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When we speak of ABUNDANCE, what are we thinking of? Lots of money? Lots of

bling? Lots of friends? Lots of everything? Should we also include intangible things

such as love, kindness, compassion, respect, reverence?

For most of my life I have been exposed to the concept of an abundant universe and our

access to it as human beings but like many people I never fully understood what that

meant. I can recall as a child in an attempt to prove that NOTHING did not exist, I

would stand outside and look all around in an attempt to see NOTHING. Of course

everywhere I turned I would see something: buildings, mountains in the distance, clouds,

blue sky. Even then, I was convinced as well that there was something unseen that was

much larger than me. My parents had all kinds of books in our house that substantiated

the idea of there being more to life than what I was seeing around me. I remember

reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill but not fully understanding its true

implications. Being in Sunday School every Sunday did not enlighten me either.

Many years later, I got involved in a program called The Delfin System ™, subtitled,

Transforming The Way The World Thinks. It promoted the same idea of life being much

more than what we acknowledge, promising to “unlock the ‘secrets’ of personal

happiness, success, power, wisdom, health and wealth’. I diligently read the document,

underlined important statements, and listened to some of the tapes. As I re-open the

document, the first time in many years, I find my scribbles at the back : the one purpose

of life is growth; things are created in the mental and spiritual spheres first; always

concentrate on the ideal as an already existing fact; and a gem, my consciousness

communicates through my subconscious with universal consciousness. As much as I tried

then though, I simply could not ‘get into it’. At that time I was also given a gem of a

little book called, The Magic of Believing by Claude M. Bristol. I did a quick read and

again, put it away because its simplicity escaped my comprehension. That was followed

many years later by my encountering someone who had gone to India and met Sai Baba.

So I started reading books written by Sai Baba or about him. Things started to make

sense: he talked about the power that lies within us and the need to go within in order to

go without; expand our mental vision; living in love; fostering love; spreading love;

loving with no expectation of return. He also proclaimed that the way to God was to do

good, see good, be good and serve others. I began to recognize these ideas as common to

many of the world’s great religious texts but on a deep level I still really did not

understand. One thing stuck with me though and that was that we are spiritual beings

having a human experience.

My own explanation for who we were had evolved over time to be a sort of syllogism:

our bodies corresponded to the earth and our souls/spirits must correspond to the unseen

elements above, around and in us. I also firmly believed in the individuality of

individuals and so, when I learned about Ernest Holmes, and began to read his works,

there was some degree of resonance. I could recognize some of my own thoughts and a

lot of what I had read before, expressed a bit differently. The recently released video, The

Secret had the same effect on me. I then re-read The Magic of Believing. It is all

beginning to make sense. The idea of a common energy in the universe that animates all

life forms is credible and underscores the truth that we are all connected even though on

the continuum of life, we are unique beings because we have what no other life form has,

free will.
In the context of an abundant universe, the free will of humans means that we determine

our destiny. We have choice as individual beings with individuated thought processes.

Our thoughts control what occurs in our lives. So for example, if our belief system and

attitudes are negative, then we should not be surprised if more negative outcomes occur

in our lives. The universe is indeed abundant with everything and gives us what we ask

for consciously or unconsciously. Most of the New Age pundits maintain that this is

where our strength as human beings lies.

Where this continues to puzzle me is with regard to so-called natural events such as

terrible hurricanes like Kristina, or the horrific tsunamis that devastated Thailand,

Indonesia and parts of Sri Lanka. Did those millions of victims all have a death wish?

Perhaps the answers are found in humans as a species. We need to dedicate more time to

paying closer attention to our inner lives, listening to the tiny voice that speaks to us from

within that repeatedly points us in the direction of accessing the positive ephemeral as

well as the material wealth of the universe. That way we would make only good choices

and attract only good. The Universe is abundant and we have the power within us to

access and create whatever we desire.

“Create wealth in and for others and you will become wealthy. …. The universal flows

ever onward constantly creating more. You can access this universal abundance by acting

as the universal acts. Be abundant. The more you create, the more you have. Relax, give,

expect, receive and be grateful.” (p144 The Delfin System) Always remember that

abundance is more than just money or material possessions.

Marguerite Alfred


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