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A factual response to democratically yours

Friday, August 10 2012 10:53 B.T. Metcalf I am a physician, with thirty years experience in emergency medicine, family practice and occupational medicine, and find that Obama Care (Affordable Care Act ACA) that was rammed down our throats is even more onerous now that we have been allowed to read it. Govt vs personal liberty Obama Care is a huge step backward from personal liberty into a federal government (Big Brother) takeover of 16% of the American economy. It is the antithesis of the patient-centered reform, which would empower Americans to truly control their own healthcare. ACA places more restrictions on both patients and their physicians; restricts competition, stifles innovation, and increases costs for everyone. The introduction of new bureaucracies, including the Health Benefits Advisory Committee, the Health Choices Administration, and the Health Choices Commission, are but a few of the agencies that will stand between you and your physicians ability to chart the course of your medical care. In all there are 159 new or expanded bureaucracies, along with 16,000 new IRS agents to manage what is destined to become a second-rate health care system. This system also mandates that your medical records be available electronically to all of their employees. You and your doctor I feel that the United States medical system, though not at all perfect, would be profoundly better without ACA and the Democrats attempt to ensure medical care for everyone will severely damage what is good while trying to fix the bad. As conditions for physicians continue to deteriorate with more regulations, paper work, and reduced reimbursement the physicians who can, are increasingly retiring, leaving many patients without the doctor that Obama promised they could keep. Enrollment in medical schools is dropping off at an alarming rate and the governments push to provide non- physician providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) for primary care is fraught with severe limitations in the quality of that care. They, as a whole are very caring and try to provide good service, but with their limited education, they frequently miss the little things that may save your life. The taxes The claim that no new taxes will be levied on the middle class to pay for Obama Care is a blatant falsehood. There are twenty new taxes in the bill, of which seven are levied on all citizens regardless of income. They include: the Individual Mandate tax which by 2016 will be 695 dollars per person or 1,390 dollars for a couple, the Medicine Cabinet Tax which prohibits reimbursement for OTC (over the counter) or non-prescription medications from your HSA (health savings account). Now unlimited FSA (flexible spending account) will be capped at 2,500 dollars, and there is a new increase to 10 percent from 7.5 percent of medical expenses before you can deduct them from your taxes. Also, there is an increase of 10 to 20 percent tax on any early withdrawal for a non-medical use, ie: OTC medications from your MSA. There is a Tanning Booth tax, and an excise tax on any Cadillac medical plan. Lastly, there is the increase in the per-person Medicare insurance premium over the next two years to 247 dollars per month from your Social Security check. The other thirteen taxes apply directly to businesses or high-income earners, but will indirectly affect all users of medical care, especially the new taxes on all medical equipment and on pharmaceutical providers. These increased costs will of course just be passed on to you.

Your medicare The claimed strengthening of Medicare is likewise totally false, in that 575.1 billion dollars will be cut from Medicare with this bill. First, will be the elimination of the Medicare advantage program that several million current Medicare enrollees now enjoy. Next, will be the reduction in both A and B payment levels, reduction in DSH payments, and the elimination of the Medicare improvement fund, all of which are designed to gut the Medicare program. In addition to the above, the gross cost of coverage provisions in the bill according to the Congressional Budget Office will be 1.055 trillion dollars to year 2019, and that does not include the Federal administrative costs that are still subject to appropriation. How many billions for that? Personal As a physician, the level of government intrusion between a patient and his/her doctor is completely unacceptable and the loss of privacy concerning a patients personal medical records is onerous. As a geriatric patient myself I do not want the government knowing when I have an appointment with my doctor or a specialist and I especially do not want them making a decision over what care I can have. Obama is dismantling the greatest healthcare delivery system in the world and reducing it to expensive and mediocre. America, we can do better. B.T. Metcalf, M.D., retired http://theguadalajarareporter.com/opinion-mainmenu-92/viewpoints-mainmenu-60/31528-a-factualresponse-to-democratically-yours.html#.UCvurCaSQIk.facebook

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