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The present model is used to propose an extended model of the real time scenario. The modified model is shown to be more physically realistic and is no more complicated than the original problem. This discussion gives equal emphasis to both the modelling and the analysis of the problem. The below data is concerned only for LINES FIRST deployment mechanism. The present situation is an initial value problem concerned with the constraints by THE NEWTONS SECOND LAW of motion. This model has been developed to compute various characteristics of the steady descent of a parachute system. The model demonstrates the variation of drag force with variable positions of the body in the free fall. It explains the variation of the size of the canopy with varying creeping (or) gust force .It takes an overall consideration of the time varying gust force before, after and during the deployment of the canopy.

In the "lines-first release, the parachute remains in a deployment bag until the RISES and the SUSPENSION lines are fully extended.


Skydiving, also known as parachuting, is the action of exiting an aircraft or jumping off a tall structure, and returning to earth with the aid of a parachute. It may or may not involve a certain amount of free-fall, a time during which the parachute has not been deployed and the body gradually accelerates to terminal velocity. A skydiver begins a jump at a specific height, x, above the ground and falls towards Earth under the influence of gravity Having a clear vision on how the drag force is related with velocity, by having a predetermined knowledge on Reynolds number and have known the type of body or size of the object and the constant of proportionality when the chute is closed (free fall) and open(final descent), For eg () Shape
Hemispherical shell Disc Flat strip Cylinder Sphere

Reynolds number
Re > Re > Re > < Re < 2* Re > 5* < Re < 2* Re > 3* 1.33 1.10 1.95 1.95 ~0.35 0.45 ~0.20



Determining the descent time. The latest time that the parachute can be opened while keeping the impact velocity below a specified threshold. Compare the motions for jumps when the parachute is opened after a fixed amount of time, at a specified altitude, and when a given velocity is attained. Find the corresponding model with quadratic air resistance, with coefficients selected so that the pre- and post deployment terminal velocities are the same as for the linear model; how do the two motions compare and lots more.

The purpose of this assignment is to present an analysis of the traditional parachute problem that coordinates graphical solutions with the theory for initial value problems for a system of first-order ODEs.

Mathematical model

THE CO-EFFICIENT OF DRAG K1 , 0 t < t0 K = K2 , t t0

when the drag force is assumed to be directly proportional to the VELOCITY;

m dv/dt = -mg-kv ; v(0)=0;


The speed of the motion is frequently described in terms of the dimensionless Reynolds number, Re. In general, Re = *l*v/ Where : is fluid density, l is a characteristic length, v is a characteristic velocity, and is the fluid viscosity. When Re << 1 viscous forces dominate and the drag force on a solid sphere of radius r is approximately linear in the velocity: Fd=- 6()rv. This approximation , is known as the creeping flow approximation.

But, when Re> the inertial forces dominate and the drag force is approximately quadratic in the velocity.

Substituting all the practical values we determine Re to be:

= 1 Kg/ = 1.5* v= 45m/s. l= 7.5m (parachute) h= 0.8m (diver) Kg/m/s.

Re >

Hence creeping flow is not valid. Therefore the DRAG on a body having a cross sectional area A is given by: Fd =1\2 (Cd A )

We consider only the lines-first deployment scheme which can be modelled in three distinct stages, Starting at time t when the ripcord is pulled. First, the suspension lines are released and become fully extended. At this time, t = t, the snatch force pulls the skydiver from the spread eagle position into an upright position and the canopy begins to inflate. At t = t the canopy is fully inflated, i.e., the first time when the cross sectional area of the canopy reaches its projected steady-state value. At time t t the skydiver attains terminal velocity the skydiver attains Between times t and t the momentum of the surrounding air mass overinflates the canopy before returning to the steady-state area for final descent (t > t3). Hence the total drag force is given by: Fd = Fd b + Fd e = (C A + C A) where the superscripts b and e are used to distinguish the drag coefficients and cross-sectional areas of the skydiver's body and equipment.

This model ignores the drag force produced by the Suspension lines and assumes that the body and are rigidly connected. equipment

For simplicity, it will be assumed that the length of the suspension lines increases linearly over the interval [t,t].

The cross sectional area of the canopy cannot be modelled by assuming a linear increase in diameter as experimental data suggests that A A is the increase in area during the inflation. And is the increase in cross sectional area during over inflation.

THE EXACT MATHEMATICAL MODELLING: b0 b0 b1 b1 b1 tt0 t0 < t t1 t1 < t t2 t2 < t t3 t t3

Ab(t) =

Cdb (t)

1.95 1.95 0.35*h 0.35*h 0.35*h

t = t0 t0 < t t1 t1 < t t2 t3 < t t3 t t3

Where h is the height of the parachutist.


0.0 b1 A (t) A (t) 1

t t0 t0 < t t1 t1 < t t2 t2 < t t3 t t3


0.0 t t0 0.35*l*(t-t0/ t1- t0) t0 < t t1 1.33 t1 < t t2 1.33 t2 < t t3 1.33 t t3

m dv/dt = -mg+K Where

K =1/2 *(CdbA + CdeA) = * 1.95 b0 t t0 1.95 b0 +0.35*l(t-t0/ t1- t0) t0<t t1 0.35* b1*h+1.33*Ae1,2(t) t1<t t2 0.35* b1*h+1.33*Ae2,3(t) t2<tt3 0.35 b1*h+1.33*a1 tt3

t=deployed time t=time at which snatch force pulls sky diver from spread eagle position into upright position and canopy begins to inflate t=canopy is fully inflated i.e, the first time when canopy reaches its projected steady state value. After t t the entire equipment is in steady state. Between t and t= the momentum of surrounding air mass over inflates Canopy before returning steady state for final descent b=Area of the body in spread eagle position b=Area of body in upright position

h=Height of the skydiver m=Sum of mass of sky diver + parachute + harness l=Length of suspension lines a=Cross section area of Canopy A,(t)= exp ((t-t)/(t-t) A,(t)=(1+sin((t-t)/(t-t)) =0.15(Experimentally proven value) =1.95b+0.35*b*(1-h)/1.33 =log (a/)

Solution to the model:

Considering the standard military parachute and its values for determining the solution of the equation, we have its parameters as: Diameter of canopy=7.47m Cross sectional area of canopy=a=*7.47*7.47/4=43.8m Length of rip cord(suspension lines)=l=8.96m Length(height) of the sky diver=h=1.78m (510) Cross sectional area of the sky diver in upright position=b=0.1m Cross sectional area of the skydiver in stable spread eagle position=b=0.5m Mass of the sky diver=86.36kg Mass of the parachute and suspended lines=10.84kg Total mass=86.36+10.84=97.2Kg Deployed time=t=10s t=10.5s t=11.5s t=13.2s =1kg/m By substituting the above values in the above equations, we got the Following relation for k(drag coefficient) in terms of t 0.5*0.976 0<t<10 0.5*(0.976+0.6272(t-10) 10<t<10.5 k= 0.5*(0.0623+1.2263*exp (3.86(t-10.5))) 10.5<t<11.5 0.5*(0.0623+58.254*(1+0.15*sin ((t-11.5)/1.7))) 11.5<t<13.2 0.5*58.3163 t>13.2

A numerical solution of the equation is created and graph is plotted using .

The values of the parameters taken are

43.8 0.5


H L m 1.78 8.96 97.2 10

10.5 11.5 13.2


To find the solution of this model we assume that A,(t) is continuous on (t,t2) and A,(t) is continuous on (t2,t3). There is exactly one continuous solution to the equation for t>0. The solution of the initial value problem for finding velocity and displacement in the time interval (0<t t) acts as the initial conditions for the equation of motion during the time period (t<t t). Similarly the differential solutions are obtained in the time intervals (t1<t t2); (t2<tt3) and (tt3).

On solving consecutive differential equations with different boundary conditions ultimately lead to the steady state terminal velocity after time (tt3). The solutions obtained from the equation during different time intervals are bound to be continuous in (0, ) but may fail to be Differentiable in any of t1,t2,t3. To investigate the smoothness of the solutions at the end points of different stages of the jump, acceleration can be obtained from the equation: a= =-g+(1/m)k since g and m are constants and v is continuous, the acceleration is continuous when k is continuous. For k to be continuous at , the required condition is 1.95 + 0.35 l =0.35 h + 1.33 A,(t1) For k to be continuous at ,

A,(t2)= A,(t2) If A, is continuous on (t1, t2) with boundary conditions

And A, is continuous on (t2, t3) with boundary conditions

Then k is continuous on (0, ) The time derivative of the acceleration is the jerk, j = da/dt differentiating the main equation produces which immediately gives conditions under which the acceleration is differentiable. Let : Then the conditions of continuity are satisfied when

Where =relative increase in cross sectional area above a projected area. And =a The analysis of the solution concludes with an estimate of the time when the skydiver returns to solid ground. Notice that once the motion approaches terminal velocity, the position is essentially linear. Simplifying even further, the motion appears to be piecewise linear with slope given by the free-fall and final descent terminal velocities, respectively. Now we considered the five values of time (i.e) 5s,10.3s,11s,12.5s,14s and calculated the corresponding values of the drag coefficient(k) and the velocity(v) and tabulated as follows:

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

TIME(s) 5 10.3 11 12.5 14

K(DRAG COEFFICENT) 0.488 0.582 4.255 33.36 29.15815

VELOCITY (m/s) 38.72 40.08 14.97 5.34 5.71


k(t) v/s v(t)

40 35 30 25 k(t) 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 v(t) 30 40 50 Series1

k(t) v/s t
40 35 30 25 k(t) 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 TIME(s) 15 20 Series1

v(t) v/s t
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 TIME(s) 15 20



It can be concluded that as a body falls its velocity increases and hence the drag force increases, however after reaching a certain velocity known as the terminal velocity, the drag force becomes constant and so does the velocity. References:

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