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{ U>2|c|<U } {unedited/INCOMPLETED}

This particular writing relates to the same sex agenda that took place within Connecticut State Government through SEBAC during the 1990s. This agenda, destroyed by family and caused the physical destruction of my home, as it was set afire. From 1993 and up to the present, the participants in this agenda have failed to take responsibility for their actions. The burning of my home was a result of my refusing to agree with their policies of corruption, and the loss of family and property was my punishment for not agreeing with their corruption. Although, recently, they have attempted to address certain of these corrupt practices, the state has not as of yet restored me to my previous station in life, nor attempt to make me whole. I for one, do not think that people should tolerate corruption, racism, discrimination or terrorist acts committed by public officials. The actions of the same sex agenda are no different than the actions of the terrorists in Afghanistan, Iraq, or any foreign nation. They likewise destroy families and burn down homes. What is disconcerting is that because the same sex agenda involves like minded individuals, they do not have the ability to correct their destructive ways in route to accomplishing their goal or mission. What is even more unsettling is that organizations and companies that support the same sex agenda will not attempt to correct errors in their platform. Instead, they tend to point the finger at people such as myself, for recognizing and bringing to their attention the destruction that their agenda causes. As it relates to Tolerance, there should be no tolerance when it comes to fraud, discrimination, racism, or terrorism and destruction when it has to do with another persons home and family. I dont think that anyone should tolerate lawyers, politicians, religion, homosexuals, racists or any other group that choose to violate the rights and privileges of others. Those people that terrorize others and violate the laws of the community should be held accountable. However, in this case concerning Connecticut public officials, they persist in the notion that they are above the law, and are not subject to the law. No one should have to tolerate that. The State of Connecticut and those officials are out of balance. Beware, lest ye be overcome, and like them, you will then also be blind and lose your way, unable to make corrections in your steps or path. Since writing the original Tolerance I have chosen not to edit the material. It was better for me to post this writing as it stands because of the emotional toll that referencing my family and home during this cause for justice takes. As one may note, the completion of this document exceeds by far the length of time it usually takes to present such material for viewing. Although some may take exception to my writing on this topic , I only hope that those same people will research the facts and take exception to the politicians, lawyers, public officials, homosexuals and others that created the destructions. You can begin by calling the Office of Governor Malloy, Office of Lt.

Governor Wyman, Office of the State Comptroller Lembo, U.S. Senator Blumenthal the former Attorney General for Conncecticut, Chairman Workers Compensation Commission Mastropietro, Governor Chief of Staff Ojakian, Fmr. Rep. Michael Lawlor now of Office Policy Management, Attorney Livingston of SEBAC, Attorney Yelmini of Conn. Dept of Labor Relations (OPM), Attorney Helen Kemp formerly of Comptroller Office, now OPM. Fmr. State Rep. Attorney Andrew McDonald of Governors Office .


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If anyone wishes to better understand the destruction of tolerance, it is best to reference it or relate it to the principles of a disease that the body must tolerate. As the body cannot tolerate cancer or any virus or such which destroys the life, nor can one tolerate any of the intrusions upon life in the external physical state of being. If one tolerates and or ignore that which is subtillly destroying it. It is destroyed by that which has no proper function or use towards life as the cancer, likewise is the spirit of evil. Now, if you continue on the strain, we see that politics, religion, race, homosexuality are tools of the use of this same demonic presence which is as of no use as the above to

the body. And tolerance of such is of no use to the life. The life is not only that in the presence but that which extends into eternity forever. If tolerance was of a positive purpose, it would be of an enhancing and not of a destructive nature. It would in its nature be able to survive in harmony with that life already in existence. When we bare too the law, we that tolerance is truly a method incorporated by the demonic forces and is of no use. As Justice is not something that is of need of tolerance. It is liberating within itself and is obstructed by tolerance. We view this in each politics, religion, race, homosexuality. Confirmed in the fact that each is only amongst many called legion. For those spirits working in this realm the negativity that exists are truly legion in their being. Justice is therefore in the law, of which they avoid and subvert. Along within this legion exists selfishness, referenced as aristocracy. This is those knowing what is best for those considered less and referred to by the ones wishing to be tolerated as animals or goy or not human. However, when you view this principle of their existence, it is they whom through their conduct are actually the animal, savage, uncivil. We know this because as in the instant matter of what I have been speaking they violate the general principles of community. As aristocrats, they are not apart of community, but hold themselves in regard above the community, separate and apart, being the disease, and not the body. They, through the objective of their existence drain from body. The most descriptive manner to express this would be to relate them to the lamprey which attaches itself to the fish. The fish is robbed of its vital nutrients, through the sucking of the blood, and as it tolerates the creature, it later dies and the creature moves on, in hope of being tolerated again, only to repeat the cycle. It has no compassion for the host, as the host is only means for its survival. The host nurtures it, transports it, and provides it what is necessary for existence, only to be discarded. We can see the similar instances occurring in the four categories we listed earlier as it relates to the Black persons situation regarding slaver. To better understand this, one must first understand that the economy of the entire world was sustained through the slave trade. Modern society was built on this principle by those calling themselves politician, Jew, catholic, homosexual and detonations of all manner. Likewise, the slave was discarded. We see that through the modern homosexual agenda in Connecticut that the same system is in place. We have a Catholic and Jewish Political system which uses the homosexual tolerance model to its advantage. This weakens the body of the Black people, once viewed as niggers, only now as African Americans. The same house nigger is created by way of the political and religious system. Now used as Reverends putting forth the same rhetoric of the early slave master, and similarly without any roots in the law. Neither of which serve God. Although they apostatize love, and peace, we can see by the homosexual contingent in Connecticut government that there is no Love, nor Peace, as they benefit themselves and causes others such as myself to suffer. In this we can view clearly the robbing of the home or property by this group to be tolerated. It is on par with the scripture that they profess which institutes that the Black person should Turn the other cheek, or tolerate. However, we see when they are abused they protest and not turn the other the cheek. They want equal rights, but dont give equal rights. In this we can see that homosexuality is only a guise put forth to confound the masses in a distraction while the principle part of the

destructive disease so to speak reeks havoc, as is the case in modern society. If one truly views homosexuality, who cares what is happening in ones bedroom? Just as everything else, it is for the balance, and not for mankind at large. It is only brought forth in the public as a means to dilute the rights of the Black people in community and nothing else. Therefore, never tolerate anything that doesnt tolerate you. For if it doesnt tolerate you, it intends to consume and destroy you. If it tolerates you, it will surcome to you. As you choose to tolerate evil, you will become evil, for its member are legion and they abide one to the other. Whence they are and where they lead you will know not, for you will be enveloped and parish as the savor of the salt parishes, good for nothing but to be cast out of the kingdom and to be walked upon. Tolerance to evil therefore is not a strength but a weakness. Thus, Good is not of weakness and needs no acceptance, for it is strength within itself, and not clever, needing no subversion, it is the light which man should run to, for it is accepted as it is and is of no need of pleading. For those whom wish to see is giving to it freely and without cause. Grace and mercy is abound within it as it suffers not to be tolerated, as the darkness has no place within the light. For there is no place for the politic, race, religion, homosexuality, nor the sins they encompass for they are legion and will not be tolerated to reside in the light, as darkness does not stand in the light, only that which is light can stand in the darkness. You should know this by the melanin, as the caucus from which the legion reside does not overtake the chosen. It is the chosen that overcomes the caucus from the birth into this world. Likewise, from the beginning we know which was chosen, as satan has chosen to reside in the veil of darkness. So, I bid thee to tolerate them not, for they are the dark in spirit, and not the chosen from the foundation. For those that are chosen even from the beginning are the light of the world, as tolerance is their deception. When the judgment is at hand, all things are revealed, and the darkness will flee into its place, and will not be tolerated. As the sin of those that repent from the their deeds of wickedness and those sins be cast as far as the east is to the west. Likewise those that abide with the legion of darkness will be so by the light. One is to only walk into light, for that is the Will of the Creator, and if not by will, for the will to tolerate, is that which binds those to the darkness, casting all to the west or which they become no more. So therefore do not tolerate the darkness, for when one does, he walks away from the light, and if you turn away from that of which you are created, you will be cast away with all sin. For the light does not tolerate the sin, as it is cleansed from it, no more than the day tolerate the night within it. Those that are in the dark cannot see, but for the light. If the light therefore tolerates the dark, then how is it that they will be able to see, as the wickedness shields that eye. Tolerate them not, for they seek to obscure the light, as they attempt to obscure the law, even in these times. The glory of creation is in the light that is made present for all that will can see, just as in this writing, those that wish to come forth from the darkness may and are giving the chance. It only makes for a just judgment, for they that wish to be tolerated while taking comfort in the dark will therefore without pity parrish in the dark. The pity that man should show to the other is present in the present existence. Likewise we should not honor or behold the monarchy, for that which is in the possession, even what is known as the black diamond and etc. all originated from the Black continent. Without

question the inheritance therefore should be of that decent and not European. As I have written about the deeds of the wicked, we can view this by their most recent actions. During the recent visit to the Wimbledon of the monarchy, they could not tolerate the presence of Serena Williams because she is from the Black continent, and they cannot be in the presence of the descendant of the true Queen. For the one established by the people is the true imposter. Now take special note that during the present Olympics, when Serena won the gold medal, she displayed a dance. Some would say inappropriate. It was however, only a show of non tolerance for the manner in which the ruling monarchy disrespected true royalty, as I stated, the Queen and such are the imposters and not the chosen people. Important it is to also say that the African closing ceremonial celebrations were also banded from the London games. They, Europeans simply cannot tolerate the chosen. This is why at every corner, including the instant complaint they attempt to destroy us. To carry forth the same argument, when the Black gymnast won both the all around and team gold, which was never completed by an American, notice that they represented her accomplishments by way of a monkey. Then rewind to when a Caucasian like Mary Lou won a gold in her performance they segue over and over to her accomplishment. This says nothing about the same television network actually promoting the war in Syria through the bias reporting being conducted as a prelude to the attempt at conquering the middle east, and even still notice the name of the reporter doing the bias reporting for the network and how it works in conjunction with the motives of the Vatican and those that wish to place the American embassy in Jerusalem. Now, pay particular attention to the fact they have whitewashed that which claim to be established on, Jesus. They have no Black membership within their religion. The have no Black leadership in the land of Jerusalem, nor do they have any Black leadership amongst those established within the monarchy. So, therefore one should understand that the tolerance is only a ploy of deception used by the enemy of the light. Even Mr. Bolt has no respect for tolerating the evil and discord they wish to embrace. The man traveling closest to the speed of what they measure their light to be is in fact a Black man and heterosexual. They cant tolerate him, the wicked that is, as he comes from the slum of the colony of Jamaica. The creator brings the best out of the worst. This being the bastion of the representation of the creator, as America is in decline as evidenced in its tolerance, seen in the most recent legislations. In these deeds put forth by man in the physical, we can observe that God is therefore not tolerating them that live in the darkness. The four mentioned are the lukewarm sect and will those mentioned to be spewed from the mouth of creation. They are unpleasing to the creator. They have no presence of their own as they apply to anything, and having no substance of their own. They are the good for nothing, of which satan will be allowed to do with as he will. We also know the four mentioned as deceivers and being one in the same from what they have in common and that is the inability to tolerate the greatest of all things given to man. That is poverty. It existed before all of them. It by circumstance is the first thing that the four seek to destroy and in doing so violate the tenants of community by which all mankind is a part of. Poverty is in fact, to give away all things that are not substantial in the eternity. It is the ability to detach without favor all that was not meant for mankinds existence. Its opposition is materialistic wealth, finance and those things

along that line. It is this reason that Jesus was angry at the money changers, not just their actions, but poverty doesnt tolerate the business of finance, especially finance should have no part n religion. That concept is made up by man. Anyone with the understanding of Creation and God knows that what represents itself as love through what is known today as religion is blasphemous. Within the previously mentioned we know that the four lack the basic principle necessary to survive eternity,, and this may be stated as one of the signs which can be viewed in determining the deception of the term tolerance. Tolerance is a giving away, in which poverty has nothing to offer. Therefore it only stands to reason that tolerance has no integrity. It is that which moves as the wind, a sort of sliding scale as it were to the beholder. There exists no certainty, as eternity is certain, and tolerance therefore is temporal and of decay, and in that, it causes and allows for destruction of which the four are founded upon, for this is their due course. Is it not true, of course, that politicians, bankers, lawyers, homosexuals, and religion will lie, steal, cheat, murder and resolve to all manners lacking principles, and ethics to avoid tolerating poverty. Within poverty, neither exists. Of what benefit does poverty serve either. None will step forward and embrace, or tolerate poverty. This is why poverty is just, as it will not for the eternity embrace them. Their judgment will be their own. They cannot say the love because love is of God the creator, and in his creation he did not say any of these things to be tolerated are good. This is another means in determining that which is light from that which is dark. Poverty therefore is the light that shines on the hypocrisy of those who rhetoric tolerance. You cant artificial poverty, either you are or you arent. One of the greatest values in the world is that you can be what people deem as having materialistic wealth and still embrace or tolerate poverty. This value is only given to a chosen few. It is truly an enigma to the world at large. It goes along with the principle stated that it is more difficult for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven, and To better understand tolerance, one should consider it as a diversion, or as another element to a distraction tactic used by those who employ it. No different than, lets say, sports or Hollywood, whereby the game or movie takes on real character of the day to day life as it occupies and consumes time but are totally not necessary in the course of life and its day to day struggle. It is as though something not real is giving realistic quality, or as they say art imitating life. Well in this instance it is more or less life giving credibility to that which is dead. One way to understand the means by which this occurs in the presence is through religion. If we look into the agnostic literature of Thomas. We can compare and contrast the language of the bible as it is written versus its interpretation. As we view this, we see that those responsible for the death of Jesus are one in the same with the ones that are charged with canonizing the literature. It would be comparable to the criminal also being the judge. In reading what is not in the material offered to the general public, we can see the discrepancies in word of Jesus and Paul. The more materials you study relating to the activities of the time, more and more you can compare that to what is essentially happening in the modern era. As those that call themselves Jews or the chosen people, we see that they are not the original Hebrew or the chosen. As we view

the tactics and rules of the Vatican over the past couple of centuries, to be modest, we see that they are not of the teachings of Jesus. Once again, we can therefore see the mischaracterization of Paul a Publican or Bureaucrat. Just as now we see that those members of society within government and the church do not adhere to the teachings of the master. We also see in modern times that the fundamental doctrines of those which established what worship to the creator is has been pushed aside and replaced by materialism, politics, homosexuality, banking, lawlessness as they dont obey the laws, etc.. In sum, as society exists now, in what could be its final stage as we know it, those that are in power are actually writing the laws and policies that will go forward in society, although this is the final curtain call. Within this view of the current architecture established by what is known as government, at present we can see the corruption being in place, and the necessity for a new design and structure and the demolition of the current project placed into design several centuries ago by Constantine the inheritor of the failed old Roman Empire. We can be certain that from the literature, what does survive is the corrupted political system, banking and merchandising, religion albeit not Godly at all, coupled with the stated homosexuality at the time. Therefore, the fight between those considering themselves right wing and the conflict that exists with those labeled as left wings has always existed in this structure. From the structure in law, the Sanhedrin, or legislative politic in form of the Roman Senate we see the same failures of the same factions and players. Just as since the beginning of day versus night, it has been a mission of those to produce a gray where there is Black and White, or clarity. This is the proposition of tolerance from those that are lukewarm, neither masculine nor feminine, neither here nor there, attempting to have no form in a creation of forms. It is as if they are trying to impose upon that which is meant to be spiritual from a physical state of being and superimpose upon a dimension which cannot accept them. If at all this is both the meaning and failure of tolerance. This is that which comes forth from the light. This is the discernment of that which is dark. This is the toll of the balance. Take it or leave it. I give praise and thanks to my creator for imparting this upon me. For to be called forth is truly a blessing. To be chosen is the honor. For only they that humble themselves to creation can honor the laws thereof. So, by Grace we are allowed to bow before all there is. May peace reign before destruction I pray, if it be the Will. Tolerance does not bring about peace, thus says the balance. In this, I have no opinion, only acceptance of what is. May the creator interrupt my sleep to impart insight as much as Will, for sleep is not rest and ignorance is death. So, come forth the wisdom of creation unto me, that is not tolerance, but for a warm embrace.

State of Connecticut/SEBAC IV: 1995 Unfunded Liability Slave Policy

Same Sex Policy Makers Artificial Reduction Agenda Results in Legitimate House Fire
This is the visible damage that was done to my home as a result of the SEBAC IV and V Agreements. This and other types of destruction occurred to several African Americans when an agenda was set in motion in 1995. After discovering the government fraud instituted by the Connecticut State Administrations, in association, and in cooperation with unions representing state employees during the Early 1990s, I filed complaints in federal and state courts. My home being taken away and then burned down was just part of the destruction caused by these public officials as a result. This agenda is infused, this time, with the consideration of same sex legislation. It was all agreed to in the SEBAC IV Agreement between Governor John Rowland Administration, State Legislatures Donovan, Dyson, Lawlor, etc., SEBAC, Workers Compensation Commission, Office of the State Comptroller, and Office of Attorney General. Public Officials promoting what they consider same sex relationships as a civil rights issue, were and are in fact responsible for civil rights violations against African Americans. They actually used a slave policy to advance their own causes which usually works to the detriment of African descendants as stated in the U.S. Constitution in the founding of the country. That is, the gaining of stature or station in America has always come by way of African descendants suffering. What should have been realized by the Same Sex community is that progress in ones rights should not come at the expense of another, African American, groups rights. To profit, as was in the situation surrounding constitutional slavery, the same sex movement in Connecticut is an extension of that slave agenda that suppresses a particular group or class of people in favor of promoting a selected group or class of people. The avenue taken by the constituents of the legislation was, and is, non payment of African American and Latino disability benefits. These benefits were to be issued by public officials in The Office of the State Comptroller directly to the injured African

American employee as an extension of the duties of the Comptroller Wyman Administration in the Office of the State Comptroller. However, along with the Office of the Attorney General, occurring during the Blumenthal Administration, African American and Latino injured corrections officers were defrauded of their equal rights pursuant to the laws of the U. S. Constitution and those pursuant to the general statutes of the State of Connecticut. We know this for certain, as injured Caucasian officers similarly situated, received their benefits. More disturbing is, the homosexual community of public officials along with the religious constituent public officials instituted these discriminatory and racist practices, which are consistent with the slave policies established during Jim Crow and Segregation. The above picture illustrates the destruction by way of fire, caused by the public officials that defrauded injured African American workers. Although the Klu Klux Klan didnt appear in robes and hoods, the promised destruction by means of fire still reeks havoc in the African American community. The same tactics used during Americas Official Slave Era, is implemented until these days. Each public official that participated in the artificial reductions, by way of unfunded liabilities pertaining to not funding African American 5-142(a), and 5-169(i) benefits as oppose to funding a selected group of Caucasian officers who were similarly situated. Unfortunately, the unions and public officials responsible for protecting the rights of these employees equally, engaged in discriminatory practices. The unions and the attorney generals scattered African American workers and manipulated their payroll. Administrators, and Legislatures worked along with elements within the union to undermine the fair representation expected of African American injured workers. These public officials knowingly subverted the injured African American rights as they covertly enlisted state assistant attorneys to falsely represent these injured African American employees, creating obvious conflicts of interests, causing a disadvantage for the injured African American state employees. Eventually, these agent attorneys employed by the state also were responsible for negotiating injured African Americans unnecessary termination from employment as they were in turn accused of fraud and alike. They, public officials, attorneys, and union officials operated with separate purposes and functions as it related to benefits issued to White employees as opposed to unfunded liabilities for Black employees.

CONNECTICUT STATE HOUSE OF CARDS State Rep. Donovan has been a SEIU community leader since the 1970s. He served as House Chair of the Labor and Public Employees Committee from 1997 to 2003 and was elected Majority Leader, serving from November 2004 to 2008. During the

same time, he collaborated with then Rep. Lawlor Lawlor was co-chairman of the General Assembly's Judiciary Committee from 1995 to 2011. Prior to that, he was co-chairman of the Labor and Public Employees Committee where he played a major role in the reform of Connecticut's workers compensation program. Although they helped to pass amendments to the state constitution concerning victims of crime, they actually helped in creating the crime, unfunded liability/artificial reductions in SEBAC IV, V, and the 2011 SEBAC Agreements, which are in fact fraudulent and discriminatory. It was in 2005 that the Workers Compensation Commission released the 2004-5 annual report. This report documented the savings through artificial reductions and unfunded liabilities mentioned in the SEBAC agreements. These figured were calculated after the resignation of then Gov. Rowland. The fraudulent agreements were fashioned by the SEBAC Attorney Livingston, Labor and Public Employee members Attorneys Mark Ojakian, Linda Yelmini, Rep. Christopher Donovan, Michael Lawlor and various other members of the State Department of Corrections, Department of Administrative Services, Office of Policy and Management, and members of the Attorney Generals and Comptroller Offices, as well as then Gov. Rowland.. The ushering of African American and Latino workers, injured in the line of duty was a staple in reducing funding liabilities. The union, primarily under the leadership of certain stewards picked by members of SEBAC, misrepresented African American and Latino workers. Their representations of injured African American and Latino workers coincided with that of the attorneys illegally representing injured African American and Latino workers. As these attorneys, such as Deborah Nemeth were actually Assistant Attorney Generals, only posing as private practitioners of the law in an effort to defraud unknowing African American and Latino correctional employees. This clearly creates a conflict of interests. However, public officials, especially those with legal backgrounds, were in the business of undermining the laws, not upholding the laws. This is not only institutionalized racism, it is also a conspiracy to commit fraud. This scheme was designed to funnel money to the legislative members and their constituents from the benefit entitlements of injured African American and Latinos. Although complaints were filed in 1995, 1997 etc., the system of justice within both the Federal and State Courts, refuse to address issues of Caucasian public officials discriminating against African Americans and Latinos. These are the very same issues of discrimination that the legal system refused to address from the inception of the nation. That is, when Caucasians come together to defraud African descendants, they do so willingly. As an attempt to better their station in life, they only appear to be able to do so by destroying the African American. As the homosexual agenda takes its place in public policy, we see that they side with the institutional racism, bigotry and biasness established by those racists of the past. Simply put, Caucasians intentionally established race discrimination to gain an unfair advantage and societal elevations amongst themselves. They dont do much, if anything, to stop it. They tend to, throughout the ages, agree on racism to advance their cause at the expense of African descendants, and therefore are no different in their approach to advancing their causes than the overt slave masters and alike of the past. The difference now is that they covertly discriminate using subversive tactics to skirt the laws. As in the case of segregation, the people of the same sex agenda carry out their agenda by recruiting African descendants, such as a State

Sen. Harp, and Rep. Walker to join them in the Slave Master House, while maintaining the sufferings of African descendants not recruited to share in the rights accorded in the law for all people. In this, these African public officials are some how separated from the title of animal, as they are used to be the muffled voices of the oppressed, and give account for the discriminated, causing the discrimination along with those in league with the agenda. Although in the recent past, the comptroller attempted to use the pie analogy, he failed to answer the question as to why the White injured officers receive their shares of the pie, while the Black injured officers do not receive any.

So, when we refer to deviations at the law, not one of the participants in the scheme will take direct responsibility for the outcomes of their actions or in the instances of mandatory statutory requirements, their inactions or negligence. Here, the scales of justice are never balanced and are never in favor of the corrupted public officials. However, we see through the association, fraternal or otherwise, there exists a collaboration or in this instance, conspiracy or racketeering elements which attempts to cover-up these wrongdoings and violations of the law. The same sex agenda therefore is a brotherhood as is the case with any cult or fraternity which operates outside of the bounds of the community. The participating elements of the corrupt policies should be held accountable for the fire and damages inflicted upon the African American family, just as the racist KKK members were and are responsible for the damages inflicted upon the African communities during the times of Jim Crow and the Segregated South. We must therefore inquire as to what within this same sex agenda that does not allow the participants to admit to, nor allows these particular elements within this agenda to take responsibility for their actions and inactions. Moreover, does the same deviant characteristics that causes these members of this agenda to opt out of the community governed by laws, the same characteristics that causes the destruction, discrimination and racist biasness to occur. In other words, does the deviations from the laws of community by which they enter into existence, the cause of their created destructions through deviations exponentially Also, is it obvious that the declarations of public service are not beholding to the laws and the citizenry. Rather, the participants in this agenda are beholding instead to each other and the fraternal missions of the agenda and not to the will of the community at large. These policies, although destructive, are carried out without consequence. As we see in the elections of the same sex agenda through the office of state comptroller, there is no noticeable corrections in the deviant activities of the previous same sex agenda public officials. In this, there can only be perpetual wrongdoings, as the loyalty of the newly placed public officers is allied with those supporting their desire for public office, and not the laws that are suppose to govern. This is were political favors destroy the stability of sound government by way of the established laws and not the whims of individuals satisfying their constituency which is not representative of the community as a whole.

We see in these decisions that are contrary to the laws, an anticipated destruction caused by the agenda set in motion. In the instant matter involving these public officials, all bank documents detailing the destruction being caused by this SEBAC IV agenda was forwarded to the public officials and their agencies. This is why the burning down of the plaintiff home was foreseeable, as the member public officials made the issue a matter negotiation, and did not adhere to the principles or rule of law. Had the public officials adhered to the rule of law, the destruction of the family or home would not have occurred. However, in the realm of state government public policy, there is no accountability outside of the federal courts, as the criminal actions of fraud go unmonitored and unregulated by the offending policy makers. No one should have to tolerate this type of treatment. Just as in my Will document and others, these people that carry out the same sex agenda in Connecticut are collectively responsible for my home burning down as I hold them responsible for the destruction of my family, as they should be held accountable for my death should it result.. The evidence establishes that they defrauded me of my home before setting it on fire, the modern slave policy.


Although the Workers Compensation Commission required the correct benefits payments to injured Caucasian corrections officers such as Michael Cozzolino and others, it approved of the artificial reductions, unfunded liability, and fraud made legitimate through a corrupt process. This process created by the Office of the Comptroller,

Workers Compensation Commission, Department of Administrative Services, Alexsis Insurance Corporation, Office of Policy and Management, SEBAC representative Attorney Livingston, Connecticut General Assembly, and others. This position of the defendant state of Connecticut is qualified by both Workers Compensation Commissioners Miles, and Delaney along with Commisssioners Waller and Waldron whom issued the fraudulent checks in replace of full salary benefits required in Connecticut General Statutes 5-142(a) and 5-169(i), enacted 1993.. As public officials Mark Ojakian, Michael Lawlor, Linda Yelmini, Helen Kemp, Commissioners Waller, Waldron, Frankl, Mastropietro, Miles, Delaney, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, Asst. Attorney Generals Wm. Hypolite, Donna Hixon Smith, Deborah Nemeth, Attorney Livingston of SEBAC among others such as Brenda Sisco, Nancy Wyman, Michael Cicchetti, Brian K Murphy and others involved in this fraud scheme, most were practicing lawyers. They knew of the design and implementation of this discrimination and fraud. Although appealed to the State Appellate Court were it was remanded for their correction, the State of Connecticut, through its agency Department of Community and Economic Development set the plaintiff home, which was fraudulently taken away, on fire. Although they probably didnt appear in hooded masks and burning torches as the Klu Klux Klan, they still managed to burn down the African American home and destroy the family unit as their ancestors have done since the inception of this country. The construct of the gay rights policy through the salary benefits established in CGS 5-142 ,violated the rights of injured African Americans, and as the descendants of the people listed above destroyed and subjugated The role of the African descendants as slaves or cattle, so to does the policies of the state of Connecticut during this modern era of slavery. The plaintiff home Was destroyed and burned down in the same manner as past malicious acts conducted by White oppressors. When sacrifices were made during times of legalized slavery, it was the African that suffered the lost of life and property. As the same sex agenda was hatched in Connecticut, it was the same descendants of the slave masters of the past that sacrificed and sacrifices the livelihood of the African descendants of today. The evidence of such can be seen in the physical destruction of the plaintiff home at 152 Lamberton Street, New Haven, Connecticut.

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