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Design And Analysis Of Microstrip Patch Antenna On Cylindrical Structures Of Various Diameters

Hari Haran V C2, B. Vijay Kumar3,Nitin Srinivas S4, A. V. Sai Kiran5, Santhosh T M6, M.Jayakumar1
Applied Electromagnetic Research Group, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Amrita VishwaVidyapeetham, Coimbatore-641112, India Email: m_jayakumar@cb.amrita.edu1, vchhariharan@gmail.com2, badugu.vijay@gmail.com3, snitinsrinivas@gmail.com4, adusumilli.sai.kiran@gmail.com5,tms.santhosh@gmail.com6

Abstract----- Comparison of various parameters of CylindricalRectangular microstrip patch antenna is made for different radii of ground plane. Parameters of the antenna include Return loss, Bandwidth, Beam width and resonant frequency. Analysis is done for a cylindrical microstrip antenna which employs a finite cylindrical substrate and a fully cylindrical ground plane. Index terms- Cylindrical microstrip antenna, conformal mapping and effects of curvature
I. INTRODUCTION Design and analysis of conformal antennas on non-planar surfaces is still in its early stages and is currently a major field of research. . The structure of a microstrip patch antenna mounted on a cylindrical surface was first proposed by Krowne[1].Cylindrical microstrip antennas are used extensively in airborne surveillance radars and other military applications[2] Cylindrical antennas, when integrated on the surface of an aircraft, do not cause any extra drag and consume lesser fuel compared to a planar microstrip antenna [3]. Other than these aerodynamic factors, space limitation and electromagnetic requirements such as antenna beam shape are the primary reasons for antenna design to conform to the aircraft surface. Though several techniques exist to analyse conformal microstrip antennas on electrically small cylindrical surfaces, efficient analytical and numerical tools need to be developed for microstrip antennas conformal to electrically large cylindrical surfaces for theoretical analysis and practical manufacturing. Analysis of the cylindrical microstrip antenna is done assuming that the conducting patch and conducting ground plane act as electric walls and that the open ends of the cavity act as magnetic walls. It is also assumed that the permittivity and permeability are constant and real. Results of the analysis of the cylindrical microstrip patch antenna show that, as radius of the ground plane increases, the resonant frequency, and 3dB beam width decreases and that the return loss, and bandwidth increases.


Design procedure of low profile conformal antenna on cylindrical surface involves parameters related to cylindrical microstrip elements to realize the desired resonant frequency, bandwidth, beam width, etc. Transmission line model is used to obtain the values of the dimensions of the cylindrical patch antenna[4]. The width of the patch by transmission line model[include reference number] is given as,


Fig.1: Cylindrical Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna

Since the dimensions of the patch are finite along the length and width, the fields at the edges of the patch undergo fringing.The wave propagation in the line, since some of the waves travel in the substrate and some in the air. The effective dielectric constant given by ....(2) has values in the range of 1< < . The amount of fringing depends on the dimensions of the patch and the height of the substrate. Fringing makes the microstrip line look wider electrically compared to its physical dimensions. An effective dielectric constant is introduced to account for fringing and fringing effects make the patch look longer than its physical dimensions. The extension in length caused due to the fringing is given by

( (

)( )(

) )


As can be seen from the formula, the extension of length is a function of effective dielectric constant and the width-toheight ratio of the patch. This analysis, however, is done for a planar microstrip antenna. For effective analysis of a cylindrical microstrip antenna, the curvature of the ground plane must be accounted for. A technique called conformal mapping is used to account for the effect of curvature [5]. Conformal mapping technique takes into account the shape and angles of infinitesimal figures [6]. A transformation is said to be conformal if oriented angles between curves is preserved as well as their direction. Figure 1 shows a cylindrical surface. The length of a curve on the cylindrical surface is the same as the length of a curve on a plane. 3 Mapping of the plane to a space R2 with z=0 is expressed as ......(4) For cylinder with coordinates x = cos , y = sin and z=0, since the first fundamental forms of the surfaces are equal,

this isometric mapping is conformal. Using the results obtained, expressions for electric field under the patch and resonant frequency are computed. The radius of the ground plane is a, the angle subtended by the curved edges is 2 , the thickness of the substrate is h and the relative permittivity is .The electric field under the patch in the source-free cavity is given by [7] * ( ( ) )+ ( ) ( ).......(5) .......(6)

The expression for resonant frequency is [7][8]

( )


The results obtained have been shown in the figures 2-5.

Fig. 2. Return loss plot for configuration I with radius 5 cm

Fig. 3. Return loss plot for configuration I with radius 10 cm

From the above results, it can be observed that finite substrate configuration with lower ground plane radius resonates at a frequency higher than the finite substrate configuration of larger ground plane

radius[9][10]. The bandwidth for finite substrate configuration for 5cms ground plane is slightly lower than bandwidth of finite substrate configuration for 10cms ground plane.

Fig 4: Radiation pattern for configuration I with radius 5cm

Fig 5: Radiation pattern for configuration I with radius 10cm SamirDevGupta,Design and Performance Analysis of Cylindrical Microstrip Antenna and Array using Conformal Mapping Technique, IJCEA. Vol 02, Issue 03; July 2011. [7] Kwai-Man Luk ,Kai-Fong Lee,Analysis of the CylindricalRectangular Patch Antenna,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 37, No. 2, February 1989. [8] Kin-Lu Wong and Shyh-Yeong Ke,Cylindrical-Rectangular microstrip patch antenna for circular polarization,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 41, No. 2, February 1993. [9] R.C.Saraswat,Short-Circuited Quarter Wavelength CylindricalRectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna ,IJMOT. Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2008. [10] Mang He and Xiaowen Xu.Closed-form solutions foranlysis of cylindrically conformal microstrip antennas with arbitary radii,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 53, No. 1, January 2005. [6]

Fig. 4 and 5 show the plot of radiation pattern for finite substrate configuration for two different radii. It is observed that beam width decreases as radius is increased.


In applications pertaining to satellites, missiles and telemetry, knowledge of the radiation behaviour of cylindrical-rectangular microstrip antenna contributes to an understanding of radiation from curved patch antennas. It was observed that the configuration with smaller ground plane radius resonates at higher frequency compared to the configuration with larger radius. Also, Beam width is observed to decrease as radius of ground plane is increased.
V. REFERENCE [1] [2] C.M.Krowne,"Cylindrical-rectangular microstripantenna," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol. Ap-31, pp. 194-199, January 1983. TarekM.Habashy,SamiM.Ali,JinUKong,Input impedance and radiation pattern of Cylindrical-Rectangular and wrap around microstrip antennas,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 38, No. 5. May 1990. K. Y. Wu and J. F. Kaufman, "Radiation pattern Computations for"Cylindrical-rectangular microstrip antenna," IEEE Antennas Propagat. Soc. Int. Symp. Dig., pp. 39-42, 1983. C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory Analysis and Design, John Willy & Sons, 2nd Edition, Chapter 14, pp.730-734, 1997. J.S.Dahele,R.J.Mitchell,K.F.Lee,K.M.Luk,Effect of curvature on characteristics of Rectangular patch antenna,Electronics Letters 2nd July 1987 Vol. 23 No. 14.


[4] [5]

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