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Buckley words

And there is the albescent matter of a United States with (a) no nuclear weapons facilities, and (b) a lot of unmanageable toxic nuclear waste material.

Will history give us any analogue more indicative of the power of superstition than that of the antinuclear lobbyists over the development of nuclear power?

But if we're going to set up an Attican theatrical background to commemorate the moment of the Soviet departure from Afghanistan, why doesn't General Gromov use up his one minute and seven seconds to fire a bullet into his head?

auto da f
Here was a modern auto da f: not for counterfeiting heresy, but for denouncing it.

It required only a little Cartesian gelndesprung to alight at the conclusion that it is the responsibility of the government to maintain monuments that are man-made, as well as those given us by nature.

That the existence of the Congress of People's Deputies, or of the Supreme Soviet, should have meaning at all is positively chiliastic in its implications.


A European figure so august that ladies curtsy when they are presented to him was telling the table at which we all sat about the great mischief being done by the missionaries in Venezuela who move in on native tribes and totally break down their cultural order, resulting in deracination and chaos.

In recent weeks we found ourselves interrupted in our dithyrambic praise for democracy when the guy in El Salvador whom we did not like won.

Israel does not like the fact that most Russian Jews express a wish to settle down not in Israel but in the United States because it needs a Jewish population to guard against being dysgenically overwhelmed by Arabs who procreate with the speed of light.

William Winpisinger, the president of the striking [Eastern Air Lines] machinists, is a socialist and is quick to put a class struggle aspect on any labor-management division, and indeed Mr. Winpisinger lost no chance to do this. And the epigoni jumped in. Sure enough, there was Jesse Jackson joining the picketers.

To say that Mrs. Jones is unbiased in the matter of Colonel North because she was unaware of him, notwithstanding that Colonel North dominated the news in the press, on radio, and on television for about three weeks two springs ago, isn't to come up with a fine mind that missed the entire episode because she was absorbed in eremitical pursuits.

It became clear . . . that communism does not work, i.e., communism does not bring on the redemptive eschatological paradise predicted by Marx, does not ease the burden of the worker, and does not reduce the power of the state.

Roe v. Wade was a lousy decision, perhaps even an indefensible act of constitutional excogitation, and the choicers know that they are safest by not asking the Court to look again at this century's version of the Dred Scott decision.

Since it is pre-decided that the Bush Administration will not advocate the legalization of drugs, the Bennett basket is going to have to be chock-full of ferula with which to beat offenders.

fons et origo
Mikhail Gorbachev can criticize Constantin Chernenko and Leonid Brezhnev--and Brezhnev can criticize Nikita Khrushchev, who criticized Stalin; but no one will criticize the fons et origo of all that poison, Lenin.

Deng Xiaoping is seized, in Karl Wittfogel's phrase, with the megalomania of the aging despot, and rather than acknowledge the right of his citizens peaceably to assemble in order to petition the government for a redress of grievances, he shoots them; and, tomorrow, may hang those his fusiliers missed.

In order to maintain the pressure that orients the Soviet Union and China toward reform in the first instance, we need to continue to roam those quarters of the world where the Soviet Union continues to exercise hegemonic influence.

Three cheers for Senator Jesse Helms. As ever, he tends to get to the point of a difficult question with carrier-pigeon directness, leaving many of his sophisticated critics lost in periphrastic meaninglessness.

[W]e face a concrete problem in Europe given the tergiversation of Helmut Kohl on the modernizing of the remaining nuclear missiles in West Germany.


People get annoyed when you use words that do not come trippingly off the tongue of Oprah Winfrey, but how else than to designate it as a velleity would you describe President Bush's fair-weather call for landing some people on Mars?

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