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Working Paper, Agenda 21 "We've got to ride the global warming issue.

Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy." Tim Wirth, former member of Congress, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs. The Florida legislature must pass legislation that protects private property and due process by prohibiting any state government from participating in, or attempting to implement any section of Agenda 21. The State of Alabama legislature passed legislation protecting Alabamans from Agenda 21 in June 2012. Gov. Robert Bentley signed that legislation into law. Florida must do the same. I have attached legislation and exhibits with this working paper that are critical to understanding why. Agenda 21 is a term most Americans have never heard of much less understand what it means: Sustainable Development The objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social, and environmental policies to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists demand every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; (1) global land use, (2) global education, and (3) global population control and reduction."1 Agenda 21 or "sustainable development" has been around for a long time. Some believe it began at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. The late Dr. Dixie Lee Ray, former governor of the State of Washington and Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, laid out the full intent of Agenda 21 at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit in her work, Environmental Overkill -Whatever Happened to Common Sense. (pgs. 9-11): [Agenda 21] is an 800-page agreement that lays out 115 specific programs to put into effect all the major issues discussed at Rio. It is designed to facilitate (or force) the transition of the economies of all nations into "sustainable development. Besides declaring it essential to eliminate poverty worldwide and to reduce human populations, Agenda 21 proposes ambitious and costly programs to set up a Global Environmental Facility to receive funds from industrialized countries with no strings attached. Its purpose is to "effect resource transfer." Agenda 21 attempts to force more efficient use of energy by "weaning developed countries off an overdependence on fossil fuels. It wants to "remove all trade barriers and subsidies," bringing about "large-scale reduction of current debt burdens" in the Third World. The objective is to bring about a change in the present system of independent nations. The future is to be world government, with central planning by the UN. Fear of environmental crises, whether real or not, is expected to lead to compliance. If force is needed, it will be provided by a UN green-helmeted police force, already authorized by the Security Council. This is clearly enunciated by the leaders of UNCED. Michel Rocard, the former prime minister of France and a leader at the Earth Summit said, "Let's not deceive ourselves. It is necessary that the community of nations exert pressure, even coercion, against countries that have installations that threaten the environment. International instruments must be transformed into instruments of coercion, of sanctions, of boycott, even - perhaps in 15 years time - of outright confiscation by any dangerous installation. What we seek, to be frank, is the legitimacy of controlling the application of the international decisions."

Agenda 21 in one easy lesson by Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center (attached)

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Rocard reinforced his belief that world government is the ultimate goal: "We need a real world authority, to which should be delegated the follow up of the international decisions, like the treaties signed [at Rio]...This authority must have the capacity to have its decisions obeyed. Therefore, we need means of control and sanctions.... If doubts remain about the global intentions of the architects of the Montreal Protocol and the Earth Summit Maurice Strong, the primary designer and Secretary General of the Rio conference, dispelled them with these chilling words: Answering a magazine interviewer's question about his "unfulfilled ambition, he said he wanted to write a novel with an environmental plot, and then explained: What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion is "no. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't our responsibility to bring that about? This group of world leaders forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse." Jessica Matthews , a confirmed internationalist wrote, in the spring 1989 issue of Foreign Affairs there must be new institutions and regulatory regimes to cope with the world's growing environmental independence." She also said, "our accepted definition of the limits of national sovereignty as coinciding with national borders is obsolete. The Federal Register, Volume 57, No. 236, December 8, 1992 reveals the U.S. communicated its plan to the UN Secretariat. Haroun Tazieff, volcanologist, geologist, former Secretary of State for Prevention of Natural and Technological Disasters, French Government, Chaps Elyees, Paris 1991 said Global warming is an outright invention. It is absolutely unproven, and in my view it is a lie. A lie that will cost billions of dollars annually....There is no danger from the CFC's to the ozone layer, nor is there any danger from CO2, no greenhouse effect, nor any risk of any kind of global warning. It is to me, a pure falsehood." Nevertheless, in the name of "protecting the environment, Congress has enacted laws that allow Government regulators to confiscate private property, Preventing owners from using their land, Levy fines for noncompliance of up to $25,000 per day (just increased in Oregon by state law to $100,000 per day), Jailing the landowner who tries to use his land for any purpose other than that prescribed by government even if the owner was unaware of the restrictions. This nightmare scenario was birthed because an unconstitutional EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) says it derives much of its authority from international treaties. Every state in the Union has their own environmental protection agency. There is no need for the EPA because one size does not fit all when it comes to the environment. But, in order to advance the cause of environmental crises so severe, that it will destroy all of us, a brutal agency was created to advance Agenda 21 and sustainable development. Communism never died, its kingpins simply changed how they sold their poison. They changed their label from liberal to progressive. Communism despises the American approach to liberty, and individual God-given rights protected by a government with limited powers. It rejects the American concept of rule of law. It wants unrestrained despotic government, power without limit, a world without lawsa brutal, terror-inspiring global totalitarian police state that could smash all laws of justice, launch campaigns of enslavement and mass murder, and eliminate opponents of the New World Order. Twenty delegates from the U.S. voted for the 1928 Program of the Third International. The late Gus Hall, the leader and Chairman of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), used the usual communist propaganda in his 1972 book, Ecology - Can We Survive Under Capitalism?, He said, "Socialism corrects the basic flaw Page 2 of 4

of capitalism." He also says the environment is a common good, but capitalism must be destroyed in order to achieve the desired result. Communists hatched the blue print for the destruction of America and other industrialized countries long before Gus Hall's delusional philosophy. At the Sixth Party Congress in Moscow in 1928, Communists wrote and approved The Program to bring in the New World Order. What most Americans do not know is the real nature of this diabolical criminal scheme. The Program of the Third International called for a global environmental program and for the transformation of all human beings on earth to accept the New World Order. Communists planned to use the global environmental program as a means of eradicating national sovereignty thus creating a world dictatorship. All nations, nationalities, and national boundaries were to be replaced by an omnipotent, one world government, with regional governances. Under the guise of harmonizing relationships between humans and their environment, Mikhail Gorbachev called for the expansion of governmental power. He said, An awareness of the need for some kind of global government is gaining ground.... [T]he idea that certain states or groups of states could monopolize the international arena is no longer valid.... [W]e must seek means of collective action by the world community.... I believe that the new world order will not be fully realized unless the United Nations and its Security Council create structures...authorized to impose sanctions and to make use of other enforcement measures. New World Order architects have created countless policies, programs, treaties, and alliances to destroy American sovereignty and achieve absolute global authority. These include Agenda 21, the Wildlands Project, the Biodiversity Treaty, and other UN schemes. Agenda 21 was the principle agreement of the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and was signed by UN members, including the United States. It represents a master plan for managing the earth's forests, mountains, deserts, jungles, rivers, oceans, and urban areas and regulating virtually every aspect of human activity on earth." Jeri Lynn Ball, Masters of Seduction - Beguiling Americans into Slavery and Selfdestruction Those who advocate destroying this constitutional republic impugn the character and poke fun at those trying to expose the truth with chants like "you see a commie under every bed." They are ideologues and useful idiots who have an agenda that has to alter the facts. One only needs to read the comprehensive work and fully sourced book, The Venona Secrets - Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Briendel (2001) to grasp how communists have infiltrated our government. Pg. 92: Years later, John Abt, a Communist Party attorney who had been active in the espionage apparatus, revealed the names of Communist members of Congress. In his autobiography, Abt said, "The two Communists who were elected to Congress - Johnny Bernard from Minnesota and Hugh DeLacy from Washington State - were elected as Democrats. [Vito] Marcantonioi, who was a friend of the Party but never a member, was elected as a Republican, a Democrat, and as the ALP [American Labor Party] candidate." Bernard was a "progressive" member of Congress. Currently 70 members of the U.S. Congress are members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Continuing from The Venona Secrets, pg. 93: "Even more important than the secret Communist Party members in Congress or on congressional staffs were those assigned by the Party as Soviet spies in the U.S. governments executive branch. As we shall see, in the years leading up to WWII, the Party reached into the highest ranks of federal government power and into those closely guarded laboratories of America's most vital scientific and manufacturing establishments. Instead of being a passive bank of well-intentioned idealists - as Party propaganda portrayed the CPUSA - America's Communist movement had become the disciplined instrument of Moscow's global spy and covert action services. Its golden days were just ahead."

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Kevin Kornbuckle is Oregons only elected Communist. He ran as a Democrat and "came out" after he was elected. In March 1996, when attacked by other city council members he said, "I'd simply point out that Communists in the U.S. are fighting for health care, housing, and jobs as a human right. I'm proud to be a Communist."2 In 1932, William Z. Foster, then Chairman of the Communist Party USA, authored a book titled, Toward Soviet America. In it, Foster was certain one day a communist would occupy the White House. When Franklin Roosevelt died during the closing days of World War II, it fell to Truman to end the war and formulate policies for a new world order."3 According to the testimony of Norman Dodd, the staff director of the 1953 Congressional Special Committee to Investigate the Tax-Exempt Foundations, the minutes of the Carnegie Foundation revealed that the trustees of the Foundation decided right after World War I that they must control education in the United States. They joined together with the Rockefeller Foundation and created a plan to take control of domestic and international education. Dodd interviewed Rowan Gaither, president of the Ford Foundation and discovered how he operated the foundation under strict instructions and orders to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.4 Richard Nixon met with Chou En-Lai in Shanghai to "cement a new world order. New York Times,February 26, 1972. On June 29, 1992, Joseph Biden gave a speech on the senate floor titled: On the Threshold of a New World Order, An American Agenda for the New World Order, Fulfilling the Wilsonian Vision. President Bush (Sr.) called the New World Order a "big idea" but he did not follow through with the concept of a New World Order when he had a chance to do so in Iraq in1991. Instead, I shall urge that we revive the concept of a New World Order, rescue the phrase from cynicism and invest in it a vision that should become the organizing principle of American foreign policy in the 1990s and into the next century." Obama to Usher In New World Order at G-20, Foxnews.com - Sept. 5, 2009: "The G8 will retain its national security focus, but be replaced by the broader G-20 on the issues of climate change, financial regulatory reform, and global imbalances." Agenda 21 is the enforcement tool designed to destroy all Americans hold precious through force. It produces and protects non-existent environmental crises. Smart meters are an integral part of Agenda 21. They can and will be used to control every aspect of our lives through snooping, regulating, and controlling what energy we use in our homes. 'Smart' meters, the 'smart' grid and 'smart' meters on water meters are part of "sustainable development" considered essential to enable the radical global transformation designed to destroy the sovereignty of nations and bring all of us into the utopian new world order of one world government. Agenda 21 and ICLEI has made inroads county by county across the United States of America for years. Patriotic and determined Americans have educated local officials about what Agenda 21 means. They have managed many victories; however, time is not on our side. The Florida legislature is in session for a few short months beginning in January 2013. It will not return until January 2014. It is the Florida Legislatures job to protect the rights of its citizens and that means flushing Agenda 21 and the UN out of this state. It is time the legislature gets busy doing just that.

The Smithsonian Treasury, The book of Presidents, 1991, pg. 72 4 700 pages of transcripts re: in 1979 the legislature of Illinois created a committee to study regional governance, one of the key mechanisms to erasing our sovereignty and bringing America into a Communist New World Order. There were three hearings, April 11, 1978, July 10, 1978, and September 26, 1978; statements above regarding Dodd are from the September 26, 1978 hearing.

Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon, March 4, 1996."

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