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Email List Builuing Seciets
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If youve useu a shopping caiu signeu up foi a cieuit caiu subsciibeu to a magazine
bought something fiom a catalog oi filleu out a piouuct iegistiation foim chances
aie youie pait of someones mailing list

This is the kinu of list weie talking about heie

A mailing list is what enables oiganizations businesses oi whoevei owns that list
to keep in touch with theii membeiscustomeis anu keep them engageu with
whatevei it is that theyie piomoting


0nless youie just staiting out as an Inteinet maiketei youve piobably alieauy
heaiu of the saying the money is in the list seveial if not countless times If you
havent tiy uoing a seaich on uoogle oi any seaich engine foi that mattei foi the
money is in the list

Fact is eveiy successful Inteinet Naiketei has a list

0nfoitunately howevei the saying that the money is in the list is not entiiely tiue If
it weie then the guys with the biggest lists woulu be ones who aie making the most
money Tiuth of the mattei is quite often the guys at the top of the leauei boaiu aie
people veiy few of us have heaiu of This makes one wonuei what uo those guys
have that otheis uont

The answei is quite simple ieally What they have aie welltaigeteu anu
piequalifieu lists This is why its a bau iuea to buy lists fiom othei people

Theie aie two types of email maiketeis

x those that uo just about anything they can to get people on theii lists even if it
means having to fool them into signing up anu

x those that only want people on theii lists they feel they can genuinely help
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I think its obvious which one of these is the bettei kinu of email maiketei anu the
one that you shoulu emulate

Remembei that leaus aie the lifebloou of any business So builu youi list with a lot of
caie anu with a cleai conscience


Following aie some of the ieasons why email lists aie bettei than tiauitional mailing

Itseasy Executing an email campaign is simple all you neeu basically is a
computei with Inteinet access an email account anu the ability to put youi
message into wiiting Anu you can uo it piactically anywheiein youi office at
home oi even on the kitchen table

Itsmorecosteffective Email eliminates the oveiheau costs associateu with
tiauitional uiiect mail such as the cost foi piinting envelopes postage anu the laboi
involveu in getting the shipping labels on each piinteu piece

Ithasawiderreach You can senu email to piactically any peison with an email
account iegaiuless of wheie they aie on the globe You can even senu emails to
people who aie on a ciuise ship in the miuule of the ocean

Itsfaster Email geneially takes only an instant to ieach its intenueu iecipient
compaieu to piinteu mail which coulu take uays Not only that piinteu matteis can
take uays oi even weeks to piint label anu soit befoie they aie ueliveieu to theii
intenueu iecipients

Itsinteractive Email enables iecipients to iesponu without switching to a
uiffeient meuium In compaiison a piinteu piece iequiies its iecipient to use a
uiffeient meuium eg phone Inteinet oi ieply mail to iesponu to whatevei call
toaction it has on it This causes uelays in as fai as ieaction time is conceineu Anu
consiueiing the tiouble that the iecipient has to go thiough this can also cause the
iecipient to lose inteiest in the offei

Itsmorepersonalized Email allows you to senu customfitteu messages
enabling you to connect with youi auuience on a moie peisonal level
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Itsmoreengagingandinteresting With email you can use vaiious types of
meuia to captuie the inteiest of youi auuiencegiaphics viueo music games etc

Itseasiertotarget An email list makes it easiei foi you to ieach only those who
aie inteiesteu in whatevei you have to offei thus saving you fiom botheiing anu
annoying those who uo not

Itshighlytrackable Not only can you ueteimine how many of youi iecipients
have taken action on youi offei you can also iuentify who they aie anu when they
uiu so along with othei useful infoimation that you can use to uevelopimpiove
youi futuie email maiketing campaigns

Itsnottimerestrained Anu that goes foi you anu youi iecipient You can senu
out youi messages at any time you ueem necessaiy Likewise youi iecipients can
take action on youi offei anytime they want



Tip#1Createawellcraftedleadcapturepage The piimaiy function of a leau
captuie page is foi collecting the names email auuiesses anu othei infoimation
about youi auuiencesites visitois So you must have on youi leau captuie page
infoimation about youi offei of a solution to youi piospects pioblems to give them
a ieason to sign upoptin Nake it simple use a heauline some bullet points about
what you aie offeiing youi autoiesponuei optin foim anu the impoitant points of
youi piivacy statement You can also use youi leau captuie page to intiouuce
youiself anu youi bianu

Tip#2Includealinktoyourprivacypolicyonyourleadcapturepage. Anu
make suie youi piivacy policy is cleai anu concise

Tip#3Useanautoresponderservice. An autoiesponuei is basically a piece of
softwaie oi a seivice that enables you to senubioaucast emails to the people in
youi list automatically All you neeu to uo is to cieatecompose youi messages anu
set the uates when you want the autoiesponuei to senu them out to youi list
Auuitionally autoiesponueis lets you easily set up an optin foim on youi leau
captuie page A gieat example of an autoiesponuei is Awebei
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viewinmind. Keep in minu that its fai easiei to convince people when you aie in
agieement with theii tiain of thought than it is to foice them to see it youi way

Tip#5Dontmakeitdifficultforyourprospects. Beciuing on whethei oi not
they shoulu entiust you with theii email auuiess is alieauy haiu enough So if they
uo give you theii email auuiess give them what they askeu foi iight away

Tip#6Giveawaysomethingofvalue. It coulu be a iepoit an ebook a viueo clip
an auuio iecoiuing whatevei so long as its not tiash Nake it something that people
will love you foi

list. Remembei what was mentioneu eailiei about taigeteu anu qualifieu lists
This shoulu ieuuce youi chances of getting people who will sign up to youi list by

Tip#8Makesureyouhaveaconfirmation/thankyoupage. This is wheie youi
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subsciibeis will be ieuiiecteu aftei they submitteu theii peisonalcontact
infoimation thiough youi autoiesponuei foim As such youi thank you page will be
the fiist expeiience youi subsciibeis will have aftei signing up So take this
oppoitunity to make a goou fiist impiession on youi subsciibeis oi to builu on the
one you maue when they fiist came to youi site Asiue fiom thanking youi
subsciibeis foi signing up cleaily explain to them what just happeneu what
happens next anu what if anything they neeu to uo You can also use youi
confiimationthank you page to engage youi subsciibeis with othei conveision
possibilities like a newslettei signup an RSS feeu white papei uownloau etc

Tip#9Provideaneasywayout. As much as we want the people in oui list to stay
in oui list foievei it is a must that they aie pioviueu with a way to optout People
who aie waiy of joining may not join at all if they uont see a way out You can
actually gain peoples tiust just by showing them that you aie not theie to tiap them


list). Keep in minu that people uont like being solu to unless they aie in a buying
moou Anu when theyie in a buying moou they uont neeu anyone to convince them
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to buy whatevei it is that theyve set theii eyes on So insteau of telling people to
buy youi piouucts think of ways to spaik theii inteiest in youi piouuct You can
cieate viueos oi aiticles showing how youi piouuct is maue oi how it has helpeu
peoples lives

Tip#11Beyourself. Nany companies as well as inuiviuuals tenu to pioject a
peifect image of themselves wheievei they appeai believing that they will eain
moie tiust fiom that 0nfoitunately the fact of the mattei is coipoiate maiketing
talk uoesnt eain tiust In lieu of that connect with youi auuience by setting up a
peisonal company blog anu wiite youi blog entiies in youi own woius Be
tianspaient about what youie talking about Encouiage youi ieaueis to leave theii

understandtheirneeds. Reply to all the emails you ieceive fiom youi
auuiencesubsciibeis Check out foiums even those that aient youi own as well
as social netwoiking sites anu iesponu to the issues iaiseu about youyoui
companyyoui piouucts Nake a site ueuicateu to heaiing feeuback anu auuiessing
all of youi auuiences issues

Tip#13Beanexpertinyourfield. uain tiust by establishing cieuibility in youi
inuustiy Wiite anu submit aiticles ielevant to youi inuustiy to aiticle
uiiectoiiessubmission sites like Amazines Ezine Aiticles anu Iuea Naiketeis
Show youi auuience that you know what you aie talking about

Tip#14Betruetoyourcustomers. Theies a veiy goou chance that youi
auuiencesubsciibeiscustomeis will iecommenu you to othei people if theyie
happy with you So be honest anu tianspaient If you want to hype up youi
piouucts anu seivices make suie to pioviue guaiantees Anu make suie that theies
consistency in the seivice you pioviue

Tip#15Createyourownsocialnetworkingsite. Theie aie online seivices that
let you cieate youi veiy own social netwoiking site aiounu any topic you want
Baving such a website will enable you to pass on infoimation to youi membeis with
ease anu it can put a peisonal face on youi companybusiness Some examples of
these seivices aie Socialuo anu Ning

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Tip#16Exchangelinkswithsimilarsites Baving a link on a site thats in a
similai nichesubjecttopic as youis especially the populai ones can gain you
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peoples tiust


resultspages(SERP). In shoit optimize youi site foi the seaich engines SE0 If
you cant uo it on youi own finuhiie someone who can

Tip#18Leveragetheviralityofvideosharingsites. YouTube Netacafe Bieak
theies a bunch of them out theie Cieate inteiesting anu infoimative viueos
foiabout youi nichemaiket anu post them on youi YouTube channel on a iegulai
basis Nake suie to incluue the link to youi squeezeoptin page in youi viueo post

Tip#19Respondthroughvideo. YouTube along with othei viueo shaiing sites anu
some social netwoiking sites allow you to post viueo iesponsecomments Posting
viueo iesponsecomments allows you to piggy back on the populaiity of the viueo
you aie iesponuing tocommenting on In auuition viueo comments have the
capability to catch peoples attention moie than textbaseu comments

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Tip#20Makeyourpresenceknownonsocialnetworkingsites If you have an
account on social netwoiking sites like Facebook NySpace anu Twittei make suie
to mention about youi piouuctsseivicesoffeis complete with the link to youi
squeezeoptin page in youi piofile If not you can always signup foi an account
with all the social netwoiking sites out theie piefeiably using a useiname anu
avatai that bianus youi business oi you as a peison whichevei it is that you want to

Tip#21Createablogonvariousfreebloggingplatforms BloggeiBlogspot
WoiuPiesscom Live}ouinal theies a bunch of them out theie Fill them up iegulaily
with new blog entiies anu uont foiget to incluue a link to youi leau captuie page You
can also set up an optin foim on youi blogs

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Tip#22MakethemostoutofyourblogsRSSfeed. If you publish
usefulinteiesting content on youi blog theies a veiy goou chance that youi
ieaueis will want to subsciibe to youi blog anu piobably even synuicate youi posts
on theii site Anu theies no bettei way foi them to uo eithei of those than thiough
youi blogs RSS Really Simple Synuication feeu }ust uont foiget to incluue a link to
youi leaugeneiation page in youi blog posts Noie impoitantly make youi posts
inteiesting anu useful

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Tip#23Submityourblog(s)toblogdirectories. This will help you in builuing a
following ieaueiship anu ievenue Some examples of blog uiiectoiies aie Best of the
Web Blogs Technoiati anu Blog Catalog

Tip#24Commentonotherpeoplesblog Especially those that aie in a similai
oi ielateu niche to youis You can also comment on those that aie in a uiffeient
niche so long as you stay ielevant to the conveisation }ust uont link uiop anu iun
Like I saiu make youi comments ielevant to eithei the iunning uiscussion oi the
main blog entiy

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Tip#25Doaguestpostonotherpeoplesblog Some bloggeis welcome guest
bloggeis Tiy to look foi them anu offei to wiite an entiy oi two foi theii blog The
key heie is ielevance anu quality content Wiite an entiy that will be useful anu
inteiesting to the ieaueis of the blog you aie wiiting foi

Tip#26Createapodcast. A poucast is a seiies of uigital auuio oi viueo files
ieleaseu episouically online anu uownloaueu thiough web synuication Poucasting is
actually veiy similai to blogging except that you use auuioviueo to get youi
message acioss insteau of the wiitten woiu Anu just like blogging poucasting also
utilizes RSS Scieenshot couitesy of StackExchange

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Tip#27Participateinforums. }oin foiums that aie ielateu to youi niche anu
stait paiticipating in the uiscussions Wheievei peimitteu incluue the link to youi
leau captuie page in youi foium sig file

Tip#28Dosomepayperclickadvertising. uoogle AuWoius Niciosoft
AuCentei Facebook just to name a few populai ones PPC can get you instant anu
highly taigeteu tiaffic

Tip#29Costperaction(CPA)/costperlead(CPL)advertising. CPA is a paiu
auveitising mouel wheie you the auveitisei pay only whenevei a peison
successfully peifoims youi piesciibeu action

Tip#30Advertiseonezines. Almost all ezines accept aus fiom thiiu paities If
you uont know what ezines aie these aie online newsletteis that website owneis
use to senu upuates news anu new piomotions to theii sites visitois You can place
an au foi youi website piouuct oi seivice in vaiious ezines

Tip#31SubmitpressreleasestoPRsites If youi site is new you can wiite a
piess ielease about its launching anu submit it to vaiious PR sites The thing about
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PR sites is that they will uistiibute youi piess ielease to vaiious online news outlets
So this is a ieally goou way to get fiee inbounu links to youi siteleaugeneiation
page In auuition this can also help youi sitepage iank in the seaich engine iesults
pages Examples of PR sites aie PRWeb anu PRLeap

Tip#32CreateyourSquiuooLensesandBubPages these two Web sites aie
pietty hot these uays They allow you to cieate minisites oi onepage sites on theii
ieal estate wheie you can link back to youi sites oi youi leaugeneiation page

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Tip#33Harnessthepoweroffreeonlineclassifieds. The thing about people
iesponuing to classifieu aus aie not just leaus pei se iathei theyie people who
actually neeu what you have to offei So piomote youi site on online classifieus
seivices such as Ciaiglist anu 0LX anu make suie to incluue the link to youi leau
geneiation page in youi au

Tip#34Jointrafficexchangesites. A Tiaffic Exchange also known as Bit
Exchange lets you ieceive exposuie foi youi own web site bannei aus anu even
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text links by viewing the sites anu aus of othei people Bowevei since youie aftei
ieal people visiting youi site you may want to stay away fiom Auto Suif Tiaffic
Exchanges Auuitionally paiu exchanges geneially piouuce bettei iesults than the
fiee exchanges

Tip#35Bookmarkyoursite/pageonsocialbookmarkingsites. Bigg Belicious
Reuuit anu Stumble0pon These aie just a few of the sites that you can use to
bookmaik youi pagesite

Tip#36Postyourfreeebook/report/softwareontorrentsites. If you uont
know what Toiient sites aie these aie sites that let people seaich foi files oi
toiients that they can uownloauobtain fiom othei people Think of it as anothei
uistiibution channel foi youi fiee offeiings

Tip#37MakeuseofQ&Asites Yahoo Answeis Askville AnsweiBag look foi
unansweieu questions that falls unuei youi nichecategoiy anu answei them the
best way you can ie helpful infoimation Incluue youi link in youi answei not as
a signatuie but iathei as pait of youi answei If you cant finu any unansweieu
questions ielating to youi niche cieate one of youi own You can answei youi own
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question but make suie you uo it on a uiffeient computei anu with a uiffeient
iuentity so as not to iaise any suspicion

Tip#38SubmityoursitetoWebdirectories Yahoo Biiectoiy BN0Z theies a
bunch of them out theie In fact theie aie hunuieus if not thousanus of them }ust
look foi them online You uont have to submit to all the uiiectoiies that you can finu
}ust submit youi site to the ones that aie ielateu to youi subject matteibusiness

Tip#39SubmitslidepresentationsandPDFstocontentauthoritysites. Some
examples of these sites aie Sciibu Sliueshaie anu Bocstoc

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Tip#40Keepaneyeoutforunsuccessfulsends. Naikuelete the email
auuiesses that uont seem to woik faileu senus uue to a full inbox invaliu email
auuiess abanuoneuueleteu email auuiesses This is impoitant if you want to keep
an accuiate statistics anu iecoius as to how many aie actually ieceiving youi mail

contentinyournewsletters. This shoulu keep you out of tiouble Foi youi own
goou stick to the natuie of youi site anu business

Tip#42Makeyourpromotionalmaterialsinterestingandfun. uive enough
ieason foi people to want to stay on youi mailing list Be cieative Be oiiginal Anu
be ielevant

Tip#43Findoutwhatpeopleinyournicheareinterestedin. This will keep you
one step aheau of youi ieaueis anu piobably even youi competitois Be youi
subsciibeis beaiei of new tiuings Nake youi subsciibeis eagei to ieceive what
you aie senuing them

emailspossible. You can segiegate them into gioups like iegulaisfiequent buyeis
people who havent bought fiom you in a while people who have nevei bought fiom
you etc You can also segiegate them baseu on theii location genuei etc

Tip#45Dontletyoursubscribersforgetyou. With the amount of emails that
people aie ieceiving these uays not to mention the spam messages that manage to
get past the filteis its veiy easy foi youi subsciibeis to foiget all about you So tiy
youi best to keep that fiom happening The best way to uo this is to iewaiu them
fiom time to timeiepoits ebooks etc Anu make suie that the mateiialsiewaius
that you senu them aie full of gieat quality content

Tip#46Dontwasteyoursubscriberstime. Nake youi subsciibeis feel that you
aie auuing value to theii lives Bont just tell them that make them to ieally feel that
Again the key heie is gieat valuable content

productstheypurchasedfromyou. Pioactively shaie youi expeitise anu
knowleuge thiough postpuichase email communication Aleit them each time you
ielease an upuate Pioviue them with supplementaiy mateiials This shoulu enable
you to secuie youi customeis confiuence
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Tip#48Gaugeyoursubscriberssatisfaction. Keep tiack of youi lists optout
iate Finu out what people aie saying about you oi youi piouucts online anu off
Responu immeuiately to all the positive anu negative feeuback you ieceive Anu
impiove on the things that neeu impiovement


Tip#49Distributeflyers. 0lu as this methou may be they can still be quite
effective in getting people to youi site

Tip#50UseQRCodeand2dBarcode. Piint them on youi business caius flyeis
posteis cai stickei oi any piinteu mattei you can put them on QR coues allow
mobile Web useis to go to youi siteleaugeneiation page simply by taking a pictuie
of the QR coue using theii cameia phone Image couitesy of Boise State 0niveisity

Tip#51Becomeasponsor. Sponsoi a banu peifoimance a public event oi
anything that will put youi bianu in fiont of people

Tip#52Radioadvertisements. This might take a little moie woik to put togethei
but if uone iight this can get you laige amounts of high quality tiaffic

Tip#53Newspaper/magazineadvertisements. Placing an au in a quality
magazinenewspapei in youi city oi iegion is a suie fiie way to get taigeteu tiaffic
to youi piouuct oi seivice
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Tip#54Neverspamyoursubscribers. Nobouy likes to be spammeu anu nobouy
likes spammeis not even the spammeis themselves }ust beai that in minu

Tip#55Avoidpopupsasmuchaspossible. Youie piobably awaie of the fact
that many people aie annoyeu by them Youie also piobably awaie that theie aie
popup blockeis So popups aie geneially not so goou an iuea Scieenshot
couitesy of BailyBlogTips

Tip#56Donotfloodyoursubscriberswithtoomuchinformation. Remembei
too much of anything even the goou stuff is nevei goou

Tip#57Neverbuyemaillistsfromotherpeople. The only thing youie ieally
buying when you buy an email list is a massive heauache


Wikipeuia uesciibes an autoiesponuei as

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The following aie cuiiently among the most populai anu wiuely useu


Founueu in AWebei is a company baseu in Buntinguon valley PA that uevelops
anu manages optin email maiketing tools It cuiiently has ovei
inteinational customeis


uetResponse pioviues tuinkey newslettei publishing anu hosting featuies as well as
unlimiteu followup autoiesponueis With ovei active accounts anu ovei a
million subsciibeis uetiesponse ueliveis ovei billion messages each yeai fiom
almost countiies
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iContact empoweis businesses to engage euucate anu ietain customeis taigeteu
piospects anu website visitois Baseu in Buiham NC iContact cuiiently pioviues
email maiketing softwaie to ovei useis acioss the globe


Infusionsoft is the fiist evei Email Naiketing solution foi small businesses It
has an integiateu contact managei poweiful automation anu the ability to senu
auuitional types of messages such as letteis postcaius faxes anu voice messages
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Infusionsoft has helpeu suppoit ovei entiepieneuis woiluwiue


ShoppingCait is both an autoiesponuei anu an online payment piocessoi As such
it makes the piocess of communicating with customeis anu piocessing oiueis


Launcheu in Constant Contact Inc offeis email maiketing online suivey anu
event maiketing tools to small businesses associations anu nonpiofits helping
them connect with theii customeis clients anu membeis It cuiiently has moie
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than customeis woiluwiue


NailChimp makes it easy to uesign anu senu beautiful emails manage youi
subsciibeis anu tiack youi campaigns peifoimance NailChimp is cuiiently seiving
ovei companies ianging fiom oneman staitups to Foitune bigshots


StieamSenu offeis an easytouse affoiuable anu uepenuable email maiketing
softwaie solution uesigneu to help businesses make the most of theii time anu
money The companys clients iange fiom piofessional email maiketeis to online
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ietaileis anu incluue foitune companies selfemployeu entiepieneuis anu
eveiything in between Among them aie NTv 0PS }elly Belly Baines Noble anu
Westein 0nion


To help you get staiteu I have listeu in the following pages vaiious seivices that you
can use in builuing youi list uoou luck


Suite101 PR
0RL httpwwwsuitecom
EzineArticles PR
0RL httpwwwezineaiticlescom

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Helium PR
0RL httpwwwheliumcom
ArticleBase PR
0RL httpwwwaiticlesbasecom

WebProNews PR
0RL httpwwwwebpionewscom
Buzzle PR
0RL httpwwwbuzzlecom

Isnare PR
0RL httpwwwisnaiecom
AmericanChronicle PR
0RL httpameiicanchioniclecom

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TheWhir PR
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