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Exclusive Report by William Thomas

Concerned countrymen have dispatched two Italian filmmakers to document chemtrails on the other side of the Atlantic. After flying in from Rome earlier this week, Vincent Gambino and Duccio Benvenuti interviewed the author and were interviewed in turn at his island hideout. Vincent and Duccio showed video recently filmed from their 3,500 year old village in northern Italy. Located 500 meters above the sparkling Mediterranean, the descendants of ancient Rome look out daily on air traffic departing and landing at a major airport to the south. While high-flying airliners sometimes scrawl brief contrails across flawless skies, the predominantly low-altitude aircraft leave no contrails at all. But sparse contrails have not spared the town s airspace from becoming completely obscured by jet trails in recent years. We wake up some days and the whole sky is filled with trails, and there is no good explanation of this, Vincent said. Excellent digital footage presented by the pair showed extensive criss-crossing plumes coalescing and spreading out over Italian skies the unmistakable signature of chemtrails. Pointing to the extensive sky grids, Vincent said simply, Impossible.

FAMOUS WHITE PLANES Vincent related how a protest last year among airport workers at Fiumicino received prominent media coverage in Italy, after a USAF tanker Vincent referred to as another famous white plane landed and taxied to a cordoned off section of Rome s big international airport. No one was allowed close for two or three days, Vincent recalls. Airport workers were angry at the secrecy surrounding the white American air force plane, he said, and the fact that they couldn t do their jobs. Working closely with Nexus Italy, Vincent has been investigating chemtrails since becoming

aware of them fouling Italy s skies two years ago. Hoping to spur awareness and action across a country intensely interested in information overlooked or censored by the mainstream press, the two filmmakers are producing a one-hour documentary on chemtrails for Italian audiences.

A TALE OF TWO TOWNS During their visit to Canada, the Italians were especially interested in the experience of Espanola. Repeatedly overflown by photo-identified U.S. Air Forcer tankers spraying broad white plumes that made people sick over 50 square-miles in the spring and summer of 1991, this small community west of Sudbury, Ontario was the first to petition a national government to stop chemtrail spraying. (An activist involved in the early Espanola protest said in a recent interview that while spraying has dropped off there, "I'm convinced people here have died as a result of this spraying, including a close friend.") Vincent added that a village located in a valley north of Venice has undergone an aerial onslaught similar to Espanola s. In Fletre In Val Belluna, people started complaining after many took ill following heavy chemtrailing there. On November 18, 2001 Espanola residents presented a petition to the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, demanding an explanation and cessation of aerial spraying. The Canadian Department of National Defense, which does not operate tanker planes, eventually replied, It s not us. Somewhat enigmatically, DND added, The Canadian Forces have confirmed that they are not aware of any visiting foreign military aircraft having requested diplomatic clearance to conduct aerial spraying or to drop chaff in the vicinity of Espanola." With 15% of NORAD s Cheyenne Mountain air defense headquarters staffed by Canadian military officers, U.S. military overflights are daily occurrences over Canada. Military exercises including chemtrails, according to the Victoria Airport Authority - are arranged directly between Canadian and U.S. commanders; not by civilian diplomatic requests. In Italy, a Parliamentary interrogation - or investigation into the purpose and composition of chemtrails is now being sought. The Italians hope to raise the issue of chemtrails before the European Union, as well. After protesting HAARP, it is hoped that the government representing a growing number of European countries will also condemn chemtrails.

ESPANOLA LAB TESTS In Espanola, lab tests of rainwater falling through extensive chemtrail plumes revealed levels of aluminum seven-times higher than existing provincial safety limits for drinking water. Other spray simply fell as visible, flesh-stinging particles, thick as snow. Microscopic quartz particles predominated in the Espanola chemtrails analysis, with one chemtrails fallout sample taken from a car windshield showing an 80% quartz component. The electrical conductivity of quartz especially its use by Nikola Tesla in his high-energy experiments - has raised speculation that the spraying over Espanola may have been connected with HAARP and/or airborne laser experiments using a Boeing 747 as a

weapons platform. An amateur radio operator has detected high levels of electrical energy over Espanola during heavy chemtrail spraying. On one occasion the Prime Minister s aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing due to electrical problems while flying through the area.

THE TESLA CENTER Also known as the Tesla Center , Ohio s Wright Patterson Air Force Base is said to be the repository of that energy inventor s prodigious papers and patents. Two scientists working on the chemtrail project at Wright Pat told Columbus Alive reporter Bob Fitrakis that besides climate-modification, temporary chemical antennas utilize barium sprayed by air force tankers to conduct radio and radar waves over-the-horizon. Extremely high energy beamed from HAARP could also be ducted by barium chemtrails, affecting countries thousands of miles away from those planet-threatening Alaskan transmitters. [Chemtrails Confirmed] HAARP was last ordered to full power one-week before Sept. 11, 2001. [All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion]

HAARP HAUNTS ITALIANS The Italians are especially concerned over HAARP. Despite the European Union s diplomatic condemnation of HAARP several years ago, the monster with electronic claws continues to grow. The holder of the original HAARP patents, Bernard Eastlund, has said that because of limited available electricity through a rural Alaska power grid, the only way for HAARP to reach high-power would be to generate its own power using North Slope natural gas. So HAARP watchers took note when, late last month as HAARP was ordered to double power output, the Bush administration approved natural gas drilling on Alaska s North Slope. Already the most powerful energy transmitter used to turn planetary processes against themselves, radio-frequency specialist Richard Lampe announced at last September s Radio Frequency Interference meeting that HAARP s experimenters hope to quadruple the power of its steerable energy beam from its current 960 kW output to 3.6 Megawatts. [The ARRL Letter Oct31/03] DARPA s drastic if not demented and possibly demonic 400% boost to HAARP s already radical radiations will make this troposphere-twisting transmitter the worst in the world by orders of extremely risky magnitude.

BUT WHY? The original idea and intent, Eastlund told me in an earlier interview for The Georgia Straight, was to manipulate weather at great distances using HAARP s computercontrolled antenna array to steer part of the ionosphere around. (Think of Earth doffing her protective cap to killing gamma and x-rays from unprecedented solar flares.) HAARP on steroids is not pretty to contemplate. But as Chemtrails Confirmed documents, the real plan is to pluck HAARP at one-billion watts - at which time all eco bets are off. The HAARPists assured HAM radio operators that their beast is muzzled whenever its beam wanders to jam the entire75/80 meter band. But the taboo topic of what happens when

HAARP s high-power pulses trigger a cascading resonance in the ionosphere was not discussed. The answer, according to engineers working on the project, is that HAARP s hellish beam can be further energized by the energy already in the ionosphere. That extra shove invites another escalating oscillation - and so on - until our spaceship does a Columbia and shreds her protective outer shielding. The one that keeps cosmic rays out and Earth s paper-thin atmosphere in. (Does anyone still believe that everything about the shuttle s crackup was not a metaphor for our times and an omen?)

EASTLUNDS CURRENT PROJECTS Hoping to cash in on climate change, Eastlund says that his company ESEC has recently signed a contract with the European Space Agency to review the weather modification potential of the HAARP facility in Alaska. Eastlund is also looking to abort budding tornadoes with HAARP - effectively turning off these whirling dervishes before wind speeds reach destructive force. Another company courting catastrophes has already used USAF chemtankers to spray tons of gel into a budding hurricane in order to dry up the moisture that drove it. Who can argue with saving lives and property? But neither Eastlund nor Dyn-O-Mat has satisfactorily explained what happens to energy equivalent to hundreds of hydrogen bombs dissipated from tornadoes and hurricanes into our spaceship s closed recirculating atmosphere. All that extreme weather-causing heat has to go somewhere. Meanwhile, as exceptionally sudden and severe off-season tornadoes keep trying to remind North Americans of our folly, Eastlund enthuses over how all the juice needed to zap twisters will magically emanate from high power electromagnetic radiation produced with solar power satellites. Remember: we are all antennas. Even as low-power cellphones become recognized as worthy successors to Big Tobacco s misery and mortalities, the Texas inventor has yet to describe the effects on wild and human lives already being hosed by HAARP at its present power levels. For Eastlund, the danger of dreaming on planetary scales is that smaller details such as the planet s inhabitants can be overlooked. His present preoccupations with HAARP include using it as a missile shield antenna against anyone stupid enough to invite instant massive retaliation by shooting anything bigger than a spitball through the air at the United States. Whatever excuse is used, a handful of ionospheric hot-rodders want to hold HAARP s pedal down. His personal fantasy, Eastlund says using somewhat different terms, is to unleash one-trillion-watts of power into the electrically Chaotic region capping our planet. As the sun continues to burp tsunamis of energy at the ionosphere, the unpredictable outcomes of goosing this already unpredictably fluctuating realm with so much more power include wild weather and blown-our power grids thousands of miles from Alaska. And maybe no more ionosphere. If destroying Earth as a habitable planet is not ambitious enough, Eastlund s Current Projects Menu also includes more techno quick fixes to planet-threatening pollution too profitable to make and clean-up to curb:

q weather modification using HAARP and North Slope gas q high power solar satellites for weather modification q ozone hole mitigation using electromagnetic processes some scientists fear could actually destroy the remnants of Spaceship Earth s tattered radiation shielding.

But not if our Italian chemtrails allies can help it. According to the visiting filmmakers, Italy s Democratic Left party - the country s recent former government and now Italy s official Opposition is demanding a Parliamentary investigation into chemtrails and their possible connection to HAARP.

BARIUM FOUND IN CHEMTRAILS OVER ITALY, CANADA, USA In Edmonton, Alberta last winter - after city landscape contractor Dave Dickie found electrical conductivity in city soils as much as 4.6 7-times higher than normal and acceptable levels - tests conducted by Nor-West Labs on snow samples collected from extensive chemtrails found levels of aluminum oxide and barium in northeast Edmonton at more than twice the levels recorded at a heavily polluted diamond mine. Though barium is twice as reflectant as glass and thus serves well as a sunlight reflector called for in the late Dr. Edward Teller s sunscreen scheme this common electrolyte is also an excellent conductor of electricity. Vincent says that his group is currently raising money for more extensive and expensive - tests on chemtrail fallout. But after collecting white material from the chemclouds, the Italians have already found barium salts in the mix. While many barium salts are relatively safe , other barium compounds have been used as rat poison. Though the filmmakers did not know the type of barium identified in Italian chemtrails, we all wondered just who are the lab rats in this ongoing secret experiment? Vincent reported widespread health effects following chemtrail spraying including sudden nosebleeds suffered by his mother, sister and father in Florence after many trails there 18 months ago.

SMALL ORBS FILMED AROUND CHEMTRAILS IDENTIFIED In other developments, video of small white orbs filmed near chemtrails in Italy have been identified as robot drones originally developed by the Italian military s Project Cipher . The program was sold to the U.S. military after Cipher funding ran out in Italy in the Seventies.

CHEMTRAILS SPRAYED FROM WINGS, NOT ENGINES Duccio and Vincent also said they have excellent, high-resolution photos of spray coming off the entire trailing edge of sprayplane wings not the engines, Vincent emphasized. In their rush to make connections, the CD containing these pictures and other material was unfortunately left behind. I hope to post these photos - as well as exclusive footage of

chemtrails over Italy - on this website shortly.

CONTRAILS DECREASING AS CHEMTRAIL COMPLAINTS CONTINUE In related developments, NASA scientists say that despite a steady increase in commercial air traffic over Europe and the Continental United States in recent decades, normal airliner contrails have significantly decreased over central Europe, the heavily traveled North Atlantic Flight Corridor and the USA. NASA s 2002 study, An Estimation of CONUS Contrail Frequency used computer algorithms developed by atmospheric expert Patrick Minnis to estimate contrail frequency. The chemtrails debunker found that as of May 2002, estimates of contrail coverage over the North Atlantic and central Europe "are significantly smaller than those given in 1994.

CONTRAILS HEALTH HAZARD? Official insistence that contrails are harmless is dangerous nonsense. Formed when pollutants and moisture in hot jet exhaust is momentarily flash-frozen on contact with a sometimes super-cold stratosphere, condensation trails from jet engines contain highly toxic petroleum particulates including carcinogenic benzenes and naphthalene as well as heavy concentrations of soot, and other contaminants detrimental to life. While jet fuel fallout readings under heavily-traveled air routes are not publicized, residents living around airports and military air bases continue to be stricken by jet fuel pollution in their air and drinking water. [Scorched Earth] JP-8 - the sweet-smelling intoxicant connected with jet flight - is actually quite nasty. Since Desert Storm felled so many tanker crews, sparking a pilots exodus from the Air National Guard that currently continues, the US Air Force has spent more than $25 million studying the poisoning of ground crews and other personnel exposed to jet fuel fumes. The findings aren t worth any kind of paycheck: lung and liver damage, severe asthma, rashes even mutated DNA derailing future generations. AND THE CLOUD YOU FLEW IN ON According to German atmospheric scientists, normal contrails have increased cloud cover over Europe by a climate-changing 10%. In the science of a system so vast even part of a percentage point can signal major changes, since the jet age took off in the Sixties, cloud cover over the United States has increased a whopping 5%. But for Americans living beneath heavily trafficked air corridors, 12,000 bumper-to-bumper jetliners making 62 million flights a year have increased local cloud cover by 20% - enough to crank the climate thermostat and the weather. All this before chemtrails were added to the artificial cloud-making mix - starting big time around the winter of 1998, when so many got sick. Since then, citizens in at least 14 nations have been enduring the theft of their serenity, health and blue skies by chemtrails, contrails - or both. It is all pollution. Even the harmless water vapor from all those jet engines traps fivetimes more heat than the CO2 spewed by those same toxic turbines.

The highest contrail concentrations in North America have been found over the Pacific Northwest, central Canada and the eastern Midwestern U.S.A. But NASA now reports that these regions which used to see twice the number of contrails as the continental average have been seeing significantly fewer contrails since the winter of 2001. Which is interesting, since during this same time period people in Portland, Seattle and other Pacific Northwest centers were yelling bloody murder about being hammered by chemtrails. [Chemtrails Confirmed] Even as international air transport authorities rejoice in reporting airline travel back to near normal planet-wrecking levels following airliner-delivered Sept. 11 and SARS, NASA studies have found unusual weather patterns not curtailed airline flights are causing the curtailed contrails even as chemtrails over cities such as Portland, Marin and Santa Cruz remain a daily curse.

TAKE IT HIGHER A Nov. 25 radio show in Santa Cruz heard many listeners calling in to express their outrage over continuous chemtrail activity over this previously sunny California coastal city. With Orwell being more ruthlessly rewritten, and the Reich reemerging under the successor to its first Bush patron, perhaps it is time to envision connecting the issues, principles and coordinators that so far this year have brought more than 20 million people into the streets of our global village. Imagine including chemtrails in anti-war, anti-globalist, peace, ecology and social justice speeches and protests! After all, these issues are linked fundamentally. And the hour is so late, it s already past. (We re now in overtime. Together.) Hopefully, the evidence and video Vincent and Duccio are bringing back to Italy can persuade parliaments in that country and the European Union to sound loud and uncooperative alarms over the chemtrails their own governments must be approving. Which would be interesting.

BUSH THE GREAT UNIFIER Who gave Bush permission to do these things? Vincent asked just before I spilled the pasta into the sink. While we could still enjoy dishrack-drained fettuccini, it seems that none us at the table could stomach Boosh . From the stories the Italians related, current European concerns revolve around America s increasingly Israeli-like occupation of Iraq, Bush s last sanctioned stampede of the world s worst carbon cowboys, the gulag at Guantanamo, implantable cash-and-ID chips, surveillance cameras and internal watch lists , complete suspension of the US Constitution and open talk by the Pentagon of a military government soon, the imminent and total bankruptcy of the world s most indebted nation, depleted uranium as the Pentagon s urban weapon-of-choice and the real show stopper, to which everything else is a distraction. If you don t think you re part of a Sixth Great Extinction Event proceeding faster than the last one that took out the dinosaurs and just about everything else think chemtrails.

And think again. From chemtrails to climate change, global corporate extortion, and the escalating military and eco-terrorism coming from a White House as illegally occupied as Iraq - all present agreed on an ocean-spanning effort that connects the dots between the make-or-break issues of our times. The time to reach out to Europe and the rest of the world is now.

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