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m or Major: _____Bachelors in Computer Science________________________

Activities and instruments used to collect information (direct or indirect measures)
Activity: Oral presentation of topic assigned for independent study (CCOM 3030, Fall 2011) Instrument: Rubric

Academic Year: 2011-2012

Campus Mission Domains

Student Learning Objectives

The student will have intellectual curiosity and capacity for independent study

Evaluation Criteria
Content Organization and coherence Materials

Comparison of expected outcomes with the actual findings

Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students are competent as defined in the rubric Findings: Instead of an oral presentation the students did a written report. 90% (19/21) of the students that completed the report were competent as defined in the rubric. The goal was met (70% or more) Expected outcomes: At least 50% of the graduates continued to graduate school Findings: The questionnaire has not yet been sent Expected outcomes: At least 70% will answer that they have participated or are interested to participate in a research project Findings: 87% (47/54) of the students answered that that they have participated or are interested to participate in a research project. The goal was met (70% or more) Expected outcomes: At least 50% will answer that they are interested in pursuing graduate studies Findings: 65% (35/54) of the students answered that they are interested in pursuing graduate studies. The goal was met (50% or more) Expected outcomes: At least 30% of the third and fourth year students have a research experience.

Transforming actions to be implemented

1. Intellectual curiosity

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Activity: Questionnaire for graduates Instrument: Questions in questionnaire Activity: Yearly student questionnaire Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Answer to a question regarding graduate studies

The questionnaire will be sent in August 2012.

Answer to a question on their interest on research

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Answer to a question on their interest on graduate studies

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Number of students working on research

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Assessment Coordinator: _Ivelisse Rubio____________________

Department Chair: ___ Ivelisse Rubio ______________

Date submitted: ___Aug 2, 2012_________

Campus Mission Domains

Student Learning Objectives

Activities and instruments used to collect information (direct or indirect measures)

Evaluation Criteria

Comparison of expected outcomes with the actual findings

Findings: 67% (18/27) of the third and fourth year students have a research experience. The goal was met (30% or more)

Transforming actions to be implemented

2. Capacity for independent study

The student will have intellectual curiosity and capacity for independent study

Activity: Oral presentation of topic assigned for independent study (CCOM 3030, Fall 2011) Instrument: Rubric

Content Organization and coherence Materials

Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students are competent as defined in the rubric Findings: Instead of an oral presentation the students did a written report. 90% (19/21) of the students that completed the report were competent as defined in the rubric. The goal was met (70% or more) Expected outcomes: At least 70% will answer that the independent studies improved the capacity of continuous learning Findings: The questionnaire has not yet been sent Expected outcomes: At least 30% of the third and fourth year students have a research experience Findings: 67% (18/27) of the third and fourth year students have a research experience. The goal was met (30% or more) Expected outcomes: Each of the students that have worked on research for at least a year have given a research presentation Findings: The Department is still collecting the information. Expected outcomes: At least 70% will answer that they have participated or are interested to participate in a research project Findings: 87% (47/54) of the students answered that that they have participated or are interested to participate in a research project. The goal was met (70% or more) Expected outcomes: At least 30% of the third and fourth year students have a research experience. Findings: Findings: 67% (18/27) of the third and fourth

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Activity: Questionnaire for graduates Instrument: Questions in questionnaire Activity: Yearly student questionnaire Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Answer to a question regarding how the independent studies improved the capacity of continuous learning Number of students participating on research

The questionnaire will be sent in August 2012.

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Activity: Questionnaire for researchers Instruments: Questions in questionnaire

Research presentations given by students

The Department is still collecting the information.

3. Research and creation

The student will understand and have curiosity towards research in computer science

Activity: Yearly student questionnaire Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Answer to a question on interest on research

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Number of students participating on research

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Assessment Coordinator: _Ivelisse Rubio____________________

Department Chair: ___ Ivelisse Rubio ______________

Date submitted: ___Aug 2, 2012_________

Campus Mission Domains

Student Learning Objectives

Activities and instruments used to collect information (direct or indirect measures)

Evaluation Criteria

Comparison of expected outcomes with the actual findings

year students have a research experience. The goal was met (30% or more)

Transforming actions to be implemented

Activity: Yearly questionnaire for researchers Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Research presentations given by students

4. Effective Communication 5. Social Responsibility

The student will have the ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing in Spanish and English The student will display an ethical conduct in the course of their studies and their profession, as well as attitudes that honor and enhance the profession.

Activity: Oral presentation of topic assigned (CCOM 3982, Spring 2012) Instrument: Rubric Activity: Questionnaire on ethics at the beginning of the course (CCOM 3981, Fall 2011) Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Organization Coherence Delivery. Answers to questions on ethics

Expected outcomes: Each of the students that have worked on research for at least a year has given a research presentation. Findings: The Department is still collecting the information. Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students are competent as defined in the rubric. Findings: 84% (27/32) of the students are competent as defined in the rubric. The goal was met (70% or more) Expected outcomes: Less than 50% of the students will have a positive attitude towards ethics Findings: 55% (11/20) of the students that answered the questionnaire on CCOM 3981, Sect. 001, were competent as defined in the rubric. We expected less than 50% of the students to be competent. This was baseline data to be compared with the outcome at the end of the semester. Expected outcomes: Less than 50% of the students will have a positive attitude towards ethics Findings: Most of the students (more than 50%) showed a good attitude towards social responsibility and academic honesty. However, it was not clear for them what constitute plagiarism. We expected less than 50% of the students to be competent. This was baseline data to be compared with the outcome at the end of the semester. Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students will have a positive attitude towards ethics Findings: We considered that the questionnaire prepared by the College of General Studies was not appropriated to compare the results obtained as baseline data and it was not given to the students.

The Department is still collecting the information.

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Activity: Group discussion with open ended questions (CCOM 3981, Fall 2011) Instrument: Notes on students opinions

Opinions on academic ethics following the questionnaire

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Activity: Questionnaire on ethics at the end of the course prepared by the College of General Studies (CCOM 3981) Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Answers to questions related to an ethical situation presented

A new instrument will be designed and the domain will be measured again in Fall 2012.

Assessment Coordinator: _Ivelisse Rubio____________________

Department Chair: ___ Ivelisse Rubio ______________

Date submitted: ___Aug 2, 2012_________

Campus Mission Domains

Student Learning Objectives

Activities and instruments used to collect information (direct or indirect measures)

Activity: Yearly student questionnaire Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Evaluation Criteria
Answers to questions on ethics

Comparison of expected outcomes with the actual findings

Transforming actions to be implemented

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students will there is no need to take actions at this time. have a positive attitude towards ethics Findings: 93% (50/54) of the students will have a positive attitude towards ethics. The goal was met (70% or more) Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students are competent as defined in the rubric Findings: 80% (8/10) of the students that completed that turned in the project are competent as defined in the rubric. Five students did not turned in the project but 4 of these failed the course. The goal was met (70% or more) Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students understand and appreciate the importance of diversity. Findings: 60% (18/30) of the students are competent as defined in the rubric. The goal was NOT met (70% or more). Expected outcomes: Less than 50% of the students will have a positive attitude towards ethics Findings: 55% (11/20) of the students that answered the questionnaire on CCOM 3981, Sect. 001, were competent as defined in the rubric. We expected less than 50% of the students to be competent. This was baseline data to be compared with the outcome at the end of the semester. Expected outcomes: Less than 50% of the students will have a positive attitude towards ethics Findings: Most of the students (more than 50%) showed a good attitude towards social responsibility and academic honesty. However, it was not clear for them what constitute plagiarism. We expected less than 50% of the students to be competent. This was baseline data to be compared with the outcome at the end of the semester. Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students will have a positive attitude towards ethics Findings: We considered that the questionnaire is not The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

6. Critical thinking

The student will demonstrate ability to identify, organize, evaluate, and use information.

Activity: Project (CCOM 3033, Spring 2012) Instrument: Rubric

Develop, correct and prove complex computer programs that use common algorithms to process numeric and alphabetic information. Answers to questions on diversity

7. Ethic and esthetic sensibility

The student will have knowledge of and appreciation for diversity.

Activity: End of semester questionnaire (CCOM 3981, Fall 2011) Instrument: Rubric

Most of the students do not understand the meaning of diversity and the social issues associated to it. A workshop on diversity will be included in CCOM 3981 starting in Fall 2012 and the Department will organize activities to develop appreciation towards diversity. The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

The student will display an ethical conduct in the course of their studies and their profession, as well as attitudes that honor and enhance the profession.

Activity: Questionnaire on ethics at the beginning of the course (CCOM 3981, Fall 2011) Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Answers to questions on ethics

Activity: Group discussion with open ended questions (CCOM 3981, Fall 2011) Instrument: Notes on students opinions

Opinions on academic ethics following the questionnaire

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

Activity: Questionnaire on ethics at the end of the course prepared by the College of General Studies

Answers to questions related to an ethical situation presented

A new instrument will be designed and the domain will be measured again in Fall 2012.

Assessment Coordinator: _Ivelisse Rubio____________________

Department Chair: ___ Ivelisse Rubio ______________

Date submitted: ___Aug 2, 2012_________

Campus Mission Domains

Student Learning Objectives

Activities and instruments used to collect information (direct or indirect measures)

(CCOM 3981, Fall 2011) Instrument: Questions in questionnaire Activity: Yearly student questionnaire Instrument: Questions in questionnaire

Evaluation Criteria

Comparison of expected outcomes with the actual findings

appropriated to compare the results obtained as baseline data and it was not given to the students.

Transforming actions to be implemented

Answers to questions on ethics

Even though the results in the questionnaire were good, since At least 70% of the students will have a positive attitude last year the result were not so positive, the Department will towards ethics Findings: 93% (50/54) of the students will have a positive organize activities attitude towards ethics. The goal was met (70% or more)

II. Summary of Assessment carried out: In an additional sheet of paper, briefly describe the assessment activities undertaken, the assessment instruments used, how the instruments were developed, and how was the information collected analyzed. Please include the assessment instruments used. Discuss how the proposed transforming actions will be assessed. Appendices: Include the final version of Part I and II of the Plan of Assessment of Student Learning. If you have developed a table or a graph illustrating the results of the assessment findings, please include it. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO RO PIEDRAS CAMPUS PARCIAL REPORT OF ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING PART II - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, OR ATITUDES OF THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR MAJOR Academic Program or Major: ____ Bachelors in Computer Science___________________________
Knowledge, Skills or Attitudes of the Academic Program or Major Activities and instruments used to collect information (direct or indirect measures) Academic Year: 2011-2012, First Semester

Student Learning Objectives

Evaluation Criteria

Comparison of expected outcomes with the actual findings

Transforming actions to be implemented

Assessment Coordinator: _Ivelisse Rubio____________________

Department Chair: ___ Ivelisse Rubio ______________

Date submitted: ___Aug 2, 2012_________

Knowledge, Skills or Attitudes of the Academic Program or Major

Student Learning Objectives

The student will have the ability to translate algorithms and data structures to software.

Activities and instruments used to collect information (direct or indirect measures)

Activity: Exam problem (CCOM 3029, Spring 2012) Instrument: Rubric

Evaluation Criteria
Syntax errors, logic errors, program documentation, use of functions, use of decision structures, use of data structures. Be able to determine asymptotic expressions for the worst-case running time and space requirements of algorithms and data structures

Comparison of expected outcomes with the actual findings

Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students are competent as defined in the rubric Findings: 70% (14/20) of the students are competent as defined in the rubric. The goal was met (70% or more) Expected outcomes: At least 70% of the students are competent as defined in the rubric Findings: 63% (12/19) of the students are competent as defined in the rubric. The goal was NOT met (70% or more)

Transforming actions to be implemented

1. Programming Skills

The Department will continue doing what has done so far; there is no need to take actions at this time.

2. Knowledge of the Subject

The student will have the ability to develop, analyze and evaluate algorithms for solving problems or performing tasks.

Activity: Exam problem (CCOM 5050, Spring 2012) Instrument: Rubric

The Department has to meet to discuss these results and decide the actions to be taken.

II. Summary of Assessment carried out: In an additional sheet of paper, briefly describe the assessment activities undertaken, the assessment instruments used, how the instruments were developed, and how was the information collected analyzed. Please include the assessment instruments used. Discuss how the proposed transforming actions will be assessed. Appendices: Include the final version of Part I and II of the Plan of Assessment of Student Learning. If you have developed a table illustrating the results of the assessment findings, please include it.

Assessment Coordinator: _Ivelisse Rubio____________________

Department Chair: ___ Ivelisse Rubio ______________

Date submitted: ___Aug 2, 2012_________

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