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Grade Possible criteria 64% - 0 F Excellent to outstanding effort; above and beyond. Original; in own words when possible Neat, clean, organized. Clear and easy to understand. Fully completed. Minimal to no errors. Good to very good effort. Original; in own words. Neat, clean, organized. Majority is clear and easy to understand. Fully or almost fully complete. A few errors. Fair to low level of effort; could use improvement. Fairly neat and organized. Mostly clear and easy to understand. Not fully completed or attempted. Numerous errors. Minimal effort; needs significant improvement. Messy, unorganized. Difficult to understand; unclear at times. Not fully completed and/or barely attempted. Frequent errors. OR Work is late, but completed before the end of the term. Incomplete. Not completed within proper timeframe.

A 100%

B A80%-90%

C 70%

65% D

NOTE: When homework is checked for completion (as opposed to being collected and graded individually), a grade of (check) will be given to most completed assignments. This reflects the students effort and completion, while allowing for a reasonable amount of error.

Grade Possible Criteria Outstanding. Always on task and prepared. Demonstrates command of concepts taught. Commendable. On task and prepared. Demonstrates understanding and effort with regard to concepts taught. Needs improvement. Needs some reminders to stay on task, to refocus, and/or to bring proper materials. Work does not demonstrate adequate understanding or effort with regard to concepts taught. Not acceptable. Needs significant improvement. Needs constant reminders to stay on task, to refocus, and/or to bring proper materials. Work does not demonstrate acceptable level of understanding or effort with regard to concepts taught. No work done during class. Unprepared. Frequently arrives to class without materials. Does not demonstrate understanding or effort with regard to concepts taught.

A 100% B A80%-90% C 70%

65% D

64% - 0 F

CLASS PARTICIPATION RUBRIC (*with teacher and with peers)

Grade Possible Criteria Outstanding. Participates very frequently, purposefully, and entirely in Spanish. Commendable. May need prompting to speak entirely in Spanish or participate more frequently. Needs improvement. Participation needs to increase and/or be more purposeful. Often reminded to speak entirely in Spanish. Not acceptable. Needs to participate in class with purpose and in Spanish.

A 100% B A80%-90% C 70%

65% D 64% - 0 F

Little to no participation.

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