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Clnica de Asma y Alergia. Dr. Juan Herrera Salazar, Neumlogo, Asma y Alergia.

Facolta di Medicina e Chirurgia , Universita degli Studi di Torino, Italia. Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Instituto Prncipe Leopoldo, Ambres, Blgica.

Universidad Catlica del Sagrado Corazn , Roma Italia. Centre Universitaire Hospitalier Vaudois, CHUV, Lausanne, Suiza. Gerontologa , Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile. Diploma AIH, Academia Internacional de Homotoxicologa Reparto Serrano #12 Email: juanherrerasalazar@hotmail.com Tels. 22781169, 22703359, 88825513, 89465022.

Links interesantes y protocolos de actuacin frente a un

Paciente con Alergia al Latex

Asociacin Espaola de Alrgicos al Ltex

AEPNAA: Asociacin Espaola de Alrgicos a Alimentos y Ltex IMMUNITAS VERA


Andreu JM, Pallard MA, Herranz A, Rodrguez JM, De Andrs JA Servicio de Anestesiologa, Reanimacin y Teraputica del Dolor del Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia.

Cuidados enfermeros en el paciente alrgico al latex

Autor: Ruth Toledano Blanco | Publicado: 26/11/2008 |
[PDF] AAGBI SAFETY GUIDELINE Guia para anestesilogos..Ver appendix Latex.


Guidelines For The Management Of Latex Allergies And Safe Latex Use In Health Care Facilities Gordon Sussman, M.D. and Milton Gold, M.D.
Consulte Programas Educativos Clnica de Asma y Alergia . Dr. Juan Herrera Salazar, mircoles, 29 de agosto de 2012.

References Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Contributors Latex Allergy Questionnaire Patch Test Methodology for Glove Intervention Treatment for Severe Allergic Reaction

UK Anesthesia.
Perioperative management of latex allergic patients
Operating Theatres - Latex Allergy Support Group
Aqui encuentra mucho material de apoyo libritos . pdf Resources for patients & professionals Glove materials Hand dermatitis Latex Allergy - fact sheet Latex allergy - pictorial Patient safety (NPSA)

Resources for professionals only

Do gloves need to be worn? Education in hospitals Glove selection guidelines Hand care protocols How do we manage risk? Labels for patient notes Patient Screening Questionnaire Poster - Take the gloves off Poster - Warning notice

Consulte Programas Educativos Clnica de Asma y Alergia . Dr. Juan Herrera Salazar, mircoles, 29 de agosto de 2012.

Risk assessment

The information contained in the

Guidelines for the Management of Latex-Allergic Individuals in Health Care Facilities and for the Minimisation of Continuing Latex Sensitisation
has been prepared with great care and is accurate at the time of publication. As the constituents of products are constantly changing and products are regularly removed or added to the market, individuals should check the particular product for latex content before use.

Guidelines for Hospital Management of Latex Allergic patients Aims of Guidelines Management of known or suspected latex allergic patients Preparation of a latex safe environment Ward preparation Ward procedures Operating Suite Guidelines Preparation of Operating Room Transfer of patient Operative period Recovery Delivery suite Other procedural areas Guidelines for general practice management of latex allergic patients Aims of Guidelines Management of known latex allergic patients Preparation of latex safe environment Consulting room preparation Consulting room procedures Guidelines to promote safe practice in the dental environment for latex allergic patients General dentistry Specialist dentistry Latex safe general anaesthesia for general and restorative dentistry IV sedation Emergency/Resuscitation equipment Latex Free List Latex allergy - advice for latex allergic individuals Latex allergy information for new employees

Consulte Programas Educativos Clnica de Asma y Alergia . Dr. Juan Herrera Salazar, mircoles, 29 de agosto de 2012.


Andreu JM, Pallard MA, Herranz A, Rodrguez JM, De Andrs JA Servicio de Anestesiologa, Reanimacin y Teraputica del Dolor del Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia.

Cuidados enfermeros en el paciente alrgico al latex

Autor: Ruth Toledano Blanco | Publicado: 26/11/2008 |
Desde Nicaragua . Clnica de Asma y Alergia. Dr. Juan Herrera Salazar.

Consulte Programas Educativos Clnica de Asma y Alergia . Dr. Juan Herrera Salazar, mircoles, 29 de agosto de 2012.

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