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PREFACE ............................................................................................................... 1 CONTENT ............................................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

A. . Background ................................................................................................... 3 B. Problem Statement ........................................................................................ 3 C. Objective of this Study ................................................................................. 3 CHAPTER II DISCUSSION

A. Language ....................................................................................................... 4 B. Variety of Language ....................................................................................... 5 1. Variety Associated with Speaker .............................................................. 6 2. Variety Associated with Usage Aspect ..................................................... 7 3. Variety Associated with Formality Aspect ............................................... 7 4. Variety Associated with Medium Aspect ................................................. 8 C. Dialect ........................................................................................................... 9 1. Regional Dialect ........................................................................................ 10 2. Social Dialect ............................................................................................ 11 CHAPTER III CONCLUSION A. Conclusin..................................................................................................... 12 REFERENCE ........................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Sociolingustics as a field distict from dialectology was pionereed through the study of language varieties in urban areas. Variety or language diversity is an essencial thing in sociolinguistics study, so Kridalaksana (1974) defines sociolinguistics as a branch of linguistics that tries to explain about the features or characterarization of the variety of language and determine the correlation the

features of language variety with the characterarizations of social community. Who speaks what language to whom and when is a title of article that written by J. A. Fishman in LA Linguistique, 1965, vol. 2, pp 67-88. This article deliveres us to the study of sociolinguistics. He stated that sociolinguistics tries to find out the rule or norms in society that determine and limit the language action and how this language action is conducted. Language as the communication tool that used by human being has some varieties that depend on tthe particular aspects. One of those varieties is dialect that associated to characterization of the speakers who use same features of language in their communication such as vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and phonetics in a particular area. B. Problem Statement 1. What is language 2. What are varieties of language 3. What is dialect C. Objectives 1. Knowing what is language 2. Knowing what are varietes of language 3. Knowing what is dialect


Language is a communication tool of human being. Language in Indonesia language is always commensurate with three of technical terms that come from France such as Langage, Langue, and Parole. Whereas, each of them has different meaning that still related to Language itself. Ferdinand de Saussure (1915) distinguishes those technical terms. In France, Langage is used to name language as system of sound symbol that used by human in order to communicate and interact verbally with their fellow being. This technical term has abstract characterization. For example, the Language word in sentence Human has language, but animal does not have The second technical term is Langue has meaning as a system of sound symbol that used by a particular society in making communication and interaction with their people. It is also the abstract technical term. For example, the Language word in sentence Suzanna is learning about Indonesia language and Mary is learning about Korea language. Different to Langage and Langue, the last technical term or Parole is the concrete one because Parole is the realization or implementation of Langue in utterance form that conducted by the members of society in communication and interaction between of them. For example, the language word in sentence When he talks, his language is very polite and firm. A language is bigger (has more speakers) than a dialect, since a language is considered to be the sum of its dialects. Dialects are therefore considered to be subcategories of a language. So, if we take English as a language, we might consider varieties such as Cockney, Yorkshire English, Australian English, etc as dialects of the language 'English'.

B. Variety of Language

As a Langue, a language has system and subsystem that can be understood by all of the language speakers similarly. However, the speakers of the language are not homogonous human, so the concrete form of the language or Parole becomes not uniform. Therefore, the language then has some varieties. Hudson (1996, p. 22) defines a variety of language as a set of linguistic items with similar distribution, a definition that allows us to say that all of the following are varieties: Canadian English, London English, the English of football commentaries, and so on. According to Hudson, this definition also allows us to treat all the languages of some multilingual speaker, or community, as a single variety, since all the linguistic items concerned have a similar social distribution. Ferguson (1972, p. 30) offers another definition of variety: any body of human speech patterns which is sufficiently homogeneous to be analyzed by available techniques of synchronic description and which has a sufficiently large repertory of elements and their arrangements or process with broad enough semantic scope to function in all formal contexts of communication. Any variety of a language characterized by systematic deference in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary from other varieties of the same language is called a dialect. The people who speak a certain dialect are called a speech community. Some of the larger dialectal divisions in the English speaking world. And based on then explanation a dialect spoken by one individual is called an idiolect. Everyone has small divergences between the way he or she talk and the way even their family and best friends talk, creating a minimal dialect. There are two points of view in this variety of the language. First, the variety of the language is concerned as the consequence of the social diversity of the speakers and the variety of the functions of the language. So, the variety

of the language is created by the diversity of social aspect and the function of the language. Second, the varieties of the language exist in order to fill its function as an interaction tool in many various activities of society. According to Abdul Chaer (2004), there are three main aspects that create some varieties are as follows: 1. The Variety Associated with Speakers There are four varieties that associated with the speaker are as follows: a. Idiolect This variety has individual characterization. According to idiolect concept, everyone has his or her own language variety or each idiolect. This idiolect variety is related to the color sound, diction, language style, sentence structure, and so on. However, the dominant aspect is the color of the sound or timbre. b. Dialect It means the variety of the language from the group of speaker that has relative number, which exists in one place or area particularly. Because of this dialect based on the place or area of the speaker, so this dialect is commonly called as area dialect, regional dialect, or geography dialect. c. Temporal dialect or chronolect It is language that used by social group in certain time. For example, variety of Indonesia Language in thirty period, variety that used in fifty period, then variety used today. The variety of language at all of the periods is surely different each other either spelling factor, morphology, or syntaxes. d. Sociolect or social dialect It means that the variety of language refer to status, group, and social class of each speaker. In sociolinguistic, this variety usually discussed by people and spent amount of time to discuss it because this variety included all private problem for speaker. For example, age, education,

sex, job, nobility level, social economical condition, etc. According to age, we can see from different variety of language, which used by children, adolescent, adult and old people.

2. Variety Associated with Situation of Use Variation of language related to its usage and function, is called fungsiolek or register. This variation is usually talked according to the usage, style, formality level, and usage tool aspect. Language variety according to its usage is related to the aim why we use the language. Every study area actually has a number of specific and certain vocabularies, which are not used and suitable for in other aspects. For example, the variety of language on journalistic area is simple, communicative, and concise. Language variety on military area is concise, firm, and suitable with the military life, which is full of discipline and instruction. Language variety on scientific aspect is factual, clear and free from ambiguity and idioms. Those languages are called register. In discussion, register is always related to dialect problem. Dialect related to who use the language, where, and when the language is used, so register related to in what activity we use the language.

3. Variety Associated with Formality Aspect Marti Joos (1967) on his book The Five Clock divides the language into five styles namely frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate. a. Frozen variety is the most formal variety of language, used in solemn situation, formal ceremony, notary public certificate and the decision letter. For example, the variety language that used in manuscript of Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.

b. Formal variety is used in formal meeting, instance correspondence, religious speech, lesson books, etc. This variety is just used in formal situation. For example, the variety of language that used by President in his Politic Campaign. c. Consultative variety is usually used in usual conversation at school, meeting or discussion oriented to the result of product. It can be said that this variety is the most operational. d. Casual variety is usually used in informal situation to talk to the family or friend when we take a rest, exercise, etc. e. Intimate variety is usually used by the speaker who has close relationship with certain people such as among between the members of family or best friends. This is indicated by incomplete word used, short, and sometimes unclear articulation.

In our life, we can use those five varieties alternately. If we tend to trade document, rent, or certificate making, it will relate to frozen variety. In official meeting or in the classroom, we will face with formal variety. When we try to finish our assignment, we will face with consultative variety. When we take a rest or nibble on canteen, we face with casual variety. And, when talk to our close friend without any topic, we are involved in intimate variety.

4. Variety Associated with Medium Aspect From this aspect, variety of language is known by oral and written variety or use certain tool such as telephone and telegraph. This aspect shows that oral and written has different form of structure. In oral language, we are helped by non segmental or nonlinguistic element such as intonation, gesture, head shaking, and other body languages. Whereas in written language, we cannot find it. For example, if we tell someone to move a chair in front of us,

orally we can direct our sight to the chair and say Move this please! But in written language, we cant direct our sight, thats why we should say Move that chair please!. We can conclude that in written language, we should pay attention to the appropriateness of the compiled sentence. C. Dialect According to Abdul Chaer (2004), dialect is the variety of the language from the group of speaker that has relative number, which exists in one place or area particularly. Because of this dialect based on the place or area of the speaker, so this dialect is commonly called as area dialect, regional dialect, or geography dialect. In addition, Gorys Keraf in his book Linguistik Bandingan Historis state that dialect is variety of language that used by some people who have similar vocabulary or diction, morphology, syntax features and phonetics. While, Hudson points out that dialect is a subordinate variety of language. So that, we can conclude that dialect is the subordinate variety of language that used by certain group of people, which has similar linguistic features and live in an area particularly. For example, Yorkshire dialect. Dialect can be divided into two kinds are as follows: 1. Regional Dialect Regional variation in the way a language is spoken is likely to provide one of the easiest ways of observing variety in language. For instance, when you go to a particular area in which a language is spoken, especially if the language has been spoken in that area for many hundred of years, you will notice different pronunciation, in the choice and forms of words, and in syntax. The different varieties of linguistic level that you found when you move from one location to another are usually called regional dialect. Moreover, regional dialect is term to describe attempts made to map the distribution of various linguistic futures or to show their geographical

provenance. For example, in seeking to determine features of the dialect of English and to show their distributions such as identify the area of an rpronunciation of English in the word like car n cart. The term dialect is sometimes used only if there is a strong tradition of writing on the local variety. All English and middle English had dialect in the sense. While, the term patois maybe use to describe the absence of such tradition of writing. Moreover, there are some further interesting differences in the use of the terms dialect and patois (Petyt, 1980, pp. 24-5). Patois is usually used to describe only rural form of speech. We may talk about an urban dialect, but the talk about an urban patois seems strange. Patois also seems to refer only to the speech of the lower starata in society. Again, we may talk about a middle class dialect but not, apparently, about a middle class patois. Finally, a dialect usually has a wider geographical distribution than a patois, so that whereas regional dialect and village patois seems unobjectionable, the same can not be said for regional patois and village dialect. However, as I indicated above, many Jamaican refer to the popular to the popular spoken variety of English as a patois rather than as a dialect. So again the distinction is in no way an absolute one. The example of regional dialect in morphological level is some Black English dialect do not have third person singular present tense s, and say he kiss, she see, and it jump rather than he kisses, she sees, and it jumps.

2. Social Dialect Dialect can be used to describe the differences in speech associated with various social groups or classes. There are social dialects as well as regional ones. Whereas regional dialects are geographically based, social dialects originate among social groups and are related to a variety of factors, the principles ones apparently being social class, religion, and ethnicity. In

India, for example, caste, one of the clearest of all social differentiators, quite often determines which variety of a language a speaker uses. Various social factors such as, occupation, place of resident, education, income, racial or ethnic origin, cultural background, religion, and so on, can appear to be related to fairly directly to how people speak. For example, British, public school dialect, African American, and African American Vernacular English dialect found in cities such as New York, Detroit, and Buffalo. Ethnic variation can be seen in the United States, where one variety of English has become so identified with an Ethnic group that it is often referred to as African American Vernacular English. Labovs work in New York City shows that there are other ethnic differences too: speakers of Jewish and Italian ethnicity differentiate themselves from speakers of either the standard variety. The Four Basic In Language Classification Stewart (in Fishman (ed.) 1968) uses four basics to classify language sociologically namely standardization, autonomy, historicity, and vitality. Standardization is signified by codification and acceptance to a language by the society using the language toward a set of norm determining the usage of right language. So that, standardization concerns about whether a language has norms that have been codificated or not in society both as first and second language. Autonomy is signified by the dependency of system, which is not connected with the others. 50,17 there are two linguistic system dont have historical relation both of them have their own autonomy. While, historicity is signified by the existence of the development result normally in the past. This historical factor connects with the tradition of certain ethnic. So, historicity concerns about whether the linguistic system grows through the usage by certain ethnic or not.


1. Language is a communication tool of human being. Language in Indonesia language is always commensurate with three of technical terms that come from France such as Langage, Langue, and Parole. 2. As a Langue, a language has system and subsystem that can be understood by all of the language speakers similarly. However, the speakers of the language are not homogonous human, so the concrete form of the language or Parole becomes not uniform. Therefore, the language then has some varieties associated with four aspects are as follows: a. Variety associated with speaker b. Variety associated with usage aspect c. Variety associated with formality aspect d. Variety associated with medium aspect 3. Dialect is the subordinate variety of language that used by certain group of people, which has similar linguistic features and live in an area particularly. For example, Yorkshire dialect. Dialect can be divided into regional dialect and social dialect.

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