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InvesIigaIion oI causes oI Ian shaII IaiIure

M. KisIivojevic, K. MiIrovic, T. Lazovic

8clgruJc Univcrsity, luculty oj Mcchunicul £nginccring, Kruljicc Murijc 15, 8clgruJc 111z0, Scrbiu
A k 1 I c I I I K I o
/rticlc history:
Keceived 12 November 2009
Keceived in revised Iorm 6 February 2010
AccepIed 7 February 2010
AvaiIabIe onIine 1J February 2010
BaII bearing
Pressed joinI
A s s 1 k A c 1
Energy eIñciency oI IhermaI power pIanIs depends on Ihe viIaI pIanI eIemenIs' reIiabiIiIy
IeveIs. In order Io preserve high IeveI oI energy eIñciency, Ihe viIaI eIemenIs' operaIionaI
capabiIiIy is conIinuaIIy moniIored via observing Ihe working IemperaIure, vibraIion and
noise IeveIs. YeI, however, in spiIe oI Ihis, and usuaIIy due Io inadequaIe mainIenance,
inadequaIe assembIy, errors in Ihe design or manuIacIuring processes, or due Io accidenIs,
abrupI IaiIures oI Ihe pIanI's viIaI eIemenIs can occur. An exampIe Ior Ihis is Ihe voIumeIric
desIrucIion oI Ihe Iresh air Ian shaII due Io meIIing oI Ihe shaII aI Ihe shaII's sIaIionary
supporI. In addiIion Io shaII desIrucIion, Ihe Ian bearing and wheeI bIades have undergone
desIrucIion as weII. This breakdown has occurred in Ihe course oI conIinuaI moniIoring oI
Ihe bearing service IemperaIure and vibraIions IeveIs. Former sIudies, aimed aI deIermin-
ing Ihe breakdown causes, were based on Ihe deIaiIed examinaIion oI Ihe damaged
eIemenIs' maIeriaIs and deIaiIed anaIysis oI Ihe bearing seIIing arrangemenI. Considering
Ihe IacI IhaI Ihe shaII sIaIionary supporI was reaIized by means oI a doubIe-pressed joinI, a
Ihorough anaIysis has been made in Ihis paper oI Ihe pressed joinI operaIionaI capabiIiIy in
Ihe boundary service condiIions, in order Io deIermine Ihe exIenI Io which Ihe pressed
joinI parIicipaIed in Ihe breakdown.
2010 EIsevier LId. AII righIs reserved.
1. lntroduction
Fresh air Ian Ieeds Iresh air inIo Ihe IhermaI power pIanI boiIer. The Ian uses a high-voIIage AC eIecIric moIor as Ihe
driving machine, Io which iI is connecIed by way oI a ûexibIe coupIing. The Ian consisIs oI a pre-wheeI, 1J-bIade working
wheeI and a shaII. Fan shaII is embedded on Iwo doubIe-row, seII-adjusIing barreI-shaped bearings oI Ihe 22J40 CCjWJJ
Iype, wiIh sIeeI cages, ñIIed on Iour casI concreIe IoundaIions, made especiaIIy Ior Ihis purpose. The shaII's IechnicaI char-
acIerisIics are presenIed in Fig. 1.
Bearings roIaIion operaIionaI Irequencies aI Ihe shaII supporIs, pIaced in separaIe housings, are cIose Io boundary vaIues
¸operaIionaI Irequency is 740 min
, and Ihe boundary one is 850 min
, Ior Ihe permanenI grease-IubricaIion soIuIion). In
order Io compensaIe Ior errors in Ihe bearing seIIing arrangemenI and in order Io ensure Ihe shaII's axiaI movemenI due Io
IhermaI deIormaIions, Ihe ouIer bearing is axiaIIy movabIe and ñIIed nexI Io Ihe eIecIric moIor, whiIe Ihe inner bearing is
axiaIIy immovabIe.
In service condiIions, proper Ian operaIion is ensured by conIinuaI moniIoring oI Ihe eIecIric moIor service IemperaIure, as
Ihe driving machine, and oI boIh bearings on Ihe Ian shaII. Due Io high operaIing IemperaIures, Ihe pIanI componenIs' cooIing
has been provided Ior. The eIecIric moIor is air cooIed, whiIe Ihe iniIiaI sIrucIuraI soIuIion oI waIer cooIing was repIaced by air
cooIing. YeI, however, in spiIe oI Ihe conIinuaI moniIoring oI Ihe Iresh air Ian assembIy's viIaI eIemenIs' operaIionaI capabiIiIy, a
major breakdown occurred, i.e. Ihe voIumeIric shaII desIrucIion. In order Io esIabIish Ihe causes oI Ihe breakdown, a Ihorough
1J50-6J07jS - see IronI maIIer 2010 EIsevier LId. AII righIs reserved.
Corresponding auIhor. TeI.: ÷J81 62 295962; Iax: ÷J81 11 JJ70J64.
£-muil uJJrcss: IIazovic@mas.bg.ac.rs ¸T. Lazovic).
Engineering FaiIure AnaIysis 17 ¸2010) 1188-1194
CohIehIs lisIs available aI SciehceDirecI
Engineering FaiIure AnaIysis
| our hal homepage: www. el sevi er . com/ l ocaI e/ ehgI ai l ahal
examinaIion oI Ihe quaIiIy oI maIeriaIs was underIaken ¸micro-sIrucIure examining and deIermining Ihe shaII maIeriaI's
chemicaI and mechanicaI properIies) |1| and design soIuIion Ior Ihe bearing seIIing arrangemenI was anaIyzed |2|. LiIeraIure
|1| provides images oI Ihe breakdown sIaIus oI Ihe ñxed supporI's bearing assembIy seIIing arrangemenI. LiIeraIure |2| pro-
vides proposed opIionaI soIuIions, aimed aI improving Ihe acIuaI sIrucIuraI design oI Ihe shaII seIIing arrangemenI aI Ihe
immovabIe supporI. Bearing in mind IhaI Ihe bearing seIIing arrangemenI in Ihe shaII's ñxed supporI is reaIized by means
oI a doubIe-pressed joinI: shaII-bushing and bushing-bearing inner ring, Ihis paper depicIs a Ihorough anaIysis oI Ihe pressed
joinIs' operaIionaI capabiIiIy in Ihe exIreme service and designcondiIions. Based on Ihe perIormed anaIysis, Ihe conIribuIionoI
Ihe pressed joinIs Io Ihe Ian shaII breakdown in IhermaI pIanIs has been recognized.
2. Sctting arrangcmcnt analysis in ñxcd shalt support
The Ian shaII sIeeve was ñIIed wiIh a bushing Io which a seII-adjusIing barreI-shaped bearing was posiIioned as weII as a
disk. The axiaI movemenI oI Ihe inner bearing ring aI Ihe sIeeve was prevenIed by a nuI, whiIe axiaI movemenI oI Ihe ouIer
ring in Ihe housing was prevenIed by Ihe hood. A cyIindricaI bushing was posiIioned beIween Ihe shaII sIeeve and inner
bearing ring ¸Fig. 2).
Fan shaII sIeeve oI Ihe axiaIIy immovabIe bearing was machined Iwo Iimes beIore Ihe breakdown, because oI Ihe Ioss oI
inIerIerence beIween Ihe bushing and inner bearing ring. AIIer Ihe shaII rework, a new bushing was made each Iime, wiIh
idenIicaI ñI beIween Ihe bushing and sIeeve O160 H7jm6, and beIween Ihe inner bearing ring and bushing O200 ¸÷0.008 Io
By anaIyzing Ihe bearing design documenIs, iI was deIermined IhaI Ihe bearing inner ring was IighIened in Ihe axiaI
direcIion by a nuI, in such a manner IhaI Ihe conicaI surIace oI Ihe nuI resIed on Ihe bearing inner ring radius ¸Fig. 2). In
Ihe course oI IighIening Ihe nuI, a Iorce componenI is generaIed which Iends Io conicaIIy expand Ihe bearing inner ring. This
means IhaI as earIy as Ihe nuI IighIening, decrease oI Ihe IabricaIion cIearance occurs in Ihe one ¸ouIer) row oI Ihe baII bear-
ing eIemenIs. ConcurrenIIy, Ihere occurs weakening oI Ihe conIacI, i.e. oI Ihe inIerIerence size beIween Ihe sIeeve and bush-
ing and beIween Ihe bushing and inner bearing ring. A deIaiI oI Ihe IighIening is shown in Fig. 2. The ñI beIween Ihe housing
and ouIer bearing ring is O420H7j¸0 Io 0.045) mm.
The bearing has been permanenIIy IubricaIed wiIh grease, wiIh Ihe insIaIIed grease-reguIaIor disk, which prevenIs exces-
sive IubricaIion oI Ihe bearing.
The bearing is seaIed on one side by Ihe disk-reguIaIor, and on Ihe oIher side by a doubIe cuII seaI. InIroducing oI a new
200 g quanIiIy oI grease is perIormed onIy on one side oI Ihe roIIing eIemenIs.
The bearing IemperaIure is conIinuaIIy measured in Ihe housing via IemperaIure pickups posiIioned paraIIeI Io Ihe ouIer
ring, aI pIaces noI Iess Ihan 15 mm away Irom Ihe ouIer bearing ring ¸Fig. 2).
lig. 2. TighIening oI Ihe inner bearing ring.
lig. 1. Fan shaII.
M. kistivojcvic ct ul. / £nginccring luilurc /nulysis 1Z ¦z010) 1188-1194 1189
3. Bcaring sctting arrangcmcnt brcakdown condition dcscription
From Ihe second rework on Ihe Ian shaII sIeeve IiII Ihe momenI oI IaiIure oI Ihe bearing seIIing arrangemenI in Ihe ñxed
supporI, Ihe Ian operaIed Ior 1J76 h. During Ihe operaIion, no disIurbances or unusuaI noises or sound eIIecIs were ob-
served. The breakdown resuIIed in Ihe IoIIowing damages |1|: voIumeIric desIrucIion oI Ihe Ian shaII aI Ihe sIeeve IocaIion,
due Io permanenI deIormaIion and maIeriaI meIIing, desIrucIion oI Ihe bearing cage, compIeIe voIumeIric desIrucIion oI Ihe
roIIing eIemenIs which corroded, bearing inner ring was aImosI meIIed IogeIher wiIh Ihe bushing and shaII sIeeve. The bear-
ing seIIing arrangemenI damages caused Ihe damages Io Ihe working wheeI bIades, driving eIecIric moIor and eIasIic
A comprehensive anaIysis oI Ihe condiIion oI Ihe bearing and shaII eIemenIs was perIormed, as weII as anaIyses oI
Iheir maIeriaIs |1|. The conIacI beIween Ihe inner ring and roIIing eIemenIs wenI aIong Ihe IronI Iace and Ihere were
visibIe cuIs on Ihe inner ring. There was conIacI beIween Ihe ouIer ring and roIIing eIemenIs, as weII as aIong Ihe cir-
cumIerence, wiIh smaII axiaI deIormaIions in Ihe roIIing paIhs. The cage was damaged aI Ihe pIaces oI conIacI wiIh roII-
ing eIemenIs and guiding rings. On boIh Ihe inner and ouIer ring roIIing paIhs, Ihere were Iraces oI IaIigue. In Ihe grease
sampIe, Fe parIicIes and non-meIaI parIicIes were Iound. The bearing maIeriaI micro-sIrucIure conIained cerIain amounI
oI residuaI ausIeniIe, in a percenIage noI permiIIed Ior Ihis caIegory oI machine eIemenIs. DecomposiIion oI Ihe residuaI
ausIeniIe resuIIed in Ihe machine eIemenI size change, i.e. in Ihis parIicuIar case, iI resuIIed in possibIe change oI Ihe
deñned ñI characIer.
The deIaiIed anaIysis oI Ihe acIuaI sIrucIuraI design and service condiIions oI Ihe IaiIed bearing in operaIion |2|, Iound
IhaI Ihe cIearance beIween Ihe cage porIion guiding one roIIing eIemenIs row, and Ihe inner ring, was Iess Ihan Ihe permiI-
Ied vaIue, due Io inadequaIe IighIening oI Ihe bearing. The bearing housing IemperaIure pickups insIaIIed, IaiIed Io IimeIy
regisIer Ihe bearing IemperaIure rise signaI, because Ihey were sIrucIuraIIy 15 mm away Irom Ihe ouIer bearing ring sur-
Iaces. SimuIIaneousIy, Ihey were parIIy exposed on Ihe ouIer side Io coId air ûow around Ihe bearing housing - hood, so IhaI
Ihey IaiIed Io reIiabIy regisIer Ihe bearing service IemperaIure changes, and especiaIIy Ihose oI Ihe inner ring. The assembIy
cIearance oI Ihe bearing was inappropriaIe. In Ihe course oI operaIion, sIipping occurred oI Ihe bearing inner ring in Ihe
bushing ñIIed on Ihe shaII sIeeve. The bushing beIween Ihe shaII sIeeve and inner bearing ring was noI secured againsI Iurn-
ing on Ihe Ian shaII sIeeve.
4. Doublc-prcsscd joint analysis vs. bcaring sctting opcrational capability
The pre-assembIy Iype oI ñI beIween Ihe bushing and sIeeve, and beIween inner ring and bushing depends on Iheir acIuaI
sizes, reaIized during Ihe manuIacIure ¸Fig. J).
AIIer assembIing Ihe menIioned joinIs, Ihe characIer oI Ihe ñI and Ihe vaIues oI inIerIerence, i.e. cIearance, change wiIh
respecI Io Ihe pre-assembIy sIaIus, due Io Iheir muIuaI inIeracIing, service IemperaIure inûuence and Ihe inûuence oI con-
IacIing surIaces roughness. Due Io change oI Ihe ñI, Ihe inner radiaI cIearance oI Ihe baII bearing is changed.
OperaIionaI radiaI cIearance oI Ihe roIIing bearing is:
lig. 3. TighIening joinIs ñI iIIusIraIion in ñxed shaII supporI.
1190 M. kistivojcvic ct ul. / £nginccring luilurc /nulysis 1Z ¦z010) 1188-1194
c c
where c
, IabricaIion inner radiaI cIearance; c, radiaI cIearance change in service condiIions; c
, cIearance change due Io
bearing assembIing Io Ihe shaII and inIo Ihe housing; c
, cIearance change caused by service IemperaIure increase.
The baII bearing radiaI cIearance change can be deIermined Irom Ihe IoIIowing expression:



where D
, inner bearing ring roIIing paIh diameIer change due Io Ihe pressure exerIed Io inner surIace oI Ihe bearing inner
ring, i.e. due Io Ihe ñI beIween inner ring and bushing and beIween bushing and sIeeve; D

, inner bearing ring roIIing paIh
diameIer change due Io service IemperaIure increase; D
, ouIer bearing ring roIIing paIh diameIer change due Io Ihe ouIer
ring-housing ñI; D

, ouIer bearing ring roIIing paIh diameIer change due Io service IemperaIure increase; D

, roIIing
eIemenIs' diameIer change due Io increased service IemperaIure.
The increases oI inner ring roIIing paIh diameIer oI D

, ouIer ring oI D

and roIIing eIemenIs oI D

caused by Ihe
increased bearing service IemperaIure, depend on Iheir nominaI dimensions and service IemperaIures, as weII as on Ihe Iin-
ear maIeriaI expansion coeIñcienI oI Ihe coupIed eIemenIs.
The ñI beIween housing opening and ouIer ring enveIope is Ioose. ThereIore Iheir ñI does noI aIIecI Ihe ouIer bearing ring
roIIing paIh diameIer change, i.e. D
The inIerIerence beIween bearing inner ring and bushing in service condiIions, i.e. Ihe so-caIIed service inIerIerence, de-
pends on Ihe IeveI oI Ihe coupIed eIemenIs IemperaIure ñeId homogeneiIy and Ihe pre-assembIy size oI Ihe inIerIerence
beIween Ihe bushing and sIeeve and bushing and inner bearing ring. The change oI service inIerIerence beIween Ihe inner
bearing ring and bushing, depending on Ihe vaIue oI Ihe coupIed parIs ¸bushing-shaII-bearing inner ring) inIerIerence ¸ac-
IuaI dimensions) prior Io assembIy, Ior Ihe case oI homogenous IemperaIure ñeId ¸ ÷ 0 C) is shown in Fig. 4a. For Ihe case
oI homogenous IemperaIure ñeId, when Ihe reIaIive diIIerence in coupIed parIs' service IemperaIure is ÷ 10 C, Ihe
change oI operaIing inIerIerence beIween inner bearing ring and bushing is shown in Fig. 4b. On Ihe basis oI Ihese diagrams,
iI can be esIabIished IhaI Ihe service inIerIerence beIween bushing and sIeeve increases wiIh Ihe increase in Ihe assembIy
inIerIerence in Ihe coupIed eIemenIs oI bushing-sIeeve and inner ring-bushing, whiIe iI decreases wiIh Ihe increase in Ihe
IemperaIure ñeId's non-homogeneiIy. Depending on Ihe reaIized acIuaI sizes oI Ihe doubIe-pressed eIemenIs oI Ihe ring-
bushing and bushing-sIeeve joinI, i.e. depending on appropriaIe inIerIerence or cIearances, a cIearance or inIerIerence
can occur in Ihe pressed bushing-sIeeve joinI aIIer Ihe assembIy, as weII as in service condiIions. In Ihe assembIy sIaIe, Ihere
shaII aIways be an inIerIerence beIween Ihe bushing and Ihe sIeeve, i.e. Ihe joinI wiII be ñrm, Ior aII inIerIerence vaIues be-
Iween Ihe bushing and inner ring beIonging Io Ihe seI ¸17-76) m, iI Ihe inIerIerence beIween bushing and sIeeve prior Io
assembIy is greaIer Ihan 9 m. II such inIerIerence is Iess Ihan 9 m, condiIions are creaIed Ior Ihe occurrence oI cIearance
beIween bushing and sIeeve in assembIy sIaIe. This cIearance is aIways presenI beIween bushing and sIeeve when Ihe pre-
assembIy inIerIerence vaIues beIween inner bearing ring and bushing beIong Io Ihe seI ¸17-76) m ¸Fig. 4a), and when Ihere
is Ihe cIearance oI 25 m beIween sIeeve and bushing prior Io assembIy.
Once Ihe Ian is operaIed, under Ihe eIIecI oI Ihe work Ioad, heaI source is generaIed in Ihe bearing due Io Ihe IricIion
beIween conIacIing surIaces in reIaIive moIion. Due Io heaIing oI Ihe bearing, corresponding IemperaIure diIIerences wiII
appear in Ihe eIemenIs oI Ihe doubIe-pressed joinI. The creaIed IemperaIure diIIerences cause change in Ihe inIerIerence
or cIearance vaIues beIween Ihe bushing and sIeeve. Fig. 4b shows Ihe inIerIerence or cIearance change beIween sIeeve
and bushing Ior Ihe coupIed parIs' IemperaIure diIIerence oI 10 C. AI Ihis IemperaIure diIIerence, mounIing inIerIerence
higher Ihan 2J m is Io be provided, iI ñrm coupIing ¸inIerIerence) beIween bushing and sIeeve is Io be presenI ¸Fig. 4b).
The presence oI a cIearance or smaII inIerIerence presenIs a poIenIiaI risk Ior Iorming oI IreIIing |J-5|, buI noI residuaI
sIresses |6| in Ihe sIeeve-bushing joinI. The occurrence oI IreIIing has a signiñcanI eIIecI on decreasing oI Ihe pressed joinI
Fig. 5 shows Ihe diagram oI Ihe inûuence which Ihe pre-assembIy inIerIerence in Ihe bushing-sIeeve and inner ring-
bushing ñIs exerIs over Ihe inIerIerence in bush-sIeeve ñI, Ior various vaIues oI Ihe service IemperaIure diIIerences in
Ihe coupIed parIs. A greaIer diIIerence in Ihe coupIed eIemenIs' service IemperaIures signiñcanIIy reduces Ihe inIerIerence,
i.e. increases Ihe bushing-sIeeve cIearance, as presenIed in Ihe diagram in Fig. 5. The change oI Ihe inner radiaI cIearance in
Ihe bearing, in service condiIions, aI a 10 C service IemperaIure diIIerence, in correIaIion wiIh Ihe pre-assembIy inIerIer-
ence vaIue oI Ihe doubIe-pressed joinI's eIemenIs, is shown in Fig. 6. The roIIing paIh diameIer oI Ihe inner bearing ring in-
creases wiIh Ihe increase in Ihe pre-assembIy inIerIerence in Ihe bushing-sIeeve and inner ring-bushing joinIs. In reIurn,
Ihere is decrease in Ihe inner radiaI bearing cIearance ¸Fig. 6). For Ihe boundary service condiIions, Ihe bearing inner radiaI
cIearance can be changed in Ihe inIervaI oI 0.1J-0.18 m ¸Fig. 6).
The inûuence oI Ihe service IemperaIure and inIerIerence, i.e. cIearance beIween Ihe doubIe-pressed joinI's coupIed eIe-
menIs, over Ihe baII bearing radiaI cIearance in Ihe ñxed Ian shaII supporI is shown in Ihe diagram in Fig. 7. The obIained
vaIues Ior Ihe operaIing cIearance are Iower Ihan Ihe IabricaIion bearing cIearance. In an exIremeIy unIavorabIe service con-
diIions combinaIion, Ihe bearing radiaI cIearance can be annuIIed and can pass inIo inIerIerence.
ShaII sIeeve, in Ihe assembIy sIaIe, is exposed, due Io Ihe coupIed eIemenIs ñI, Io circuIar and radiaI sIresses. These sIres-
ses are oI pressure characIer and Iend Io reduce Ihe shaII diameIer, as weII as Ihe radiaI sIress - direcIIy, and circuIar sIress -
indirecIIy Ihrough reducing Ihe circumIerence. In Ihe service sIaIe, under Ihe axiaI Iorce eIIecI, Ihe shaII is exposed Io Ien-
M. kistivojcvic ct ul. / £nginccring luilurc /nulysis 1Z ¦z010) 1188-1194 1191
sion sIress, whiIe under Ihe eIIecI oI radiaI componenI, iI is exposed Io bending sIress. These sIresses are increased due Io Ihe
geomeIric sIress concenIraIion which is prominenI in Ihe shaII sIeeve.
The carried ouI anaIysis has shown IhaI in service condiIions a cIearance may be Iormed beIween Ihe sIeeve and bushing.
Poor assembIy oI Ihe bearing ¸Fig. 2) increases Ihe probabiIiIy oI Ihe cIearance IormaIion. The nuI IighIening Iorce and Ihe
Ian axiaI Iorce Iend Io expand Ihe inner bearing ring, which is direcIIy reûecIed in reducing Ihe bearing radiaI cIearance and
in weakening oI Ihe inIerIerence, i.e. in Ihe cIearance increase beIween Ihe sIeeve and bushing. Due Io Ihese service condi-
Iions, and Ihe increased bearing IricIion momenI and presence oI Ihe cIearance beIween bushing and sIeeve, precondiIions
have been creaIed Ior IuII or parIiaI sIeeve sIipping in Ihe bushing.
lig. 4. Dependence oI inIerIerence in Ihe bushing-shaII ñI on Ihe IheoreIicaI inIerIerencejcIearance in Ihe bushing-sIeeve ñI and Ihe inIerIerence in inner
ring-bushing ñI: ¸a) assembIy sIaIe and ¸b) service sIaIe wiIh Ihe IemperaIure gradienI oI 10 C.
1192 M. kistivojcvic ct ul. / £nginccring luilurc /nulysis 1Z ¦z010) 1188-1194
The IhermaI ûux Iormed in Ihe sIeeve-bushing sIiding joinI reduces Ihe bearing radiaI cIearance. This addiIionaI reduc-
Iion in Ihe radiaI cIearance causes increase in Ihe baII bearing IricIion momenI, which resuIIs in even more inIensive sIippage
oI Ihe sIiding joinI and in deveIoping oI even greaIer amounI oI heaI. The abrupI increase in Ihe service IemperaIure resuIIs
in reducing Ihe shaII maIeriaIs' criIicaI sIresses vaIues. Due Io Ihe compIex sIress condiIions in Ihe shaII, as weII as high ser-
vice IemperaIures and reduced criIicaI sIresses vaIues, Ihe Ioss oI shaII's operaIing capabiIiIy has occurred, i.e. permanenI
deIormaIions and sIeeve meIIing occurred, causing Ihe Ioss in Ihe shaII operaIionaI capabiIiIy, i.e. permanenI deIormaIions
and meIIing oI Ihe sIeeve have occurred. AparI Irom Ihe shaII, Ihe baII bearing parIs ¸cage, roIIing eIemenIs and rings) oper-
aIing capabiIiIy was IosI.
lig. 5. The inIerIerencejcIearance in Ihe bushing-shaII ñI dependence on Ihe reIaIive IemperaIure oI Ihe bushing-shaII and inner ring-bushing coupIed
joinI eIemenIs.
lig. 6. The inûuence oI IheoreIicaI inIerIerence in bushing-sIeeve and inner ring-bushing ñIs on: ¸a) inIerIerence in bushing-sIeeve ñI, ¸b) change oI Ihe
inner radiaI cIearance roIIing paIh diameIer, and ¸c) change oI Ihe bearing cIearance ¸ ÷ 10 C).
M. kistivojcvic ct ul. / £nginccring luilurc /nulysis 1Z ¦z010) 1188-1194 119J
5. Conclusion
The underIaken anaIysis has shown IhaI Ihe prescribed ñIs beIween Ihe doubIe-pressed joinI eIemenIs in Ihe condiIions
oI a homogenous IemperaIure ñeId ÷ 0 C ¸Fig. 5) do noI aIways provide Ior a ñrm joinI - inIerIerence beIween Ihe shaII
sIeeve and bushing. Under Ihe condiIions oI a smaII cIearance or inIerIerence, Ihe conIacIing surIaces are exposed Io wear
due Io IormaIion oI IreIIing. In Iime, Ihe insuIñcienIIy ñrm joinI beIween Ihe sIeeve and bushing is IransIormed inIo a micro-
sIiding joinI. The IhermaI ûux generaIed inside causes IurIher reducIion in Ihe joinI capaciIy beIween Ihe bushing and
sIeeve, wiIh simuIIaneous reducIion in Ihe bearing radiaI cIearance. ConsequenIIy Ihe bearing IricIion momenI is increased.
Under such condiIions, Ihe micro-sIiding joinI is IransIormed inIo Ihe acIuaI sIiding joinI, resuIIing in Ihe sIeeve maIeriaI
meIIing and in damages Io Ihe bearing eIemenIs. By way oI seIecIing oI narrower IoIerances, or by perIorming Ihe assembIy
wiIh Ihe sIricIIy conIroIIed acIuaI dimensions oI Ihe pressed joinI eIemenIs, condiIions wouId be ensured Ior a ñrm joinI noI
Io Iransgress inIo a sIiding joinI.
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lig. 7. Dependence oI Ihe baII bearing operaIionaI cIearance upon Ihe IheoreIicaI inIerIerence in Ihe inner ring-bushing ñI Ior Ihe 10 C IemperaIure
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