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The main concept of Al Gores Presentation, An Inconvenient Truth, revolves around our Planets Health.

He tries to open our eyes to the destructive effects that some recent technological advances have done. He showed charts that compared todays CO2 Emissions to those of thousands of years ago, and how the average global temperature was affected by this. He also showed the effects of rising temperature were: more storms, droughts, heat waves, and tornadoes. It seemed as if it was impossible for humanity to end the deteriorating health of our planet. But at the end of the video, the presenter used the quote of Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow, Humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific, technical and industrial know-how to solve the carbon and climate problems. In other words, we ourselves already possess the capability to solve climate problems, the only things we dont have yet are the determination and cooperation to change our way of living. We often say that our efforts are useless if our political leaders dont show concern for the world, this however is wrong. The healing of the world is in our hands, not in those of our leaders. When all of us hold hands in ending our ignorant ways, climate change will become a thing of the past. The part of the presentation that amazed me most was how rapid the earth has changed in the past 100 years, when we compare this to the thousands of years earlier. It amazed me how the graphs were able to calculate how much the Earth would worsen in the years to come. The next thing that opened my eyes was how the vast expanses of ice all around the world have started disappearing in the recent years. This will produce tremendous changes in the natural climate of our world. But not just the climate will change; the chemical composition of the sea water around the melted ice glaciers will also be altered. Much sea life would be affected and might become extinct. It all seemed hopeless until the presentation came to a point where the viewers were given a choice between choosing the Earth and choosing Production. Of course, most people would probably choose Production; but what is the sense of having optimized production if we dont have a planet to live on. Our planet is the only place where life is supported. It is not our right to be able to live a lifeit is an opportunity. We should, therefore, not abuse it and live life carelessly. We have to live our responsibly and do what we can to take care of our natural home. It is not yet too late to change. The future of the Earth is in our hands, no one elses. Are you willing to be an example for others?

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