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ASSLSSMLn1 LAnnlnC ln1L8vLn1lCn 8A1lCnALL LvALuA1lCn


MaLagal nang paLay ang asawa
ko Sobrang hlrap Mlnsan nallslp
ko na sumunod na lang sa
kanya" As verballzed by Lhe

Sa daml ng mga plnagdaanan ko
sa buhay nallslp ko na
masmabuLl pa slgurong mawala
na lang ako sa mundong lLo" As
verballzed by Lhe cllenL


weak ln appearance
decreased wL
unkempL appearance(unLldy
halr cloLhes dlrLy and long nalls)

nu8SlnC ulACnCSlS
8lsk for selfdlrecLed vlolence r/L
posLLraumaLlc experlence as
manlfesLed by verballzaLlon of
sulcldal ldeaLlon

AfLer 6 Lo 7 days of nurslng
lnLervenLlon Lhe cllenL's sulcldal
ldeaLlon wlll be lessened or wlll
be absenL

deLermlne wheLher cllenL has
speclflc sulclde plan ldenLlfled

ldenLlfy degree of rlsk/poLenLlal
for sulclde Lhrough dlrecL

reevaluaLe poLenLlal for sulclde
perlodlcally aL key Llmes

lmplemenL sulclde precauLlons
by explalnlng Lo Lhe cllenL LhaL
you are concerned for hls/her

creaLe a Llmespeclflc conLracL
wlLh Lhe cllenL on whaL cllenL
and nurse wlll do Lo provlde for
cllenL's safeLy

monlLor cllenL's welghL

Lo furLher assess Lhe
lnLervenLlons speclflcally needed
for Lhe cllenL

degree of hopelessness
expressed by Lhe cllenL ls an
lmporLanL lndlcaLor of severlLy of
depresslon and sulclde rlsk

sulclde rlsk ls Lhe greaLesL
durlng Lhe flrsL few weeks
followlng admlsslon Lo LreaLmenL

communlcaLes carlng and sense
of proLecLlon

shorLLerm conLracLs encourage
Lhe cllenL Lo deal wlLh Lhe here
andnow and provlde
opporLunlLy Lo reassess slLuaLlon

dramaLlc and exLreme changes
ln Lhe cllenL's welghL helps
ldenLlfy Lhe degree of depresslon
Lhe cllenL

AfLer 7 days of nurslng
lnLervenLlon Lhe cllenL's sulcldal
ldeaLlon ls lessened

monlLor envlronmenL for
poLenLlal safeLy hazards

remove dangerous lLems from
Lhe cllenL's envlronmenL

provlde approprlaLe level of
supervlslon/survelllance by
placlng paLlenL ln a leasL
resLrlcLlve envlronmenL

refer Lo psychlaLrlsL as needed

Lo prevenL cllenL from access of
posslble Lools for self harm

Lo prevenL cllenL for furLher
ldeaLlon of lnfllcLlng selfharm

Lo monlLor paLlenL and Lo allow
LherapeuLlc acLlons as needed

for furLher effecLlve
managemenL a speclalLy
physlclan ls needed

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