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Welcome/opening prayer This weeks passage reveals, with faith, that we can, and should, expect to see Jesus. Pray asking God to help us see ourselves as He does and ask Him to help us find our way onto the path He desires for us.

Sept 2 Sept 8, 2012

Family Time (Read Luke 24:13-18) Who were these guys? (Cleopas, friends of Jesus) How did they appear walking on the road? (downcast, sad, disappointed) Why were they on the road to Emmaus? (many believe they had given up hope after Christs crucifixion) Who met them on the road? (Jesus) What kept these friends of Jesus from recognizing Him as their friend? (they did not expect to see Jesus after the cross)

Kids Time Imagine for your next birthday party your parents tell you they have reserved your favorite park for the party, but when you arrive there are no balloons or party streamers and it is raining. This is how the friends of Jesus felt. They were hoping to see their friend with a big crown on His head and always be there with them. But Jesus died on the cross and they were sad. His friends forgot what He told them. He told them that He had to die but that He would come back to life. There was no reason for them to be sad. Jesus will always do what He says He will do. If you are His friend, then you will see Him one day. The Old Testament told the people that Jesus was going to die. Why were Jesus friends surprised by his death and resurrection? (they had forgot what the Bible and Jesus told them) What will help us not be surprised when bad things happen? (Remember what Jesus and the Bible have told us)

Adult Time Why did Jesus ask what Cleopas and His friend were discussing? (He already knew, but He wanted them see their lack of faith later) He knew their hearts were broken. Was this rubbing salt in the wound? (No, He wanted them to know He knew them and had personally encourage them to remember prophesy had to be fulfilled) What might have happened if He told them who He was before walking with them and hearing their hearts? (they might have dismissed it as a dream or something that was not real) Jesus own friends did not recognize Him because they did not expect to see Him. When has God showed up in your life, but you did not recognize Him until later? (share with the group) (Read Luke 24:31) Why were they not permitted to see Him for who He was while He was standing there with them? How are we different from Cleopas? (We have the opportunity to open our eyes and see God at work in our lives through faith) What prevents you and I from seeing God in each others lives? (perhaps...its our lack of faith)

Prayer Time Lord help us to see you more clearly. Give us the faith to trust you regardless if we see you at work. Help us desire you more than just your help or blessing on our lives. Use our faith to draw others to you.

Community Calendar
The Arlington-Mansfield Pregnancy Center is hosting a Celebration of Life Dinner & Auction Saturday, September 22 at 6:00 pm. For details, stop by the lobby booth or call 817-299-9599 or visit friendsofapc.com.

Church Calendar
Join us as we partner with John T. White Elementary School to help break the cycle of at risk children in the area of literacy. Would you be willing to spend a short time each week reading to a child? Contact Marilyn Murray at ext 171 or mmurray@pantego.org for more details on how you can make a difference in a childs life.

Pantego Bible Church

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