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In this project we have investigated if Avnstrup asylum centre can be described as a total institution
defined by Erving Goffman and if the supervision of the asylum seekers can be seen as disciplining
them according to Michel Foucaults concept of discipline.
In order to perform this investigation we have used interviews with asylum seekers staying in
Avnstrup asylum centre and one interview with one of the centres workers to gain empirical data.
Other data has been found by conducting spontaneous observations during our visits at the centre.
These interviews have then been analysed with both a Goffman and a Foucault angle.
Our research questions have been used to outline certain concepts used in this project.
The questions concerned our case study Avnstrup asylum centre, the concept of the total institution
and the concept of discipline, which have been thoroughly outlined through the project in order to
make them understandable for reader and writer and to be able to apply them in the analysis of our
empirical data.
In our analysis we found out that asylum seekers in Avnstrup asylum centre are being disciplined
through the isolate location of the centre and through cameras on some of the buildings. The
characteristics of Goffmans total institution found in the centre are; the isolation from society, a
certain objectification and the consequences for the residents self.
In the light of our investigation we concluded that our assumption was right. Though only to some
extent as there still are sometimes the total institution and Avnstrup asylum centre differ. Despite the
differences though it does have severe consequences for the residents self to live in Avnstrup asylum
centre for too long as many of our respondents mentioned mentally ill people living in the centre. We
therefore end with the notion that a short stay in the centre can be accepted, but a long one should be
In the end of this project we engage in some afterthoughts towards different perspectives we gained
through our investigation.

We would like to thank the Trampoline House in Nrrebro, for the big help they did by putting us in
touch with our respondents and for giving us an opportunity to learn more about the residents life.
Our greatest thanks will go to our five respondents from Avnstrup Asylum Centre; you have been
giving us all a big experience and knowledge which we could not have made this project without.
You have all shown openness and have been a big help. Thanks.

Table of content

1.0 Introduction to the subject1


Global tendencies and role of the United Nations..1


Asylum seekers within Europe and the EU policy and regulations2


Asylum seekers within the Nordic Countries and the Danish Policy and Asylum

1.1 Problem area5

1.2 Problem formulation....9
1.3 Research questions...9
1.4 Our motivation to write this project...10
1. Methodology...11
2.1 The Project
2.2 Research techniques in the working
2.3 The methodology of the

The Interview



2.4 The theoretical research


Erving Goffman The Total



Michel Foucault

2.5 The quality of the overall

2.6 Delimitations of the chosen

3 How is Avnstrup asylum centre organized?.....................................................................22

3.1 Avnstrup asylum centre22

3.2 The asylum seekers conditions in Avnstrup asylum centre23
3.3 How to spend a day in Avnstrup asylum centre...23
3.4 Conclusion25

4 What is Goffmans concept of the total institution?26

4.1 The Characteristics of the Total Institution.26
4.2 The breakdown of the life sphere barriers27
4.3 The Division of the Inmates and the Staff...28
4.4 The Mortification Process..29
4.5 The Admission Procedure..31
4.6 The Privilege system..32
4.7 The Objectification of the Inmates and the Efficiency of the Institution..34
4.8 Conclusion.36

5 What is Foucaults concept of discipline?.....................................................................38

5.1 Power38
5.2 Discipline..39
5.3 Panoptism..41
5.4 Conclusion.42

Analysis of the research problem.43

6.1 Introduction to the chapter.43
6.2 The social life in the frame work of the centre..43

The staff and the residents.............................................................................43


The residents..................................................................................................46


How to spend your time................................................................................47

6.3 Isolation and the connection to the outer world48




The Connection to the Outer World..49

6.4 Surveillance and Discipline50


Panoptism and disciplinary power..50


Programming and trimming of the individual54


Information Exposure..55

6.5 The effects on the self.56



7.1 How does it affect the residents self to live in Avnstrup asylum centre?..................59
7.2 Other discoveries and perspectives..60
7.3 Motivation choice and conclusion on the project work...61



10 List of Literature..75
11 Appendix

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