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Critical Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Wyeth De Leon, RN SPUP-MSN 2012 Qualitative Critical Review

Successful Teenage Marriages: A Qualitative Study of How Some Couples Have Made it Work

Boykins research reports a descriptive analysis of six couples who married as teenagers and the processes they identify as contributing to the success of their relationships. It will also serve to add to the extensive body of literature on marriage interactions in general will enhance our understanding about a specific population in the research on marital quality. In keeping with some of the recent trends in marital research, this qualitative study will take the perspective that successful marriages can teach us how to assess and treat un-successful marriages. The study utilized an phenomenology research as it theoretical framework as a form of strategy bringing to the point that a researcher always brings her bias, values, and experiences to the research questions asked and the analysis of the answers received. The framework was appropriately described and appropriate. From a phenomenological perspective the everyday life is essential in really understanding the processes and meanings that families and couples attach to their relationships together.

The literature and concepts is limited on the phenomenon of teenage marriage issue, thus I thought that it havent offered a balanced critical analysis on the review itself. Although it is logically organized, it is not almost mainly from primary sources. The current literature on teenage marriages focuses heavily on statistics and negative outcomes but there is little research examining the everyday lives of such couples. The aims and objectives of the study were clearly identified and the sample was under this screening wherein the inclusion and exclusion in the criteria was clearly identified. The ethical consideration is in the right track because the participants were fully informed about the nature of the research and the confidentiality was guaranteed. Interviews followed a semi-structured format with a list of researcher-developed questions guiding the process. Each interview was audiotaped and later transcribed for analysis. Transcripts were reviewed for accuracy before beginning data analysis.

Unfortunately given the locations of many of the participants and the time constraints of this study that

was not possible. Future studies may be able to utilize focus groups in this way and provide such valuable data.

The findings presented in chapter four indicate that these six couples are very similar to any six couples. The key ingredients to their success are the same factors that research says helps all couples succeed. The hypothesis that was identified was supported. The strengths and limitations of the study were clearly discussed. The couples that participated this study represented a wide range of ages, education, and socioeconomic statuses. However they were all white couples from similar geographic locations. It would be useful for future research to conduct a similar study with different races and ethnicities. All the books and journals alluded in the study were accurately referenced.

Quantitative Critical Review

DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENT STRENGTHS INDEX (SSI) FOR NONTRADITIONAL GRADUATE STUDENTS Hayes research examined the use of a non-cognitive assessment tool to measure students strengths which can be used as an additional factor for admission committees when considering admitting nontraditional graduate students. Hayes justifies the focus of the study, of how design and validate a tool called the Student Strengths Index (SSI) to assess motivation, interaction, execution and cognition and create a success profile of the non-traditional graduate student.

The literature review offered a balanced critical analysis of the literature and was logically organized. It has illuminated the need for a better tool to predict success in graduate school. One of the deficiencies in the literature is a study of the differences in motivation of non-traditional students compared to traditional graduate students. Motivation could be seen as the key to the success of the non-traditional graduate student population. The theoretical framework was identified and was adequately described. The hypothesis clearly reflects the information in the literature review. The target population has been clearly identified as non-traditional students enrolled in graduate education. Non-traditional students were defined as individuals who have taken off at least five years between their baccalaureate degree and the beginning of their graduate education. The inclusion and exclusion were clearly identified on the scope and limitations. The pilot study was completed using non-probability sampling using specifically convenience sampling. The participants were fully informed but I thought that it would be better to also have a hard copy of the consent itself for the safety of both parties, not just by letting the students or the individuals click the I agree in the survey site.

The research design was clearly identified and the data gathering instrument (TalentMine Index) has been described in the study. Using a mixed-method approach to identify and measure talents required for success in different professional communities the TMI has developed. The reliability and validity testing undertaking in the results has been discussed in the study. The data analysis was appropriate. The analysis was completed using SPSS for Windows 15.0. The significance or alpha level for all analyses was a .05. The findings linked back to the literature review even though a recommendation for future research havent made. The hypothesis was supported in the findings and the strengths and limitations were discussed. All the books, journals, and other media included in the study were accurately referenced at the end part of the study.

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