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CRM 7.

0 How to Create an OLTP Report

This script explains how to create an OLTP Report

For OLTP Reports, mostly only the transactional data which has the User created / where the User is entered as Employee Responsible is visible in the OLTP Report which is executed by the User. So there must be transaction data created by the User, otherwise there is no data displayed. If you want to run the OLTP Reporting with your own User, your User has to be created in Client 111 (best as a copy of user CAMPMAN in client 111) with the same authorizations.

User Data
Predefined User CAMPMAN Password welcome Role Campaign Manager Client 800

Master Data
Transaction Type LEAD

Lead Creation for creating transactional data

.1 Log on to CRM UI with User CAMPMAN password welcome.


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.2 Choose Create -> Lead.

.3 .4

Select Transaction Type: Lead Enter Data (or similar) as shown in the screenshot:


Choose Save The Employee Responsible is User CAMPMAN (Chris Nelson), so this data will show in the Lead Report for User CAMPMAN Note: you can use the Copy function to create more Leads if you need more transactional data.


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Create an OLTP Report in CRM

.6 Navigate to Create > Report in the menu list.


Fill in the following data: Field Report Name Report Description Business Role Report Area Data Z_LEAD_XX (XX stands for two numbers defined by you Lead Analysis XX (XX = see above) Marketing Professional Leads


Choose Chart Above Table and Next.


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.9 Select those fields and key figures (e.g. Key Figures, Number of Leads, Prospect, Priority and Origin under Available Fields (some of them could be on the next side)) which you would like to see in the report and insert them to Selected Fields.

.10 Choose Next.


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.11 Define the input parameters (e.g. Origin) for running the report or / and filters.

.12 Choose Next.


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.13 Select Origin and move it to the Available Fields. So you defined how the report results are displayed.

.14 Choose Next.


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.15 Choose the chart type (e.g. Column Chart) that is displayed by default when you view the report and choose Next.

.16 Choose Finish.

Executing the new OLTP Report

.17 Choose Manage Reports in the menu list.


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.18 Select your Report by clicking on the Report Name.

You can see the Display in the middle of the screen.

.19 Choose Trade fair under Origin.


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.20 Choose Go.

You can see the changed Display (Number of Leads with Origin Trade fair) in the middle of the screen.


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Grouping the OLTP Report

.21 Choose the Grouping button on the right side of the Display.

.22 Select Origin and move it to the available fields. With it the Origin is removed from the display but still available.

.23 Select Prospect and move it to the Displayed Columns. With it you can see the Prospects not longer in the Rows but in the Columns.

.24 Select Prospect and choose Up.


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.25 Apply.

You can see the changed Display in the middle of the screen with Priority in the Row and Number of Leads and Prospect in the Columns.


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Using Filters
.26 Press the Filters Button on the right side of the screen.

.27 Choose Priority is Medium and Apply.

You can see the display in the middle of the screen with Priority Medium.


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Changing OLTP Report

.28 Choose Manage Reports in the menu list.

.29 Select your Report and click on Edit.

.30 Choose number 4 Define Table.

.31 Select Origin and move it to the available fields. With it the Origin is removed from the display but still available.

.32 Select Priority and move it to the Displayed Columns. With it you can see the Priority not longer in the Rows but in the Columns.


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.33 Select Priority and choose Up.

.34 Choose Finish.


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You can see the changed display.

.35 Log off from the CRM Web UI.

- End of Scenario -


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