ... 0'.'1;ll 102) 652U51
Invoice No.: 739010 Page II
Re: Washington Representation
Matter No.: 47542.010100
DescnptJon of Expenses Billed
04/20/0 I Kevin A. Ring Meet with J. Steele (Kingston) regarding Interior 5.10
appropriations requests; correspondence with
school commissioner regarding congressional
education bills and CNMI fundmg; meet with N.
Bradley (RSC) regading minimum wage and Made
in theUSA; phone conversation with Rep. Doolittle
regarding client issues.
04/20/0 I Alan Slomowitz Analyze legislation pertaining to transportation 1.50
funding for U.S. territories and imposition of
federal minimum wage in CNMI.
04/20/0 I Alan SIomowitz Discussions with Senate Democratic staff regarding 1.00
minimum wage legislation.
04/20/01 Shawn M. Vasell Meeting with B. Loper (OMS) regarding Bush
< on
Administration minimum wage strategy; discussion
with Senate Leadership staff regarding the same;
meeting with B. Palmer (Ney) regarding Made in
the USA legislation; review materials and team
04/22/01 Kevin A. Ring Work related to strategy development and 1.20
04/23/0 I Jack A. Abramoff Discussions with K. Ring and team regarding client 3.40
04/23/01 Jack A. Abramoff Meet with congressional leaders regarding 1.90
minimum wage strategy.
04/23/01 Kevin A. Ring Meet with Rep. Doolittle, D. Lopez (Doolittle), and 3.60
J. Abramoffregarding client issues, including
appropriations for local projects; correspondence
with Justice Department officials regarding
Murkowski bilI and DOJ views; phone
conversation with H. Cooper (Armey) regarding
minimum wage update.
04/23/01 Gary M. Shiffman Discussions with Senate staff regarding Markowski 1.00
04/23/01 Michael D. Smith Discussion \\1th Senator Durbin regarding 1.00
minimUm wage debate in the Senate.
04/23/01 Shawn M. Vasell Meet w"ith Senate Finance Committee staff 2.30
regarding trade bills and CNMI tariff; discussion
with Senate GOP Policy Committee staff regarding
CNMI and S. 507; discussion with Senate
Leadership and ENR staff regarding S. 507.
04/23/01 Padgett R. Wilson Review legislative reports and daily clips list for 3.80
policy developments; Distribute relevant
information to policy group; Research funding
formula for CNMI for K. Ring.
04/24/01 Todd A. Boulanger Work on appropriations (construction cost-share); 0.40
review public law 99-396 regarding same.
TaxID 13-3613083
800 aJl'\'NECT1aJT A\'El\i1.JE NW surITSOO WASHINGTON, D.C 20006 202-3313100 FAX 2023313101
Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds LLP
September 28, 1999 Supplemental Statement
(to Section III, Q. 11)
Q. 11: During this 6 month period, have you engaged in any activities for or
rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8 and 9 of this
statement? Yes
If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities
and services:
The registrant has undertaken a representation of the above-named foreign
government on matters relating to the upcoming Republic of the Marshall Islands
(RMI)-United States negotiations to renew the Compact of Free Association Act
of 1985 (P.L. 99-239) to commence October 1999 and the advancement of the
Marshall Islands' public policy agenda in Washington, DC. All facets of this
representation from preparation for the formal government-to-government talks to
carrying out the RMI Government's public policy goals in the U.S., have focused
on relationship-building between RMI Government officials and Members of
Congress and their staff, Administration officials, the public and foreign policy
communities (Le. think tanks, public policy organizations) and the Washington,
D.C. press corps.
Thus far, the registrant's work related to the Compact of Free Association
negotiations has been a general educational campaign targeting the U.S.
Congress, the Administration, public and foreign policy communities and the
press corps. This educational campaign has focused on briefing the "J
aforementioned groups on the current Compact of Free Association, the nuclear':':'
legacy in the RMI, economic development activities and achievements, RMI '"
strategic value to the United States and general information regarding the RMI
governmental system, culture and country profile.
In regards to advancing the RMI Government's public policy goals in Washington,
D.C., the registrant's representation has targeted the U.S. Congress (primarily
the U.S. House of Representatives) on the following issues.
RMI Nuclear Legacy
Passage of legislation (H.R.2368) in the House of Representatives regarding
Bikini Atoll resettlement and relocation; work with Congressional staff on drafting
of legislation regarding relocation and resettlement of the four atolls of Bikini,
Enewetak, Rongelap and Utrik and the radiological rehabilitation of these atolls;
Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds LLP
September 28, 1999 Supplemental Statement
advance RMI Government's position regarding changed circumstances (Section
177 of Compact of Free Association); work to procure funding for the RMI
Nuclear Claims Tribunal to address funding shortfalls for payment of claims to
families of the deceased and terminally ill; work with House Resources
Committee on RMI nuclear status oversight hearing and Congressional staff
briefing on nuclear claims hosted by House Resources Committee on May 10,
1999 and May 11, 1999 respectively.
Kwajalein Atoll
Advocate the strategic importance of RMI and U.S. Army Base at Kwajalein Atoll
(USAKA); assist in organization of Member of Congress and Congressional staff
travel to USAKA and the Marshall Islands' capital Majuro.
Johnston Atoll
Work with Members of Congress to expedite the approval of Aloha Air landing
rights on Johnston Atoll from U.S. Secretary of Air Force.
Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds LLP
September 28, 1999 Supplemental Statement
E-mails to M. Mansur, (House Resources).
Meet with Will Hollier, Administrative Assistant to Senator Crapo; meet
Jim Thacker, Chief of Staff to Representative Crane.
Discussion with M. Walker Chief of Staff to D. Burton.
Telephone call with G. Norquist, (President, Americans for Tax Reform).
Meet with Mark O'Connell, Chief of Staff to Representative Saxton.
Calls to M. Mansur, House Resources Committee.
Meeting with 1. Rudy, Dept. Chief of Staff, (Delay).
Telephone conference with Rep. V. Hilleary and Chief of Staff G. Downs,
Rep. W. Jones.
Telephone call to Mark O'Connell, Chief of Staff to Representative Saxton.
Telephone call with B. Gaston, Dep. Policy Director, House Majority
leader's office.
Meeting with M. Mansur (House Resources Committee).
Attend meeting with H. Cooper, Coalitions Director, Majority leader Armey.
Meeting with 1. Rudy, Deputy Chief of Staff (Delay).
Telephone conference with Representative J. Hostetler's office.
E-mails to M. Mansur, (House Resources Committee).
Call to S. Plecs, lD Rep. Bartlett with House GOP staff.
Telephone call to Chris Cox, Chief of Staff to Representative Robin Hayes.
Discussion with Senator S. Brownback.
Telephone call with J. Albaugh, COS, Rep. Istook.
Conference with B. Roper, Chief of Staff, Rep. J. Scarborough.
Call to K. Rupp, Chief of Staff, to Representative Chenoweth.
Meeting with Congressman 1. Delay.
Discussion with Rep. V. Hilleary.
Meeting with and e-mails to M. Mansur, (Insular Affairs House Resources).
Meet with Chris Cox, Chief of Staff to Representative Robin Hayes; meet
with Trey Hardin, Communications Director for Representative Davis;
meet with Mark O'Connell, Chief of Staff to Representative Saxton.
Meet with E. Pelletier with House Rules Committee, Dep. Staff Director;
meeting with C. Clanton, Press Secretary with Senator M. landrieu.
Meet with Matt Strawn, legislative Assistant to Representative
Chambliss; meet with Paul Kavinoky, Deputy Chief of Staff to
Representative Pombo; meet with Mark O'Connell, Chief of Staff to
Representative Saxton.
Meet with Horace Cooper, Coalitions Director, House Majority leader's Office.
Attend House Conservative staff meeting.
Meet with Roger France, Chief of Staff to Representative Taylor; meet
with Erin Coyle, legislative Assistant to Representative Weldon.
Discussion with T. Boulanger and J. Dohoney.(legislative Assistant to
Senator Bob Smith).
Call from R. Morse - lD (Rep. Hilleary).
Discussion with Representative V. Hilleary and Chief of Staff G. Downs,
and with Rep. W. Jones; meeting with Kin-ichi Yoshihara (Dir., Asia
Forum Japan).
Discussion with Tom Pyle, Director of Western Caucus.
Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds LLP
September 28, 1999 Supplemental Statement
Committee; meet with John Keast, Chief of Staff to Representative Wicker.
Telephone call with P. Ferrara (ATR).
Discussion with Mark O'Connell, Chief of Staff to Representative Saxton;
discussion with Patrick McSwain, Chief of Staff to Representative Cunningham;
discussion with Kevin Ring, Director of Conservative Action Team.
Discussion with P. Ferrara.
Discussions with Congressman D. Hastings, C. Norwood, V. Hilleary and
Congressional staffers.
Discussion with S. Whitman, LD to Sen. Thomas and B. Hayek, Deputy
Chief of Staff to Senator Thomas.
Telephone discussion with Rep. C. Norwood.
Discussion with Mark O'Connell, Chief of Staff to Representative Saxton;
meet with Doug Ritter, Chief of Staff to Representative Weldon.
Telephone discussion with COS Bart Roper (Scarborough); leave
message for COS Chris Cox (Hayes).
Speak by telephone with Representative R. Hayes.
Meet with Chris Cox (Chief of Staff to Representative Hayes).
Telephone discussion with C. Scheve (Policy Analyst, Hastert).
Telephone discuss with COS Bart Roper (Scarborough).
Telephone discussion with C. Nedd, Director of Congressional Affairs,
(Citizens Against Government Waster).
Call to M. Mansur (Insular Affairs staff, Resources Committee).
Meet with John Willis (Legislative Assistant to Representative Doolittle)
and Mark Sasson (Legislative Assistant to Representative Doolittle); meet
with Rob Smith (Legislative Assistant to Representative Hefley); meet
with Tom Pyle (Policy Assistant to Representative DeLay).
Meet with Dan Flynn (Legislative Director for Representative DeLay); meet
with Bob Holmes (Legislative Assistant for Representative Hayworth); meet
with Trey Hardin (Communications Director for Representative Davis).
Telephone discussion with staffers for Congressman Jones (AA - Glen
Downs), Hilleary (COS Elaine Robinson) and Weller (COS - Jim Hayes).
Meet with M. Mansur (Insular Affairs staff, Resources).
Discussion with Representative V. Hilleary.
Meet with Chris Pedigo (Legislative Director for Representative Calvert).
Discussion with Representative J. Weller.
Discussion with Congressman J. Weller.
Discussion with Bob Holmes (Hayworth), Marshall Islands Ambassador
B. de Brum, Patrick Rogers (HHS Representative for Pacific Islands), and
AA- Glen Downs (Jones).
Meet with John Rothrock (Chief of Staff to Representative Gary Miller).
Telephone discussion with LD - S. Plecs (Bartlett); discussions with
Congressman J. Hostettler, J. Weller and R. Hayes.
Meet with Mark O'Connell (Chief of Staff to Representative Saxton); meet
with Chris Cox (Chief of Staff to Representative Hayes).
Discussion with Representatives J. Scarborough, V. Hilleary and J. Weller.
Call LD Scott Plecs (Bartlett).

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