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The Implication of Abortion Women in modern technology We are now in a new era of evolution.

Technology, science, and inventions had progress at accelerated time. We were amazed with fantastic cars, high powered weapons, holograms effects, high definition cell phones and so many to mention modern inventions. And not only technologies have developed but as well as the human too. During the ancient time women worked in their own home do the cleaning, cooking and taking care of the children. Education was not given priority in women since when they get married; they well just stay in homes. During the sixteenth century and early seventh century few women engraved frontispiece of a work of science. Manya Sklodowska-Curie, otherwise known as Maria Curie (1867-1934) is a representation of a successful in science. A pregnant and unmarried woman during those times was considered wicked and evil. Part of African tribe, a woman whose pregnant and unmarried was burnt to death. Thats how dignity and moral issues up bring those times. In the Philippines setting, in old times an unwed pregnant were degraded into family name and a shamed to its veins. Some have secretly done abortion. Few succeeded and some are not. Were now in the new world of technology. High technology machine used in modernize city. As well as in medical field used technology to improve the quality of life. But have we seen the effects of the so called technology that others use as money-making, disturbed the ethical rights of unborn babies, harmed individual, and obstruct the law of divine?

Abortion was a common practice. Evidence suggests that late-term abortions were performed in a number of cultures. In Greece, the Stoics believed the fetus to be plantlike in nature, and not an animal until the moment of birth, when it finally breathed air. They therefore found abortion morally acceptable.1 The Greek playwright Aristophanes noted the abortifacient property of pennyroyal in 421 BC, through a humorous reference in his Comedy, Peace.2

Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy.3 There is an interruption of pregnancy of the product of conception before the fetus is viable. Any pregnant woman is prone to abortion if its not proper care of during her pregnancy.

There are various type of abortion these includes spontaneous abortion, habitual abortion, and elective abortion. Spontaneous abortion is the expulsion of the fetus and other of conception from the uterus before the fetus is capable living outside the uterus.4 Spontaneous abortion occurs most commonly in the 2nd or 3rd month of gestation. Habitual Abortion as a successive, repeated, spontaneous abortion of unknown cause. These usually happen 2nd week trimester. Elective abortion a voluntary induced termination of pregnancy.

In the past years, abortion is not well known and being misunderstood. The word itself abortion is something illegal and divine issues was involved. Abortion was recorded in 1550 B.C.E. in Egypt, recorded in what is called the Ebers Papyrus and in ancient China about 500 B.C.E. as well. In China, folklore dates the use of mercury to induce abortions to about 5,000 years ago. Of course, mercury is extremely toxic.5

Herbs are been use to attempt to reduce infertility and use to abort or miscarriage the woman. Some of this is still used nowadays. Cotton Root Bark should be used as a simple (itself). Interferes progesterone, and the corpus luteum. Stimulate uterine contraction. Chinese support these findings. Parsley for use other herbs or vitamins c. Good for starting a late period. Can be used as a pessary (vaginal suppository) to prepare the cervix for release. Evening Primrose may be helpful when used externally to help "ripen the cervix", this phrase is often used during the birthing process to refer to the condition of the cervix, the cervix has to dilate to allow a newborn to pass, if the cervix is not ready, midwifes have herbs they can use to help encourage the cervix to get ready. Things happen a bit differently in an herbal abortion or miscarriage, the cervix won't dilate the way it does during birth, but some of the same herbs may still help the cervix to relax and help to facilitate release of the unwanted pregnancy.6 There are both side effects and and risk when done abortion. Anticipated side effects following abortion are abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, spotting and bleeding.7 Potential more serious complication following abortion are heavy or persistent bleeding, infection or sepsis, damage to cervix, scarring of the uterine lining, perforation of the uterus, damage to other organs and death.8 As the technology developed and evolved, the issues concerning in abortion developed too. From herbs, alcohol, sea-tangle tents (used for dilating the cervix), Vaginal Speculum and Mauriceaus head extractor (use to jammed baby skull and twisted causing it to turn a T. Then, a decapitator used allowing the babys head to extracted) to Syringe with Spinal Needle. This instrument uses include injecting salt water into the uterus, the baby swallow and breathes the poison to a very high-tech Manual Vacuum Aspiration use to abort a child from 6 th to 12th week of age.

In 20th century, Human knowledge about abortion was widely discussed. Abortion had been categories like it is legally done to save the life of the mother, to preserve the physical health of the mother, to preserve the mental health of the mother, in case of rape and incest, when the unborn child has medical problems or birth defects, for social and/or economic reason, e.g. if mother cannot afford to support the child, and no reason or afraid of responsibility. Countries like Philippines, Vatican City, Malta, Chile and other religious country does not tolerate abortion. In China, Korea, Norway, Denmark and other countries legally adopt abortion by any means and purpose. In Portugal, Malaysia, Turkey, Tunisia and Papua New Guinea they induce abortion but on medical purposes.

The Christian group and pro-life condemn abortion. The Creator gives the right to life. It is "inalienable" that is, it cannot be taken away. Governments exist to protect those rights and divine law about life applies in a Christian nation. We need to realize that whenever one innocent person is deliberately killed, all of human society is attacked. When the child is a victim of abortion, we are all victims, because our life is protected by the same principle that should protect the child's life. That principle is that life is a gift of God. It is given by God and can be taken only by God. If we start taking the lives of one another, then nobody is safe. If society tolerates the killing of one group of human beings, what is to keep it from moving on to another group? Once killing gets in the door, it ravages the entire house. If you can kill an innocent, unwanted child, then why can't you kill an innocent, unwanted grandparent, or an innocent, unwanted neighbor? And what is to keep the neighbor from killing innocent, unwanted you?9

In the Philippines who known for a Christian country, abortion was a criminal case. Articles 256, 258 and 259 of the Code mandate imprisonment for the woman who undergoes the abortion, as well as for any person who assists in the procedure, even if they be the woman's parents, a physician or midwife. Article 258 further imposes a higher prison term on the woman or her parents if the abortion is undertaken "in order to conceal [the woman's] dishonor"10

In 1994 there were 400,000 abortions performed illegally in the Philippines and 80,000 hospitalizations of women for abortion-related complications; later estimates ranged from 400,000 to 500,000 and rising, the official estimate, to 800,000, the World Health Organization estimate. Seventy percent of unwanted pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion, according to the WHO. Approximately 4 in 5 abortions in the Philippines are for economic reasons, often where a woman already has several children and cannot care for another.11 While some doctors secretly perform abortions in clinics, the 2,000 to 5,000 peso (USD $37 to $93) fee is too high for many Filipinos, so they instead buy abortifacients on the black market, e.g. from vendors near churches.11 Two-thirds of Filipino women who have abortions attempt to self-induce or seek solutions from those who practice folk medicine. 12 100,000 people end up in the hospital every year due to unsafe abortions, according to the Department of Health,11 and 12% of all Maternal Deaths in 1994 were due to unsafe abortion. Some hospitals refuse to treat complications of unsafe abortion, or operate without anesthesia, as punishment for the patients.11 The Department of Health has created a program to address the complications of unsafe abortion, Prevention and Management of Abortion and its Complications. This program had been tested in 17 government-run hospitals by 2003.13 Other attempts to reduce unsafe abortion through better family planning have been blocked by the Roman Catholic Church and other groups that oppose abortion rights.11

There are also therapeutic abortions. This is done to save the life of the mother and other medical purposes. But was also ban in the Philippines.

The ban even on therapeutic abortion in the Philippines is one of the reasons why women undergo unsafe abortion, according to the World Health Organization, which said that the legality of abortion is a key determinant of maternal mortality and morbidity.14

Abortion on modern women is abortion is just one option available to women who find themselves faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The choice to go through with a pregnancy, or to terminate it, is a very personal one that can only be made by the woman herself. Adoption is another option that women must consider if they are not sure After she has been counseled regarding abortion facts and information, and has had time to familiarize herself with the pros and cons of medical and surgical procedures, she can make the best choice based on what is right for her.

Conclusion: Abortion is not just an issue in the Philippines but as well as in the other country too. It is a worldwide phenomenon. Despite of the risk in abortion, many women tend to choice on abortion when unplanned pregnancy happened. Ages 14 to 21 are likely to performed abortion than to other ages due to those stages; identity crisis and role responsibility are upheld. We are now in new era but still abortion is unresolved conflict. It affects the women physically, emotionally and spiritually. Physical injuries like damage of cervix and complications happened. Emotional stress, she may felt indifference of what she had experiences and depression takes in and even suicide fatally. Spiritually because she chose to take the human life in her womb.

Not only do abortions end the life of a baby, but they also have harmful physical, emotional, and spiritual effects of the women involved. We need to protect and value all human life from the moment of conception to natural death







"Abortion". The



Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1. ISBN 0-19-866172-0.OCLC 34284310


Young, Gordon (December 1995). "Lifestyle on Trial". Metro (Metro Publishing and Virtual Valley, Inc.) Retrieved 2008-06-25

Hopkins, Keith (October 1965). "Contraception in the Roman Empire". Comparative Studies in Society and History

www.wkipedia.org, page 1, 2012 2. Lilian Brunner, Suzzane C. Smeltzer, Brenda C. Bare,

Janice L. linkle, Medical-Surginal Nursing. Page 1428. 3rd Edition, Dec 01, 2009
5 6 7-8 9 10 11

womenhistory.about.com, 2012 www.sisterzeus.com Abotifacient Herbs copywright 1998-2010 Brunner Miltz, Abortion on Women, American Journal Nursing, 16, No. 1 (Aug.1999):47 Fr. Frank A. Parone, Being Hard on Joe, Priestlife, PO Box 141172 State Island, NY 10314 Revised Penalty Code of the Philippines: Book 2
Conde, Carlos H. (May 16, 2005). New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/15/world/asia/15iht-


Juarez, Fatima, Cabigon, Josefina, Singh, Susheela, & Hussain, Rubina. (2005). The Incidence

of Induced Abortion in the Philippines: Current Level and Recent Trends. International Family Planning Perspectives, 31 (3). Retrieved November 11, 2006.

Prevention and management of abortion and its complication, DOH administrative order 45B.2000,May 2, 2000

Newsweek, Abortion in the Philippines: What the law says, by Elena masilungan, April 2,


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