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For the next 40 days, after His resurrection from the dead, Jesus walked among His disciples,

encouraging their hearts and explaining details of their mission now that He would be leaving them. And on the fortieth day, just before returning to Heaven, He told the disciples to return to Jerusalem, saying, Wait for the promise of the Father, until you are strengthened with power from on High! You will receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses!

Durante los 40 das posteriores a Su resurreccin de los muertos, Jess anduvo entre Sus discpulos, levantndoles el nimo y explicndoles detalles de la misin que habran de realizar una vez que El se marchase. En el da 40, momentos antes de ascender al Cielo, dijo a Sus discpulos que retornasen a Jerusaln, "No se vayan a ningn otro lado, hasta que reciban el poder que Dios les enviar! Porque recibirn poder cuando haya venido sobre ustedes el Espritu Santo, y me sern testigos!"

The Apostles returned to Jerusalem, and with well over 120 other disciples, stayed all together in an upper room praying and waiting in obedience to Jesus last command. Ten days later an awesome manifestation of Gods power occurred: A sound like the rushing of a mighty wind filled the whole house where they were, and they saw the appearance of many tongues of fire that rested upon every one of them. And they all were filled with the Holy Spirit! Los apstoles regresaron a Jerusaln y se hospedaron todos en un aposento alto, donde estuvieron orando y aguardando, para obedecer el ltimo mandato que les dio Jess antes de Su ascensin. Al cabo de diez das se produjo una impresionante manifestacin del poder de Dios: "Un estruendo como de un viento recio que soplaba llen toda la casa donde estaban; y se les aparecieron muchas lenguas de fuego que se colocaron sobre cada uno de ellos. Y fueron todos llenos del Espritu Santo!

There was a great religious festival going on in the streets of Jerusalem at that time, and visitors from many foreign nations had come for the annual celebration. When the disciples stepped into the streets, they all supernaturally began to speak in the languages of the multitudes visiting Jerusalem that day, yet none of the disciples had ever known before how to speak those languages! The disciples boldly witnessed to all of the crowds about the wonderful news of Gods Love in Jesus. As a result, about 3,000 people received salvation.
Por aquellos das se celebraba en las calles de Jerusaln una importante fiesta religiosa, para la que haban venido visitantes de muchos otros pases. Cuando aquellos 120 discpulos pusieron pie en las calles de la ciudad, sobrenaturalmente todos empezaron a hablar en los idiomas de las multitudes que ese da visitaban Jerusaln, pese a que ninguno de ellos haba aprendido jams a hablar esas lenguas! As, con gran valor, dieron testimonio ante toda aquella gente de las maravillosas nuevas del Amor de Dios manifestado en Jess. En consecuencia, 3.000 personas recibieron la salvacin.

Not long afterwards, Peter and John went up together to the temple. A man who had been born lame was being carried to the temple door. Each day he was placed beside this door, known as the Beautiful Gate. He sat there and begged from the people who were going in.

No haba transcurrido mucho tiempo cuando Pedro y Juan fueron al templo. Todos los das, un hombre que nunca haba podido caminar era llevado a una de las entradas del templo, conocida como Portn Hermoso. Ese hombre peda limosna a la gente que entraba en el templo.

The man saw Peter and John entering the temple, and he asked them for money. Peter said, I dont have any money, but I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ from Nazareth, get up and start walking. Peter then took him by the right hand and helped him up. At once the mans feet and ankles became strong, and he jumped up and started walking!
Tan pronto como ese hombre vio a Pedro y a Juan, les pidi dinero. Pedro le dijo: No tengo dinero, pero te voy a dar lo que s tengo: En el nombre de Jesucristo de Nazaret, te ordeno que te levantes y camines. Enseguida, Pedro lo tom de la mano derecha y lo levant. En ese mismo instante, las piernas y los pies de aquel hombre se hicieron fuertes y, de un salto, se puso en pie y empez a caminar.

Because this beggar had sat every day in front of the temple, practically everyone in the city knew him and knew that he had been lame from birth. After this miracle, a huge crowd gathered, and Peter preached Jesus to them. As a result, over 5,000 people became Christians that day.

Dado que aquel hombre se sentaba todos los das a la puerta del templo, prcticamente toda la poblacin lo conoca y saba que era cojo de nacimiento. Tras obrar Pedro aquel milagro, se congregaron numerosos curiosos, y l predic a Jess. A consecuencia de ello, 5.000 personas se convirtieron aquel da.

In the days that followed, Peter and John faced a wave of persecution from the same wicked religious leaders who had crucified their Savior. But there was no fear, no cowardice, no denial! Peter stood before their councils testifying with such unflinching courage and authority of the Spirit that the Bible says, When they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
En los das que siguieron, Pedro y Juan tuvieron que hacer frente a una oleada de persecucin promovida por los mismos perversos dirigentes religiosos que haban crucificado a su Salvador. Pero no hubo miedo, cobarda ni negacin! Pedro compareci ante los concilios, testimoniando con tan imperturbable valor y autoridad del Espritu, que la Biblia dice: " Todos los de la Junta Suprema se sorprendieron de or a Pedro y a Juan hablar sin ningn temor, a pesar de que eran hombres sencillos y de poca educacin. Se dieron cuenta entonces de que ellos haban andado con Jess." (Hechos 4:13)

The wonderful thing about this story is that you can have this Power too by simply receiving Jesus into your heart, and then being filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit of God! Just pray a simple prayer like the following: Dear Jesus, I ask You to come into my heart. Please forgive me for all the wrongs Ive done, and give me Your gift of everlasting life. Thank You also for the promise of your Holy Spirit. Please fill me with Your Spirit. Amen.

Y lo ms extraordinario de este relato es que t tambin puedes tener ese mismo poder. Basta con que aceptes a Jess en tu corazn, y te llenes luego del poder del Espritu Santo divino! Puedes rezar esta breve oracin:
Jess, te pido que entres en mi corazn. Perdname todo lo malo que he hecho y concdeme Tu don de vida eterna. Te agradezco tambin Tu promesa del Espritu Santo. Llname por favor de l. Amn.
Created by www.freekidstories.org Dramatization based on Acts 1-4. Art and Text The Family International.

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