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Raktari szam: 56531

ISBN 978-96319-5940-6
.J .l,I,11.11,
Klknek aJfmlJuk a sZO-KI NCS-TAR eimu sz6kines
fejleszt6 sorozato1?
Minden olyan nyelvtanul6nak,
aki mar legalabb egy eve (120-140 6ra) tanul angolul
aki a mar egyszer megtanult sz6kineset fel akarja
aki b6vfteni szeretne az adott temaban a sz6kineset
aki valamilyen vizsgara keszOI
akinek eddig nehezen ment a sz6tanulas
~ . r
..~ t o fiizetek t
IIl1jlllls Franciska
..... _ ~
Egy-egy feladat megoldasa nem igenyel hosszu idot,
fgy a konyv barmikor el6veheW es nines kotelez6 sor
rend sem.
A szerz6k nem titkolt celja, hogy sz6tanulasi strate
giakkal is segftsek a nyelvtanul6t: az egyes felada
tok peldat mutatnak arra, hogyan lehet a mar ismert
szavak, kifejezesek koret rendezni, b6vfteni, milyen
technikaval tudjak hatekonyan rogzfteni, frissfteni es
gyakorolni a szavakat es kifejezeseket.
A sorozat kotetei szamos olyan hasznos sz6t es kife
jezest is tartalmaznak, melyek nem vagy csak ritkan
fordulnak el6 hagyomanyos nyelvkonyvekben.
A konyvet a nehezebb szavak jelenteset tartalmaz6
mini sz6tar es megold6kulcs egeszfti ki, rgy egyeni
gyakorlasra is alkalmas
A sorozal mar megjelenl k6tetei
Round the world
Bujdos Franciska
Angol sz6kincsfejleszto fuzetek 1.
.- - . . ~ ... --- - -, -
Nemzeti Tank6nyvkiado, Budapest
unicatio Co
A rajzokat es atipogrMlai tervet Lize Rixt "Footsteps"
dmu fot6janak felhasznalasaval keszftette:
Megyeri Katalin
Bujdos FranCiska, Nemzeti Tankbnyvkiad6 Zrt., 2008
ISBN 978-963-19-5940-6
Nemzeti Tankbnyvkiad6 Zrt.
Vevoszolgalat: info@ntk.hu
Telefon: 06 80 200788
A kiadasert felel: J6kai Istvan vezerigazgat6
Raktari szam: 56531
Felelos szerkeszto: Benedek Mihaly
Muszaki igazgat6: Babicsne Vasvari Etelka
Muszaki szerkeszto: Marcsek IIdik6
Grafikai szerkeszt6: Gorog Istvanne
Terjedelem: 4 (A/S) IV
Tbmeg: 100 g
1, kiadas, 2008
Nyomdai elOkeszftes: Ghyczy Attila - Rockwell Design Kft, - www.rockwell.hu
Then and now ", , .. ,..... 4
Telephoning """ ,....
21st century technology "" 14
Computers , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17
Internet. , , , , " , . ": . , , , , ':' . , , 22
Media , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Newspapers , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , 27
Television .. ", , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . 33
Radio ~ .. , ,"""""', 36
Cinema, , , , , , . , . , , , . ; ... , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Social encounters """", 41
Special occasions , , , , , , , , , , , . , . . . . . . . . . . 45
Formal vs informal, , , , . , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
FiUers ,'.'""' """"",,,......... 49
Body language , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . , . . . . . . . .. 51
Interjections """ , 52
Signs , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . . .. 53
Abbreviations ,."""..,.""'........,' ... ,, 54
Word list , .. , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 57
Key . . . . . . . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. 60
0t1rnden rajz egy-egy form6jdL muwtJa Q kommunikdcfoflQk.
Ird meJlejuk DZ ongol megfeJe/6ket!

z 1

1. call on the.. phone.. .
2. send
3. use
4. read __
5. understand
6.. learn hunting from
7. talk
8. beat
9. send
10. watch
11. listen
12. surf
13. send
14. light
15. learn

the sign language


to the radio Morse signa\s
caVe paintings
the Internet
the drums
Jb. . .
iJr 'Hand on the \lr-:
bOdy language


to somebody
rrd a mobiltelefon melle (j reszei nevet!
screen Jg.u.Gspeal<ef
direction keys keypad
phone strap eyelet power input

end key mute key
w@p function call key
J<eresd meg az oJ6bbiak angoJ megfeJeJolt 0 mobiltelefonodban
1. Uzenetek I
3. Bejbv6 uzenet
4. Hangposta
5. Menu
6. Ebresztes
7. Nevjegyzek
8. Nevjegy tbrlese
9. Mentes
10. Naptar
11. Akkumulator lemerul
12. Kbnyvjelz6k
13. Gyorshivas
14. Nem fogadott hivasok
15. Fogadott hivasok
16. Nev beszurasa
17. Nyelvbeallitasok
gy sms-t szeretnel kuldenl titokban. Milyen sorrendben cs/n6In6d?
1. pr-e..66 me..Ilu
2. _
3. _
4. . . _
5. _
6. _. .
7. .__. _
8. _
write actual message select name from "contacts" select new
message delete message from sent items
send message select "messages" icon insert a smily
Az angol sms-ekben sok hoszn6lhawnk.
Mit je/enthetnek oz al6bbiak?
1. 08 -'d""'a:"-"te.."'--
2. Y
3. U
4. 184
5. L8R
6. 2DAY
7. W8
8. TA
9. B
10. HOLS
11. C U L8R!
Hogy ImGd 6tezek,
1. See you tonight.
2. Do you hate me?
3. How are you?
- --------------
Mia kovetkezo osszetett szavQk m6sodik tagjo?
1. phone book : collection of all phone numbers of an
2. phone : in Budapest they consist of 7 digits
3. phone : alittle box in the street with atelephone
that anybody can use
4. phone : a TV or radio program that you can
call and tell your opinion
5. phone : listening to somebody's telephone
conversation in secret with a special
electronic device
6. phone : you get this from the telephone com
pany at the end of each month
~ . ~ OL ....... ...;...
-In ~ .POOl< tapping bill booth number
. - . ~ M.
az igek hlanyoznaK 0 fOnevek me/for
1. ll.f16we.r the phone
2. the phone
3. the line
4. a message
5. a phone number
6. a message
' ~ - ' -
take dial hold leave hang up
1.- iii
Mit mondonal a kovetkezo helvzetekben?
1. You answer the phone.
He.lto! thi6 i6 Tony..
2. You couldn't understand the name of the caller.
3. You'd like to speak to a friend.
4. The caller would like to talk to your mum.
5. Your friend is out and you can only talk to her dad.
6. You call your friend and a total stranger answers the phone.
7. Somebody calls from America and they speak too fast.
8. You need a little time because somebody rings the doorbell
while you are on the phone.
9. Somebody calls you in the middle of a lesson.
10. You cannot understand the caller because you are in the metro.
11. Somebody phones your sister, but she isn't at home.
12. You want to finish the conversation.
13. You want to know somebody's number.
14. You have no money, and you need to talk to your parents.
15. Your battery is low.
{me neh6ny Jehetseges vci/asz
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
I'm sorry, I really need to go now...
Can I speak to Alan please?
~ i s - i s - l ony.
Hold on, I'll just get her.... Mum, it's for yoU!I!
She is out at the moment. Can I take a message?
Oh, I see. Can I leave a message?
Operator? I'd like to make a reverse charge call.
(or colfect calf from the U.S.)
Could you hold on a sec, please?
The line is very bad, I think we'r'e gonna get cut off soon.
I'm sorry but this isn't the right time. I'll call you back in half an hour.
Be quick, my battery is about to die.
I'm sorry, I must have got the wrong number.
Could you give me your number, please?
Pardon? Could you repeat that, please?
Keszpenzre van sZiJkseged. Tedd a penzkfad6 automata utasrt6
sait Q megfelelo son-endbe1
1. 'In6e..rt c.r-edit c.o..r-d
2. _
4. _
6. _
7. _
s= _I" $.-12!'4-. ::as -_ a;;:
Please take your cash Select your language loser:t-yoon:reaif I
ymJ Select required service: mobile top-up, cash withdrawal,
account statement Type your PIN then press enter Please
take your credit card Select correct withdrawal amount
SzamjOS vagy es Ita/[ akarsz venn! az outomatab61.
Tedd az LItQsft6sokcJt (] he/yes 50rrendbe
1. _
2. _
3. _
Insert exact change Take your drink Select soda
_-""_Communication --------I' ..
Melyik eszkdzndz tartoznok oz a/6bbl igek?
Go to menu
Select subtitle
1. CvII ...
Insert DVD
Turn up t------- 1. Mute 3.
Select playlist Change channels
InsertCD Set timer
Find trad< 4.
Select random play FastforW'ard
Hang up
. Darken

Answer' 6.
Put on hold
MP4 player CD player phone
digital camera TV VCR 9YQ-ptayer

Communication Communic n
[rd Q targyak meJJe OZ angol nevuket! Melytk e5zk6zrol beszefUnk?
2. Put in the disc, and skip to track 3. That's my favourite song.
3. Dial the country code for Australia.
4. How can I switch to English subtitles?
5. Could you tape the 9 o'clock-film for me, please?
6. Let's watch the news. _
7. How can you zoom in with this thing?
8. It won't play it. I think the CD is damaged.
9. There is no signal in here. Let's go outside!
My headphones make this funny buzzing
noise. I'll need new ones. MPi.\
10. I think I have accidentally erased your holiday pictures
Sorry... __
11. There should be extras included with this film. Look at the
mouse keyboard
pendrive camera
cable headset
ommunication Communication
irm szeretnel a szovegszerkesztove/. P6rositsd ossze az rgeket a Hogy nevezz(ik angoluJ akiilotlffde menOpontokat? frd be a SZQvoko
majd egeszltsd ki 0 szovegeU (] megfefefo heJyreJ
'I fEU'. ..""'''' ie'a...

1. edit document I 1- Uj....,""""".. '2 F D ,., ._

____r..,' n",,_
2. insert computer
_.. ...
A c
____ computer
... 7 . 6.
3. open
4. print

5. save / Microsoft Word I 13.
6. swOrn off

7. sWitch on
First I on , and _
Then I and maybe _
Then I and then
-_.. ....-:;.
_"" 12
"""""'" "14,
6. 14.
'S Kl;oes
15. e.xrt
........-e: ::a _::tilll pS",-, -.. Jib:*: MJ
underline save as send to ;zxff find bold
print italics font size save properties versions
page setup new open close save as Webpage
print preview Webpage preview
Ezekre a szimb6Jumokra gyakran szOkseg van. Hogyon mondjuk oket?
1.; 6e.mic.oIon
2. I
3. \
4. @
6. &
9. *
10. +
. '--_It
dot at and asterisk plus comma
question mark exclamation mark slash back-slash colon
Ezt hogyQn o/vasnad kfl
1. http://www.ntk.hu
2. v.keere@bbc.com

Mi mindent lehet csin61nr az interneten? P6msftsd ossze az igeket
(J f6nevekkeJ. Egy igehez tobb ronev is rorLozhorJ
1. check e.ve..nt _
2. download
3. watch
4. chat
5. read
6. utilise
7. click on
8. send
9. join
10. subscribe to
blogs podcasts with people a torrent site
a website a link a social network
videocasts lyrics a file a widget an RSS feed
20 2
fme az Ou tlook kepemy6je, Mefylk angot sz6 hova r.OI tozik?
5:iot- St...
J' 2. .. 9' 4. '4 5. "" 6. X 7_. I!'.ol 8. 9. I''''
10. a'
l_-'.. vliKz ._0100... T...-.s _as T_ cirlwk .:......



Cll __
Most pr6biJU megtoldlm egy doll es onnok szoveget oz mtemeten.
1. download
my password
2. enter the CD
3. surf
- .
4. go to
a website
5. burn -. mUSIC
6. find and print out the Internet
1. lie-w
f __ '"
- -


1 5.

First I
Then I
Finally I
and I
and I
J)evV reply forward sendlreceive delete
deleted items junk e-mail inbox print
reply all addresses find encoding
sent items
== D__ = --
22 3
Tegnop el aKortad emi a baratodat. K6sd ossze az iget Q megfe/e/o
fOnevvel, majd egeszftsd ki a szaveget QZ igekke/.
1. exchonge 'send'
2. attach short messages
3. click on a file
4. insert your friend
5. click on a smiley
6. coli the 'skype' icon
First I dic.ke.d on the. icon and saw that my friend was
logged in. We a few short messages,
she even . .. a happy smiley. I needed a
file, so she it to me as an attachment.
I got it in no time, then I just had to it
and there it was!
MeJyik mcdiumhoz az ol6bbi szavak?
.v-aif"6s tune in
headlines sci-fi
channel listener
articles website
broadcast ads
link pop corn
satellite station
horror film
press conference
web design

tabloid paper
. wide screen
search programme
commercial break
To!tsd ki az alcibbi keresztrej I'ly{ Q media szQl,la;val!
2. newspaper with news about
3. number of copies of a news
paper sold daily, weekly etc.
S. advertisement
6. part of a newspaper with
advertisements for jobs,
estate, cars etc.
1. a person who writes for a
4. photographers who follow famous
people around
6. a person who allows/prevents a
book/a films to be published
7. newspaper with serious articles
8. number that indicates how many
people watch aTV programme
9. one part of a series
10. short article about a film or book
Keresd meg az ujsogbon, !logy hova tartoznak a szQ'VQk!
J. O'Connor Ifeom inclDclill
-,-_.- ..-. .. prall on SCQ11lSC

Am. voloreel iplscm Dolenim autillin
wissi bla nK- null ul et I C c:nureCI loreril
cum iri I ci sequam ir UltlUm dunt alit
doLum vdiqua' iUSLO eratio cor am verciplsl iu
tucrcing cl eu- [tcili, ....etil aUI: rer in bent jlllq
gait, commolu estn,<.1 dofore uisse csed lisil
,llsalldrc c( fc"u magJus el I'D' . do[emm Bulalm
feuis nOll vel dolenim vel in Am, \'0
dei Irit. aci bla 1c1,,o '"
loreet wissi bla
feum inc,incilil u, I\um dum nih 1.'<Iier nullut Caecum ml el
am quuI'll lnl inl lr dolum vel iqua
'pJSCIfl rer In ... '1'8110 rill' M:1UI JUslo eratlO cor tuercing el eu
gait, commolu
sequi\m iril d(lltlpim Ilul.:ltin dolon.! main!!' estrud dolore
11l111ut el volo:r uisse uCllil velil aule
feum mcillclllt
iusla cnHio cor GtAi[1. vo uti::.1 <.IUkmim magnis el alisl pral ion sequls('
atiltl vclii uule Wissi bla al.llflLIll. dolenim aU13tm ipiscill cillutem
cSlnld f ".lm e' Jf+fI:.n'i It' fULill criurecI lorenl faecum mL e(
rnagnis el alisl tkll!rrn iJehllLl:.:. liht UI num dunl dolllm ...chqu
doL e ill'S In 0 d tuercing. ef (:\1- \"Cn::lpi$l 1I1J"et alII am verctp r- '.
cnurcet 1.orcrit gail, commolu 111 hefdJ.liquI5l;L isl iurer in '-- .j
III nllm d01l1 alit rellm cso:1 ,,,,Il do- . I K QJ:m<l
am pr?lI? 'ISC kJlIm dilleJJUII IISII. dol.
rer to henl. ahq- IplSCIl J tem IltJtntin dtlk!nrm dolenlm aulallU I
ulsse esed -
anuniu t 11
vel m Anj, .... VA
I valoreel wissi .,
bla facculll irirl I 0J.:F1l!J
j cl dolunl
lUI I qua lucrcjllg c1 _
Pubflshad by tho Slandard Group. E.dilOr JOHN O'CONNOR" Publishing House: Morning Standard
PO Box 2798 LOlldon W7 4EE Dlclale a leHar on. 019 6723 8512/2 Fax" 019 6723 8513 Email:
Illllilrs@morningslandAro,Co.U'. Prillred I>t: N,.,....P!lp.rs Ltd
_ I _ a - -, ---. - 4@$,:! ,F
' advertisement journalist column

page number r headline
article I caption
' cartoon strip
Melvik UJSOghDZ [artozh(Jtnak (JZ o(abbl $zQvak?
--------------- J
~ -L
'\ ---------------r==/
' ~
-- \
Lm ~ ; = = = , I =
. po ~ - - " " " - - - - - I
~ -
-' "":.,
biased editorial objective fake photos
circulation made-up stories financial column
paparazzI crossword puzzle important issues
scandals censorship sensational news
e}yJk cikkdm rnllyen umGt takar?
Headlines Topic
1. 2 Oscar-nominations for psycho-thriller -'l""L>e.""v'-"ie."'"w""---- _
2. Hollywood hottie in tears
3. Constitutional issues
4. US President to visit Middle East
5. Would you like to be clonedI
6. League drama
7. Japanese school to open
8. Profits on rise
9. Man on the run
sports column economy home affairs gossip column
international affairs r:,evrew science society crime
Az IJjs6g me/Y1k rovat6ba mely hfrek tartozhatnok?
1. Downtown apartment for rent. cla.ssiV-"'e.""Q=s'- _
2. Only 35% of the eligible population took part at the national referendum
held last Sunday.
3. Communication system of the future.
4. Two people died and 20 were injured in a blast that took place near a military
base yesterday.
5. After a lengthy ratification process the treaty was finally signed by the presi
dents of the two countries.
6. Major pop performers are visiting Pecs during the summer festival.
7. The Hungarian subsidiary had HUF 5.2 billion pre-tax profit, up from 4.7 b
last year.
8. Thousands of people took part at a demonstration in the British capital,
where the G8 summit will be held next week.
9. Two people are still unaccounted for after the serious flooding in eastern
Hungary. The disaster left 3000 homeless.
10. Miss Ginger was seen having a romantic dinner at a trendy restaurant. The
couple reportedly left together.
advert home affairs international affairs business news
music gossip column
O/vasd eJ az aldbbi apr6hirdeteseket es dontsd ell rnefYlk kategeri6ba
1. A well-known international company is looking for a key account manager,
located in Berlin.
2. Athletic and successful white guy (31) looking for intelligent, sexy female.
3. 2004 Sedan, one careful owner. 140k mi1les, brand new battery, garage kept.
4. Our client has an opening for the position of HR assistant. We require college
degree. We offer competitive salary.
5. Brand new leather couch with matching armchairs for $2000. Retail price:
6. 200 sqm, renovated flat, 3rd fl, 3 rms, panorama, no lift. Price: HUF 200,000/
month + utils. Call: 48572
7. 54 sqm, 2 rms, big terrace, fully equip. Neg price: Ft18m
8. Cleaning, ironing with good references. Call: 882992
property for sale personals _ motors miscellaneous
j0bS property for rent relocation
Communication Communication
Mit ieJemenek Q rdvjdftesek QZ oprohjrdeLesekbel1? Mit takorrlGk az a/6bbf def!nrci6k? HQ hetye:t:;e(J a/dod meg. egy muso
rlEvet kapod meroldaskenl.
1. apt Q.pQ.rtrne..nt 'l'
2. sep garden
3. w
4. un/furn
5. bdrm
6. Iivrm
7. mth
8. rms
9. beautiful env
10. central loc
11. + uti Is
12. sqm
13. neg price
14. fl
1. person who talks to guests on a TV show
15. fully equip
2. ads dUring or between programmes
16. renov 3. TV station
4. person who introduces different tv
17. fully refurb
18. am ktch
5. send out tv programmes
19. lux furnished 6. very expensive text message
7. TV programme that gives facts, informa
tion about nature, historical events, etc.
8. a set of tv programmes that have the
same characters, shown daily, or weekly
9. TV programme where people talk in an
informal way
32 33
I I* I I I I I .Ii

r 5
*1 1 1 I 1*1 I I I
1 I
- -
Melyik tevemilsor tartozik 0 szavakhoz?
1. laugh at, funny, episodes, hilarious, series 6itcom
2. vote, premium rate sms, win, real-life stories, disappointed
3_ guests, armchairs, host, questions, interesting
4. contestant, host, audience, lose, win
5_ live, match, league, goal, cup championship, root for, exciting,
6. 8 o'clock, exciting, commercial breaks, story
7. cloudy, sunny, hot, front
8. up-to-date, presenter, breaking news, facts, current affairs
9. love, make-up, treachery, lost children, crime, passion
10. animated characters, funny, children's story, lovely, dynamic
game show phone-in reality show ad feature film
chat show cartoon weather forecast ~ soap
sports programme news
EgeszfLsd ki a modotokat ugy, hogy igo20k legyenek (6Iad.'
1. My favourite channel is _
2. My least favourite TV presenter is _ ~ _
3. The most boring soap opera ever is _
4_ I'd never watch _
5. I'd watch____ ._._. _
if it wasn't on so late.
6. The best movie I have ever seen was
7. I wouldn't miss a single episode of _
8. I, couldn't sit through __.-__- . . ~ _ . __
___. to save my life.
Me1y;k a ktlkukktoj6s QZ afdbbi szo'/ak kozul?
1. Stations
commerce state-owned pirate commercial
2. Verbs
tune into tone into turn up turn down
3. Frequency
short wave long wave giant wave medium wave
4. People
presenter newsreader listener viewer
5. Programmes
traffic news ads series reality show
6. Nouns
aerial knob antenna satellite dish
7. Verbs
watch transmit broadcast receive
8. People
editor censor photographer reporter
9. Media
mass national mess coverage
Keresd meg a SZQvok poriolt!
1. ticket u'6he.r
2. dubbed
3. row
4. mobile
5. main character
6. wide screen
7. animation picture
8. pop corn
9. main feature
G-rated movie seat trailers Coke
main actress auditorium SUbtitled switch off
MeJYlk (11m melyik rajzzol piJrosfthot6 ossze?
1. Alien
2. Tom and Jerry
3. Toy Story
4. Animals of the Serengheti
5. Indiana Jones
6. Christmas with Mr Bean
7. Gone With the Wind
8. Birds (by Hitchcock)
9. Pleasures of the Flesh
10. The Mysterious Tenant
-_ 2 _ , , .::;g -= 1&2
sci-fi thriller comedy romance adventure story
documentary cartoon animation film blue movie
horror film
ely szavak tartozharnak Q kmegon6kba?

Film making
The people
The story
director screenplay music visual effects
producer extras costume design shooting editing
plot main actor casting photography character
supporting actress happy ending adaptation
Everyday Com atio
Keresd meg es jovitsd ki 0 hib6kot () mondotokban. Melyik vdlasz NEM odhalo QZ ol6bbi helvzetekben?
1. Children are not allowed to watch G-rated movies without 1. Do you mind if I sit here?
a) Yes, j do actually.
b) No, of course not.
their parents. R-mkd _
c) Yes, please.
2. The film got terrible viewers in the papers.
3. Films for children are always subtitled, because children can't 2. Thank you very much.
a) You're welcome.
b) Please.
c) No problem.
4. What about was the film?
5. It's played in the 18th century. 3. What do you do for a living? a) I only eat healthy food.
b) I'm an architect.
6. Fancy a cinema tonight? _.. _
c) I run my own business.
7. What's on the TV tonight?
8. Please switch on the telly before you go to bed, 4. This is Mr Freeman. a) Pleased to meet you.
b) What's up?
9. Where the hell is the remorse conti-o'l again? ..
c) How do you do?
10. Can I turn across to BBCF My favourite show is on in il.
minute. 5. Take care. a) You too.
b) Hello.
11. Could you pass out the TV guide? I'd like to check something.
c) Bye.
6. Have you got the time please? a) Yes, a Rolex.
b) Sorry, I don't have a watch.
c) It's 7.50.
7. I've brought some Indian take-away. a) Cheers.
b) Thanks. How much was it?
c) Pleased to meet you.
8. Excuse me!
a) Can I help you?
b) That's OK.
c) Yes?
Everyday Communication
9. Could I have some water please?
10. I can't come tonight I'm afraid.
11. I hope we'll win the race.
12. Would you like another drink?
13. I'm sorry about the vase!
14. Have you got a light please?
15. I've failed my exam!
16. Goodbye!
a) Help yourself.
b) Here you are.
c) Black or white?
a) Oh, what a pity.
b) There is nothing to fear.
c) Why not?
a) So do I.
b) So will I.
c) Fat chance.
a) No, my glass is fine.
b) No, not just now, thanks.
c) Yes, but it's my round now.
a) Oh well, can't be helped.
b) It's no problem, really.
c) Good luck!
a) Yes, it's very dark in here.
b) Sorry, I don't smoke.
c) Yes, one second.
a) Oh, I'm so sorry.
b) Congratulations!
c) Really? What happened?
a) Hello.
b) See you.
c) Goodbye.
EverYday CommunicatIon
Hogyan egeszft.ened ki (} pcirbszedeket (J kepeken?
1. You really I I 2. Look out!
shouldn't have... !
3. Shall I help you
with that?
.. JW-.

4. Could you give
me a lift please?
(." oJ: J .

5. It's a lovely day
today, isn't it?

6. [ must fly.


Mm, beautiful, isn't it? Why? What. .. ? I'm glad you like it.
With pleasure OK, off you go! There is no need, thanks.
42 3
veryday Communication
Ev ayCom
elyik kWonlegcs napot reJtlK az osszekevert beLuk?
7. Sorry to have
A kepek segfrenek k't%!m
kept you waiting.
8. It looks like rain,
10. Can I get past?
1, trihbayd bil"thda.y. 6, fenrlau
2. wdidneg 7. tudgrionaa
3. eteras 8. msacrhsti
Cheers! It does, doesn't it? No problem. Thanks,
Yes, of course. Bye! Keep in touch!
4. emetnngega 9, vlaetinne dasy
5. ningchirest
10. ben wyba _ ~ _
9. Make yourself at
11. Goodbye! Have
a nice journey!
Everyday Communication
veryday Communication
.". .........r
MeJyik alkn/ommal mondhatnank az a/6bbiokQt?
Melvik fehet 0 a kokukktoJos?
1. Birthday
1. Happy birthdayl _
present cake egg card party
2. Happy Easter!
3. Best wishes for your future together
2. Wedding
4. Congratulations! You've passed!
best man sleigh ceremony groom cake
5. Merry Christmas! __
6. So, who is your secret lover?
3. Easter
7. Many happy returns of the day!
bunny _ spring egghunt pinetree chick
8. I wish you both a lifetime happiness together! Congratulations!
4. Engagement
proposal diamond ring fiance marriage certificate party
9. Please accept my deepest sympathy!
10. Well done! Have you found a job yet?
5. Christening
11. I am deeply sorry for your loss.
baptism flreworks church water priest
12. How many eggs did you get?
13. I love you. Will you marry me?
6. Christmas
decorations bell candle Christmas tree bride
7. Funeral
cemetery Santa cofflll undertaker chapel
8. Graduation
wedding dress diploma degree MA hat
9. Valentine's day
heart chimney flowers chocolate candle-lit dinner
veryday Communication
Everyday Communication

Hogyan mond/KJtndnk az ol6bbiokaL udvario5Qbbon?
Atiller-ek., azaz hezogto!to ki[:eJE'zesek armj6k hogy addig is mond
junk valQmJt. arl1Jg 6s5zeszedjuk d gondolotc!lnknt, megraliJijuk. a hdyes
sz6t. kJ'(ejezest. Az af6bbi {iJler-ek hoI haszn61hatoak leginkcibb, a
1. I am so pissed off! _
mandaI. KdzeDen, vagy az eJeJen;
2. I don't give a shit.
3. Shut up.
4. God damn it
BeginnIng of a sentence Middle of a sentence
5. That film was crap.
6. I screwed up the exam.
7. Who the fuck is Alice?
8. He screwed me over.
9. She is a real cutey.
----- --------_..._-
10. She is a bitch.
11. He is such a wanker.
E _::>i' =::::2 - -=
He lied to me. I couldn't care less. I failed the exam.
D:n-se-angryf Keep quiet, will you? Oh, I'm so annoyed!!!
She is a really beautiful girl. I don't think much of him.
She is an unbearable woman, The film was really terrible.
Who exactly is Alice?
Um Frankly Now, this is a good question Actually
You know Kind of Let me think Let's see
I'm sorry, I couldn't catch that Er Sort of Like
You see To tell you the truth Honestly
Everyda.y Communic:atio
Hogyan tudndnk haszn6fni ezeket ofiller-eket? Tegyunk az a/cibbi
mondatokba boven beloWk! Tobb rnegoJd6s is e/kepzelheto minden
mondotbon I ak6r egyszerre is!
1. He is, urll/ like.. a totally different person now.
2. My neighbours are
3. The exam was
4. .
I'm not going to college next year.
II think you should wear your blue dress.
6. I'm going out tonight. I hate sitting at home,
7. 'Do you like my new hair?'
8. __________
I think you should call her.
9. She has been
strange recently.
10. I believe that you should _.
use more deodorant.

first of all,
Mit jeJemenek G raJzol<?
.. -""l'"

Everydav Com
He's totally stupid! Piss off! I'll keep my fingers crossed!
What was that? I've no idea! Perfect! Come here!
It goes right over my head! I don't understand a word of it.



Everyday Communication
av Communication
~ ~ - - - , . . f l '
If} cgy-egy indu'atsz6t a mondotok e/e,r Mit ieJemenek ezek 0 je/ek?
1. Ouc.hI That hurt!
2. This is disgusting!
3. __. This ice-cream is lovely!
l '
4. Hold your tongue!
2. 3.
5. I can't go to the party, I'm busy!
6. Nothing.
7. _ ~ This is beautiful!
8. Get out, stupid dog!
9. You look terrific!
10. What a great idea!
11. Smile for the camera!
5. 7. 8.
9. 10.
Yummie! Cheese!
Zilch! Shoosh!
Shoot! Yuki
Qtrt:FiT Gee!
Wow! Shoo!
~ _.... _---= EUC == ---- .---=- -
Toilet Information Wet floor Hospital ,B6f
Left-luggage No smoking Disabled Do not enter
Fasten seat belts No drinking water
Everyday Communication
Itt be ke/(ene i mondatokho GZ angol rovid{tesek.et.
i.e. [ar i:]
cc [si: si:]
ego [i:d5i] or for example
aka [er ker el] or also known as
Ms [mdZ]
MD [em di:] or medical doctor
sic [srk]
etc. and so on
1. On his nametag it said Jonathan Heller, , so I know I could trust him.
2. The suspect we are looking for is Edgar Stoel, Bad Jack.
3. Bring drinks, beer, coke, orange juice, perhaps vodka.
4. Your supervisor will be Winder, I think you'll like her.
5. The student wrote: ,,1 have the write ( !) to choose another teacher!"
6. I don:t have a degree, _. I can't work as a teacher.
. .
7. Send a copy of this mail to Mr Gel'ler, too. Just write his address in the
___ box.
8. I have nothing to wear! I need shoes, skirts, tops _
Everydav Communication
it wkomak oz al6bbi r6vidftesek? A Jista seglthet rnegmI6/ni. mit
jeJentenek 02 egyes betuk.
1. AD anno lJ'omini
3. ATM
4. BC
5. CEO
6. CIA
7. DIY
8. DJ
9. EU
10. FAQ
11. FBI
12. GPS
13. HBO
14. HRH
15. PC
16. UFO
17. UN
18. VAT
Everyd ommunication
A agency, automatic, ~ as, added, asked
B before, box, bureau
C central, chief, correctness, Christ
D do, disc, .PerfiIriI
E executive, European
F federal, frequently, flying
G global
H home, his, her, highness
! intelligence, investigation, it
J jockey
M machine
N nations
o officer, office, object, of
P positioning, possible, political
Q questions
R royal
S system, soon
T tax, teller
U united, unidentified, union
V value
Y yourself
Akonyvben szerep/O szovdk, ktrejezesek Itt haszn6/ato$ magyar
140k - 140 ezer
beacons (fn) - jelzotUzek
blog (fn) - blog, internetes napl6
bold (fn) - vastagbetU
burn a CD - CD-t frni
caption (fn) - kepfelirat
carrier pigeon (fn) - postagalamb
cast (fn) - szereposztas, szereplogarda
Cheers. - Koszi.
click on sg (i) - rakattintani vmire
coverage - media coverage (fn) - tud6sftas
cutey (fn) - csinos lany
disabled (mn) .. mozgasserult
download (i) - letOiteni (internetr61)
editing (fn) - vagas, szerkesztes
event listings (fn) - esemenyek, pl. koncertek, fesztivalok stb.
fastforward (i) - el6retekerni (vide6magn6val)
Fat chance. - Semmi esely ra.
feature film (fn) - esti fofllm
font (fn) - betumeret (szovegszerkesztoben)
get cut off (i) - megszakad a telefonvonal, rnikozben beszelunk
God damn it! (durva) - A fenebe!
It goes right over my head. - Ez nekem magas.
G-rated movie - korhatar nelkuli film
hattie (fn) - klassz no
I don't give a shit. (durva) - Szarok ra.
I must fly. - Rohannom kell.
It sucks. (durva) - Ez szar.
It's my round. - Most en fizetek.
italics (fn) - dolt betU
junk (fn) - szemet, ertektelen holmi
junkmail (fn) - levelszemet
key account manager (fn) - ugyfelkapcsolati menedzser
left-luggage (fn) - poggyaszmegorzo
link (fn) - kapcsolat
lyrics (fn) - dalszbveg
mute (i) - lenemftani (telefont)
nametag (fn) - kituzheto nevjegy
Off you go! - Indulas, menj!
paste (i) - beilleszteni (szbvegszerkesztoben)
phone-in (fn) - betelefonal6s mGsor
phonetapping (fn) - telefonlehallgatas
pissed off (durva) (mn) - merges, duhbs
podcast (fn) - podcast (iPod es broadcast szavak bsszeolvadasab61)
premium rate sms (fn) - emelt dfjas sms
reverse charge call (BrE), collect call (AmE) (fn) - telefonhfvas, amelyet a
hfvott fel fizet
rewind (i) - visszatekerni (vide6magn6val)
root for sy (i) - drukkolni vmilyen sportcsapatnak
R-rated(mn) - 18 even felulieknek sz616 (film)
RSS feed (fn) - RSS csatorna
screw sy over (durva) (i) - atverni vkit
f screwed up. (durva) - Elrontottam, elcsesztem.
Shoot! - a fenebe!
shooting (fn) - forgatas
Shut up! (durva) - Fogd be a szad!
sitcom (fn) - vicces sorozat a teveben
skip (i) - atugrani, pI. szamot CD-n
smiley (fn) - mosolyg6s arc (emotikon)
social network (fn) - tarsasagi hal6zat
supporting actress (fn) - mellekszerepI6(n6)
teller (fn) - bankpenztaros
the sign language (fn) - jelbeszed
top-up (I) - feltblteni (telefonkartyat)
track (fn) - mGsorszam (CD-n)
trailer (fn) - ftlmel6zetes (moziban)
trendy (mn) - divatos
utilities (fn) - rezsi
VCR (fn)- vide6magn6
w@p function (fn) - wap (Internet) funkci6 mobiltelefonon
wanker (durva) (fn) - faszkalap
widget (fn) - szerkentyG
You reallly shouldn't have... - igazan nem kellett volna...
(Ajandek iltvetelekor)
zoom (I) - zoomolni, rakbzelfteni vmire fenykepez6geppel
pp4-5: your friend on the phone; 2. smoke signals; 3. body language; 4. the
newspaper; 5. the sign language; 6. cave paintings; 7. to somebody; 8. the drums;
9. carrier pigeons; 10. TV; 11. to the radio; 12. the Internet; 13. Morse Signals;
14. beacons; 15. signs.
p6: 1. loudspeaker; 2. screen; 3. direction keys; 4. end key; 5. mute key; 6. w@p
function; 7. call key; 8. keypad; 9. phone strap eyelet 10. power input
p7: lehetseges valaszok: 1. messages; 2. settings; 3. incoming message; 4. voice
mail; 5. menu; 6. alarm; 7. contacts; 8. delete contact; 9. save; 10. calendar;
11. low battery; 12. bookmarks; 13. speed dial; 14. missed calls; 15. received
calls; 16. add new contact; 17. language settings.
p8: lehetseges valaszok: 1. press menu: 2. select "messages" icon; 3. select new
message; 4. select name from "contacts"; 5. write actual message; 6. insert a
smily; 7. send message; 8. delete message from sent items.
p9/l 1. date; 2. why; 3. you; 4. before; 5. later; 6. today; 7. wait; 8. thanks; 9. be;
10. holidays; 11. see you later.
p9/2: 1. C U 2nite. 2. Do U h8 me? 3. How R U?
pl0/1: 1. book; 2. number; 3. booth; 4. -in; 5. tapping; 6. bill.
p10/2: 1. answer; 2. hang up; 3. hold; 4. leave; 5. dial; 6. take.
pp11-12: 1. Hello, this is Tony. 2. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. 3. Can
I speak to Alan please? 4. Hold on, I'll just get her.... Mum, it's for you. 5. Oh,
I see. Can I leave a message? 6. I'm sorry, I must have got the wrong number.
7. Pardon? Could you repeat that, please? 8. Could you hold on a sec, please?
9. I'm sorry, this isn'tthe righttime. I'll call you back in half an hour. 10. The line
is very bad, I think we're gonna get cut off soon. 11. She's out at the moment
Can I take a message? 12. I'm sorry, I really need to go now... 13. Could you
give me your number please? 14. Operator? I'd like to make a reverse charge
call. (or collect call from the U.S.) 15, Be quick, my battery is about to die.
pHil: 1, Insert your credit card. 2. Select your language. 3. Type your PIN
then press enter. 4, Select required service: mobile top-up, cash withdrawal,
account statement. 5. Select correct withdrawal amount. 6. Please take your
cash. 7. Please take your credit card,
p14/2: 1. Insert exact change. 2, Select soda. 3. Take your drink.
p15: 1, DVD player; 2. MP4 player; 3. TV; 4. CD player; 5. VCR; 6. phone;
7. digital camera.
p16: 1. MP4; 2. CD player; 3. phone: 4. DVD player; 5. VCR; 6. TV; 7. digital
camera; 8. CD player: 9, phone: 10. digital camera; 11. DVD player.
p17: 1. hard-drive; 2. CD ROM; 3, cable; 4. keyboard; 5. headset; 6. camera;
7. mouse; 8, speakers; 9. pendrive; 10. printer.
p18: 1, edit ... document; 2. insert.. , picture; 3. open... Microsoft Word:
4. print. .. document; 5. save.. , file; 6. switch off., , computer; 7, switch on.. ,
First I switch on my computer, and open Microsoft Word. Then I edit the docu
ment and maybe insert a picture, Then I print it and save it in a me, then switch
off the computer.
p19: 1. new; 2. open; 3. close; 4. save; 5. save as: 6. save as Webpage; 7, find:
8. versions; 9. Web page preview; 10. page setup; 11. print preview; 12. print;
13. send to; 14. properties; 15. exit; A font size; B, italics; C. bold; D. underline.
p20: 1. semicolon: 2. slash; 3. back-slash; 4. at; 5. exclamation mark; 6. and;
7. question mark; 8. comma; 9. asterisk; 10. plus; 11, dot; 12. colon.
p21: 1. check event listings; 2. download a file, podcasts, videocasts; 3. watch
videocasts, a torrent site; 4. chat with people; 5. read blogs, lyrics, a website;
6, utilise a social network, widget: 7. click on a link; 8, send an RSS feed: 9, join
a file; 10, subscribe to an RSS feed.
p22: 1, new; 2, reply: 3. reply all; 4. forward; 5. print; 6. delete; 7. sendlreceive:
8, addresses; 9. find; 10. encoding; A inbox; B. outbox; C. sent items; D. deleted
items; E. drafts; F. junk e-mail.
p23: 1. download ... music; 2. enter... my password; 3, surf. .. the Internet:
4, go to... a website; 5. burn... the CD; 6. find and print out. .. lyrics,
First I enter my password and I surf the Internet. Then I go to awebsite and I find
and print out the lyrics. Finally I download the music and burn the CD.
p24: 1. exchange ... short messages; 2. attach ... a file; 3. click on ... the 'skype'
icon; 4. insert .. a smiley; 5. click on .. 'send'; 6. call. .. your friend. First I clicked
on 'skype' icon and saw that my friend was logged in. We exchanged a few short
messages, she even inserted a happy smiley. I needed a file, so she sent it to me
as an attachment. I got it in no time, then I just had to click on it and there it was!
p25: CINEMA: trailers, horror film, wide screen, sci-fi, ads, pop corn. TV: chan
nel, broadcast, horror film, ads, satellite, commercial break, subscribe, press
conference, sci-fi. RADIO: listener, broadcast, tune in, ads, station. INTERNET:
website, web design, search programme, e-business. NEWSPAPER: headlines,
articles, press conference, paparazzi, tabloid paper, journalist, subscribe.
p26: 1. journalist; 2. tabloid paper; 3. circulation; 4. paparazzi; 5. commercial;
6. vlzszintesen: censor; 6 fUggolegesen: c1assifieds; 7. quality paper; 8. viewing
figures; 9. episode; 10. review.
p27: A. headline; B. editorial; C. illustration; D. caption; E. article; F. page number;
G. line; H. column; I. journalist; J. cartoon strip; K. advertisement; L. imprint.
p28: Tabloid: celebrities, biased, fake photos, made-up stories, paparazzi, sen
sational news, scandals. Quality paper: edrtorial, objective, fnancial column,
important issues, censorship. Both: circulation, crossword puzzle.
p29: 1. review; 2. gossip column; 3. society; 4. international affairs; 5. science;
6. sports column; 7. home affairs; 8. economy; 9. crime.
p30: 1. c1assifieds; 2. home affairs; 3. advert; 4. international affairs; 5. interna
tional affairs; 6. music; 7. business news; 8. international affairs; 9. home affairs;
10. gossip column.
p31: 1. jobs; 2. personals; 3. motors; 4. jobs; 5. property for sale; 6. property
for rent; 7. property for sale; 8. miscellaneous.
p32: 1. apartment; 2. separate garden; 3. with; 4. unfurnished or furnished;
5. bedroom; 6. living room; 7. month; 8. rooms; 9. beautiful environment;
10. central location; 11. plus utilities; 12. square meter; 13. negotiable price;
14. floor; 15. fully equipped; 16. renovated; 17. fully refurbished; 18. American
kitchen; 19. luxuriously furnished.
p33: 1. host; 2. commercial break; 3. channel; 4. presenter; 5. broadcast; 6. pre
mium rate sms; 7. documentary; 8. series; 9. chat show.
p34: 1. sitcom; 2. reality show; 3. chat show; 4. game show; S. sports pro
gramme; 6. feature film; 7. weather forecast; 8. news; 9. soap; 10. cartoon.
p36: 1. commerce; 2. tone into; 3. giant wave; 4. viewer; 5. reality show; 6. knob;
J watch; 8. photographer; 9. mess.
p37: 1. usher; 2. subtitled; 3. seat; 4. switch off; 5. main actress; 6. auditorium;
7. G-rated movie; 8. Coke; 9. trailers.
p38: 1. sci-fi; 2. cartoon; 3. animation film; 4. documentary; 5. adventure story;
6. comedy; 7. romance; 8. horror; 9. blue movie; 10. thriller.
p39: Film making: shooting, editing, visual effects, music, casting, photography,
costume design.
The people: director, producer, extl'as, main actor, supporting actress.
The story: adaptation, happy ending, character, plot, screenplay.
p40: 1. G-rated:./= R-rated; 2. viewers :t:. I'eviews; 3. subtitled ~ dubbed; 4. What
was the film about?: S. played :to set; 6. a cinema :I: a movie; 7. on the TV ::j:. on
TV; 8. Switch on I switch off: 9. remorse control :;L remote control; 10. turn
across :.L turn over; 11. pass out ;':: pass.
pp41-42: 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5 b: 6. a; 7. c; 8. b; 9 c; 10. b; 11. b: 12. a; 13. c;
14. a; 15.. b; 16. a.
pp43-44: 1. I'm glad you like it. 2. Why? What? 3. There is no need, thanks.
4. With pleasure. 5. Mmm, beautiful, isn't? 6. Off you go! 7. No problem. 8. It
does, doesn't rt? 9. Thanks! or Cheers! 10. Yes, of course. 11. Bye! Keep in
12. Cheers
p45: 1. birthday; 2. wedding; 3. easter; 4. engagement: 5. christening; 6. funeral;
7. graduation; 8. christmas; 9. Valentine's Day, 10. New baby.
p46: 1. birthday; 2. easter; 3. wedding; 4. graduation; 5. christmas; 6. Valentine's
Day; 7. birthday; 8. wedding; 9. funeral; 10. graduation; 11. funeral; 12. easter;
13. Valentine's Day.
p47: 1. egg; 2. sleigh; 3. pinetree; 4. marriage certificate; 5. fireworks; 6. bride;
7. Santa; 8. wedding dress; 9. chimney.
p48: 1. I'm so angry! 2. I couldn't careless. 3. Keep quiet, will you? 4. Oh, I'm so
annoyed!!! 5. The film was really terrible. 6. I failed the exam. 7. Who exactly is
Alice? 8. He lied to me. 9. She is a really beautiful girl. 10. She is an unbearable
woman. 11. I don't think much of him.
p49: Beginning: Well, frankly, um, now, this is a good question, actually, you
know, let me think, let's see, ,I'm sorry, I couldn't catch that, er, to tell you the
truth, yoU see. Middle: well, you know, kind of, er, sort of, like.
p50: lehetseges megoldasok: 1. um, like; 2. sort of; 3. kind of; 4. actually; 5. Hon
estly; 6. you know; 7. um, er; 8. to tell you the truth; 9. kind of; 10. like, um.
p51: 1. Piss off! 2. He's totally stupid! 3. I've no idea! 4. What was that? 5. I'll
keep my fingers crossed! 6. Come here! 7. It goes right over my head
I don't
understand a word of it. 8. Perfect!
p52: 1. Ouch! 2. Yuki 3. Yummie! 4. Shoosh! 5. Shoot! 6. Zilch! 7. Wow! 8. Shoo!
9. Gee! 10. Wow! 11. Cheese!
p53: 1. Information; 2. No drinking water; 3. Disabled; 4. Left-luggage; 5. Wet
floor; 6. Hospital; 7. Toilet; 8. Do not enter; 9. No smoking: 10. Fasten seat
belts; 11. Exit.
p54: 1. MD; 2. aka; 3. eg; 4. Ms; 5. sic! 6. Ie; 7. cc; 8. etc.
p55: 1. anno Domini; 2. as soon as possible; 3. automatic teller machine; 4. before
Christ; 5. chief executive officer; 6. Celltrallntelligence Agency; 7. do it yourself;
8. disc jockey; 9. European Union; 10. frequently asked questions; 11. Federal
Bureau of Investigation; 12. Global Positioning System; 13. home box office;
14. His or Her Royal Highness; 15. political correctness; 16. unidentified flying
object; 17. United Nations; 18. value added tax.

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